Re: [sqlite] WHERE = does not work

2010-04-30 Thread Rashed Iqbal
I am not sure if this is your issue exactly but I had similar problems when I 
started on SQLite a while ago. It turned out that my table definition was 
case-sensitive and therefore = was not working for me and I had to use LIKE. I 
changed my table definition with COLLATE NO CASE and the problem was solved, 
that is, = worked. Another problem in using LIKE was very slow search (as 
indices do not work with LIKE).

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Simon Davies
Sent: Friday, April 30, 2010 9:06 AM
To: General Discussion of SQLite Database
Subject: Re: [sqlite] WHERE = does not work

On 30 April 2010 16:56, ecforu  wrote:
> this was my first thought so I did a dump to a file and looked at in hex -
> there were no extra characters.  I even tried looking at the db file with a
> hex editor and I could see the PSM text and no extra characters around it
> (except the NULLs on either side which I assume separates the columns).

.dump does not preserve nulls in text fields:

SQLite version 3.6.11
Enter ".help" for instructions
sqlite> create table tst( t timestamp, resType text );
sqlite> insert into tst values( datetime( 'now' ), 'PSM' );
sqlite> insert into tst values( datetime( 'now' ), 'PSM'||X'00' );
sqlite> insert into tst values( datetime( 'now' ), 'PSM'||X'00'||'more text' );
sqlite> .dump
CREATE TABLE tst( t timestamp, resType text );
INSERT INTO "tst" VALUES('2010-04-30 16:01:07','PSM');
INSERT INTO "tst" VALUES('2010-04-30 16:01:07','PSM');
INSERT INTO "tst" VALUES('2010-04-30 16:03:40','PSM');
sqlite> select hex( resType ) from tst;

SELECT hex( resType ) FROM MyTable;

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Re: [sqlite] Case-sensitivity, performance and LIKE

2010-03-31 Thread Rashed Iqbal
Thank you, all for your responses. I did not have access to table
definition so I used collate no-case within statements. However, I still
have very slow performance of the DB. I ran my application using Intel's
VTune performance analyzer and about 90% of time is being spent in the
file sqlite.c. Some of the high-consuming functions are listed below:

sqlite3VdbeExec = 16.87%
sqlite3VdbeMemReleaseExternal = 5.26%
sqlite3ValueText = 4.68%
isLookaside = 4.45%
sqlite3DbFree= 4.40%
sqlite3VdbeChangeEncoding = 3.83%
sqlite3_free= 3.23%
patternCompare = 2.77%
sqlite3VdbeMemNulTerminate = 2.77%
sqlite3VdbeMemRelease = 2.66%
sqlite3Utf8Read = 2.40%
sqlite3VdbeMemStoreType = 2.23%
likeFunc = 2.11%
btreeParseCellPtr = 2.10%
sqlite3BtreeNext = 2.04%

I need to spend time to investigate this further and do optimize but
would be grateful if anyone could offer some insight. 



-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Jay A. Kreibich
Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 8:13 PM
To: Tom Holden
Cc: General Discussion of SQLite Database
Subject: Re: [sqlite] Case-sensitivity, performance and LIKE

On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 10:59:49PM -0400, Tom Holden scratched on the
> - Original Message - From: "Jay A. Kreibich" 
> To: "General Discussion of SQLite Database" 
> Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 9:26 PM
> Subject: Re: [sqlite] Case-sensitivity, performance and LIKE
>> On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 08:41:09PM -0400, Tom Holden scratched on the

>> wall:
>>> - Original Message - From: "Simon Slavin" 
>>> > columnName TEXT COLLATE NOCASE
>>> >
>>> > then all sorting and SELECT queries on it will ignore case.
>>> You don't even have to change the defined collation as you can
impose the
>>> NOCASE collation in the SELECT statement as:
>>> SELECT * from Customers WHERE LastName = 'Shaw' COLLATE NOCASE AND  
>>> FirstName
>>> = 'Gioia' COLLATE NOCASE;

>>  If either/both of these columns has/have indexes, it is best to
>>  it in the table definition.  Otherwise you also need to define it in
>>  index definition, as well as everywhere you expect to use the index.
>>  This is all automatic if everything is built with the collation in
>>  the table definition.

> Maybe it works OK because the custom collation is a superset of the 
> integral NOCASE collation and my data does not lie outside the latter.

  Sorry... I didn't mean to imply this was wrong.  Using a specific
  collation in a query is perfectly OK, and should always result in the
  correct answer.  The issue is that a query will only use an index if
  the query collation and the index collation match.  Given the OP's
  performance motivations, it seemed important.
  Hence, for general situations where performance is a concern, it is
  best to just declare the whole column with whatever collation you
  want to use.  Otherwise, it is all too easy to miss something
  somewhere and end up with a much slower query.

  For one-off specific instances when you want to use a specific 
  collation (or, as in your situation when you cannot re-define the
  table) it is perfectly valid to simply add the collation to the query.
  However, that will result in a full table-scan, even if an index is
  otherwise available.


Jay A. Kreibich < J A Y  @  K R E I B I.C H >

"Our opponent is an alien starship packed with atomic bombs.  We have
 a protractor."   "I'll go home and see if I can scrounge up a ruler
 and a piece of string."  --from Anathem by Neal Stephenson
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[sqlite] Case-sensitivity, performance and LIKE

2010-03-30 Thread Rashed Iqbal
Hello, I need help with the following question:


Is there a way to make SQLite queries case-insensitive? 


For example my query is: 


SELECT * from Customers WHERE LastName = 'Shaw' AND FirstName = 'Gioia'


and I want to be able to get same results no matter if the case is good
in the DB or not or in the query. 


Currently, I am using LIKE as the following: 


SELECT * from Customers WHERE LastName like 'Shaw' AND FirstName like


to take care of case-sensitivity, but I believe there is a performance
penalty associated with using LIKE in SQLite. Is this true? 



sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] SQLite on 64-bit Windows O/S

2010-03-16 Thread Rashed Iqbal
Has anyone compiled and used SQLite on 64-bit Windows? Are there any
code changes that would be needed before compiling? Would the same DB
file work on 32-bit and 64-bit Windows platforms?

Thank you for your help.


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