Hello !

I've tried to use both ext/misc/sha1.c and ext/misc/shathree.c static linked with sqlite3 and noticed that instead of using an unique prefix for hash_step_vformat like (sha1_step_vformat / sha3_step_vformat) giving an error "duplicated symbol" at link time.

Also the return of sha1 is converted to hexadecimal but the sha3 is not.

Another problem with sha3 is that it clashes when compiled for ARM Android whit a CPU register B0 and I did a dirty patch to allow it compile see bellow:

 ** A single step of the Keccak mixing function for a 1600-bit state
 static void KeccakF1600Step(SHA3Context *p){
   int i;
+#ifdef B0
+#undef B0
   u64 B0, B1, B2, B3, B4;
   u64 C0, C1, C2, C3, C4;
   u64 D0, D1, D2, D3, D4;
   static const u64 RC[] = {
     0x0000000000000001ULL,  0x0000000000008082ULL,

Cheers !

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