Re: [sqlite] vacuum and rowids

2011-04-28 Thread Dave Hayden
On Apr 28, 2011, at 12:41 PM, Pavel Ivanov wrote:

>> After more poking, it appears that rowids might not be changed by a vacuum 
>> if I have an index on the table. Is this true? If so, is it something I can 
>> rely on going forward?
> No, it's not true. The only way to keep your rowids intact is to declare an 
> INTEGER PRIMARY KEY alias for it. And you better never reference "rowid" name 
> in your application or your database schema.

Can you explain this in more detail? I've never seen any prohibition on using 
"rowid" in the SQLite docs before. The page on autoincrement says

"You can access the ROWID of an SQLite table using one the special column names 
ROWID, _ROWID_, or OID. Except if you declare an ordinary table column to use 
one of those special names, then the use of that name will refer to the 
declared column not to the internal ROWID."

which suggests that referring to rowids is fine. If I add a "rowid integer 
primary key" column on my tables, it seems like everything would work the way I 
want it to with minimal code changes. Any reason that won't work?


sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] vacuum and rowids

2011-04-28 Thread Dave Hayden
When the VACUUM feature was added I took a look at using it to keep database 
file sizes down, but discovered that it changed rowids and messed up my 
references between tables (or what I gather the database people call "foreign 
keys"). I'm playing around with this again and it looks like rowids aren't 
affected if I have an INTEGER PRIMARY KEY column, but I don't want to rebuild 
the existing tables if I don't have to.

After more poking, it appears that rowids might not be changed by a vacuum if I 
have an index on the table. Is this true? If so, is it something I can rely on 
going forward?


sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] llvm/ppc compile bug

2010-02-02 Thread Dave Hayden
Just a note to share a problem I ran into recently: Compiling sqlite 3.6.22 
with -arch ppc -Os on the llvm that ships with Xcode 3.2.1, the sqlite3AtoF 
function appears to have an infinite loop. If you compile the sqlite3 command 
line tool in this way, just executing "select round(1234);" will cause it to 

This version of llvm reports itself as

i686-apple-darwin10-llvm-gcc-4.2 (GCC) 4.2.1 (Based on Apple Inc. build 
5646) (LLVM build 2206)

I haven't checked to see if there's a newer llvm which fixes this.

Apple dudes: this is bugreporter #7599241.

Hope this saves someone out there some trouble. :)

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Re: Thread safety guarantees

2005-09-12 Thread Dave Hayden

On Sep 4, 2005, at 5:53 AM, Igor Tandetnik wrote:

Christopher R. Palmer wrote:

Unfortunately, that's not the case.  The code that was being used
when I created ticket 1272 was very simple.  In the main thread, I
opened a handle for each thread.  Each thread then worked
independently using only their own handle.  This broke the locking
because the low-level Linux file locks are tied to the thread that
created them.  That is, the thread that opened the handle..

So SQLite locks the DB file immediately after opening a connection  
in sqlite_open?

If all activity on the connection must be restricted to a single  
thread, how is one to properly use sqlite3_interrupt?

Hi Igor,

I hope someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks like  
calling sqlite3_interrupt from another thread is okay-ish. It only  
checks the sqlite3 struct's magic value to make sure it's legitimate  
(closed, open, or busy), and then sets the SQLITE_Interrupt bit on  
the flags field. I don't know if bit set and clear are atomic or not;  
if not, and two threads happen to write into the flags field at the  
same time, bad things can happen.

I just fixed my code to work with the new thread restrictions and  
haven't had any problems calling sqlite3_interrupt from the UI thread  
so far.


Re: [sqlite] Crashing on some computers

2004-11-09 Thread Dave Hayden
On Nov 8, 2004, at 10:51 AM, Clay Dowling wrote:
Tomas Franzén said:
On 2004-11-09, at 16.42, b.bum wrote:
Are you statically linking SQLite or using a dylib?
I don't know. That's not a good sign, is it? ;-)
I have compiled SQLite and added libsqlite.o and sqlite.h to the
project items in XCode.
ldd is your friend here.  It will show you if you have an external
dependency on any libraries, not just SQLite.
On OS X, there's no ldd: 'otool -L' does the same thing, though.
Wish they'd provided an alias for the six months it took me to learn 
that. :)


Re: [sqlite] How Disable Journaling on Windows

2004-10-12 Thread Dave Hayden
On Oct 12, 2004, at 12:33 PM, Shawn Walker wrote:
How do I disable Journalling in SQLite 3.0?  I thought setting "PRAGMA 
temp_store=MEMORY;" would do that?
Try: PRAGMA synchronous = OFF;
Did I read somewhere that default_synchronous is no longer used, or am 
I having memory hallucinations again?


Re: [sqlite] Deadlock when doing threaded updates and inserts

2004-08-11 Thread Dave Hayden
On Aug 11, 2004, at 4:05 PM, tezozomoc wrote:
I have solved this problem by writing a wrappers around sql_exec and
sql_query, sql_step, etc...
In these wrappers I handle the waiting for busy and the lock file 
I was doing the same, calling usleep() whenever I got a SQLITE_BUSY 
return and trying the command again, but it doesn't help in the case 
where two threads are both in a transaction and trying to write..


Re: [sqlite] Deadlock when doing threaded updates and inserts

2004-08-11 Thread Dave Hayden
On Aug 11, 2004, at 6:49 AM, D. Richard Hipp wrote:
Oops.  The db1 should do a ROLLBACK, not a COMMIT.  Or db2 can
do an END TRANSACTION (since it never made any changes) and allow
db1 to complete instead.  The point is that when two threads or
processes are trying to write at the same time, one of the two
must back off, abandon their transaction (using ROLLBACK) and let
the other proceed.
Wow. That adds a whole lot of complexity to my code. Every transaction 
would be inside a loop that checks for a busy return from any statement 
within. And most of the places I'm using a transaction, I'm doing a few 
hundred inserts or updates from a number of different functions.

This really is something I'd expect to run under the hood. Since only 
one of the competing threads will have completed a write (right?), 
can't the others "postpone" their transactions somehow until they can 
get a write lock?

For now, I've solved the problem by adding my own locks to exclude 
simultaneous transactions on the same database file. I'm only using 
transactions for writes (is there any reason for a read-only 
transaction?) so if there's no way to resolve two opened write 
transactions, you shouldn't be able to open two in the first place.

Please let me know if there's something I'm missing here..

[sqlite] Deadlock when doing threaded updates and inserts

2004-08-10 Thread Dave Hayden
I'm running into a deadlock, as the subject says, when doing updates on 
a table in one thread while another thread is inserting into the same 
table. (Oh, and this is on 3.0.4, compiled with --enable-threadsafe)

The update thread returns from its UPDATE command (within a 
transaction) with SQLITE_BUSY when it sees a pending lock. The insert 
thread returns SQLITE_BUSY from END TRANSACTION when it can't get an 
exclusive lock.

Attached is a simple C program that demonstrates this. I open two 
database handles on the same file (with a table "test" with a single 
column "num") and do:

db1: INSERT INTO test VALUES ( 1 );
At this point, both of these return SQLITE_BUSY:
db2: UPDATE test SET num = 2 WHERE num = 1;
Is this a bug? Or do I have to do something with sqlite 3 I didn't with 



#include "sqlite3.h"

int execQuery(sqlite3* db, char* query)
  char* err;
  int rc = sqlite3_exec(db, query, NULL, NULL, &err);

  if ( rc != SQLITE_OK )
printf("sqlite3_exec error: %s\n", err);
return 0;

  return 1;

int main()
  sqlite3* db1;
  sqlite3* db2;
  int rc; 


  rc = sqlite3_open("test.db", &db1);

  if ( rc != SQLITE_OK )
printf("thread: Couldn't open database1\n");
  execQuery(db1, "CREATE TABLE test ( num int );");

  rc = sqlite3_open("test.db", &db2);

  if ( rc != SQLITE_OK )
printf("thread: Couldn't open database2\n");

  execQuery(db1, "BEGIN TRANSACTION;");
  execQuery(db2, "BEGIN TRANSACTION;");

  execQuery(db1, "INSERT INTO test VALUES ( 1 );");

  while ( !execQuery(db2, "UPDATE test SET num = 2 WHERE num = 1;") &&
  !execQuery(db2, "END TRANSACTION;") &&
  !execQuery(db1, "END TRANSACTION;") )

  execQuery(db2, "END TRANSACTION;");

  return 0;

Re: [sqlite] sqlite3 crashing on OS X

2004-07-26 Thread Dave Hayden
On Jul 26, 2004, at 2:13 PM, Gus Mueller wrote:
What's interesting is that balance_nonroot doesn't call
balance_shallower- it calls balance, and then balance calls
Yeah, it looks like a frame header is getting tromped on and confusing 
the debugger. I filed it at'll see if they 
can be convinced it's their fault. (If there's any CoreData lurkers out 
there, it's radar #3741210..)

More evidence it's Apple's problem: it works fine when you use 
pthread_create() instead of [NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:::] 
(thanks to Michael Robinette for finding this out). Odd, since NSThread 
uses pthreads itself.


Re: [sqlite] like, but not equal?

2004-07-26 Thread Dave Hayden
On Jul 24, 2004, at 1:32 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  sqlite> select count(*) from newsgroups where name = 
  sqlite> select count(*) from newsgroups where name like 
Figured it out: I was using sqlite3_bind_blob(), but if I change to 
sqlite3_bind_text() it works right.

So I'm guessing that a string on the command line is a text value and 
can never be strictly equal to a blob value (even if they're 
byte-for-byte the same), but LIKE coerces the blob into text?


Re: [sqlite] FW: 2.8.14 performance, Indexed Table INSERTS

2004-06-21 Thread Dave Hayden
On Jun 20, 2004, at 9:07 PM, Darren Duncan wrote:
Generally speaking, you should only use indexes on table columns that 
have a lot of distinct values, and each one only appears a few times. 
You should not use indexes on columns that have few distinct values 
and each appears many times; in the latter case, a full table scan 
would be faster.
That's weird. I would have thought that having any index at all to pare 
down the result set would make things faster..? Wouldn't the select 

  CREATE TABLE tmp ( flag boolean, name text );
  SELECT name FROM tmp WHERE flag = 1 AND name LIKE '%foo%';
run faster with an index on the flag column since it can scan just the 
flag = 1 rows instead of the full table?

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Re: [sqlite] more performance questions

2004-03-18 Thread Dave Hayden
On Mar 18, 2004, at 1:30 PM, Corporate wrote:

Two words!  Thread Synchronization! (above the database API in your 
Works like a charm.
I just sat down with a cup of coffee and came to the came 
conclusion--if I keep only one connection to the database and do the 
mutexing myself, I get better control and I get to use temp tables, 

I think I'm going to queue up data as it comes in, then flush it to the 
database 5000 or so rows at a time. That should be fast enough to keep 
the UI from hanging and big enough to get a boost from the transaction.


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[sqlite] more performance questions

2004-03-17 Thread Dave Hayden
I'm inserting a bunch of data loaded off the network into a table. Here 
at the office, SQLite keeps up pretty well; at home on the cable modem, 
it's a huge bottleneck. Loading now takes about 10x what it used to 
when we were just storing in memory. Yes, I'm doing BEGIN/END around 
the entire transaction. I've removed indexes and set PRAGMA 
default_synchronous = OFF on the database, but it didn't have much 
effect. Oh, and I'm using a pre-compiled query to do the insert, too. I 
can't use a temporary table, either, because I need to share the data 
between the network and UI threads.

The SQLite optimization FAQ at:

mentions turning off journaling as a last resort. I tried this by 
forcing 'omitJournal = 1;' at the beginning of sqliteBtreeFactory(), 
but it causes problems on down the line (failed assertion on 
pPager->journalOpen in sqlitepager_commit()). Is there another way to 
do this? I'd like to see if we'll even be able to get the SQLite 
overhead low enough to use it or if I have to start over.

This isn't a high-reliability context--if the database gets corrupted, 
we can just toss it and load back off the network.

Any thoughts?


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Re: [sqlite] multithreading

2004-02-27 Thread Dave Hayden
After reading that SQLite should Just Work, I dug through my code and 
found my bug: I was calling sqlite_reset before invoking my precompiled 
queries instead of afterwards.  I changed it around and it seems to be 
fixed--leaving the vm in a running state must have held a lock 

Many thanks for the help!


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