[sqlite] Segfault when querying deeply nested view

2007-01-26 Thread Andy Chambers

Hi List,

I've found a situation which causes sqlite to segfault.

System Info
OS: Debian Etch
Sqlite Version: 3.3.8

Run the attached sql script to see segfault.

I'd be interested to hear of a workaround if anybody knows of one.  Of
course, I'll post to the list if I find one.

-- Raw data (RBS) 

create table records (
  date  real,
  type  text,
  description   text,
  value integer,
  acc_name  text,

-- Direct Debits 
drop view direct_debits;
create view direct_debits as
  select *
from records
   where type = 'D/D';

drop view monthly_direct_debits;
create view monthly_direct_debits as
  select strftime('%Y-%m', date) as date, (-1 * sum(value)) as value
from direct_debits
group by strftime('%Y-%m', date);

-- Expense Categories ---
drop view energy;
create view energy as
  select strftime('%Y-%m', date) as date, (-1 * sum(value)) as value
from direct_debits
   where description like '%NPOWER%'
group by strftime('%Y-%m', date);

drop view phone_internet;
create view phone_internet as
  select strftime('%Y-%m', date) as date, (-1 * sum(value)) as value
from direct_debits
   where description like '%BT DIRECT%'
  or description like '%SUPANET%'
  or description like '%ORANGE%'
group by strftime('%Y-%m', date);

drop view credit_cards;
create view credit_cards as
  select strftime('%Y-%m', date) as date, (-1 * sum(value)) as value
from direct_debits
   where description like '%VISA%'
group by strftime('%Y-%m', date);

-- Overview -

drop view expense_overview;
create view expense_overview as
  select 'Energy' as expense, date, value
from energy
  select 'Phone/Internet' as expense, date, value
from phone_internet
  select 'Credit Card' as expense, date, value
from credit_cards;

drop view jan;
create view jan as
  select 'jan', expense, value
from expense_overview
   where date like '%-01';

drop view nov;
create view nov as
  select 'nov', expense, value
from expense_overview
   where date like '%-11';

drop view summary;
create view summary as
  select *
from jan join nov
  on (jan.expense = nov.expense);

-- This causes a segfault
select * 
  from summary;-
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[sqlite] Segfault with deeply nested views

2007-01-26 Thread Andy Chambers

Hi List,

I've found a situation which causes sqlite to segfault.

System Info
OS: Debian Etch
Sqlite Version: 3.3.8

Run the sql listed below to see segfault.

I'd be interested to hear of a workaround if anybody knows of one.  Of
course, I'll post to the list if I find one.

-- Raw data (RBS) 

create table records (
 date  real,
 type  text,
 description   text,
 value integer,
 acc_name  text,

-- Direct Debits 
drop view direct_debits;
create view direct_debits as
 select *
   from records
  where type = 'D/D';

drop view monthly_direct_debits;
create view monthly_direct_debits as
 select strftime('%Y-%m', date) as date, (-1 * sum(value)) as value
   from direct_debits
group by strftime('%Y-%m', date);

-- Expense Categories ---
drop view energy;
create view energy as
 select strftime('%Y-%m', date) as date, (-1 * sum(value)) as value
   from direct_debits
  where description like '%NPOWER%'
group by strftime('%Y-%m', date);

drop view phone_internet;
create view phone_internet as
 select strftime('%Y-%m', date) as date, (-1 * sum(value)) as value
   from direct_debits
  where description like '%BT DIRECT%'
 or description like '%SUPANET%'
 or description like '%ORANGE%'
group by strftime('%Y-%m', date);

drop view credit_cards;
create view credit_cards as
 select strftime('%Y-%m', date) as date, (-1 * sum(value)) as value
   from direct_debits
  where description like '%VISA%'
group by strftime('%Y-%m', date);

-- Overview -

drop view expense_overview;
create view expense_overview as
 select 'Energy' as expense, date, value
   from energy
 select 'Phone/Internet' as expense, date, value
   from phone_internet
 select 'Credit Card' as expense, date, value
   from credit_cards;

drop view jan;
create view jan as
 select 'jan', expense, value
   from expense_overview
  where date like '%-01';

drop view nov;
create view nov as
 select 'nov', expense, value
   from expense_overview
  where date like '%-11';

drop view summary;
create view summary as
 select *
   from jan join nov
 on (jan.expense = nov.expense);

-- This causes a segfault
select *
 from summary;

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[sqlite] vertical -> horizontal data conversion

2008-09-04 Thread Andy Chambers

I have a table like this

create table clinical_data (
  group_def text,
  item_def text,
  value text

Assuming this example data...

"MEDHIST", "BODSYS",  "foo"
"MEDHIST", "TERM", "bar"
"MEDHIST", "ONSET", "baz"

I'd like to create a view that looks like

"foo", "bar", "baz"

I've got a feeling the answer lies in outer joins but my SQL is a
little rusty.  This seems like something people would need to do a
lot.  Is there a name for this that I can go lookup?

Many Thanks,
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] maximum length for a column name

2008-09-22 Thread Andy Chambers

I've checked the "Limits in sqlite" page and don't see any limits to
tablenames or columnnames.  Does that mean there isn't any? (or at
least they're only limited by the maximum length of a sql statement).

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Version compatibility

2010-07-23 Thread Andy Chambers

I've been reading about version compatibility between different
versions of sqlite at the
link below:


It states the expected behaviour for old and new with a different
first number, and a
different second number, but not a different third number.  I presume
this means that
a different third number means old and new are completely compatible
but is there
anything I can show to my QA person that states this?

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Distinct Bug

2010-08-13 Thread Andy Chambers
Is this a bug?

create table t_distinct_bug (

insert into t_distinct_bug values ('1', '1', 'a');
insert into t_distinct_bug values ('1', '2', 'b');
insert into t_distinct_bug values ('1', '3', 'c');
insert into t_distinct_bug values ('1', '1', 'd');
insert into t_distinct_bug values ('1', '2', 'e');
insert into t_distinct_bug values ('1', '3', 'f');

select a
  from (select distinct a, b
  from t_distinct_bug)
=> 1

I'd have thought it should return

I'm on SQLite 3.6.22


Andy Chambers
Formedix Ltd
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Vertical -> Horizontal transformation

2010-09-29 Thread Andy Chambers

I've got a nice normalized table and need to produce a de-normalized
view of this table (i.e. convert it
from tall skinny, into wide short table).  In order to do this, I was
planning on just joining the
table to itself for each "value" that needs to be turned into a
column.  However, it turns out there's
96 values so I run into the "only 64 tables in a join" constraint.  Is
there another idiom for
doing this sort of transformation or should I just use two helper
tables with 33 values in each and
then join them.

For those who have used other databases, is it quite common to have
this constraint?  This seems
like it would be quite a common problem in ETL projects (admittedly
it's perhaps unusual to be
using sqlite for an ETL project).

Hope I've made myself clear.

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Vertical -> Horizontal transformation

2010-09-29 Thread Andy Chambers
On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 6:16 PM, Petite Abeille
> On Sep 29, 2010, at 7:05 PM, Simon Slavin wrote:
>> SQL (not just SQLite) is traditionally terribly bad at doing matrix 
>> inversions.  What do you want to use the wide short table for ?  Does it 
>> really need to exist as a table ?
> Just for fun (and profit):
> http://www.orafaq.com/wiki/PIVOT
> http://www.orafaq.com/wiki/UNPIVOT

Ah, this is a pivot!!!  Doh.  And this [1] recipe shows how you can do
it in SQLite.  Thanks


I wonder if this is also more efficient

To Simon, yes, we do *really* need the short wide structure but it
doesn't necessarily have to be a table (i.e. could be a view).  We do
need it to be a database object though because a subsequent step of
the process queries it.
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Tricky grouping query

2010-10-01 Thread Andy Chambers
Given the following

create table events (
insert into events values ('001','a','N');
insert into events values ('001','b','N');
insert into events values ('001','c','Y');
insert into events values ('001','d','N');
insert into events values ('001','e','Y');
insert into events values ('001','f','Y');
insert into events values ('001','g','N');

Is it possible, using plain SQL, to derive the following


i.e. an "N" in the third column means event "001" has stopped, and a
"Y" means it
has started back up again.  Note that because the status immediately
preceding "f"
is also "Y", there is no corresponding row in the output

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