Re: [sqlite] Resources for newbies.

2008-08-01 Thread Dwight Ingersoll
On Fri, Aug 1, 2008 at 4:03 PM, Rich Shepard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> On Fri, 1 Aug 2008, Dwight Ingersoll wrote:
> > I have a slew of newbie type questions, ...
>   Er, what sort of questions? SQL, specific to SQLite, or something else?
> Rich

SQLite specific.  For example, when/why would one choose to attach database
files over having the scheme reside in one database file, performance
considerations when databases are attached vs. single file databases.
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Resources for newbies.

2008-08-01 Thread Dwight Ingersoll
I have a slew of newbie type questions, and was wondering if there were
other resources (preferably searchable) I could go look at before I start
asking here.  I'm pretty sure my questions are of the sort that makes people
roll their eyes thinking "if I see that question one more time"

I'd also like to learn more about FTS, but not sure where to start with that

Thanks in advance.
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] How to bind data to Data Grid VB6

2007-10-01 Thread Dwight Ingersoll
On 10/1/07, Olaf Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> @ Dwight:
> The wrapper at phxsoftware is not ADO-compatible AFAIK.
> (ADO and ADO.NET are two different animals, since
> ADO is part of the COM-world as is VB6)

My bad.  I've been using C# lately and didn't realize there was a
differentiation.  The little bit i've done with the wrapper seemed similar.
Thx for the heads up.

Re: [sqlite] SQL command support question

2007-10-01 Thread Dwight Ingersoll
> I was wondering if SQLite supports the command

Can't you accomplish this in the programming language you're using to access
the SQLite database?  The SQLite command line utility ( has an option for specifying an output

Re: [sqlite] How to bind data to Data Grid VB6

2007-10-01 Thread Dwight Ingersoll
> I would lige to give a datagrid.datasource a recordset resulting
> from a query of SQLite, but I do not know how to do, since SQLite
> cannot give me a RecordSet as result (I guess...)

The SQLite wrapper at provides ADO access (
i.e. records sets) to SQLite databases.

Re: [sqlite] Can I simulate a COMMIT?

2007-09-08 Thread Dwight Ingersoll
On 9/7/07, Yves Goergen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> in a scenario when multiple operations need to be transactionally
> synchronised, I have a file that must be deleted when the database
> records are added successfully, but the database operations must be
> rolled back, if the file cannot be deleted.

Assuming the data files you are working with are of a manageable size,
either read the file into a variable in your code and then process it if the
file delete succeeds, or import the data file into a work table in SQLite,
and then attempt the file delete.

Re: [sqlite] SQL-92 Syntax Question

2007-09-07 Thread Dwight Ingersoll
On 9/7/07, Brad Stiles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Anyway, if I understand what you're saying, I believe what you want is an
>  outer join TABLE1 T1 on T2.COLUMN = T1.COLUMN
> That will get all rows from T2, and matching rows from T1.  If no row in
> T1 exists, then T1.COLUMN will be null.

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.  I created a test database
and tables, and was able to figure it out.  Turns out LEFT JOIN does exactly
what I was looking for.  I'm pasting in the text below just in case anyone
else finds it useful (the concept more than the SQL syntax).





Thanks again for the tip.

Re: [sqlite] New Operator Support

2007-09-07 Thread Dwight Ingersoll
On 9/7/07, RaghavendraK 70574 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Its to get involved in the development of sqlite.If possible
> move to contrib section.a dream.

If that's the case, I think the first step is to post your proposal, and get
input from the SQLite community as to whether the modification would be
useful enough to be included in the base distribution.

[sqlite] SQL-92 Syntax Question

2007-09-07 Thread Dwight Ingersoll
I learned SQL before the SQL-92 standard was in place.  The database
engines I used (SQL Server and Oracle) have their own proprietary
methods for indicating forced inner outer joins.  I haven't looked at
this code in over 10 years, so I'm a little unclear about exactly what
the result set returned was, and I don't have a database in place to
play with these as yet.

The SELECT I have is:


In SQL Server, the *= indicates a forced inner join which would cause
a record to be generated regardless if it existed in the T1 table or
not.  The result set generated (if I remember correctly) would set the
T1.COLUMN to null if it did not appear in the T1 table and both
columns would be populated if the record existed in both tables.
Changing the *= to =* caused the reverse of this.

So my questions are how would this be expressed in SQL-92 (or more to
the point SQLite) syntax, and am I mistating the result set that would
be returned by this (there was another post in the mailing list on how
to determine whether a record existed in a primary table or not, and I
didn't want to spread bad advice).

Thanks in advance.

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Re: [sqlite] SQL approach to Import only new items, delete other items

2007-09-07 Thread Dwight Ingersoll
On 9/6/07, Andre du Plessis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Im importing data
> The data has a unique value, call it MD5 for now that could be a unique
> value for the data.
> Each record that gets imported is converted to MD5, a lookup is done on
> the table for that MD5,
> if found it must leave it alone, if not found it must insert a new
> record...


A SQL approach to this would be to force a left inner join creating a result
set which would indicate which records currently exist/does not exist in the
primary table.  So in the result set, if both columns have values, then the
record exists in the primary table and needs to be updated, if the column
from the primary table is null, then it doesn't exist and must be inserted.
To determine which records need to be deleted, force a right outer join, and
use similar logic to determine which records need to be deleted.

Unfortunately the SQL dialects I learned were prior to SQL-92, and my
examples use the database engine proprietary syntax to indicate forced
inner/outer joins, so I can't give you an example.  I'm going to post
another message asking what the correct syntax would be in SQL-92 terms.

Re: [sqlite] Problem opening a new SQLite3 database file

2007-08-24 Thread Dwight Ingersoll
On 8/23/07, Dennis Achá <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I cannot open a new SQLite3 database file through the command prompt.  In
> the
> windows "run" window, I type "SQLite3 mydatabase.db3" and I get the
> following error
> message:


Using Start Menu/Run is not the most flexible way of running the SQLite
command line utility.  The error message you are getting is being generated
because the directory where you placed the SQLite files is not defined in
your PATH variable so they cannot be found from the Run window.  To modify
the PATH variable in XP:

   1. Right click on My Computer.
   2. Select 'Properties'
   3. Click the 'Advanced' tab.
   4. Locate the 'Environment Variables' button and click it.
   5. On the bottom half of the screen under 'System Variables' select
   'Path' (you may have to scroll down to find the the Path variable).
   6. Click the 'Edit' button.
   7. Add the directory where you placed the SQLite files (make sure you
   include a semicolon (;) before the new entry).

While not advisable, you can also copy/move the SQLite files to a directory
already defined in the PATH variable and running the SQLite3.exe should
work.  I haven't worked with Win98 in a long time so I'm not sure where the
Environment Variables settings are located for that OS.

Re: [sqlite] example of import/copy for Windows?

2007-08-21 Thread Dwight Ingersoll
On 8/21/07, Preston, Brian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> Does anyone have an example of doing an import from a .sql file into an
> existing sqlite3 db?  I've tried:
> sqlite3 .import  
> sqlite3 .import  | 
> sqlite3   .import
> sqlite3  |  .import
> and various other permutations.  It usually give me an error saying
> 'syntax error at' the start of my 


I'm assuming you're including the greater/less than signs in the above
commands.  These have special significance to the command shell and should
be omitted.  Also, you've reversed the parameters, so assuming that your
using your C: drive, your database is named TEST.DB in a directory called
DATABASE, and that your datafile is called INPUTDATA.SQL in a directory
called DATA, the command should look like:


According to what I read, the .dump command includes both the DDL to create
your database schema as well as the data within the tables.  I don't have my
database far enough along to confirm this.

>From reading your message, it appears that you're not familiar with working
at the command line (in your example, it seems your confusing what commands
are available at the command line, and what commands are available once
you've invoked the sqlite3 utility).  I think it would be beneficial if you
read up on the subject on Google, or located a book on the subject.
O'Reilly books has an excellent book on the NT command shell, which hasn't
changed since that release, so it will still apply no matter what Windows OS
you're using.

Re: [sqlite] Unique ids for each record

2007-08-21 Thread Dwight Ingersoll
On 8/20/07, Sreedhar.a <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> I want to restrict the Artist range to 100 to 199 so that with the id
> I can make my search fast and also I knew with unique id that I need to
> search for the Artist alone.


Considering the small range of data it appears you want to deal with, SQLite
should be more than capable of quickly returning the results you desire,
especially since it appears that you're using a numeric field as primary

It would be helpful to understand why you chose this approach, and the
source of your data.  The reason I'm asking is because the project I'm
currently working on is an offline viewer which utilizes the data available
from the FreeDB Organization.

Re: [sqlite] [Visual Basic] How do you work with SQLite?

2007-08-14 Thread Dwight Ingersoll
On 8/9/07, Gilles Ganault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello
> I was wondering: how do you VB developpers work with SQLite?
> Currently, I use a variant array that I fill with data from SQLite, and
> use
> ComponentOne's grid object to display the data through its LoadArray()
> method; If/once the data is updated by the user, I write the array back to
> SQLite.
> Do you use ADO et al? Other ways to connect VB and SQLite?

I've been using the System.Data.SQLite ADO.NET provider from
It seems to be actively developed, and the author seems to be fairly
responsive on his forums.

RE: [sqlite] File Permission and Busy Handler Issue in SQLite

2007-08-09 Thread Dwight Ingersoll
--- Kiran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> This make me suspect that there is some point which
> I am missing or may be it is a defect in SQLite.

I wouldn't necessarily call a product defective simply
because it didn't behave in the manner you expected or
wished it to.  Considering what I've seen when other
applications have encountered similar issues, I find
it encouraging that the engine simply went to sleep
leaving the database intact.

> Now suppose my Linux system already has a DB
> with "444" permission (say I copied from another
> Linux machine) and tried running my application,
> then I want to trap the read-only (unable to write)
> scenario.

This doesn't explain why you expect that the file
permissions may change unexpectedly.  While modifying
the source code to handle the situation is a solution,
the *Nix environment already provides these tools for
you.  Start your application in a shell script that
checks the file permissions before launching your
application.  If you're trying to prevent others from
changing the permissions on your database, then create
a user strictly for the process accessing the SQLite
database, and ensure that the permissions are set
prohibiting other users from making modifications to
the DB file.


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Re: [sqlite] Creating index takes over an hour

2007-08-09 Thread Dwight Ingersoll
> Anyone know a simple Windows command line equivalent
> of the cat to dev null command above to put a file
> into OS cache?

The command would be:

type filename.db > nul

but I'm pretty sure that this does not work the same
way under Windows as it does in *Nix.


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Re: [sqlite] Is SQLite Case Sensitive?

2007-08-08 Thread Dwight Ingersoll
--- Lee Crain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am working on an application where I am importing
> data for which great care has NOT been taken to
> ensure uppercase and lowercase letters have been 
> entered appropriately.

Just a suggestion:  This sounds like it's a candidate
for some data scrubbing and cleanup rather than trying
to code for a lot of 'what if' scenarios, especially
since you indicate that the data is pretty freeform. 
It will probably save a lot of development time and
make future debugging easier if your data is in a
known consistent state rather than the currently
somewhat random state you implied.


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RE: [sqlite] Security Problem C/C++

2007-08-07 Thread Dwight Ingersoll
> Is there any way to request the digest form of the
> mailing list?

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