Re: [sqlite] Problem with LIKE and greek characters

2012-02-23 Thread Robert Gdula
I'm trying to add ICU to my Sqlite static library, compilation is ok, and I
have file of library, but when I try to use it I've got some errors,
anybody can help me what I do wrong ?

..\..\Library\SQLCIPHER\libSQLCIPHER.a(SqlCipher.o):SqlCipher.c|| undefined
reference to `ucol_strcoll_3_8'|
..\..\Library\SQLCIPHER\libSQLCIPHER.a(SqlCipher.o):SqlCipher.c|| undefined
reference to `_imp__utf8_countTrailBytes_3_8'|
..\..\Library\SQLCIPHER\libSQLCIPHER.a(SqlCipher.o):SqlCipher.c|| undefined
reference to `_imp__utf8_countTrailBytes_3_8'|
..\..\Library\SQLCIPHER\libSQLCIPHER.a(SqlCipher.o):SqlCipher.c|| undefined
reference to `u_foldCase_3_8'|
..\..\Library\SQLCIPHER\libSQLCIPHER.a(SqlCipher.o):SqlCipher.c|| undefined
reference to `u_foldCase_3_8'|
..\..\Library\SQLCIPHER\libSQLCIPHER.a(SqlCipher.o):SqlCipher.c|| undefined
reference to `_imp__utf8_countTrailBytes_3_8'|
..\..\Library\SQLCIPHER\libSQLCIPHER.a(SqlCipher.o):SqlCipher.c|| undefined
reference to `_imp__utf8_countTrailBytes_3_8'|
..\..\Library\SQLCIPHER\libSQLCIPHER.a(SqlCipher.o):SqlCipher.c|| undefined
reference to `_imp__utf8_countTrailBytes_3_8'|
..\..\Library\SQLCIPHER\libSQLCIPHER.a(SqlCipher.o):SqlCipher.c|| undefined
reference to `u_errorName_3_8'|
..\..\Library\SQLCIPHER\libSQLCIPHER.a(SqlCipher.o):SqlCipher.c|| undefined
reference to `u_strToUpper_3_8'|
..\..\Library\SQLCIPHER\libSQLCIPHER.a(SqlCipher.o):SqlCipher.c|| undefined
reference to `u_strToLower_3_8'|
..\..\Library\SQLCIPHER\libSQLCIPHER.a(SqlCipher.o):SqlCipher.c|| undefined
reference to `uregex_setText_3_8'|
..\..\Library\SQLCIPHER\libSQLCIPHER.a(SqlCipher.o):SqlCipher.c|| undefined
reference to `uregex_matches_3_8'|
..\..\Library\SQLCIPHER\libSQLCIPHER.a(SqlCipher.o):SqlCipher.c|| undefined
reference to `uregex_setText_3_8'|
..\..\Library\SQLCIPHER\libSQLCIPHER.a(SqlCipher.o):SqlCipher.c|| undefined
reference to `uregex_open_3_8'|
..\..\Library\SQLCIPHER\libSQLCIPHER.a(SqlCipher.o):SqlCipher.c|| undefined
reference to `ucol_open_3_8'|
..\..\Library\SQLCIPHER\libSQLCIPHER.a(SqlCipher.o):SqlCipher.c|| undefined
reference to `ucol_close_3_8'|
..\..\Library\SQLCIPHER\libSQLCIPHER.a(SqlCipher.o):SqlCipher.c|| undefined
reference to `utf8_nextCharSafeBody_3_8'|
..\..\Library\SQLCIPHER\libSQLCIPHER.a(SqlCipher.o):SqlCipher.c|| undefined
reference to `ucol_close_3_8'|
..\..\Library\SQLCIPHER\libSQLCIPHER.a(SqlCipher.o):SqlCipher.c|| undefined
reference to `uregex_close_3_8'|
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Problem with LIKE and greek characters

2012-02-22 Thread Robert Gdula

I've problem with greek characters when I'm using SQLite, it's no working,
but for English charaters is ok, problem it is only for LIKE, when I use
WHERE for greek characters it's working ok, how to resolve this problem ?
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Problem with LIKE and greek characters

2012-02-22 Thread Robert Gdula
Thank you for the fast response, Mayby someone know any implementation of
LIKE, ICU function for UNICODE ?

W dniu 22 lutego 2012 10:15 użytkownik Dan Kennedy

 On 02/22/2012 03:53 PM, Robert Gdula wrote:


 I've problem with greek characters when I'm using SQLite, it's no working,
 but for English charaters is ok, problem it is only for LIKE, when I use
 WHERE for greek characters it's working ok, how to resolve this problem ?

 SQLite's built-in LIKE operator only understands upper and lower case
 equivalence for the 26 letters used in English.

 If you need it to understand the upper/lower case relationships between
 any other characters, either use the ICU extension or create your own
 implementation of LIKE:**corefunc.html#like

 sqlite-users mailing list**bin/mailman/listinfo/sqlite-**users

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Problem with sqlite and codeblocks (mingw)

2012-01-28 Thread Robert Gdula
Hi, I have a problem with compilation sqlite for mingw and code:blocks,
everything is ok and compilation don't show any abnormal information, but
when I try only add library of sqlite to the linker  of sample wxwidgets
program it doesn't work. Everything is ok when I use normal cosole program
for C++ but when I use wxwidgets everything is wrong, program compile
without any errors and warning but don't show anything on the screen, when
I try debugging.

It is my build log of sqlite library (everything build as a static library):

[ 33,3%] mingw32-gcc.exe  -Wall -g  -Weffc++ -w -Wextra -g
-IC:\MY_PROJECT\SQLCIPHER\lib  -c C:\MY_PROJECT\sqlite\shell.c -o
cc1.exe: warning: command line option '-Weffc++' is valid for C++/ObjC++
but not for C [enabled by default]
[ 66,7%] mingw32-gcc.exe  -Wall -g  -Weffc++ -w -Wextra -g
-IC:\MY_PROJECT\SQLCIPHER\lib  -c C:\MY_PROJECT\sqlite\sqlite3.c -o
cc1.exe: warning: command line option '-Weffc++' is valid for C++/ObjC++
but not for C [enabled by default]
[100,0%] ar.exe -r -s libsqlite.a obj\Debug\shell.o obj\Debug\sqlite3.o
ar.exe: creating libsqlite.a
Output size is 1,28 MB

The sam build log for my sample wxwidgets_app:

-- Build: Debug in Wx_test_sql ---

[ 20,0%] mingw32-g++.exe -pipe -mthreads -D__GNUWIN32__ -D__WXMSW__
-DwxUSE_UNICODE -Wno-attributes -Winvalid-pch -include wx_pch.h
-DWX_PRECOMP -Wall  -g -D__WXDEBUG__  -Weffc++ -w -Wextra -g
-IC:\wxWidgets-2.8.12\include -IC:\wxWidgets-2.8.12\contrib\include
-IC:\wxWidgets-2.8.12\lib\gcc_lib\mswud  -c
C:\MY_PROJECT\Wx_test_sql\wx_pch.h -o wx_pch.h.gch\Debug_wx_pch_h_gch
[ 40,0%] mingw32-g++.exe -pipe -mthreads -D__GNUWIN32__ -D__WXMSW__
-DwxUSE_UNICODE -Wno-attributes -Winvalid-pch -include wx_pch.h
-DWX_PRECOMP -Wall  -g -D__WXDEBUG__  -Weffc++ -w -Wextra -g
-IC:\wxWidgets-2.8.12\include -IC:\wxWidgets-2.8.12\contrib\include
-IC:\wxWidgets-2.8.12\lib\gcc_lib\mswud  -c
C:\MY_PROJECT\Wx_test_sql\Wx_test_sqlApp.cpp -o obj\Debug\Wx_test_sqlApp.o
[ 60,0%] windres.exe -IC:\wxWidgets-2.8.12\include
-IC:\wxWidgets-2.8.12\lib\gcc_lib\mswud  -J rc -O coff -i
C:\MY_PRO~1\WX_TES~3\resource.rc -o obj\Debug\resource.res
[ 80,0%] mingw32-g++.exe -pipe -mthreads -D__GNUWIN32__ -D__WXMSW__
-DwxUSE_UNICODE -Wno-attributes -Winvalid-pch -include wx_pch.h
-DWX_PRECOMP -Wall  -g -D__WXDEBUG__  -Weffc++ -w -Wextra -g
-IC:\wxWidgets-2.8.12\include -IC:\wxWidgets-2.8.12\contrib\include
-IC:\wxWidgets-2.8.12\lib\gcc_lib\mswud  -c
C:\MY_PROJECT\Wx_test_sql\Wx_test_sqlMain.cpp -o obj\Debug\Wx_test_sqlMain.o
[100,0%] mingw32-g++.exe -LC:\wxWidgets-2.8.12\lib\gcc_lib  -o
bin\Debug\Wx_test_sql.exe obj\Debug\Wx_test_sqlApp.o
obj\Debug\Wx_test_sqlMain.o  obj\Debug\resource.res  -mthreads
 -lwxmsw28ud_richtext -lwxmsw28ud_xrc -lwxmsw28ud_aui -lwxmsw28ud_media
-lwxbase28ud_net -lwxbase28ud_xml -lwxmsw28ud_adv -lwxmsw28ud_html
-lwxmsw28ud_core -lwxbase28ud -lwxpngd -lwxjpegd -lwxtiffd -lwxzlibd
-lwxregexud -lwxexpatd ..\sqlite\libsqlite.a -lkernel32 -luser32 -lgdi32
-lwinspool -lcomdlg32 -ladvapi32 -lshell32 -lole32 -loleaut32 -luuid
-lcomctl32 -lwsock32 -lodbc32  -mwindows
Output size is 31,03 MB
Process terminated with status 0 (0 minutes, 14 seconds)
0 errors, 0 warnings (0 minutes, 14 seconds)
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Problem with sqlite and codeblocks (mingw)

2012-01-28 Thread Robert Gdula
No becuase, I need encryption and it is not supported bu wxslite3, I try
Sqlcipher and I have exactly the same problem...,15849.0.html I described it
here but nobody can help me
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Problem with sqlite and codeblocks (mingw)

2012-01-28 Thread Robert Gdula
Thank you, You have right :) Thank's a lot :)

2012/1/28 Black, Michael (IS)

 I don't think you want shell.c in your library.  That has a main which
 will conflict.

 You don't need it anways.

 Michael D. Black

 Senior Scientist

 Advanced Analytics Directorate

 Advanced GEOINT Solutions Operating Unit

 Northrop Grumman Information Systems

 From: []
 on behalf of Robert Gdula []
 Sent: Saturday, January 28, 2012 9:46 AM
 Subject: EXT :[sqlite] Problem with sqlite and codeblocks (mingw)

 Hi, I have a problem with compilation sqlite for mingw and code:blocks,
 everything is ok and compilation don't show any abnormal information, but
 when I try only add library of sqlite to the linker  of sample wxwidgets
 program it doesn't work. Everything is ok when I use normal cosole program
 for C++ but when I use wxwidgets everything is wrong, program compile
 without any errors and warning but don't show anything on the screen, when
 I try debugging.

 It is my build log of sqlite library (everything build as a static

 [ 33,3%] mingw32-gcc.exe  -Wall -g  -Weffc++ -w -Wextra -g
 -IC:\MY_PROJECT\SQLCIPHER\lib  -c C:\MY_PROJECT\sqlite\shell.c -o
 cc1.exe: warning: command line option '-Weffc++' is valid for C++/ObjC++
 but not for C [enabled by default]
 [ 66,7%] mingw32-gcc.exe  -Wall -g  -Weffc++ -w -Wextra -g
 -IC:\MY_PROJECT\SQLCIPHER\lib  -c C:\MY_PROJECT\sqlite\sqlite3.c -o
 cc1.exe: warning: command line option '-Weffc++' is valid for C++/ObjC++
 but not for C [enabled by default]
 [100,0%] ar.exe -r -s libsqlite.a obj\Debug\shell.o obj\Debug\sqlite3.o
 ar.exe: creating libsqlite.a
 Output size is 1,28 MB

 The sam build log for my sample wxwidgets_app:

 -- Build: Debug in Wx_test_sql ---

 [ 20,0%] mingw32-g++.exe -pipe -mthreads -D__GNUWIN32__ -D__WXMSW__
 -DwxUSE_UNICODE -Wno-attributes -Winvalid-pch -include wx_pch.h
 -DWX_PRECOMP -Wall  -g -D__WXDEBUG__  -Weffc++ -w -Wextra -g
 -IC:\wxWidgets-2.8.12\include -IC:\wxWidgets-2.8.12\contrib\include
 -IC:\wxWidgets-2.8.12\lib\gcc_lib\mswud  -c
 C:\MY_PROJECT\Wx_test_sql\wx_pch.h -o wx_pch.h.gch\Debug_wx_pch_h_gch
 [ 40,0%] mingw32-g++.exe -pipe -mthreads -D__GNUWIN32__ -D__WXMSW__
 -DwxUSE_UNICODE -Wno-attributes -Winvalid-pch -include wx_pch.h
 -DWX_PRECOMP -Wall  -g -D__WXDEBUG__  -Weffc++ -w -Wextra -g
 -IC:\wxWidgets-2.8.12\include -IC:\wxWidgets-2.8.12\contrib\include
 -IC:\wxWidgets-2.8.12\lib\gcc_lib\mswud  -c
 C:\MY_PROJECT\Wx_test_sql\Wx_test_sqlApp.cpp -o obj\Debug\Wx_test_sqlApp.o
 [ 60,0%] windres.exe -IC:\wxWidgets-2.8.12\include
 -IC:\wxWidgets-2.8.12\lib\gcc_lib\mswud  -J rc -O coff -i
 C:\MY_PRO~1\WX_TES~3\resource.rc -o obj\Debug\resource.res
 [ 80,0%] mingw32-g++.exe -pipe -mthreads -D__GNUWIN32__ -D__WXMSW__
 -DwxUSE_UNICODE -Wno-attributes -Winvalid-pch -include wx_pch.h
 -DWX_PRECOMP -Wall  -g -D__WXDEBUG__  -Weffc++ -w -Wextra -g
 -IC:\wxWidgets-2.8.12\include -IC:\wxWidgets-2.8.12\contrib\include
 -IC:\wxWidgets-2.8.12\lib\gcc_lib\mswud  -c
 C:\MY_PROJECT\Wx_test_sql\Wx_test_sqlMain.cpp -o
 [100,0%] mingw32-g++.exe -LC:\wxWidgets-2.8.12\lib\gcc_lib  -o
 bin\Debug\Wx_test_sql.exe obj\Debug\Wx_test_sqlApp.o
 obj\Debug\Wx_test_sqlMain.o  obj\Debug\resource.res  -mthreads
  -lwxmsw28ud_richtext -lwxmsw28ud_xrc -lwxmsw28ud_aui -lwxmsw28ud_media
 -lwxbase28ud_net -lwxbase28ud_xml -lwxmsw28ud_adv -lwxmsw28ud_html
 -lwxmsw28ud_core -lwxbase28ud -lwxpngd -lwxjpegd -lwxtiffd -lwxzlibd
 -lwxregexud -lwxexpatd ..\sqlite\libsqlite.a -lkernel32 -luser32 -lgdi32
 -lwinspool -lcomdlg32 -ladvapi32 -lshell32 -lole32 -loleaut32 -luuid
 -lcomctl32 -lwsock32 -lodbc32  -mwindows
 Output size is 31,03 MB
 Process terminated with status 0 (0 minutes, 14 seconds)
 0 errors, 0 warnings (0 minutes, 14 seconds)
 sqlite-users mailing list
 sqlite-users mailing list

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