I have a Python/wxPython application that inserts data in many places into
various tables in a sqlite database.  All the inserts work fine except for
the latest one:

autoStartcursor.execute('INSERT INTO baseappstart (SerialNumber, Time,
FUSoftwareVersion, GUISoftwareVersion, NexpertVersion, OSISVersion,
SDMSVersion, Login) VALUES ('+serialNum+', '+timetemp+', '+fusBuildVer+',
'+guiVerTemp+', '+nexpertVersion+', '+osisverData+', '+sdmsver+',

I have printed out a test string which returns this:

test string is  INSERT INTO baseappstart (SerialNumber, Time,
FUSoftwareVersion, GUISoftwareVersion, NexpertVersion, OSISVersion,
SDMSVersion, Login)
VALUES (1, 1119528625, unknown, 2.5.6, 02.05, 2.5.4,, Operator)

as far as I can tell the syntax is correct, when I manually insert it using
Sqlite Analyzer it works fine too.   The error returned is
OperationalError: near ".", syntax error.  When I cut this down to just
sending this:

autoStartcursor.execute("INSERT INTO baseappstart (SerialNumber) VALUES
("+test+")"), with test == 'finally', I get the following error:

OperationalError: no such column: finally

I've reached the end of what I can figure out about this, anyone have any
thoughts, or seen this before??

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