Hey Igor,

Thanks for your replay. I tried not to use user defined function to do it.
This code is working on SqlServer but on SQLite I get misuse of aggregate:







                 (SELECT COUNT(T2.SUM_SALES)

                  FROM   (SELECT   CUSTOMER,


                                   (SUM(SALES)) AS [SUM_SALES]

                          FROM     Test1MX1000Multi AS T1

                          GROUP BY CUSTOMER,

                                   PRODUCT) AS [T2]

                  WHERE  T1.CUSTOMER = T2.CUSTOMER

                         AND T2.SUM_SALES > T1.SUM_SALES) AS [RANK]

          FROM   (SELECT   CUSTOMER,


                           (SUM(SALES)) AS [SUM_SALES]

                  FROM     Test1MX1000Multi AS T1

                  GROUP BY CUSTOMER,

                           PRODUCT) AS [T1]) AS [TEMP]

WHERE    RANK <= 4



On 10/8/07, Igor Tandetnik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Aviad Harell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > I tried to create user defined function called Rank. which gets
> > partition columns and order by column. this function should create
> > rank according to its parameters. i.e.:
> >
> > select customer, product, sales, Rank(customer,  sales)
> > from table
> >
> > should return:
> >
> > customerA productA 100 0
> > customerA productB 300 2
> > customerA productC 200 1
> > customerA productD 400 3
> > customerB productB 300 1
> > customerB productA 400 2
> > customerB productC 100 0
> >
> > how can i do it? should i use FunctionType scalar or aggregate?
> Scalar. Aggregate function looks at multiple rows and produces a single
> value (see SUM, MAX). A scalar function produces one value per row,
> which is what you want here.
> Note also that you don't really need a custom function here. This query
> should produce the same result:
> select customer, product, sales,
> (select count(*) from tableName t2
>   where t2.customer = t1.customer and t2.sales < t1.sales)
> from tableName t1;
> Igor Tandetnik
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