Hi. Well, I want to output the HTML code from database. And the HTML
code should be order by 'cost' and group_by 'category'

The database table is like below.

ID      Category        Name        Cost
 0      food            banana      $1
 1      food            apple       $2
 2      book            foo         $15
 3      book            foobar      $10
 4      something       qwert       $5
 5      something       poiuy       $7
 6      anything        asdf        $8

I want to group them by 'Category' field and order them by 'Cost'
field and output the HTML table like below

    <tr class="children">
    <tr class="children">
    <tr class="children">

So I wrote the code like below

query = session.query(orm.Some)
query = query.order_by(orm.Some.cost)
query = query.group_by(orm.Some.category)

Then I got a similar result as I want but not exact one. The result
was like

    <tr class="children">
    <tr class="children">
    The result below is wrong !!!
    foo is more expensive than foobar so it should be the children of
the foobar.
    <tr class="children">

I know that foo.id < foobar.id but I really want to order_by 'cost'

Any idea? I need help...

* sorry about my stupid english. I'm not native.

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