[23:13] <brian_> I just started using Alembic/SA in a project that had a well 
established database.
[23:13] <brian_> I'm so glad there's support for relationships.  Thanks!
[23:13] <brian_> But there was no support for sequences, when it came to 
[23:14] <brian_> So I took a stab at adding that and I got the happy path 
[23:14] <brian_> I'd like someone to take a look at my patches and give me some 
[23:15] <brian_> So what I have now are forks of SA and Alembic.
[23:16] <brian_> I'm not too familiar with Bitbucket.  What's the next step?

# Concerns

So some of the issues I have are the following:

* There's a lot of support in the codebase for schemas.  I just want to make 
sure I got it right with regard to metadata.
* I want to make sure that these sequences can be used independent of any 
* I want to make sure that column server_default works correctly.
* I need to make sure downgrade() / drop sequence is working.  Not to mention 
* I need to make sure dropping a schema will remove it as a  default from any 
column that uses it.

Surely I'm forgetting many things, so please fill me in.

# Transactions in PG

One thing I've noticed is that calls to sequences in PostgreSQL don't rollback 
in a transaction.  I'm not sure if that causes an issue for alembic.

# Testing

I'm new to Python.  I've run automated tests using python setup.py test.  Is 
there any way to run a subset of tests or label tests with @WIP to just run 
those?  And is it me, or are there a lot of failures?  Is there anyway someone 
can create the tests, so I know I got this working correctly?  Also, since 
sqlite doesn't support sequences, how do I get automated testing to use PG.

A pull request is coming soon.


Brian DeRocher

Noblis | noblis.org | ☎ 703.610.1589 | ✉ brian.deroc...@noblis.org

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