Hello out there,

I've just started learning how to use sqlite and the com dll
on Win XP in a VB Environment with MS Visual Studio 2003. The
only Information available to me is the online help coming with
the entire EzTools package and the examples as well.

As I'm new to .NET programming I'd first like to ask if there is
any configuration of XP, VB or the Visual Studio required in order
to get access to the dll's.

Actually I'm following the VB example ...

dim db as SQLITEPLUS35.SqliteDB
dim ds as SQLITEPLUS35.Dataset
dim col as SQLITEPLUS35.Column

db.Init( dll version, licence key, path to lic file )

however compilation fails at the very beginning and complains
that the Module ws not found in the  dim db .. statement.

Can you please help me getting my db up and runnig.

Kind regards


Martin Knirsch

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