[sqlite] c++ - Tell SQLite3, read the subsequent rows

2012-09-13 Thread ArbolOne
I have been able to write to the databaserepeatedly; several records have
been added to it in a table named ‘name’ tolook like this:
Id - tile -  fname - mname - lname
100 - Mr - Me - Who - Papá
101 - Mrs - She - What - Mamá
102 - Mr - He - Who - Papá
I am now trying to read all the informationfrom the table using the below
strip-down C++ code, but no matter what I try I only get the first row
displayed (row Id = 100), I would like to know how does one tell SQLite3 to
read the subsequent rows using the C/C++ API.
void mySQLite3::setStmt(const Glib::ustring s) {
SQLStatement = s;
if (mystmt == NULL) { rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, SQLStatement.c_str(), -1,
mystmt,NULL); }
if(rc != SQLITE_OK) {...}
rc = sqlite3_step(mystmt);
const int mySQLite3::read_int(int pos) {
   if(rc == SQLITE_ROW ) { apint = sqlite3_column_int(mystmt,pos); }
   return apint;
const Glib::ustring mySQLite3::read_str(const int pos) {
   if(rc == SQLITE_ROW ) { apstr = (const
char*)sqlite3_column_text(mystmt,pos); }
   return apstr;
Happiness has many doors, and when one of them closes another opens, yet we
spent so much time looking at the one that just closed that we don't see
the one that just opened..
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] insert help

2011-04-20 Thread ArbolOne
Hell! any body?

Hey folks.
I would like to use sqlite in a C++ program.
Is there a place in the internet where I can see  C/C++ examples of sqlite?

All things in life are temporary.  If going well enjoy it, they will not last 
forever. If going wrong don't worry, they can't last long either.

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] SQLite and MinGWSys

2009-06-30 Thread ArbolOne
I would like to compile SQLite in a WinXP machine, how can I do this 
using MinGW?


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O Allah, make my love for You the most beloved thing to me, and my fear for 
You the most fearful thing to me, and remove from me all worldly needs and 
wants by instilling a passion for meeting You, make the coolness of my eyes to 
worshipping You.”

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] SQLite and MinGWSys

2009-06-30 Thread ArbolOne
I have downloaded the latest version of SQLite as well as the make file 
in the ticket #931 http://www.sqlite.org/cvstrac/tktview?tn=931 
However, after typing 'make' I get a message that saying ' No rule to 
make target 'src/sqlite.h.in', how do I solve this problem?

Gerry Snyder wrote:
 ArbolOne wrote:
 I would like to compile SQLite in a WinXP machine, how can I do this 
 using MinGW?

 Have you looked at the   Notes on Compiling SQLite   section of   
 http://www.sqlite.org/cvstrac/wiki  ?

 A lot of info there. 


 sqlite-users mailing list


ArbolOne.org specializes in Custom Web Site Design, Web Site Re Design, Web 
Site Template Modifications, Web Site Maintenance, Integration of Payment 
Gateways (API's), Database Applications, Custom Applications and much more. 


O Allah, make my love for You the most beloved thing to me, and my fear for 
You the most fearful thing to me, and remove from me all worldly needs and 
wants by instilling a passion for meeting You, make the coolness of my eyes to 
worshipping You.”

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] (no subject)

2009-06-28 Thread ArbolOne

ArbolOne.org specializes in Custom Web Site Design, Web Site Re Design, Web 
Site Template Modifications, Web Site Maintenance, Integration of Payment 
Gateways (API's), Database Applications, Custom Applications and much more. 


O Allah, make my love for You the most beloved thing to me, and my fear for 
You the most fearful thing to me, and remove from me all worldly needs and 
wants by instilling a passion for meeting You, make the coolness of my eyes to 
worshipping You.”

sqlite-users mailing list