Re: [sqlite] Virtual table used to query big external database

2008-04-01 Thread Jay A. Kreibich
On Tue, Apr 01, 2008 at 08:17:54PM -0500, Mike Owens scratched on the wall:
> The main reason why SQLite's practical limit is in the 10s of GBs as
> opposed to TBs (theoretical) is due to how it tracks dirty pages. 
> [...]
> SQLite tracks dirty pages with a bitmap which is
> allocated before each transaction. The size of the bitmap is
> proportional to the size (not in rows but in pages) of the database

  Doesn't the "bitvec" structure introduced in 3.5.7 help with that
  somewhat?  I was under the impression it allowed for sparse
  bitmaps, which seems like it would be the common case for INSERTs,

  I suppose a huge delete or a DROP [TABLE|INDEX] might still cause the
  bitmap to get pretty big, but those are more unusual operations.


Jay A. Kreibich < J A Y  @  K R E I B I.C H >

"'People who live in bamboo houses should not throw pandas.' Jesus said that."
   - "The Ninja",, "Special Delivery 10: Pop!Tech 2006"
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Virtual table used to query big external database

2008-04-01 Thread Mike Owens
The main reason why SQLite's practical limit is in the 10s of GBs as
opposed to TBs (theoretical) is due to how it tracks dirty pages. This
is described in the "Appropriate Uses" page
( but I'll rehash it here for
convenience. SQLite tracks dirty pages with a bitmap which is
allocated before each transaction. The size of the bitmap is
proportional to the size (not in rows but in pages) of the database
(256 bytes for every 1Mb of database), so as the database grows, the
amount of memory allocated before each transaction grows. When you get
into the GB range, you are starting to allocate in the MB range of
dirty page map memory per transaction, which starts to take its toll
on performance.

I could be wrong, but from what I know about virtual tables, there is
no such correlation between virtual table size and the dirty page
bitmap, as SQLite has no idea how big a virtual table is, nor does it
manage the data within the vtable. Furthermore, all SQLite really does
in a SELECT statement on a vtable is call your code to iterate over
it. So really the only performance issue is how long it takes your
code to iterate over your vtable. Thus, your table could be in the TB
range, and as long as you are fine with iterating over its contents,
there is no additional performance issues to speak of. There are ways
to implement virtual tables such that you can limit how much of the
table is scanned for certain queries, avoiding having to scan the
whole thing every time. I wrote an article that touches on this using
the match() function. Its available online:

IMO, virtual tables are one of the most powerful and unique features
of SQLite. There is a bit of a learning curve, but it's amazing what
you can do with them. It sounds like you going to have to iterate over
your external table one way or the other. I see no reason why the
vtable approach would be any slower than any other approach that
iterates over the data.

Having said that, while iterating over a large vtable is not a big
deal (as your program will just step through it one row at a time),
you need to be careful about getting too fancy with your SQL as you
may end up triggering a lot of background IO. For example, if you tack
on an ORDER BY which sorts one of the columns of your vtable, SQLite
will end up essentially copying the vtable contents into a temporary
file and sorting it, which may or may not be a strain on your system
depending on how big your table is (e.g. your vtable is 30Gb and your
/tmp folder is on a 10Gb partition). So think through what you are
doing when going beyond a simple SELECT * from big_vtable.

-- Mike

On Tue, Apr 1, 2008 at 3:12 PM, Aladdin Lampé <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Hi all!
>  Very often, when people ask this list why they have trouble managing in 
> sqlite a "big table" (50 million lines or more than 10 Go), they are told 
> that sqlite is an embedded database and is not meant to be used for very big 
> databases/tables.
>  I'm currently in the process of designing a specific, read-only, sqlite 
> "virtual table" in order to enable sqlite to access data stored in an 
> external database which is specially designed to handle very big tables.
>  My final objective is to be able to easily query a big external table 
> (stored in another database) through the - excellent - sqlite interface.
>  Now I have this terrible doubt: will the existing sqlite "limitations" for 
> big sqlite tables also apply to my read-only virtual tables?
>  Thus... am I currently losing my time developing such a "virtual table" with 
> this objective in mind? Or is there a better way to achieve my objective?
>  Thank you for your help!
>  _
>  Votre contact a choisi Hotmail, l'e-mail ultra sécurisé. Créez un compte 
> gratuitement !
>  ___
>  sqlite-users mailing list
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] 2.8.17 --> 3.5.6 performance regression

2008-04-01 Thread Richard Klein

You guessed correctly!  I inserted a "PRAGMA synchronous = NORMAL;"
into the SQLite 3 version of my test suite, and obtained the same
performance as I observed with SQLite 2.

I should have realized that the kind of slowdown I was observing
could only be explained by extra disk I/O operations.

Thanks for your help!
- Richard

> I would guess PRAGMA synchronous. Per documentation:
> "In SQLite version 2, the default value is NORMAL. For version 3, the
> default was changed to FULL."
> Try setting it to NORMAL for v3 tests and see what that does.
> -- Mike
> On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 11:06 PM, Richard Klein
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I've recently upgraded from SQLite 2.8.17
>>  to 3.5.6.
>>  Upon running a test program that measures
>>  the execution time of SQL statements typical
>>  for my application, I've noticed a definite
>>  performance degradation:
>>  INSERT:  34% slowdown
>>  UPDATE:  47%"
>>  DELETE:  50%"
>>  Has anyone else noticed this?  I haven't done
>>  any profiling of the code (yet) to see where
>>  the time is being spent.
>>  - Richard
>>  ___
>>  sqlite-users mailing list
> ___
> sqlite-users mailing list
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Virtual table used to query big external database

2008-04-01 Thread Ben Harper
The only limitation imposed by SQL that I can think of would be
inefficiencies in its query plan builder. That is the part that
figures out how to use the indexes available in the database in order
to execute the SQL query most efficiently. So it really depends on
what type of SQL queries you are going to be running against this huge
The dangers are easy to evaluate:
Create a quick-and-dirty dummy virtual table mechanism, and respond to
the xBestIndex/xFilter functions. You will notice that for certain
queries, xBestIndex/xFilter does not get used. That means that the
SQLite engine is going to have to walk through your entire table,
evaluating the conditions on each field. This is obviously what you
wish to avoid. As an example, I noticed briefly (I did not investigate
thoroughly) that having an OR condition in a query would prevent the
indexes from being used. That was some time ago, and it was before the
rewrite of the SQL VM, so I don't know if that still applies. You'll
have to investigate your potential queries yourself. A simple query
such as "WHERE myvalue > 100" should definitely invoke the use of your
own indexes.


On Tue, Apr 1, 2008 at 10:12 PM, Aladdin Lampé <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all!
> Very often, when people ask this list why they have trouble managing in 
> sqlite a "big table" (50 million lines or more than 10 Go), they are told 
> that sqlite is an embedded database and is not meant to be used for very big 
> databases/tables.
> I'm currently in the process of designing a specific, read-only, sqlite 
> "virtual table" in order to enable sqlite to access data stored in an 
> external database which is specially designed to handle very big tables.
> My final objective is to be able to easily query a big external table (stored 
> in another database) through the - excellent - sqlite interface.
> Now I have this terrible doubt: will the existing sqlite "limitations" for 
> big sqlite tables also apply to my read-only virtual tables?
> Thus... am I currently losing my time developing such a "virtual table" with 
> this objective in mind? Or is there a better way to achieve my objective?
> Thank you for your help!
> _
> Votre contact a choisi Hotmail, l'e-mail ultra sécurisé. Créez un compte 
> gratuitement !
> ___
> sqlite-users mailing list
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Deadlock with attached databases

2008-04-01 Thread Alexander Batyrshin
 Hello All,

Is it possible that SQLite deadlocks if it uses attached databases?
I am not sure, but if check_all_db_and_lock_all_of_them() is not
atomic, it can be...

Alexander Batyrshin aka bash
bash = Biomechanica Artificial Sabotage Humanoid
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Virtual table used to query big external database

2008-04-01 Thread Aladdin Lampé

Hi all!

Very often, when people ask this list why they have trouble managing in sqlite 
a "big table" (50 million lines or more than 10 Go), they are told that sqlite 
is an embedded database and is not meant to be used for very big 

I'm currently in the process of designing a specific, read-only, sqlite 
"virtual table" in order to enable sqlite to access data stored in an external 
database which is specially designed to handle very big tables.

My final objective is to be able to easily query a big external table (stored 
in another database) through the - excellent - sqlite interface.

Now I have this terrible doubt: will the existing sqlite "limitations" for big 
sqlite tables also apply to my read-only virtual tables?

Thus... am I currently losing my time developing such a "virtual table" with 
this objective in mind? Or is there a better way to achieve my objective?

Thank you for your help!

Votre contact a choisi Hotmail, l'e-mail ultra sécurisé. Créez un compte 
gratuitement !
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] insert of string with line breaks

2008-04-01 Thread Samuel Neff
How are you verifying that the db only received one line from the
description?  using sqlite3.exe or some other tool, or AIR?

SQLite itself does not have issues with storing line breaks, but it's
possible the AIR wrapper is losing them somewhere or more likely it's a
display/formatting issue.

One thing to keep in mind is that the Flash Player has funky internal
representations of line breaks in strings.  I believe it uses '\r' whereas
windows uses '\r\n' and *nix uses '\n'.  I had to make some changes in
Fluorine to handle line breaks properly with AMF and .NET integration.  It
could be that the line break is in the db but the tool you're using to view
the data doesn't recognize it as a valid line break.



On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 10:33 AM, Raymond Camden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I've got an AIR app that does simple inserts into a SQLite db. The
> insert looks like so:
> var insStmt:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();
> insStmt.sqlConnection = dbconnection;
> sql = "insert into hours(description,projectidfk,clientidfk,hours,date)
> values(:description,:projectidfk,:clientidfk,:hours,:date)";
> insStmt.parameters[":description"] = descriptionfield.text;
> insStmt.parameters[":projectidfk"] =;
> insStmt.parameters[":clientidfk"] = projectfield.selectedItem.clientid;
> insStmt.parameters[":hours"] = hoursworkedfield.value;
> insStmt.parameters[":date"] = dateworkedfield.selectedDate;
> trace('desc is '+descriptionfield.text);
> insStmt.text = sql;
> insStmt.addEventListener(SQLEvent.RESULT, refreshHandler);
> Notice I'm using bound parameters for all my values. The description
> field is a text box. When I enter text with line breaks in it, the db
> only gets line one of description.
> Any ideas why? A string is a string even if it has line breaks in it -
> afaik.
> --
> ===
> Raymond Camden, Owner of Camden Media, Inc.
> Blog :
> AOL IM   : cfjedimaster
> "My ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is." - Yoda
> ___
> sqlite-users mailing list

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sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Trigger's actions and callbacks

2008-04-01 Thread Richard Klein
> Hi, all.
> I have the following problem: I have some  processes that access the same db
> file. When one of them would change some data inside the db it must notify
> all other processes about change AND send them changed data (or it's unique
> description).
> But I didn't find any method to perform this using db triggers or callbacks.
> On some certain reasons I am not allowed to write wrapper that will send
> notifications using IPC. I would like db to perform this task.

I have a similar problem, which I solved using db triggers, along with a
callback mechanism involving a user-defined function.

> As for triggers and callbacks (hooks): they are fired before the data is
> stored to the db (file), so that I coudn't even read changed data back
> inside hook. sqlite_update_hook() returnes rowID, but I didn't find any API
> to use this value...

Triggers can be defined to happen BEFORE or AFTER the database event.
Either way, you can access the old and new values of a field using the
OLD and NEW keywords.  See>Documentation->SQL Syntax->CREATE 
for details.

> I would appriciate any ideas or comments.
> Thanks in advance.

Below is a memo I wrote to my boss describing how we could do change 
in SQLite.  It is written in terms of SQLite 2; to use the same mechanism in
SQLite 3, you would use sqlite3_create_function() instead of 
to register your user-defined function.  Note that in SQLite 3, the parameters 
sqlite(3)_create_function() have changed, as have the parameters passed to your
user-defined function.

If people are interested, I can turn this into documentation (Wiki article?)
for the SQLite website.

- Richard Klein


Hi Dave,

As you mentioned earlier, the PVR 2.0 Scheduler maintains its own data 
that must be kept in sync with the database.  Therefore, if the app modifies the
database, the Scheduler needs to be notified of the change.

In playing around with SQLite, I have come up with a change notification 
that makes use of a user-defined function is conjunction with a SQL entity 
known as
a "trigger".

A trigger is a SQL statement that is associated with a specified table, and 
with a
specified action (INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE) on that table.  This SQL statement 
automatically executed when the associated action is performed on the associated

To create an INSERT trigger on the 'requests' table, you would execute the 
SQL statement:

  CREATE TRIGGER InsertedRequest AFTER INSERT ON requests
  SELECT ChangeNotify('requests', 'INSERT', NEW.ulRequestId);

UPDATE and DELETE triggers would be created in a similar fashion.

The above statement defines a trigger, named 'InsertedRequest', that will fire 
an INSERT operation is performed on the 'requests' table.  This trigger will 
call a
user-defined function named 'ChangeNotify'.  ChangeNotify takes three 
parameters:  The
name of the affected table, the operation (INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE) that was 
and the Request ID (ulRequestId) of the affected row.

The ChangeNotify function is defined as follows:

static void changeNotify(sqlite_func* context, int argc, const char** argv)
 const char *table, *action, *rowid;

 assert(argc == 3);

 table = argv[0];
 action = argv[1];
 rowid = argv[2];

 dprintf("Database changed: table = %s, action = %s, rowid = %s\n", table, 
action, rowid);

Like all user-defined functions, changeNotify() is called with three 
parameters:  An opaque
pointer 'context', the argument count 'argc' (which will be '3' in this case), 
and the three
arguments (table, action, and row in this case).

This simple version of changeNotify() simply prints out the calling parameters. 
 The production
version will invoke a callback that has been registered by the Scheduler.

Of course, like all user-defined functions, changeNotify() must be registered 
with SQLite:

 status = sqlite_create_function(pDb, "ChangeNotify", 3, changeNotify, 
 if (status != SQLITE_OK) {
/* error */


pDbis an opaque pointer;
"ChangeNotify" is the name of the user-defined function;
3  is the number of parameters taken by the user-defined function; 
changeNotify   is the address of the user-defined function.

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] mem5 ("buddy system") usable?

2008-04-01 Thread D. Richard Hipp

On Apr 1, 2008, at 2:37 PM, Richard Klein wrote:
> Fair enough.  But can I assume that mem5 *does* currently
> work, as far as you know?  (I'd really like to use it, as
> I'm using SQLite on an embedded system.)

mem5 works as far as I know.

D. Richard Hipp

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Exception running javasqlite on kaffe for arm architecture

2008-04-01 Thread Charlie Hamilton

I'm trying to run sqlite using the java wrapper at on an arm linux target using kaffe
1.1.7 and jamvm.

It appears that I'm having a problem with the JNI layer. I am able to 
run $sqlite3 from the command line, creating/editing database files with 
no problems. When I run it as a java app:

kaffe -jar sqlite.jar data.db

I get an exception:
kaffe-bin: exception.c:106: vmExcept_setJNIFrame: Assertion `fp != 
(JNIFrameAddress)0' failed.

Oddly, it fails the first time when it tries to open the database, but 
the database file is created. the next time it fails when I try to do a 
select on a table on the database, with the same exception.

I followed the instructions to cross compile sqlite and the java 
wrappers for our arm target, and don't see anything obvious that might 
be causing this. Just wondering if anyone has come across this issue before.

Lastly, the versions I built for the x86 target run fine on the x86 
kaffe and jamvm.

gcc version is 3.3.1
kernel is Linux version 2.4.20__mvlcee31-omap730_gsm_gprs 
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc version 3.3.1 (MontaVista 3.3.1- 
2004-10-08)) #1 Thu Nov 29 16:32:50 HKT 2007
kernel headers are

Charlie Hamilton
D2 Technologies
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] mem5 ("buddy system") usable?

2008-04-01 Thread Richard Klein
> On Mar 31, 2008, at 10:00 PM, Richard Klein wrote:
>> I just downloaded 3.5.7, and noticed that there is a
>> new memory allocator mem5.c, which apparently uses the
>> "buddy system" to allocate power-of-two-sized chunks
>> of memory from a static pool.  This allocator is used
>> by defining SQLITE_POW2_MEMORY_SIZE.
>> Is it okay to use this allocator, or is it only exper-
>> imental (and therefore liable to disappear in a future
>> release)?
> I'm not making any promises about any of the current five
> memory allocators.  I might decide to replace them all tomorrow.
> But mem5 is high on the list of memory allocators to keep
> since it can, under some circumstances, guarantee not to
> fragment memory, which is a desirable property for
> embedded systems.
> D. Richard Hipp
Fair enough.  But can I assume that mem5 *does* currently
work, as far as you know?  (I'd really like to use it, as
I'm using SQLite on an embedded system.)

- Richard Klein

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Trigger's actions and callbacks

2008-04-01 Thread Igor Tandetnik
"Vladimir Volkov"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in
message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I have the following problem: I have some  processes that access the
> same db file. When one of them would change some data inside the db
> it must notify all other processes about change AND send them changed
> data (or it's unique description).
> But I didn't find any method to perform this using db triggers or
> callbacks.

Correct. SQLite is not an interprocess communication mechanism. You will 
have to come up with your own scheme, outside SQLite.

> On some certain reasons I am not allowed to write wrapper
> that will send notifications using IPC.

You mean, you need to perform IPC but you are not allowed to write code 
that performs IPC? That's quite a corner you are painted into.

> I would like db to perform
> this task.

Then I guess SQLite is not suitable for your problem (though I can't 
think of any other DBMS that can do that, either).

> As for triggers and callbacks (hooks): they are fired before the data
> is stored to the db (file), so that I coudn't even read changed data
> back inside hook.

As long as you use the same connection to access the database as the one 
that caused the trigger or callback to fire in the first place, you 
should see the new data. It doesn't matter that the data has not been 
written to the physical file yet.

If you are trying to use a different connection, you would only see 
changes once the first connection committed its transaction - so don't 
do that.

> sqlite_update_hook() returnes rowID, but I didn't
> find any API to use this value...

You just run a statement along the lines of

select * from dbName.tableName where rowid=?

You need to run this statement on the same connection the hook is 
installed on.

Igor Tandetnik 

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Trigger's actions and callbacks

2008-04-01 Thread Vladimir Volkov

Hi, all.

I have the following problem: I have some  processes that access the same db
file. When one of them would change some data inside the db it must notify
all other processes about change AND send them changed data (or it's unique

But I didn't find any method to perform this using db triggers or callbacks.
On some certain reasons I am not allowed to write wrapper that will send
notifications using IPC. I would like db to perform this task.

As for triggers and callbacks (hooks): they are fired before the data is
stored to the db (file), so that I coudn't even read changed data back
inside hook. sqlite_update_hook() returnes rowID, but I didn't find any API
to use this value...

I would appriciate any ideas or comments.
Thanks in advance.
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sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] sqlite-users Digest, Vol 3, Issue 99

2008-04-01 Thread L B
Hi Dennis, may be I understand now.
  I have enabled mail delivery in my sqlite users account options (which was 
not enabled before), now I should receive all messages so that I can reply to 
one of them.
  May be it was my problem, because I have never received any message from 
sqlite user mailing list.
  Thanks for your patience and your help,

  Send sqlite-users mailing list submissions to

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When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than "Re: Contents of sqlite-users digest..."

Today's Topics:

1. Re: Scope of sqlite3_changes(), how to reset it? (Igor Tandetnik)
2. Re: DBD::SQLite::Amalgamation? (rahed)
3. Re: DBD::SQLite::Amalgamation? (Jim Dodgen)
4. Re: DBD::SQLite::Amalgamation? (P Kishor)
5. Re: DBD::SQLite::Amalgamation? (Jim Dodgen)
6. Re: DBD::SQLite::Amalgamation? (P Kishor)
7. Re: Indexing and Search speed ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
8. When I try to .read I get a "can't open" message
(Douglas McCarroll)
9. Re: When I try to .read I get a "can't open" message (P Kishor)
10. Re: When I try to .read I get a "can't open" message
(Steven Fisher)
11. Re: When I try to .read I get a "can't open" message
(Clark Christensen)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2008 12:03:32 -0400
From: "Igor Tandetnik" 
Subject: Re: [sqlite] Scope of sqlite3_changes(), how to reset it?

Michael Schlenker wrote:
> 1. Is sqlite3_changes() reset to 0 when a new sqlite3_exec() is
> started?

May or may not. E.g. if you execute a SELECT statement it doesn't affect 
change count.

> 2. Does a PRAGMA index_list() manipulate sqlite3_changes() in any way?

I haven't tried it, but I don't see why it should.

> 3. How can i reset sqlite3_changes() manually if its not done on
> sqlite3_exec()?

"Reset" as in set to zero? Run a statement that is guaranteed not to 
touch any rows, e.g.

delete from sometable where 0;

Igor Tandetnik 


Message: 2
Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2008 19:31:20 +
From: rahed 
Subject: Re: [sqlite] DBD::SQLite::Amalgamation?
To: "General Discussion of SQLite Database" 

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

On 3/31/08, Jim Dodgen wrote:
> Any Perl people out there using this yet (version 3.5.7)?
> I'm continually having problems when doing "make test"

Today I tried and installed on Solaris successfully. Both the module
1.14 and sqlite3 amalgamation.



Message: 3
Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2008 12:59:58 -0700
From: "Jim Dodgen" 
Subject: Re: [sqlite] DBD::SQLite::Amalgamation?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Humm... I'll keep looking.


On 3/30/08, Jim Dodgen wrote:
> Any Perl people out there using this yet (version 3.5.7)?
> I'm continually having problems when doing "make test"
> It hangs forever and never completes
> I have tried this on multiple boxes running both Fedora and Redhat ES,
> all 64 bit.

Jim Dodgen


Message: 4
Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2008 15:14:07 -0500
From: "P Kishor" 

Subject: Re: [sqlite] DBD::SQLite::Amalgamation?
To: "General Discussion of SQLite Database" 

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

On 3/30/08, Jim Dodgen wrote:
> Any Perl people out there using this yet (version 3.5.7)?
> I'm continually having problems when doing "make test"
> It hangs forever and never completes
> I have tried this on multiple boxes running both Fedora and Redhat ES,
> all 64 bit.


I am using 3.5.6 (using the amalgamation... see the instructions I put
on the SQLite wiki) and that worked well for me on both a Mac Leopard
and a RHEL ES3 box. I see no reason to upgrade to 3.5.7 yet. That
said, I also not working with 64 bit system.

You might get better luck in getting an answer if you post at least
the tail portion of the make output, otherwise no one has any idea
where your process hangs.

Puneet Kishor
Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies
Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo)


Message: 5
Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2008 13:34:42 -0700
From: "Jim Dodgen" 
Subject: Re: [sqlite] DBD::SQLite::Amalgamation?
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], "General Discussion of SQLite Database"

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

On 3/31/08, P Kishor 
> On 3/30/08, Jim Dodgen wrote:
> > Any Perl people out there using this yet (version 3.5.7)?
> >
> > I'm continually 

Re: [sqlite] DBD::SQLite::Amalgamation?

2008-04-01 Thread rahed
On 3/31/08, Jim Dodgen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It makes ok, here is the output from "make test". the hang is after
>  "t/06error" it never finishes
>  DBD-SQLite-Amalgamation-3.5.7
>  # make test
>  PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e"
>  "test_harness(0, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t
>  t/00basic...ok
>  t/01logon...ok
>  t/02cr_tableok
>  t/03insert..ok
>  t/04select..ok
>  t/05tranok
>  t/06error...ok 1/2
>  (this never finishes)

In the beginnig there are unlink and connect commands in t/06 which
were successful in previous tests. So something may go wrong with eval
of the do test which should throw an error in [EMAIL PROTECTED] You could step 
with the debugger to see where's the fault.

sqlite-users mailing list