Re: [sqlite] request for additions to sqlite 3.xx

2005-05-13 Thread Nuno Lucas
[13-05-2005 9:31, Chmielewski Andrzej escreveu]

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RE: [sqlite] request for additions to sqlite 3.xx

2005-05-13 Thread Chmielewski Andrzej

Wiadomosc ta jest przeznaczona jedynie dla osoby lub podmiotu,
ktory jest jej adresatem i moze zawierac poufne i/lub
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Re: [sqlite] request for additions to sqlite 3.xx

2005-05-10 Thread Klint Gore
On Mon, 9 May 2005 22:28:34 -0400, "basil thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> database. SQLite is definitely extremely fast and we have no plans of
> abandoning due to lack of stored procedures but definitely would  be nice to
> have...

you could fake it with a view and a instead of trigger

/* setup */
create table param_codes 
(code integer primary key, description varchar (10));
insert into param_codes values (1, 'atest');

/* fake a stored procedure */
create view my_procedure as select 1 as param1,'' as param2;
create trigger my_procedure_body instead of insert on my_procedure
for each row
update param_codes
set description = new.param2
where code = new.param1;

/* test */
select * from param_codes;
insert into my_procedure values (1, 'atest2');
select * from param_codes;


: Klint Gore: "Non rhyming:
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: Mail  University of New England   :  are useless"   :
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Re: [sqlite] request for additions to sqlite 3.xx

2005-05-09 Thread basil thomas
> What's the objection to reading your SQL source out of the database and
> preparing it at program startup?

I have no objection to reading the sql on startup as that is what we are
currently doing. I just want all data access code inside of the database
instead of my source code. Does anyone else think that SQLite should have
stored procedures?? My assumption is that if you are creating views and
triggers, why not also create stored procedures aswell. Nearly every other
database that has triggers (embedded library or not) has stored procedures
aswell. Anyway, as I have pointed out before, I obviously can do without as
we are simulating stored procedures by puting them in resource files from
one large xml file that can be edited external to the source code. We do not
want out data access layer tied too much to SQLite and would prefer to have
all access code in the database itself so our data access layer can
accomadate (lesser obviously) databases on the market with little change
to the code. We can usually work with SQL Server code independant of the
application by using stored procedures as our sole access point into he
database. SQLite is definitely extremely fast and we have no plans of
abandoning due to lack of stored procedures but definitely would  be nice to

Re: [sqlite] request for additions to sqlite 3.xx

2005-05-08 Thread Eric Bohlman
basil thomas wrote:
As for storing queries, I'm not sure how useful this feature is given
that the database engine itself is part of your program.  For simple
queries your best bet is a static sqlite3_stmt object, which you prepare
once at program initiation and refer back to each time it is needed.
Just remember to reset the statement after each query execution.  For
more complex logic you can couple this trick with functions that choose
which query to execute.
Clay Dowling
Yes I am already creating static statement objects at program init time.
That is not the problem. I just do not want  the SQL source in my source
as i would like to control the SQL source seperately inside the database
I can use all of the c++ functions and do whatever I want. That is not my
point either.
I am just asking for a standard way to have stored procedures that do
exactly the
the same simple queries as I am creating now but just implemented as another
object like triggers. The triggers in SQLite are simpled stored procedures
fired by SQLite.
I just want my own stored procedures fired by my user code. This is a just a
simple request
that I think others would find usefull. I am already implementing all the
other features in my code
that simulates a single process/multi-threaded server database. We are using
SQLite just as a storage engine as we are fully implementing an xml database
on top of SQLite.
What's the objection to reading your SQL source out of the database and 
preparing it at program startup?

Re: [sqlite] request for additions to sqlite 3.xx

2005-05-08 Thread basil thomas
> As for storing queries, I'm not sure how useful this feature is given
> that the database engine itself is part of your program.  For simple
> queries your best bet is a static sqlite3_stmt object, which you prepare
> once at program initiation and refer back to each time it is needed.
> Just remember to reset the statement after each query execution.  For
> more complex logic you can couple this trick with functions that choose
> which query to execute.
> Clay Dowling
Yes I am already creating static statement objects at program init time.
That is not the problem. I just do not want  the SQL source in my source
as i would like to control the SQL source seperately inside the database
I can use all of the c++ functions and do whatever I want. That is not my
point either.
I am just asking for a standard way to have stored procedures that do
exactly the
the same simple queries as I am creating now but just implemented as another
object like triggers. The triggers in SQLite are simpled stored procedures
fired by SQLite.
I just want my own stored procedures fired by my user code. This is a just a
simple request
that I think others would find usefull. I am already implementing all the
other features in my code
that simulates a single process/multi-threaded server database. We are using
SQLite just as a storage engine as we are fully implementing an xml database
on top of SQLite.

Re: [sqlite] request for additions to sqlite 3.xx

2005-05-07 Thread Will Leshner
On May 7, 2005, at 4:13 PM, Darren Duncan wrote:
That said, if this were a large database engine, there wouldn't be  
any excuse to leave this feature out of the core.
Yes, that is a good point.

Re: [sqlite] request for additions to sqlite 3.xx

2005-05-07 Thread Darren Duncan
At 12:02 PM -0700 5/7/05, Will Leshner wrote:
I really think locking rows with triggers is the way to go. In fact, 
even if it were built into SQLite itself, I would think the 
implementation would be something like a trigger. To be more 
specific, triggers basically let you insert your own hooks right 
into the VM, so you are guaranteed that the execution of an UPDATE 
or DELETE that fails because of a locked record will unwind itself 

The other cool thing about using triggers to do record locking is 
that there is zero overhead if there are no locks.
I can see some advantages to this, which is basically making the 
application implement the locks, while having this done in an elegant 

SQLite itself is kept a lot simpler.  Also, each application can 
easily customize the granularity of the locks and other related 
details, so that they work best for the situation; eg, one can simply 
mark a parent record as locked and the trigger will enforce that its 
children are also locked at the same time.

That said, if this were a large database engine, there wouldn't be 
any excuse to leave this feature out of the core.

-- Darren Duncan

Re: [sqlite] request for additions to sqlite 3.xx

2005-05-07 Thread Clay Dowling
basil thomas wrote:
2) stored procedures - I know the response will probably be a flat at "NO because SQLite is not a client/server database and if you want that feature use xxx instead". I just would like to save my queries inside the database without having to recompile them again. Very simple as we seem to have triggers already and they look just like the stored procedures that I would like to create. No flow control and access to passed in variables only.
You might want to check out to see the 
features already built in for this (section 2.3, "User-defined 
functions").  This takes care of ugly calculations at any rate.

As for storing queries, I'm not sure how useful this feature is given 
that the database engine itself is part of your program.  For simple 
queries your best bet is a static sqlite3_stmt object, which you prepare 
once at program initiation and refer back to each time it is needed. 
Just remember to reset the statement after each query execution.  For 
more complex logic you can couple this trick with functions that choose 
which query to execute.

Clay Dowling
Lazarus Notes
Articles and Commentary on Web Development

Re: [sqlite] request for additions to sqlite 3.xx

2005-05-07 Thread Will Leshner
On May 7, 2005, at 11:50 AM, Darren Duncan wrote:
However, row-level locking is something else; I see this as being  
too complex to implement in the 3.x series, if SQLite ever  
implements it; so no vote for this.  In fact, the existing support  
to lock the whole database that 3.x supports now, which allows for  
multiple concurrent readers, is quite powerful on its own  
considering the simplicity. That said, if row-level locking is  
supported later, it should probably be a compile-time option, since  
it would slow things down for people that don't use it from the  

I really think locking rows with triggers is the way to go. In fact,  
even if it were built into SQLite itself, I would think the  
implementation would be something like a trigger. To be more  
specific, triggers basically let you insert your own hooks right into  
the VM, so you are guaranteed that the execution of an UPDATE or  
DELETE that fails because of a locked record will unwind itself  

The other cool thing about using triggers to do record locking is  
that there is zero overhead if there are no locks.

Re: [sqlite] request for additions to sqlite 3.xx

2005-05-07 Thread Darren Duncan
I can see stored procedures functions (simple ones at least) as being 
a natural addition considering the existing support for triggers and 
views, and I vote for this too.

However, row-level locking is something else; I see this as being too 
complex to implement in the 3.x series, if SQLite ever implements it; 
so no vote for this.  In fact, the existing support to lock the whole 
database that 3.x supports now, which allows for multiple concurrent 
readers, is quite powerful on its own considering the simplicity. 
That said, if row-level locking is supported later, it should 
probably be a compile-time option, since it would slow things down 
for people that don't use it from the overhead.

-- Darren Duncan
At 10:42 AM -0400 5/7/05, basil thomas wrote:
We have not currently upgraded to version 3.xx even though there has 
been many enhancements
that have made it an even better SQL library. There are 2 features 
that I would suggest be added in the near future:

1) row locking - this seems to be a touchy subject as any mention of 
explicit row locking will take SQLite from a standalone/embedded 
library to a full-blown client/server type architecture. I do not 
know all the internals of SQLite locking except that locking the 
database is severly limiting concurrency if running multiple 
threads. I have read the concurrency document and would really like 
to know how hard it would be to add row/page locking to SQLite??

2) stored procedures - I know the response will probably be a flat 
at "NO because SQLite is not a client/server database and if you 
want that feature use xxx instead". I just would like to save my 
queries inside the database without having to recompile them again. 
Very simple as we seem to have triggers already and they look just 
like the stored procedures that I would like to create. No flow 
control and access to passed in variables only.

Re: [sqlite] request for additions to sqlite 3.xx

2005-05-07 Thread Will Leshner
On May 7, 2005, at 7:42 AM, basil thomas wrote:
1) row locking - this seems to be a touchy subject as any mention  
of explicit row locking will take SQLite from a standalone/embedded  
library to a full-blown client/server type architecture. I do not  
know all the internals of SQLite locking except that locking the  
database is severly limiting concurrency if running multiple  
threads. I have read the concurrency document and would really like  
to know how hard it would be to add row/page locking to SQLite??

It is possible to lock database records with triggers. Just make  
triggers for update and delete and raise an error if the record being  
edited is the record that is locked by the trigger.