[sqlalchemy] sqlalchemy.exc.operationalerror: (cx_oracle.operationalerror) ora-03114: not connected to oracle

2015-10-31 Thread Nana Okyere
New to python, web development and hence flask. I have a small application 
that accepts excel inputs, extracts the data and writes it out oracle. My 
stack includes flask-sqlalchemy, cx_oracle. When I upload a small excel 
file with about 10 K rows, it works just fine. When I throw really large 
files at it up to a million rows, it craps out and I get :

sqlalchemy.exc.operationalerror: (cx_oracle.operationalerror) ora-03114: not 
connected to oracle

My view function:

@theapp.route('/upload', methods=('GET', 'POST'))
def upload():
start_time = time.time()
form = UploadForm()
if form.validate_on_submit():
file_name = secure_filename(form.upload.data.filename)
input_file = os.path.join(theapp.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], file_name)
wb = load_workbook(input_file, data_only = True, read_only=True, 
sheet = wb.worksheets[0]
allrows = sheet.iter_rows() #this is a generator
headerobject = next(allrows) # row object for headerobject

# Column names from excel file
headerlist = []
for c in headerobject:
if c.value is not None: # If user uses delete button to delete 
contents of header cell, ignore it
if isinstance(c.value, str) is False: # if not a string
return bad_request("Column names have to be strings 
without spaces. Value in cell {} is not a string".format(c.coordinate))
if not c.value.strip(): # Empty string in header
return bad_request("Cell {} has line space(s). Delete 
the contents of the cell".format(c.coordinate))
#print("Excel {}".format(headerlist))

duplicate_elements = [k for k,v in Counter(headerlist).items() if v 
if duplicate_elements: # A falsy. If there are duplicate elements
return bad_request("Column(s) {} are 

tableinfo = form.targettableinfo.data # tableinfo object in the 
databse order
tablecolumns = []
for col in tableinfo.fields:
#print("Table columns {}".format(tablecolumns))

# Check if the columns match
if not set(headerlist) == set(tablecolumns):
foreign_columns = [x for x in headerlist if x not in 
if foreign_columns:
return bad_request("Column(s) {} in your excel file are not 
unfulfilled_columns = [x for x in tablecolumns if x not in 
if unfulfilled_columns:
return bad_request("Column(s) {} are expected by the table 
but not found in your excel file.".format(unfulfilled_columns))

# Sort the tablecolumns object in the order of the headerlist
sortedtablecolumnsobject = sorted(tableinfo.fields, key=lambda x: 

# create a list of dicts to hold data to be written
output_data = []
for row in allrows:
row_dict = {}
for fobject,cobject in zip(sortedtablecolumnsobject,row):
##Validation & assignment
if fobject.type.name == "Text":
if cobject.value == None:
row_dict[fobject.name] = cobject.value
row_dict[fobject.name] = 
#row_dict[fobject.name] = 
elif fobject.type.name == "Number":
if dao.isnumber(cobject.value):
row_dict[fobject.name] = float(cobject.value)
elif cobject.value is None:
row_dict[fobject.name] = cobject.value
return bad_request("Cell {} has value {}. A numeric 
value is expected".format(cobject.coordinate, cobject.value))
elif fobject.type.name == "Date":
if type(cobject.value) == datetime.datetime:
row_dict[fobject.name] = cobject.value
elif cobject.value is None:
row_dict[fobject.name] = cobject.value
return bad_request("Cell {} does not contain a 
valid date".format(cobject.coordinate))


m = db.MetaData()
t = 

Re: [sqlalchemy] sqlalchemy.exc.operationalerror: (cx_oracle.operationalerror) ora-03114: not connected to oracle

2015-10-31 Thread Mike Bayer

On 10/31/15 2:44 AM, Nana Okyere wrote:
> New to python, web development and hence flask. I have a small
> application that accepts excel inputs, extracts the data and writes it
> out oracle. My stack includes flask-sqlalchemy, cx_oracle. When I upload
> a small excel file with about 10 K rows, it works just fine. When I
> throw really large files at it up to a million rows, it craps out and I
> get :
> |
> sqlalchemy.exc.operationalerror:(cx_oracle.operationalerror)ora-03114:notconnected
> to oracle

SQLAlchemy has no timeout feature, this would be cx_oracle itself
dropping the connection.

the code here doesn't show the kind of table we're dealing with, if it
uses large objects (e.g. CLOB, BLOB) that could contribute to an issue
like this, if the value being sent is too large for memory. Can't
make any determination from the information that's here.

> |
> My view function:
> |
> @theapp.route('/upload', methods=('GET', 'POST'))
> def upload():
> start_time = time.time()
> form = UploadForm()
> if form.validate_on_submit():
> file_name = secure_filename(form.upload.data.filename)
> form.upload.data.save(os.path.join(theapp.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'],
> file_name))
> input_file = os.path.join(theapp.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], file_name)
> wb = load_workbook(input_file, data_only = True, read_only=True,
> use_iterators=True)
> sheet = wb.worksheets[0]
> allrows = sheet.iter_rows() #this is a generator
> headerobject = next(allrows) # row object for headerobject
> # Column names from excel file
> headerlist = []
> for c in headerobject:
> if c.value is not None: # If user uses delete button to
> delete contents of header cell, ignore it
> if isinstance(c.value, str) is False: # if not a string
> return bad_request("Column names have to be strings
> without spaces. Value in cell {} is not a string".format(c.coordinate))
> if not c.value.strip(): # Empty string in header
> return bad_request("Cell {} has line space(s).
> Delete the contents of the cell".format(c.coordinate))
> headerlist.append(c.value.strip())
> #print("Excel {}".format(headerlist))
> duplicate_elements = [k for k,v in Counter(headerlist).items()
> if v >1]
> if duplicate_elements: # A falsy. If there are duplicate elements
> return bad_request("Column(s) {} are
> duplicates".format(duplicate_elements))
> tableinfo = form.targettableinfo.data # tableinfo object in the
> databse order
> tablecolumns = []
> for col in tableinfo.fields:
> tablecolumns.append(col.name)
> #print("Table columns {}".format(tablecolumns))
> # Check if the columns match
> if not set(headerlist) == set(tablecolumns):
> foreign_columns = [x for x in headerlist if x not in
> tablecolumns]
> if foreign_columns:
> return bad_request("Column(s) {} in your excel file are
> not defined".format(foreign_columns))
> unfulfilled_columns = [x for x in tablecolumns if x not in
> headerlist]
> if unfulfilled_columns:
> return bad_request("Column(s) {} are expected by the
> table but not found in your excel file.".format(unfulfilled_columns))
> # Sort the tablecolumns object in the order of the headerlist
> sortedtablecolumnsobject = sorted(tableinfo.fields, key=lambda
> x: headerlist.index(x.name))
> # create a list of dicts to hold data to be written
> output_data = []
> for row in allrows:
> row_dict = {}
> for fobject,cobject in zip(sortedtablecolumnsobject,row):
> ##
> ##Validation & assignment
> ##
> if fobject.type.name == "Text":
> if cobject.value == None:
> row_dict[fobject.name] = cobject.value
> else:
> row_dict[fobject.name] =
> removeNonAscii(str(cobject.value))
> #row_dict[fobject.name] =
> cobject.value.encode('utf-8')
> #print(str(cobject.value))
> elif fobject.type.name == "Number":
> if dao.isnumber(cobject.value):
> row_dict[fobject.name] = float(cobject.value)
> #print(float(cobject.value))
> elif cobject.value is None:
> row_dict[fobject.name] = cobject.value
> #print(cobject.value)
> else:
> return bad_request("Cell {} has value {}. A
> numeric value is expected".format(cobject.coordinate, cobject.value))
> elif fobject.type.name ==