The documentation at states about
the tokenizer
        eligible characters are all alphanumeric characters, the "_"
        and all characters with UTF codepoints greater than or equal to 128
This suggests to me that an underscore is part of words like 'normal'

However, it seems words are still split at the underscore charachter:

CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE simple USING fts3(tokenize=simple);
INSERT INTO simple VALUES('This is a word_with_underscores');
INSERT INTO simple VALUES('This is a wordwithoutunderscores');

-- If the underscore is not a token separator this should yield no records.
SELECT * FROM simple WHERE simple MATCH 'with';
-- The first record is returned though

Tested in version 3.7.2

BTW: a documentation error on 
        SELECT * FROM simple WHERE simple MATCH 'Frustrated');
Several of these lines should drop the last parenthesis.

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