Hi there, I am upgrading my app to 0.4 and while it's going pretty
well, I encountered something strange.

I have the following code:

request_table = Table('request', metadata,
        Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
        Column('metanumberstate', Integer, nullable=False,
                default=func.coalesce(func.max(metanumber_table.c.id), 0)),

And this is bound to the Request object. But when I init a new
instance and commit it I get an error (see below). But this always
worked (0.3.x) so I have no clue what I am doing wrong. Anyone has a

ProgrammingError: (ProgrammingError) missing FROM-clause entry for
table "metanumber"
LINE 1: ...uest), NULL, 5, 1, 2, 3, 2, NULL, 7,
 'INSERT INTO request (id, number, id_parent, id_item, id_employee,
id_terminal, id_location, srcstocktype, dststocktype, metadatastate,
metanumberstate, metataxstate, quantity, discount, over ride_price,
allocation, date, is_business, has_tax, is_quote) VALUES (%(id)s,
(SELECT coalesce(max(number), 0) + 1 FROM request), %(id_parent)s, %
(id_item)s, %(id_employee)s, %(id_terminal)s, %(id_location)s, %
(srcstocktype)s, %(dststocktype)s, %(metadatastate)s,
coalesce(max(metanumber.id), %(coalesce)s), coalesce(max(metatax.id), %
(coalesce_1)s), %(quantity)s, %(discount)s, %(override_price)s, %
(allocation)s, now(), %(is_business)s, %(has_tax)s, %
(is_quote)s)' {'id_item': 5L, 'is_business': False, 'srcstocktype': 2,
'is_quote': False, 'coalesce_1': 0, 'id_terminal': 2L, 'id_parent':
None, 'id_employee': 1L, 'allocation': 0, 'coalesce': 0,
'id_location': 3L, 'has_tax': True, 'override_price': None,
'dststocktype': None, 'discount': None, 'quantity': 1, 'id': 1L,
'metadatastate': 7L}

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