Having personally written about a dozen virtual table implementations I can 
confirm that those implementations needing a nontrivial  xBestIndex function 
are all based on building an SQLite interface on substantial proprietary 
storage subsystems like an in-memory ISAM table (with configurable record and 
key structure), a Faircom CTree driver (adding configurable record and key 
structure), a partition provider (allowing storage to be split between several 
tables of identical structure by configurable record fields), etc.

One of the more challenging tasks involved adding a fastbit based index to a 
variable record length event logfile for an OLTP application.

"Simple" virtual tables require retrieval by "rowid" (e.g. memory address or 
file offset) at best.

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Jay Kreibich [mailto:j...@kreibi.ch]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 11. Februar 2015 04:04
An: Peter Aronson; General Discussion of SQLite Database
Betreff: Re: [sqlite] Porting SQLite to another operating system (not supported 
out of the box)

On Feb 10, 2015, at 11:21 AM, Peter Aronson <pbaron...@att.net> wrote:

> You could add VFS creation if you ever do a revised edition (along with a 
> virtual table example that actually used xBestIndex and xFilter…)

Given that the book is over four years old and covers to the end of SQLIte3 
3.6.x, there are a lot of things that would need to go into a revised edition… 
including a lot more examples of everything, according to reviews.  We greatly 
underestimated the number of SQLite developers that were touching SQL for the 
first time, and I would have never guessed people would have considered yet 
another SQL lesson to be so important, given that there are a million books and 
a bazillion websites on learning SQL basics.  You can literally find books on 
“SQL For Dummies” (Allen Taylor) to “SQL For Smarties” (Joe Celko), and 
everything in-between.  That last book (or books, actually) is awesome, BTW, 
and the “Advanced SQL Programming” one should be on the shelf of every database 
programmer doing anything more advanced than an address book.

Regardless, if we do a second edition (and at this point that’s an extremely, 
exceptionally big “if”), VFS is unlikely to make the cut.  Consider that out of 
the thousands of SQLite applications and billions of installed databases, there 
are likely less than 100 production VFS modules in the whole world.  Spending a 
lot of time and pages, driving up the cost of the book, covering an extremely 
advanced and obscure topic is a poor trade-off (every page averages about a day 
to write/edit/prep, and adds about $0.10 to the price of the book).  If you 
need that level of integration and detail, working in the guts of the I/O and 
locking system, you should likely hand the task to a systems engineer that is 
familiar with the problem domain and isn’t afraid of looking through a few 
headers and examples to figure it all out.  It’s advanced, custom stuff that 
is, almost by definition, not textbook work.  It is the kind of work that 
requires digging through nitty-gritty code, documentation, and examples from 
both SQLite and your environment.  This is the kind of thing that’s learned 
from years of experience, not by reading it in a book.

That isn’t meant to be a criticism of the original poster— there is a huge 
difference between asking if anyone knows where to start looking, and asking 
for detailed step-by-step instructions.  In fact, if we did decide to put some 
information about VFS modules in a book, it would likely be a discussion of how 
the structures and APIs fit together, what they’re used for, and the types of 
things that can be done with them— exactly the kind of info you need to get 
started, but not much beyond that.  After all, what goes in those functions is 
going to be extremely dependent on the environment the VFS is trying to use.

I might say similar things about the xBestIndex() and xFilter() functions.  
While the APIs and how they are used is a tad confusing, their purpose and 
function should be reasonably straight forward to someone comfortable with 
relational data management and design.  While the book attempts to cover how 
the APIs are meant to perform their tasks (and has a six page discussion on 
their purpose and use), actually writing such a function is extremely dependent 
on understanding the virtual table being design— and the data in it. I feel it 
is something that just needs to be done by a skilled engineer, with a lot of 
detailed knowledge about the problem that’s trying to be solved.  Again, there 
aren’t any real textbook examples here; yes, I could write a contrived example, 
but if they didn’t understand from a general description, a single specific 
example is unlikely to help anyone in their specific case.  At the end of the 
day, both functions are an optimizations anyways.  You can write a functional 
virtual table without them, it might just run a tad slower.  If you really need 
that last bit of performance, you need an engineering that knows how to get 
detailed work done, and can verify the correctness of the system when they’re 
done— even if it involves a little of banging heads against walls, and cursing 
at the debugger.  That’s where the magic happens anyways.


Jay A. Kreibich < J A Y @ K R E I B I.C H >

"Intelligence is like underwear: it is important that you have it, but showing 
it to the wrong people has the tendency to make them feel uncomfortable." -- 
Angela Johnson

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