[sqlite] ORDER BY question

2005-07-26 Thread shamil_daghestani


I'm using sqlite3 and have a list of numbers I'd like returned sorted in
increasing order:
1 1.1 1.10 1.11 1.9 10 11 9 12

However, if their column is defined as numeric, the 1.10 gets converted to
1.1 (which is not what I want) and the result (using ORDER BY) is:
1 1.1 1.1 1.11 1.9 9 10 11 12

I tried defining the column as a text and while the 1.10 is preserved, but
I get dictionary-style results:
1 1.1 1.10 1.11 1.9 10 11 12 9

Any quick and easy solutions.


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Re: [sqlite] ORDER BY question

2005-07-26 Thread shamil_daghestani
I tried that but got:  "no such collation sequence: NUMERIC"

  "Dan Kennedy" 
  o.com>   cc:  
   Subject:  Re: [sqlite] ORDER BY 
  07/26/2005 02:48  
  Please respond to 



--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm using sqlite3 and have a list of numbers I'd like returned sorted in
> increasing order:
> 1 1.1 1.10 1.11 1.9 10 11 9 12
> However, if their column is defined as numeric, the 1.10 gets converted
> 1.1 (which is not what I want) and the result (using ORDER BY) is:
> 1 1.1 1.1 1.11 1.9 9 10 11 12
> I tried defining the column as a text and while the 1.10 is preserved,
> I get dictionary-style results:
> 1 1.1 1.10 1.11 1.9 10 11 12 9

You could define the column as text and use "ORDER BY  COLLATE

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Re: [sqlite] using tcl/tk and sqlite

2005-08-01 Thread shamil_daghestani
In addition to what D.R. Hipp said, you are also creating and closing your
db before you get the chance to enter any data, what you really need is to
create a procedure to (1) open db (2) enter data and (3) close db every
time the "execute" button is pressed.  Below is a complete working example
of what you want to do.  Notice when you use the entry widget you don't
have to worry about using any types of quotes or slashes.

#- create your DB -
load c:/tcla/lib/sqlite/tclsqlite3 sqlite3

  sqlite3 db c:/test.sql
  db eval {
CREATE TABLE t1(a,b,c);

set a  0
set b  0
set c  0

# fire up this proc when the execute button is hit -
proc updateDB {a b c} {
sqlite3 db c:/test.sql ;# open db
db eval {insert into t1 values ($a,$b,$c)} ;# enter data
db close   ;# close db

#--- create & pack your buttons in tcl --
entry .entry1 -width 20 -textvariable a
entry .entry2 -width 20 -textvariable b
entry .entry3 -width 20 -textvariable c
button .button1 -text "execute" -command {updateDB $a $b $c}
pack .entry1 .entry2 .entry3 .button1
#--- the end --

  "D. Richard Hipp" 
  08/01/2005 03:30 Subject:  Re: [sqlite] using 
tcl/tk and sqlite 
  Please respond to 



See my comments below.

On Mon, 2005-08-01 at 21:06 +0200, Peter Berkel wrote:
> Hallo,
> I am not an expert in programming and I try make a frontend
> for sqlite using tcl/tk. See example code below.
> I have the following problem. I try to entry data which I want to insert
in a sqlite database. The Values of the textvariables a b and c in the
entry widget are set in the insert statement.
> What do I wrong and how can I solve the problem so that I can use the
entry widget to insert, modify and delete dat from a sqlite database.
> Thanks for helping me out.
> Peter Berkel
> load tclsqlite3 sqlite3
>   sqlite3 db test.db
>   db eval {
> CREATE TABLE t1(a,b,c);
> }
> set a  0
> set b  0
> set c  0
> entry .entry1 -width 20 -textvariable a
> entry .entry2 -width 20 -textvariable b
> entry .entry3 -width 20 -textvariable c
> db eval {insert into t1 values ($a,$b,$c)}

The statement above does the insert, but it does
so immediately, not in response to the button
press.  To run this command in response to the
button pressed, do this:

button .button1 -text execute -commmand {
   db eval {insert into t1 values($a,$b,$c)}

> button .button1 -text "execute"
> pack .entry1 .entry2 .entry3 .button1
> db close

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For Translation:


Re: [sqlite] specifying field type, any benefit?

2006-01-05 Thread shamil_daghestani
If you have "dot zero(s)"  values (such as, 4.0) do not save them in an
INTEGER column because then they will lose their float characteristics.

insert into students values(John, 4.0)
select age from students where first_name = 'John'
4  <-- got converted to integer


  >Subject:  [sqlite] specifying 
field type, any benefit? 

  01/04/2006 03:54  
  Please respond to 



Hi all,

I switched to sqlite from mysql awhile ago, I maintained the field types
in my sqlite implementation such as:

create table students (first_name TEXT, age INTEGER);

I'm just wondering if there is any point to specifying the field type as if
I try adding a string type into the age field, it seems to be accepted ok:

insert into students values('hello');

Does sqlite have any problem regarding setting a field defined as INTEGER
from a text string (any limits etc?), are there any performance gains to be
had with specifying the field type?


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[sqlite] TCL and SQLITE

2004-04-15 Thread shamil_daghestani
I'm just getting around to using SQLITE to see how it performs. Therefore,
I'm just a beginner.

I have a couple of questions about it: I downloaded the TCL binding and did
pkg_mkIndex to create the pkgIndex.tcl file.  Then I did "package require
sqlite", I got version "2.0".  However, I see from the SQLITE website that
the latest version is 2.8.13.  What's the reason for that?  Is TCL binding
no longer supported by newer versions of SQLITE?

The second question is about speed.  I created the most basic table and did
a loop to insert 1000 integers and that took 207 seconds... an awful lot of
time!!  What did I do wrong, if any, in the example below.

% package require sqlite
% sqlite db c:/newDB
% set start [clock seconds]
% db eval {CREATE TABLE t1(a int)}
% for {set j 1} {$j <= 1000} {incr j} {db eval "INSERT INTO t1 VALUES($j)"}
% puts "total processing time = [expr [clock seconds] - $start]"
total processing time = 207


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Re: [sqlite] TCL and SQLITE

2004-04-15 Thread shamil_daghestani

Thanks Christian.  I figured something just wasn't right... Total
processing time dropped from 207 to just 0.7 seconds


  "Christian Smith"
   Subject:  Re: [sqlite] TCL and SQLITE   
  04/15/2004 09:51 

On Thu, 15 Apr 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>>Try wrapping the inserts in transaction.
>I'm afraid I don't understand...Could you show be in my example below how
>can do that?

Something like:

% package require sqlite
% sqlite db c:/newDB
% set start [clock seconds]
% db eval {CREATE TABLE t1(a int)}
% for {set j 1} {$j <= 1000} {incr j} {db eval "INSERT INTO t1 VALUES($j)"}
% puts "total processing time = [expr [clock seconds] - $start]" total
processing time = 207

>  "Christian Smith"
>  .com>cc:
>   Subject:  Re: [sqlite] TCL
>  04/15/2004 09:30
>  AM
>On Thu, 15 Apr 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>I'm just getting around to using SQLITE to see how it performs.
>>I'm just a beginner.
>>I have a couple of questions about it: I downloaded the TCL binding and
>>pkg_mkIndex to create the pkgIndex.tcl file.  Then I did "package require
>>sqlite", I got version "2.0".  However, I see from the SQLITE website
>>the latest version is 2.8.13.  What's the reason for that?  Is TCL
>>no longer supported by newer versions of SQLITE?
>Should be. Maybe the 2.0 is the minimum supported version
>>The second question is about speed.  I created the most basic table and
>>a loop to insert 1000 integers and that took 207 seconds... an awful lot
>>time!!  What did I do wrong, if any, in the example below.
>Try wrapping the inserts in transaction.
>Without that, each insert requires fsyncs to flush data to disk and
>purging of page cache as cache data is not reused from one transaction to
>the next. All this slows inserts down as their is a lot of IO going on.
>In a single transaction, there is only one lot of fsyncs and the cache is
>maintained throughout.
>>% package require sqlite
>>% sqlite db c:/newDB
>>% set start [clock seconds]
>>% db eval {CREATE TABLE t1(a int)}
>>% for {set j 1} {$j <= 1000} {incr j} {db eval "INSERT INTO t1
>>% puts "total processing time = [expr [clock seconds] - $start]"
>>total processing time = 207
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[sqlite] Newbie --question about multiple PCs accessing sqlite

2004-05-19 Thread shamil_daghestani
I'm contemplating using the TCL binding of sqlite, but the database is to
be located in a shared folder and about 100 users will be accessing it for
read/write purposes.  I would like to take some time to learn as much as
possible to safeguard the database from getting corrupt due to several
users accessing it at the same time.  However, the sqlite website
"http://www.sqlite.org/cvstrac/wiki?p=WhenToUseSqlite" says:

“A good rule of thumb is that you should avoid using SQLite in situations
where the same database will be accessed simultaneously from many computers
over a network filesystem.“

I have 3 questions:

1.From the above statement, Am I right to assume that sqlite is not for
2.If sqlite is feasible for my purpose, where can I find good
information to avoid ending up with a corrupt database
3.The TCL binding I downloaded says version 2.0 and I do not have a C++
compiler, where can I get the most recent binary of TCL sqlite?

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[sqlite] Trying to build tclsqlite.dll

2004-05-28 Thread shamil_daghestani
I'm using XP and trying to build a Tcl biding of SQLite using "Borland 5.5
Builder" but have run against a few obstacles.  This is the very first time
I'm trying such a thing, so bare with me please.

I downloaded sqlite-2.8.13.tar.gz and unzipped the files into the C:\SQLite
folder.  Then I followed these steps at:

   1. Download the two files, Makefile.msvctcl and make_helper.tcl. Install
  them in the SQLite directory (ie. same dir as "configure" and
   2. Do some configuration at the top of Makefile.msvctcl - mainly to tell
  it where you installed TCL.
   3. Do the command: "nmake -f ..\sqlite\Makefile.msvctcl".

in Step 2.  I only changed the two lines to the following:

 TCL_INC = /I"c:\Tcl8.4\include"
 TCL_LIB = "c:\Tcl8.4\lib\tcl84.lib"

To do Step 3, In the Command Prompt I did: C:\> bcc32 nmake -f

But it returns the following error:  could not find file 'nmake.cpp'

Any ideas on what I might be doing wrong would be appreciated.

-Shamil D.

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Re: [sqlite] Trying to build tclsqlite.dll AND the tclsqlite.c file

2004-05-30 Thread shamil_daghestani

bcc32 was inserted because I am using the DOS command prompt.  In either
case, I don't understand why I get a message telling me it cannot find

I also would like some clarification about the tclsqlite.c file.  The TCL
binding of SQLite indicates that the current binary version available for
download is 2.0 (determined with the "package require sqlite" command).  I
suppose that's because tclsqlite.c has the following statement in it:
 tcl_PkgProvide(interp, "sqlite", "2.0");

Is it possible that the binary distribution of tclsqlite.dll is really
version 2.8 and NOT 2.0?  It could be that the reference to version # 2.0
in tclsqlite.c needs to be corrected to some other number!


  "Nuno Lucas" 

  .pt> cc: 
   Subject:  Re: [sqlite] Trying to build 
  05/28/2004 08:44 
  Please respond to

=== On 2004-05-28, shamil_daghestani wrote ===
>   3. Do the command: "nmake -f ..\sqlite\Makefile.msvctcl".
>To do Step 3, In the Command Prompt I did: C:\> bcc32 nmake -f

Shouldn't you type "nmake -f ..." instead of "bcc32 nmake -f ..." !?

~Nuno Lucas

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[sqlite] Read/Write permission

2004-06-09 Thread shamil_daghestani

I'm working on a TCL binding of SQLite database, which is sitting somewhere
in a shared folder at my company.  Few would write to it, but many others
will read from it.  Therefore, in order to protect that database (and other
files in the same location) from accidents, the few that will write to it
have "read/write" permission to that folder, and all others have just
"read" permission.  I quickly discovered that those with only "read"
permission to that folder cannot access the SQLite database to be able to
read from it!  Is this the expect behavior?


% package require sqlite
% sqlite db [S:/database/db.sql]
cannot open S:/database/db.sql

Any ideas or suggestions are appreciated.

-Shamil D.

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Re: [sqlite] Read/Write permission

2004-06-09 Thread shamil_daghestani

Ops... I forget that replying to a message sent to sqlite-users goes only
to the originator and not to the group.

Anyway, I looked through sqlite.org but couldn't find how to properly open
an sqlite database in read-only mode.  If any knows how to do so
(preferably in TCL binding), please let me know.


  "Darren Duncan"  
  can.net> cc: 
   Subject:  Re: [sqlite] Read/Write 
  06/09/2004 03:41 

At 3:35 PM -0400 6/9/04, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>I'm working on a TCL binding of SQLite database, which is sitting
>in a shared folder at my company.  Few would write to it, but many others
>will read from it.  Therefore, in order to protect that database (and
>files in the same location) from accidents, the few that will write to it
>have "read/write" permission to that folder, and all others have just
>"read" permission.  I quickly discovered that those with only "read"
>permission to that folder cannot access the SQLite database to be able to
>read from it!  Is this the expect behavior?

SQLite is probably trying to open the database in read/write mode by
default, which wouldn't work if the folder is read-only.  I think you
need to change your call to 'open' so that it explicitely says to do
it read-only. -- Darren Duncan

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[sqlite] How to handle slashes (\) in text columns

2004-07-20 Thread shamil_daghestani
I'm using the TCL binding of SQLITE and was trying to figure out how to
enter various characters into a text column.  To enter a slash, all I
normally would do is to append another slash to it.  However, this only
works fine if the slash is not the last character in the field.  Consider
the following:

% db eval "insert into t1 values('\')"
%<-- no character

% db eval "insert into t1 values('\\')"
% \\ <-- slash did not escape!!

% db eval "insert into t1 values('\\TEST')"
% \TEST  <-- returns as expected

% db eval "insert into t1 values('TEST\\')"
% TEST\\ <-- slash did not escape!!

% db eval "insert into t1 values('\\TEST\\')"
% \\TEST\\   <-- now not even the first slash was escaped!!

In short, what I'm asking is how can I insert text with one slash at the

-Shamil D.

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Re: [sqlite] How to handle slashes (\) in text columns

2004-07-20 Thread shamil_daghestani

I'm afraid I still get //

% db eval "insert into t1 values('')"
% //

Quoting Hell it still is...

-Shamil D.

  "Lawrence Chitty"
 Subject:  Re: [sqlite] How to handle 
slashes (\) in text columns   
  07/20/2004 05:30 PM  

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2004 10:02 PM
Subject: [sqlite] How to handle slashes (\) in text columns

> I'm using the TCL binding of SQLITE and was trying to figure out how to
> enter various characters into a text column.  To enter a slash, all I
> normally would do is to append another slash to it.  However, this only
> works fine if the slash is not the last character in the field.  Consider
> the following:
> % db eval "insert into t1 values('\')"
> %<-- no character
> % db eval "insert into t1 values('\\')"
> % \\ <-- slash did not escape!!
> % db eval "insert into t1 values('\\TEST')"
> % \TEST  <-- returns as expected
> % db eval "insert into t1 values('TEST\\')"
> % TEST\\ <-- slash did not escape!!
> % db eval "insert into t1 values('\\TEST\\')"
> % \\TEST\\   <-- now not even the first slash was escaped!!
> In short, what I'm asking is how can I insert text with one slash at the
> end?

I'm rather rusty on Tcl, but I think that this is what tcl'ers refer to as
quoting hell.

The short answer is that you need 4 slashes, e.g.
db eval "insert into t1 values('')"

The reason goes something like this - the first pass of the quoted stuff
expands variables and does the slash escaping which leaves us with 2
slashes. The eval then causes the slash escaping to happen again.

There may be better ways to handle this ?. I did a quick search but didn't
come up with any conclusive. You could ask this question on comp.lang.tcl
and see if they have a cleaner suggestion if no-one else here replies.


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[sqlite] error with tclsqlite-3_0_8.zip

2004-10-12 Thread shamil_daghestani
I just downloaded tclsqlite-3_0_8.zip and tried to load tclsqlite3.dll but
failed with:

 couldn't find procedure Tclsqlite_Init

Is there something I'm doing wrong?


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[sqlite] searching for proper date and time stamps

2005-06-23 Thread shamil_daghestani


I'm using the TCL binding of sqlite3
One of the columns in my table has a date and time stamp, something like

07/20/2004 01:35:40
06/20/2005 01:37:01
06/20/2005 12:10:07
06/20/2005 12:17:08
06/20/2005 01:35:00

If I want to get all dates that are later than "06/20/2005 01:00:00"  I
might try:

"select c1 from t1 where c1 > '06/20/2005 01:35:00'"

But that also returns All the above including "07/20/2004 01:35:40" because
(I suppose) comparison starts from the left and it sees 07 which is > than
06.  Any ideas or hints in general where I can get the dates that I'm
looking for?


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