What's the right way to use update/commit/rollback hooks to produce a 
replay log?

Currently I'm doing it at a high level by just recording all SQL 
statements into a replay log, and that works really well except fails in 
some cases like with the use of CURRENT_TIMESTAMP.  (Replaying that will 
insert at the time of replay, and not the time of original insert.)

I'm considering switching to a low-level replay log using the hook 
functions.  What's the recommended way to do this?

In particular:

1) How do I hook schema and index changes?  The docs say the update hook 
ignores changes to system tables.

2) Is there any way to determine which columns of a row changed?

3) Replaying INSERT/DELETE is straightforward, where the replay log 
would simply contain something like:

        DELETE FROM <table> WHERE rowid=<rowid>;

        INSERT INTO <table> VALUES ( <rowid>, ... );

But what's the best way to replay an UPDATE?  If I can't determine which 
columns were modified, is there any choice but to update everything?  If 
so, is there any more compact way to do this than:

UPDATE <table> SET <col1>=<val1>, <col2>=<val2>, ... WHERE rowid=<rowid>;

My tables are rather wide, so this will be pretty inefficient, 
especially if I were to update a single column of an entire table.

Thanks for your suggestions!


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