I've got a single database, with about 10,000 records (the file is 944KB). I have a feature that will re-populate the database from external disk files. If the database is already populated, then the feature just walks the disk files and validates that each file is already in the database. IF I have good indices, the feature takes about 5 seconds to run. IF I have bad indices, the feature takes about 2-5 minutes to run.

If I create 1 index from my app, the feature runs fast.
CREATE INDEX foldername_index ON cabs (foldername);

If I create 2 indices from my app, the feature runs REAL slow.
CREATE INDEX foldername_index ON cabs (foldername);
CREATE INDEX cuid_index ON cabs (cuid,duid);

If I create 1 or 2 indices from sqlite3.exe on my database, then the feature runs REAL FAST!

___WRAP UP___
I've been working on this all day, with little success to deterine the difference. Any ideas?

My app does the following, on an already populated database:
Note: I'm using "CppSQLite3" as a wrapper.

sqlite3_exec(m_pDB, "CREATE INDEX foldername_index ON cabs (foldername);", 0, 0, &err); sqlite3_exec(m_pDB, "CREATE INDEX cuid_index ON cabs (cuid,duid);", 0, 0, &err);

Any ideas why the creation of the SECOND index makes everything stop working right?


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