I have several ideas to the wiki:
1- Programming part:
   * SQlite + Ruby (this is my new programming language)
   * SQLite + Python (this is my favorite)
* SQLite on IPhone (I don´t know how is this but I ´ll google it and I can publish on the wiki for all users)
   * SQLite on Symbian (the same)
   * SQlite + Java
   * SQLite + PHP

2- Second part: I want to search information about how SQLite works with ORM; for example with Propel,Doctrine o SQLAlchemy

And for the finish this first contribution: you can say me what clean sheets we can include on the wiki:
* mainly useful pieces of code

What do you think?
I want to start the friday to do all this
You can say if this is useful for the community.


"DBAs must implements decisions based on the best fit of the application,DBMS, 
and platform
......for that reason.......I use PostgreSQL + Linux + SQLite + BSD"

Ing. Marcos L. Ortiz Valmaseda
Línea Soporte y Despliegue
Centro de Tecnologías de Almacenamiento y Análisis de Datos (CENTALAD)

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