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On Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 6:52 PM,  <> wrote:
> I am pretty new to Android but not new to programming.
> I want to do something that I thought was fairly simple, but can't seem to
> find any tutorials anywhere.
> Everything I find is about creating a database and a table from within the
> app once it starts.
> I want to use an existing/already created and loaded SQLite database. It
> contains one table.
> What I have done thus far is use the SQLite3 cmd line tool to create the db,
> the table, and load the table with some records.
> [Just to clarify, I am not working in the device, just on my laptop.]
> I then created a sub-folder in my Eclipse Android project structure under
> the "assets" folder and named it "databases".
> Is this the correct place to put a database file?
> My bigger question is - how do I get to it?
> As a side question, I have successfully worked thru the sqlite db example in
> the Hello, Android book starting on p. 170 but can't seem to find the
> events.db file anywhere.
> Thank you in advance to anyone who would like to help me understand how to
> work with an existing database.
> -Chris
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