Re: [sqlite] Single row insert failure

2004-11-10 Thread Roderick A. Anderson
Eric Bohlman wrote:
Which can't be the actual code you're using.  Please copy and paste your 
actual code rather than retyping it.
They get a little AR around here when I show actual names of things.  It 
was copied buy I must have lost track of whre is was at while 
obfuscating it.

Bloody Hell.  I just ran it again this AM and it worked!  I did it 
several times and different ways yesterday and kept getting the same 
results.  Today with selection criteria for one row (tuple) I get one 
stored in the SQLite db.

The server it is running on was pretty heavily loaded yesterday.  Could 
have been some Windows file-system issues.
   And of course as soon as I exposed my problem to the world it goes 
away.  Mr. Murphy has it right!

Thanks for taking the time to look it over (and getting me to take a 
clue-stick to my own head. ;-)

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Re: [sqlite] Single row insert failure

2004-11-09 Thread Eric Bohlman
Roderick A. Anderson wrote:
So here is the issue.  Inserting a single row into a SQLite2 database 
doesn't work using perl on a Windows system.

I have a data in a MS SQL Server database I need to process on a Linux 
box (and getting ODBC to work isn't an option at this time) so my cheat 
is to pull the data and put it in the SQLite db mount the share and 
access the data.
  This was part of a new process so I wanted to test it using a single 
row.  I'm sure I have something missing here but it works when I run 
this and inserting multiple rows.

Here is the code.
Which can't be the actual code you're using.  Please copy and paste your 
actual code rather than retyping it.

   use DBI;
   my $dbh1 = DBI->connect( "dbi:ODBC:my.dsn", "user", "password" );
   my $dbh2 = DBI->connect( "dbi:SQLite2:dbname=reports.db", "", "" );
   my $sth1;
   my $sth2;
   $reportsdb->do( "DELETE FROM table1" );
Nowhere have you defined $reportsdb; this shouldn't run.
   $sth1 = $dbh1->prepare(
   "INSERT INTO table1 " .
   "( field1, field2, field3, field4 ) " .
   " VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ? )" );
You're preparing an insert statement for the ODBC database, not the 
SQLite database.

   $sth2 = $dbh2->prepare( "SELECT  field1, field2, field3, field4 FROM
   table1 WHERE field1 = 'XXX'" );
And you're attempting to fetch records from the SQLite database, which 
you (unsuccessfully) tried to empty earlier.

   while ( my @report = $sth2->fetchrow_array() ) {
   # Just to see what is being selected
   print join(' : ', @report) . "\n";
   $sth1->execute( $report[0], $report[1], $report[2], $report[3] );
   # Changed this as part of the testing.  Works for mutiple rows
   # $sth1->execute( @report );
What do you mean by "multiple rows" here?
After running this I looked at the reports.db with notepad, less, and 
strings.  No data, just the table definition.
Of course, since you never executed an insert statement on it.
Is there something I'm missing?  The concern is there could be just a 
single row in the MS SQL Server database.
I think you've misfocused and come up with a red herring; the problem 
doesn't appear to have anything to do with the number of rows fetched.

[sqlite] Single row insert failure

2004-11-09 Thread Roderick A. Anderson
New subscriber butI did check the archives first and did not find 
reference to this (or used the totally wrong search terms).  There was 
one thread to something similar but it didn't pan out.

So here is the issue.  Inserting a single row into a SQLite2 database 
doesn't work using perl on a Windows system.

I have a data in a MS SQL Server database I need to process on a Linux 
box (and getting ODBC to work isn't an option at this time) so my cheat 
is to pull the data and put it in the SQLite db mount the share and 
access the data.
  This was part of a new process so I wanted to test it using a single 
row.  I'm sure I have something missing here but it works when I run 
this and inserting multiple rows.

Here is the code.
   use DBI;
   my $dbh1 = DBI->connect( "dbi:ODBC:my.dsn", "user", "password" );
   my $dbh2 = DBI->connect( "dbi:SQLite2:dbname=reports.db", "", "" );
   my $sth1;
   my $sth2;
   $reportsdb->do( "DELETE FROM table1" );
   $sth1 = $dbh1->prepare(
   "INSERT INTO table1 " .
   "( field1, field2, field3, field4 ) " .
   " VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ? )" );
   $sth2 = $dbh2->prepare( "SELECT  field1, field2, field3, field4 FROM
   table1 WHERE field1 = 'XXX'" );
   while ( my @report = $sth2->fetchrow_array() ) {
   # Just to see what is being selected
   print join(' : ', @report) . "\n";
   $sth1->execute( $report[0], $report[1], $report[2], $report[3] );
   # Changed this as part of the testing.  Works for mutiple rows
   # $sth1->execute( @report );
After running this I looked at the reports.db with notepad, less, and 
strings.  No data, just the table definition.

Is there something I'm missing?  The concern is there could be just a 
single row in the MS SQL Server database.

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