Re: [sqlite] Saving an in-memory database to file

2008-05-31 Thread Keith Goodman
On Sat, May 31, 2008 at 9:48 PM, Bruce Robertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here's a more basic example. This is really just a shell script formatting
> problem and it must be really simple. I'm trying to use \n as new line. The
> result I want from the echo statement is as follows but I can't figure out
> how to set x to get there.
> A
> B
> C
> D
> set x="A\nB\nC\nD"; echo $x

$ x="A\nB\nC\nD"; echo -e $x
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Saving an in-memory database to file

2008-05-31 Thread Bruce Robertson
Here's a more basic example. This is really just a shell script formatting
problem and it must be really simple. I'm trying to use \n as new line. The
result I want from the echo statement is as follows but I can't figure out
how to set x to get there.


set x="A\nB\nC\nD"; echo $x

> On Sat, May 31, 2008 at 8:30 PM, Bruce Robertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> An example of how to do this with the shell would be helpful.
>> Oddly enough I can do it with applescript; but I can't do it with some other
>> shell tools I'm trying to use.
>> My problem has to do with how to pass multiple lines to a single command.
>> I'm sure it's quite simple but I keep poking around not getting anywhere.
>> This is the applescript version:
>> set this to "echo '
>> .read /a.sql
>> .o stdout
>> .dump
>> .q
>> '|sqlite3 "
>> set this to paragraphs of this
>> set applescript's text item delimiters to "\n"
>> do shell script (this as text)
>> -- result:
>> CREATE TABLE Responses (GFUP_ID TEXT,FullQNum TEXT,ResponseNumber
>> TEXT,SurveyVersion TEXT,RecordID TEXT);
>> INSERT INTO \"Responses\" VALUES('36780001', '00.1.01', '1', '2000', '1');
>> INSERT INTO \"Responses\" VALUES('36780001', '02.1.01', '1', '2000', '2');
>> INSERT INTO \"Responses\" VALUES('36780001', '02.1.02', '', '2000', '3');
> Are you trying to dump one database into another, new database? I
> played around at the command line and came up with this. Not sure it
> fits your needs. (I create a database test.db and then dump into a new
> database test2.db.)
> $ sqlite3 test.db
> SQLite version 3.5.7
> Enter ".help" for instructions
> sqlite> create table test (one integer, two integer);
> sqlite> insert into test values (1,2);
> sqlite> select * from test;
> 1|2
> $
> $ echo '.dump' | sqlite3 test.db | sqlite3 test2.db
> $ sqlite3 test2.db
> SQLite version 3.5.7
> Enter ".help" for instructions
> sqlite> select * from test;
> 1|2
> sqlite>

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Saving an in-memory database to file

2008-05-31 Thread Bruce Robertson
No, I'm trying to do what I said I'm trying to do.

Pass a series of commands to a single sqlite action and get back all the

Here's a little more representative example done as applescript.

I'm trying to generalize it so I can use it with some other command line
tools (FileMaker shell script plugins in this case)

The example creates a simple table, populates it, creates a derivative
table, performs selects in a few different modes, performs a dump, and
passes ALL the results back as stdout.

It works fine and does all those things when performed as applescript.

-- start applescript
set cmd to "CREATE TABLE t1 (recID, Name, statusMarker);
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1, \"one\", 3);
Line B
Line C\", 3);
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (22,\"tw22o\", 12);
CREATE TABLE t2 as select recID as R1 , Name as R2  from t1;
.mode html
.header on
.echo off
select R1 as \"Record ID\", R2 as NAME from t2 as table2;
.mode line
SELECT * FROM t1 order by name;"
set cmd to "echo '" & cmd & "'|sqlite3  :memory: "
do shell script cmd
-- end script

RESULT showing the sql dump + HTML output + line output

CREATE TABLE t1 (recID, Name, statusMarker);
INSERT INTO \"t1\" VALUES(1, 'one', 3);
INSERT INTO \"t1\" VALUES(2, 'Line A
Line B
Line C', 3);
INSERT INTO \"t1\" VALUES(22, 'tw22o', 12);
INSERT INTO \"t2\" VALUES(1, 'one');
INSERT INTO \"t2\" VALUES(2, 'Line A
Line B
Line C');
INSERT INTO \"t2\" VALUES(22, 'tw22o');


Line A
Line B
Line C



Line A
Line B
Line C


   recID = 2
Name = Line A
Line B
Line C
statusMarker = 3

   recID = 1
Name = one
statusMarker = 3

   recID = 22
Name = tw22o
statusMarker = 12"

> On Sat, May 31, 2008 at 8:30 PM, Bruce Robertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> An example of how to do this with the shell would be helpful.
>> Oddly enough I can do it with applescript; but I can't do it with some other
>> shell tools I'm trying to use.
>> My problem has to do with how to pass multiple lines to a single command.
>> I'm sure it's quite simple but I keep poking around not getting anywhere.
>> This is the applescript version:
>> set this to "echo '
>> .read /a.sql
>> .o stdout
>> .dump
>> .q
>> '|sqlite3 "
>> set this to paragraphs of this
>> set applescript's text item delimiters to "\n"
>> do shell script (this as text)
>> -- result:
>> CREATE TABLE Responses (GFUP_ID TEXT,FullQNum TEXT,ResponseNumber
>> TEXT,SurveyVersion TEXT,RecordID TEXT);
>> INSERT INTO \"Responses\" VALUES('36780001', '00.1.01', '1', '2000', '1');
>> INSERT INTO \"Responses\" VALUES('36780001', '02.1.01', '1', '2000', '2');
>> INSERT INTO \"Responses\" VALUES('36780001', '02.1.02', '', '2000', '3');
> Are you trying to dump one database into another, new database? I
> played around at the command line and came up with this. Not sure it
> fits your needs. (I create a database test.db and then dump into a new
> database test2.db.)
> $ sqlite3 test.db
> SQLite version 3.5.7
> Enter ".help" for instructions
> sqlite> create table test (one integer, two integer);
> sqlite> insert into test values (1,2);
> sqlite> select * from test;
> 1|2
> $
> $ echo '.dump' | sqlite3 test.db | sqlite3 test2.db
> $ sqlite3 test2.db
> SQLite version 3.5.7
> Enter ".help" for instructions
> sqlite> select * from test;
> 1|2
> sqlite>
> ___
> sqlite-users mailing list

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Saving an in-memory database to file

2008-05-31 Thread Keith Goodman
On Sat, May 31, 2008 at 8:57 PM, Keith Goodman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sat, May 31, 2008 at 8:30 PM, Bruce Robertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> An example of how to do this with the shell would be helpful.
>> Oddly enough I can do it with applescript; but I can't do it with some other
>> shell tools I'm trying to use.
>> My problem has to do with how to pass multiple lines to a single command.
>> I'm sure it's quite simple but I keep poking around not getting anywhere.
>> This is the applescript version:
>> set this to "echo '
>> .read /a.sql
>> .o stdout
>> .dump
>> .q
>> '|sqlite3 "
>> set this to paragraphs of this
>> set applescript's text item delimiters to "\n"
>> do shell script (this as text)
>> -- result:
>> CREATE TABLE Responses (GFUP_ID TEXT,FullQNum TEXT,ResponseNumber
>> TEXT,SurveyVersion TEXT,RecordID TEXT);
>> INSERT INTO \"Responses\" VALUES('36780001', '00.1.01', '1', '2000', '1');
>> INSERT INTO \"Responses\" VALUES('36780001', '02.1.01', '1', '2000', '2');
>> INSERT INTO \"Responses\" VALUES('36780001', '02.1.02', '', '2000', '3');
> Are you trying to dump one database into another, new database? I
> played around at the command line and came up with this. Not sure it
> fits your needs. (I create a database test.db and then dump into a new
> database test2.db.)
> $ sqlite3 test.db
> SQLite version 3.5.7
> Enter ".help" for instructions
> sqlite> create table test (one integer, two integer);
> sqlite> insert into test values (1,2);
> sqlite> select * from test;
> 1|2
> $
> $ echo '.dump' | sqlite3 test.db | sqlite3 test2.db
> $ sqlite3 test2.db
> SQLite version 3.5.7
> Enter ".help" for instructions
> sqlite> select * from test;
> 1|2
> sqlite>

If you like python, here's a python script to dump from memory to
file. (pysqlite doesn't yet have access to sqlite's dump so it loops
through all the tables instead.)


import sqlite3 as sqlite
from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as sqlite

def dump_to_disk(con, filename):
Dumps the tables of an in-memory database into a file-based SQLite database.

@param con: Connection to in-memory database.
@param filename:Name of the file to write to.
cur = con.cursor()
cur.execute("attach '%s' as __extdb" % filename)
cur.execute("select name from sqlite_master where type='table'")
table_names = cur.fetchall()
for table_name, in table_names:
cur.execute("create table __extdb.%s as select * from %s" %
(table_name, table_name))
cur.execute("detach __extdb")

con = sqlite.connect(":memory:")
cur = con.cursor()
cur.execute("create table t1(x)")
cur.execute("insert into t1(x) values (1)")
cur.execute("create table t2(x)")
cur.execute("insert into t2(x) values (2)")
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Saving an in-memory database to file

2008-05-31 Thread Keith Goodman
On Sat, May 31, 2008 at 8:30 PM, Bruce Robertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> An example of how to do this with the shell would be helpful.
> Oddly enough I can do it with applescript; but I can't do it with some other
> shell tools I'm trying to use.
> My problem has to do with how to pass multiple lines to a single command.
> I'm sure it's quite simple but I keep poking around not getting anywhere.
> This is the applescript version:
> set this to "echo '
> .read /a.sql
> .o stdout
> .dump
> .q
> '|sqlite3 "
> set this to paragraphs of this
> set applescript's text item delimiters to "\n"
> do shell script (this as text)
> -- result:
> CREATE TABLE Responses (GFUP_ID TEXT,FullQNum TEXT,ResponseNumber
> TEXT,SurveyVersion TEXT,RecordID TEXT);
> INSERT INTO \"Responses\" VALUES('36780001', '00.1.01', '1', '2000', '1');
> INSERT INTO \"Responses\" VALUES('36780001', '02.1.01', '1', '2000', '2');
> INSERT INTO \"Responses\" VALUES('36780001', '02.1.02', '', '2000', '3');

Are you trying to dump one database into another, new database? I
played around at the command line and came up with this. Not sure it
fits your needs. (I create a database test.db and then dump into a new
database test2.db.)

$ sqlite3 test.db
SQLite version 3.5.7
Enter ".help" for instructions
sqlite> create table test (one integer, two integer);
sqlite> insert into test values (1,2);
sqlite> select * from test;
$ echo '.dump' | sqlite3 test.db | sqlite3 test2.db
$ sqlite3 test2.db
SQLite version 3.5.7
Enter ".help" for instructions
sqlite> select * from test;
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Saving an in-memory database to file

2008-05-31 Thread Bruce Robertson
An example of how to do this with the shell would be helpful.

Oddly enough I can do it with applescript; but I can't do it with some other
shell tools I'm trying to use.

My problem has to do with how to pass multiple lines to a single command.
I'm sure it's quite simple but I keep poking around not getting anywhere.

This is the applescript version:

set this to "echo '
.read /a.sql 
.o stdout 
'|sqlite3 "
set this to paragraphs of this
set applescript's text item delimiters to "\n"
do shell script (this as text)
-- result:
CREATE TABLE Responses (GFUP_ID TEXT,FullQNum TEXT,ResponseNumber
TEXT,SurveyVersion TEXT,RecordID TEXT);
INSERT INTO \"Responses\" VALUES('36780001', '00.1.01', '1', '2000', '1');
INSERT INTO \"Responses\" VALUES('36780001', '02.1.01', '1', '2000', '2');
INSERT INTO \"Responses\" VALUES('36780001', '02.1.02', '', '2000', '3');


> On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 09:24:29PM -0700, Bruce Robertson scratched on the
> wall:
>> Well, an interesting illustration of basic sqlite; but no relation to the
>> question being asked.
> Actually, it is a good answer to the question that was asked.
> Running SQLite without a database file creates an in-memory database.
> Using the .dump command will dump that in-memory DB to a SQL file that
> can then be re-read into a file-backed database (or back into a memory
> database), just as Mark asked about.
> Of course, I assume Mark wants to do this via code.  That will
> require poking around the shell code to see how the ".dump" command
> is implemented within the command shell.
>  -j
>>> On 5/30/08, Mark Stewart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Is there a recommended way to save an in-memory database to a file?  Is
  a way to access the underlying in-memory data directly to save out to disk
  (if that would even work)?
  My other thought was to create an empty file based db and attach it,
  creating tables and transferring all the data through sql.
  Maybe there is some other option?
>>> [12:04 AM] ~/foo$ ls
>>> [12:04 AM] ~/foo$ sqlite3
>>> SQLite version 3.5.6
>>> Enter ".help" for instructions
>>> sqlite> CREATE TABLE t (a, b);
>>> sqlite> INSERT INTO t VALUES (1, 'one');
>>> sqlite> INSERT INTO t VALUES (2, 'two');
>>> sqlite> SELECT * FROM t;
>>> 1|one
>>> 2|two
>>> sqlite> .q
>>> [12:04 AM] ~/foo$ ls
>>> [12:04 AM] ~/foo$ sqlite3
>>> SQLite version 3.5.6
>>> Enter ".help" for instructions
>>> sqlite> CREATE TABLE t (a, b);
>>> sqlite> INSERT INTO t VALUES (1, 'one');
>>> sqlite> INSERT INTO t VALUES (2, 'two');
>>> sqlite> SELECT * FROM t;
>>> 1|one
>>> 2|two
>>> sqlite> .o foo.sql
>>> sqlite> .dump
>>> sqlite> .q
>>> [12:05 AM] ~/foo$ ls
>>> foo.sql
>>> 12:05 AM] ~/foo$ cat foo.sql
>>> CREATE TABLE t (a, b);
>>> INSERT INTO "t" VALUES(1,'one');
>>> INSERT INTO "t" VALUES(2,'two');
>>> [12:06 AM] ~/foo$
>>> ___
>>> sqlite-users mailing list
>> ___
>> sqlite-users mailing list
> -- 
> Jay A. Kreibich < J A Y  @  K R E I B I.C H >
> "'People who live in bamboo houses should not throw pandas.' Jesus said that."
>  - "The Ninja",, "Special Delivery 10: Pop!Tech 2006"
> ___
> sqlite-users mailing list

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Insert / Update images using MS VBScript

2008-05-31 Thread Lauri Ojansivu
2008/6/1 MoDementia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Thanks for the reply.
> However I am restricted to VBscript rather than visual basic.
> I will try to convert the syntax but I'm not confident that all the
> functions will be available in VBscript.

If you run into any problems, reply to this sqlite-users list so we'll
figure out the solution.

- Lauri
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Insert / Update images using MS VBScript

2008-05-31 Thread MoDementia
Thanks for the reply.
However I am restricted to VBscript rather than visual basic.

I will try to convert the syntax but I'm not confident that all the
functions will be available in VBscript.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lauri Ojansivu
Sent: Saturday, 31 May 2008 9:40 PM
To: General Discussion of SQLite Database
Subject: Re: [sqlite] Insert / Update images using MS VBScript

2008/5/31 MoDementia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I have spent most of the day searching for examples in VBscript to add /
> update an image into a database without luck.
> If anyone has a snippet of code they could share I would be most grateful.
> I have either an image as an object in the script and or a physical file
> location i.e. "C:\image.jpg"
> None of the examples I looked at even came close to helping me understand
> what I need to do :(

in following VB code image file (or any other binary file) is read
from disk to string, uuencoded, and can then be inserted into

Another option is try to figure out dhSQLite

- Lauri

Sub test_image_read_write()

Dim path As String, filename As String

Dim t1 As String, t2 As String

Dim sql As String

path = "C:\"

filename = "image.jpg"

t1 = loadfilename(path & filename)

' Do something here with t1, like insert into database...

' If insert statements don't like it, you can uuencode it

t1 = uuencodetext(t1)

' If uuencoded text has ' in it, replace it with '' for sqlite insert

t1 = Replace(t1, "'", "''")

' Now make sql string...

sql = "INSERT INTO pics(filename, image) VALUES ('" & _

  filename & "', '" & t1 & "');"

MsgBox sql

' And execute it.

' And after reading it from database uudecode.

t1 = uudecodetext(t1)

savefilename t1, path & "test-" & filename

t2 = loadfilename(path & "test-" & filename)

If t1 = t2 Then

t1 = ""

t2 = ""

Kill path & "test-" & filename

MsgBox "Success!"

Exit Sub


t1 = ""

t2 = ""

Kill path & "test-" & filename

MsgBox "Error: image modified when saved and loaded again!"

Exit Sub

End If

End Sub

Function loadfilename(filename As String) As String

If Not FileExists(filename) Then

loadfilename = "File does not exist!"

Exit Function

End If

Dim t As Variant

loadfilename = ""

Dim iFreeFile As Integer

Dim bytCount As Byte

Dim data() As Byte

iFreeFile = FreeFile

Open filename For Binary As iFreeFile

ReDim data(LOF(iFreeFile)) 'redim the array to take the whole file

Get #iFreeFile, , data 'read the entire file into the byte array

loadfilename = ByteArrayToString(data)

Close iFreeFile

End Function

Sub savefilename(text As String, filename As String)


If FileExists(filename) Then Kill filename

Dim iFreeFile As Integer

Dim bytCount As Byte

Dim data() As Byte

iFreeFile = FreeFile

Open filename For Binary As iFreeFile

data = StrConv(text, vbFromUnicode)

Put #iFreeFile, , data 'read the entire file into the byte array

Close iFreeFile

End Sub

Function uudecodetext(text As String) As String

' 1) Take away uudecode start

text = Replace(text, "begin 644 data.dat" & vbLf, "")

' 2) Take away uudecode end

text = Replace(text, vbLf & "end" & vbLf, "")

' 3) Do uudecode

text = UUDecode(text)

' 4) Return result

uudecodetext = text

End Function

Function uuencodetext(text As String)

' 1) UUEncode text

text = UUEncode(text)

' 2) Add UUEncode beginning and end

text = "begin 644 data.dat" & vbLf & text & vbLf & "end" & vbLf

' 3) Return result

uuencodetext = text

End Function

Public Function ByteArrayToString(bytArray() As Byte) As String

Dim sAns As String

Dim iPos As String

sAns = StrConv(bytArray, vbUnicode)

iPos = InStr(sAns, Chr(0))

If iPos > 0 Then sAns = Left(sAns, iPos - 1)

ByteArrayToString = sAns

End Function

Function FileExists(ByVal FileName As String) As Boolean

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

' get the attributes and ensure that it isn't a directory

FileExists = (GetAttr(FileName) And vbDirectory) = 0


' if an error occurs, this function returns False

End Function

Public Function UUEncode(sString As String) As String

Dim bTrans(63) As Byte, lPowers8(255) As Long, lPowers16(255) As
Long, bOut() As Byte, bIn() As Byte

Dim lChar As Long, lTrip As Long, iPad As Integer, lLen As Long,
lTemp As Long, lPos As Long

For lTemp = 1 To 63 'Fill the translation table.

bTrans(lTemp) = lTemp + 32

Next lTemp

bTrans(0) = 96  'Replace spaces with 'graves'


Re: [sqlite] Saving an in-memory database to file

2008-05-31 Thread John Stanton
Mark Stewart wrote:
> John Stanton-3 wrote:
>>I wonder why you do not just use a file in the first place.  Sqlite 
>>caches data in memory so a file based database and memory based perform 
>>much the same.
> For this app, I didn't want to ask the user to enter a filename for a new
> document before they decided to 'save'.  I guess I could use a temporary
> file though. 
I would invent a file name and have it as a well known name in the
application.  You can just copy the file for persistent storage.
Let Sqlite do the work.

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Saving an in-memory database to file

2008-05-31 Thread Mark Stewart

John Stanton-3 wrote:
> I wonder why you do not just use a file in the first place.  Sqlite 
> caches data in memory so a file based database and memory based perform 
> much the same.

For this app, I didn't want to ask the user to enter a filename for a new
document before they decided to 'save'.  I guess I could use a temporary
file though. 

View this message in context:
Sent from the SQLite mailing list archive at

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Saving an in-memory database to file

2008-05-31 Thread John Stanton
I wonder why you do not just use a file in the first place.  Sqlite 
caches data in memory so a file based database and memory based perform 
much the same.

Mark Stewart wrote:
> Jay A. Kreibich-2 wrote:
>>  Of course, I assume Mark wants to do this via code.  That will
>>  require poking around the shell code to see how the ".dump" command
>>  is implemented within the command shell.
> Yes, I'm trying to do this using the C API.  I'll have a look through the
> .dump code and see what I can find.
> Thanks.

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] SQLite3 file format

2008-05-31 Thread D. Richard Hipp

On May 31, 2008, at 7:41 AM, Aladdin Lampé wrote:

> Hi!
> I remember a message from DRH about SQLite's roadmap for 2008,  
> stating that the file format specification would be explained and  
> released in itself.
> Are you still working on that?


D. Richard Hipp

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] SQLite3 file format

2008-05-31 Thread Aladdin Lampé

I remember a message from DRH about SQLite's roadmap for 2008, stating that the 
file format specification would be explained and released in itself.
Are you still working on that?
Thank you and have a nice day,

Caroline vient de mettre à jour son profil Messenger ! Connectez-vous !
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Insert / Update images using MS VBScript

2008-05-31 Thread Lauri Ojansivu
2008/5/31 MoDementia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I have spent most of the day searching for examples in VBscript to add /
> update an image into a database without luck.
> If anyone has a snippet of code they could share I would be most grateful.
> I have either an image as an object in the script and or a physical file
> location i.e. "C:\image.jpg"
> None of the examples I looked at even came close to helping me understand
> what I need to do :(

in following VB code image file (or any other binary file) is read
from disk to string, uuencoded, and can then be inserted into

Another option is try to figure out dhSQLite  .

- Lauri

Sub test_image_read_write()

Dim path As String, filename As String

Dim t1 As String, t2 As String

Dim sql As String

path = "C:\"

filename = "image.jpg"

t1 = loadfilename(path & filename)

' Do something here with t1, like insert into database...

' If insert statements don't like it, you can uuencode it

t1 = uuencodetext(t1)

' If uuencoded text has ' in it, replace it with '' for sqlite insert

t1 = Replace(t1, "'", "''")

' Now make sql string...

sql = "INSERT INTO pics(filename, image) VALUES ('" & _

  filename & "', '" & t1 & "');"

MsgBox sql

' And execute it.

' And after reading it from database uudecode.

t1 = uudecodetext(t1)

savefilename t1, path & "test-" & filename

t2 = loadfilename(path & "test-" & filename)

If t1 = t2 Then

t1 = ""

t2 = ""

Kill path & "test-" & filename

MsgBox "Success!"

Exit Sub


t1 = ""

t2 = ""

Kill path & "test-" & filename

MsgBox "Error: image modified when saved and loaded again!"

Exit Sub

End If

End Sub

Function loadfilename(filename As String) As String

If Not FileExists(filename) Then

loadfilename = "File does not exist!"

Exit Function

End If

Dim t As Variant

loadfilename = ""

Dim iFreeFile As Integer

Dim bytCount As Byte

Dim data() As Byte

iFreeFile = FreeFile

Open filename For Binary As iFreeFile

ReDim data(LOF(iFreeFile)) 'redim the array to take the whole file

Get #iFreeFile, , data 'read the entire file into the byte array

loadfilename = ByteArrayToString(data)

Close iFreeFile

End Function

Sub savefilename(text As String, filename As String)


If FileExists(filename) Then Kill filename

Dim iFreeFile As Integer

Dim bytCount As Byte

Dim data() As Byte

iFreeFile = FreeFile

Open filename For Binary As iFreeFile

data = StrConv(text, vbFromUnicode)

Put #iFreeFile, , data 'read the entire file into the byte array

Close iFreeFile

End Sub

Function uudecodetext(text As String) As String

' 1) Take away uudecode start

text = Replace(text, "begin 644 data.dat" & vbLf, "")

' 2) Take away uudecode end

text = Replace(text, vbLf & "end" & vbLf, "")

' 3) Do uudecode

text = UUDecode(text)

' 4) Return result

uudecodetext = text

End Function

Function uuencodetext(text As String)

' 1) UUEncode text

text = UUEncode(text)

' 2) Add UUEncode beginning and end

text = "begin 644 data.dat" & vbLf & text & vbLf & "end" & vbLf

' 3) Return result

uuencodetext = text

End Function

Public Function ByteArrayToString(bytArray() As Byte) As String

Dim sAns As String

Dim iPos As String

sAns = StrConv(bytArray, vbUnicode)

iPos = InStr(sAns, Chr(0))

If iPos > 0 Then sAns = Left(sAns, iPos - 1)

ByteArrayToString = sAns

End Function

Function FileExists(ByVal FileName As String) As Boolean

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

' get the attributes and ensure that it isn't a directory

FileExists = (GetAttr(FileName) And vbDirectory) = 0


' if an error occurs, this function returns False

End Function

Public Function UUEncode(sString As String) As String

Dim bTrans(63) As Byte, lPowers8(255) As Long, lPowers16(255) As
Long, bOut() As Byte, bIn() As Byte

Dim lChar As Long, lTrip As Long, iPad As Integer, lLen As Long,
lTemp As Long, lPos As Long

For lTemp = 1 To 63 'Fill the translation table.

bTrans(lTemp) = lTemp + 32

Next lTemp

bTrans(0) = 96  'Replace spaces with 'graves'

For lTemp = 0 To 255'Fill the 2^8 and 2^16
lookup tables.

lPowers8(lTemp) = lTemp * cl2Exp8

lPowers16(lTemp) = lTemp * cl2Exp16

Next lTemp

iPad = Len(sString) Mod 3   'See if the length is divisible by 3

If iPad Then'If not, figure out the
odd bytes and resize the input.

iPad = 3 - iPad

sString = sString & String(iPad, Chr(0))

Re: [sqlite] get the actual database size.

2008-05-31 Thread Aladdin Lampé

> Date: Fri, 30 May 2008 20:26:14 +0200

> Would sqlite3_analyzer work for you?
> It produces both a human readable report as well as a table
> definition and insert statements to feed to sqlite3 command
> line tool.

Where can we download the source of this tool "sqlite3_analyser"? (The 
precompiled binary is on the sqlite3 web site, download section).
It seems to be an interesting reading to understand the sqlite3 file format.

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sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Saving an in-memory database to file

2008-05-31 Thread Mark Stewart

Jay A. Kreibich-2 wrote:
>   Of course, I assume Mark wants to do this via code.  That will
>   require poking around the shell code to see how the ".dump" command
>   is implemented within the command shell.

Yes, I'm trying to do this using the C API.  I'll have a look through the
.dump code and see what I can find.

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[sqlite] Insert / Update images using MS VBScript

2008-05-31 Thread MoDementia
I have spent most of the day searching for examples in VBscript to add /
update an image into a database without luck.

If anyone has a snippet of code they could share I would be most grateful.

I have either an image as an object in the script and or a physical file
location i.e. "C:\image.jpg"

None of the examples I looked at even came close to helping me understand
what I need to do :(

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