Michael had helped me in the past to get read only columns defined like 

## old model non declarative
##class Quality(OrmObject):
##    def comboname(self):
##        return self._comboname
##    comboname = property(comboname)
##quality = sao.mapper(Quality, quality_table,
##    properties={
##        '_comboname': quality_table.c.comboname,
##        'comboname': sao.synonym('_comboname'),

I tried to translate this based on the declarative doc (BTW, there is a 
typo on synonym_for it is shown as synonyn_for, i.e. an "n" instead of 
the "m" and came up with this:
class Quality(Base):
    __table__ = sa.Table(u'quality', metadata,
    sa.Column(u'comboname', sa.String(length=63, convert_unicode=False), 

    # read only columns
    _comboname = sao.column_property(__table__.c.comboname)
    def comboname(self):
        return self._comboname

When reading from Quality I do not see the comboname column but I also 
do not get any error.

Would appreciate if someone can put me right.

Best regards

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