Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS on MacOS 10.15 "Catalina"?

2020-09-02 Thread SteveShort

mherger wrote: 
> >
> Have you tried re-installing LMS? The PrefPane should be 64-bit
> compatible.

That's what I'm trying to avoid as everything except the preference pane
is working. As you say the PrefPane should be 64-bit compatible so I
don't understand why it fails.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS on MacOS 10.15 "Catalina"?

2020-09-02 Thread Michael Herger

That's what I'm trying to avoid as everything except the preference pane
is working. As you say the PrefPane should be 64-bit compatible so I
don't understand why it fails.

Re-installing LMS is usually a quick and painless process. Just download 
the package, install it. No uninstall needed. Shouldn't take more than a 
few minutes. And your situation can only get better, right?


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[SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS Nightly builds not available for download

2020-09-02 Thread CJS

Just want to report that at this moment in time none of the LMS nightly
builds (7.9.4 and 8.0.0) are available for download.
URL that I am using is
I suppose this is a temporary server problem?

| LMS 7.9.4 | Squeezebox Boom | RPi0W + pCP 6.1.0 + HiFiBerry DAC+ Zero

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS Nightly builds not available for download

2020-09-02 Thread Michael Herger

Just want to report that at this moment in time none of the LMS nightly
builds (7.9.4 and 8.0.0) are available for download.
URL that I am using is
I suppose this is a temporary server problem?

Thanks for the heads up! IT is doing some maintenance work. Should be 
back shortly.


Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Replay Gain: how can Peak > 1? And how to create headroom for Gain>0

2020-09-02 Thread rbl

SpiderJon wrote: 
> To quote from the ReplayGain specification
> "Psychoacoustically coded audio, such as MP3, does not exist as a
> sequence of samples until it is decoded. Psychoacoustic coding of a
> heavily limited file can lead to sample values larger than digital full
> scale upon decoding. The coded files must be decoded using a fully
> compliant decoder that allows peak overflows (i.e. has headroom) and may
> result in peak amplitude values greater than 1.0."
> Last para of 'Peak Amplitude' section at

Bingo! Foobar2000 only generated peaks > 1.0 on mp3 files and not FLAC
files which is what you would expect if this were correct.

SpiderJon wrote: 
> The "Clipping prevention" section of the RG standard -may -be relevant
> here. (Apologies if it's not!)

It says that it recommends 14dB headroom which sounds sensible. 14dB is
also well within the extra 8 bits resolution the SB3's 24bit DAC gives
you so there shouldn't be any loss in audio quality. 

But the problem is I don't know how to get LMS 7.9.2 to do this? It
doesn't seem to have any headroom at the moment as tracks with a peak of
1.0 and a Gain > 0.0 don't seem to have their volume increased at all.
Any idea how to do this?

SB3 -> Quad 909 -> Quad Electrostatic speakers, Quad 405 -> TBI
3 x SB3s + SB Radio
LMS on Raspbian on a Pi4
Rotel RSP1068 surround processor, Quad 99 -> B&W surround

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[SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] How does Advanced Search handle multiple genre tags?

2020-09-02 Thread RobbH

I have tried to ask this question before but got no response, probably
because I sabotaged it by using unclear, confusing language.

Rather than adding to that earlier thread, I am starting over and trying
to be clear this time. (Seriously, it may not look like it, but I am

As the subject line says, I am curious about how Advanced Search works
when files contain multiple genre tags. The screenshot shows the
available options.


Here's what I think they mean:

"Any Genre" means ignore the genre field when searching,

"text search" means search for files containing any of a list of genres
typed in the text entry field,

"not in text search" means search for files NOT containing any of a list
of genres typed in the text entry field.

It is also possible to select one of the genres from the dropdown list
to search for files containing that genre.

Let's imagine all my music is tagged with one or more of these four

Rock, Jazz, Country, Classical.

Most files are tagged with just one of those genres, but some contain
multiple genres. Weather Report might be tagged as Jazz and Rock. Asleep
At The Wheel would be Rock and Country. William Russo's Three Pieces for
Blues Band and Symphony Orchestra would be Rock and Classical. And so
on. Some files might even be classified in three of those genres, but I
don't think any would be in all four.

If I select "text search" and then enter "Rock,Jazz", I expect the
search results to include every file that is tagged with either of those
genres, alone or in combination with other genres. All three of the
examples I mentioned would be included.

And this appears to be exactly how the text search option works. So far,
so good!

But if I select "not in text search" and enter "Rock,Jazz", it does not
work as I expect. In this case, I expect the search results to be the
inverse of the previous one. This search would find every file that was
NOT in the previous results and none that were included in that one.
There would be no files tagged Jazz or Rock, no matter what other genre
tags they might have. If it worked as I think it should, none of the
examples I mentioned earlier would be included.

What appears to happen is that "not in text search" works as expected
for files that contain only one genre tag. All files tagged Rock or Jazz
and nothing else will be excluded from the results. If files contain
multiple genre tags, they will be excluded from the results ONLY if ALL
the genres in their tags are in the list. So, of the examples I gave
earlier, Weather Report would be excluded, because it is tagged Jazz and
Rock, and both of those genres are listed. But Asleep At The Wheel would
be in the results, even though it is tagged Rock, because it is also
tagged Country, which is not on the list. The Russo piece would be
included, despite its Rock tag, because it is also tagged Classical.

Is anyone willing to test this? I'd like to know if it's working the
same way for others. And I am very curious if this is the way it is
expected to work.

|Filename: advanced-search3.png |

LMS 8 nightly; 3 Squeezelite players connected by powerline ethernet; 5
wireless players connected via Airplay Bridge; 1 SqueezeAmp player
no high-end or esoteric audio gear
1 Squeezebox Radio (upgraded UE Smart Radio) now mostly retired

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Replay Gain: how can Peak > 1? And how to create headroom for Gain>0

2020-09-02 Thread SpiderJon

rbl wrote: 
> It says that it recommends 14dB headroom which sounds sensible. 14dB is
> also well within the extra 8 bits resolution the SB3's 24bit DAC gives
> you so there shouldn't be any loss in audio quality. 
> But the problem is I don't know how to get LMS 7.9.2 to do this? It
> doesn't seem to have any headroom at the moment as tracks with a peak of
> 1.0 and a Gain > 0.0 don't seem to have their volume increased at all.
> Any idea how to do this?

If I'm understanding the way ReplayGain works, the 14dB headroom gets
'built in' when it calculates the gain for a track/album, relative to
the pink noise reference.  

See 'Gain calculation' at

But, obviously, it's also up to the player (so, LMS in this instance) to
implement the application of ReplayGain.

See 'Player requirements' at

So far as I know, LMS doesn't have any form of pre-amplification. 
Beyond that, I don't anything specific about how LMS does loudness
normalization or clipping prevention.  Maybe mherger or someone else who
knows a lot more about it than I do (which leaves the field wide open)
will be along...


Duet x 3, via various hi-fi. LMS on Raspbian/Linux 10 (buster) + OMV5 on
a Pi4.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Replay Gain: how can Peak > 1? And how to create headroom for Gain>0

2020-09-02 Thread slartibartfast

SpiderJon wrote: 
> If I'm understanding the way ReplayGain works, the 14dB headroom gets
> 'built in' when it calculates the gain for a track/album, relative to
> the pink noise reference.  
> See 'Gain calculation' at
> But, obviously, it's also up to the player (so, LMS in this instance) to
> implement the application of ReplayGain.
> See 'Player requirements' at
> So far as I know, LMS doesn't have any form of pre-amplification. 
> Beyond that, I don't know anything specific about if/how LMS does
> loudness normalization or clipping prevention.  Maybe mherger or someone
> else who knows a lot more about it than I do (which leaves the field
> wide open) will be along...
> SpiderI think if a track has a replaygain value which is positive then LMS
does not apply the full gain if clipping would occur. A message appears
in the WebUI confirming how much gain has been applied.

Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

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[SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Failed to download, will try again in x minutes. Intervals ok?

2020-09-02 Thread dolodobendan

Found this in the log:


  [20-09-02 03:06:37.5024] Slim::Utils::Firmware::downloadAsyncError (580) 
Warning: Firmware: Failed to download (403 
Forbidden), will try again in 10 minutes.
  [20-09-02 03:06:38.4671] Slim::Utils::Firmware::downloadAsyncError (580) 
Warning: Firmware: Failed to download (403 
Forbidden), will try again in 20 minutes.
  [20-09-02 03:16:37.2541] Slim::Utils::Firmware::downloadAsyncError (580) 
Warning: Firmware: Failed to download (403 
Forbidden), will try again in 40 minutes.
  [20-09-02 03:26:38.1938] Slim::Utils::Firmware::downloadAsyncError (580) 
Warning: Firmware: Failed to download (403 
Forbidden), will try again in 80 minutes.
  [20-09-02 03:56:37.1461] Slim::Utils::Firmware::downloadAsyncError (580) 
Warning: Firmware: Failed to download (403 
Forbidden), will try again in 160 minutes.
  [20-09-02 04:46:38.2628] Slim::Utils::Firmware::downloadAsyncError (580) 
Warning: Firmware: Failed to download (403 
Forbidden), will try again in 320 minutes.
  [20-09-02 06:36:37.2635] Slim::Utils::Firmware::downloadAsyncError (580) 
Warning: Firmware: Failed to download (403 
Forbidden), will try again in 640 minutes.
  [20-09-02 10:06:38.5459] Slim::Utils::Firmware::downloadAsyncError (580) 
Warning: Firmware: Failed to download (403 
Forbidden), will try again in 1280 minutes.

The retry intervals are a bit strange. There are two files, fab4 and
jive. On the one hand, they are regarded as independent: fab4: "will try
again in 10 minutes". But a second later there's a try for jive. LMS is
not waiting 10 minutes. Thus, independent. On the other hand, the
interval is doubled nonetheless, despite it being the first try for
jive. Is this intentional? Shouldn't it be (in this case):


  fab4 ~ will try again in 10 minutes.
  jive ~ will try again in 10 minutes.
  fab4 ~ will try again in 20 minutes.
  jive ~ will try again in 20 minutes.

QLMS 8.0.0@2.21 x64 (digimaster) with perl 5.30.1 / QNAP 469L QTS 4.3.4

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] separate libraries?

2020-09-02 Thread stroom

Thanks Kidstypike for the clear explanations and examples. I got it
finally working as well.

Squeezebox 3 // Squeezebox Touch // Squeezebox Boom//  Squeezebox
Radio// Raspberry pi

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] separate libraries?

2020-09-02 Thread kidstypike

stroom wrote: 
> Thanks Kidstypike for the clear explanations and examples. I got it
> finally working as well.

Thanks, good to hear. :cool:

*Server - LMS 8.0.0 *Pi4B 4GB/Flirc case/pCP 6.1.0 - 74K library,
playlists & LMS cache on SSD (ntfs)
*Study -* Pi3B+/pCP 6.0.0/pi screen/HiFiBerry DAC+/jivelite,
*Lounge* - Pi2/pCP 6.0.0 > HiFiBerry DIGI+ > AudioEngine DAC1 > AVI DM5
*Dining Room* - Squeezebox Boom
*Garage* - Squeezebox Radio > Edifier R980T

*Spares* - 2xTouch, 1xSB3, 1xRadio, 7xRPi

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Replay Gain: how can Peak > 1? And how to create headroom for Gain>0

2020-09-02 Thread MainSqueeze

LMS's clipping prevention considers two factors: the track peak and the
amount of positive gain calcuated by ReplayGain. If those two add up to
more than 0dBFS (or 1.0 on the ReplayGain scale), then LMS limits the
gain to keep below that threshold.

LMS's clipping prevention doesn't consider any additional headroom you
might create, for instance by lowering the volume on your Touch or other

Foobar calculates ReplayGain for a target level of -18LUFS (roughly
equivalent to -89dB). That's fine for contemporary pop, rock, R&B,
hip-hop and jazz, even reissues of (say) 1960s jazz, because most of
those will have negative RG values.

For classical music, which will often need positive gain to reach
-18LUFS (as much as 27.53dB, e.g. for Schoenberg's "Kleine
Klavierstücke", with similar values for Webern, Debussy and Stravinsky),
you have two options:

You can either use a more conservative RG setting. The excellent
'loudgain' (, for example, allows
you to set the target level at -23LUFS, which would allow an additional
5dB or so in positive gain. (-23LUFS is from the original EBU R128
specification, while Foobar's -18LUFS is a compromise for the sake of
compatibility with the old RG standard and modern consumer electronics,
incl. mobile phones).

Or you can switch off RG whenever you play classical music (and anything
else with serious dynamics, for that matter). That's the approach I
ended up with, partly because I don't have any classical playlists (I
almost always play whole works), partly because I hesitate to apply
-23LUFS attenuation in the digital domain, when I'll often have to
compensate for that by turning up the analogue volume (i.e. I doubt it
makes sense to first lower SNR only to then amplify the result), and
partly because my amp comes with a handy sensitivity switch that adds
6dB in gain.

Oh, and by the way, you may find peaks greater than 1 in FLAC files as
well, especially when you use a ReplayGain scanner that aims to detect 
intersample "true peak" values.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Replay Gain: how can Peak > 1? And how to create headroom for Gain>0

2020-09-02 Thread garym

Great info @MainSqueeze.   By the way dbpoweramp (ripper and converter)
will allow one to set the LUFS in its replaygain EBU R128 settings. So
one can set it to -18, -23 or whatever one wants.  And it has a "clip
prevention" or disable "clip prevention" option in the ReplayGain

*Home:* VBA 4TB (2.5) -or- rPi4B/pCP6.1/4TB>LMS 7.9.3>Transporter,
Touch, Boom, Radio (all ethernet)
*Cottage:* VBA 3TB (2.4) -or- rPi4B/pCP6.1/4TB>LMS 7.9.1>Touch>Benchmark
DAC I, Boom, Radio w/Battery (ethernet, Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>LMS 7.9.3>Squeezelite
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP4.0, hifiberry Dac+Pro, 4TB USB (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir2 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, or SqueezePlay
7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* ripping: dbpa > FLAC; post-rip: mp3tag, PerfectTunes;
Streaming: Spotify

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Replay Gain: how can Peak > 1? And how to create headroom for Gain>0

2020-09-02 Thread slartibartfast

MainSqueeze wrote: 
> Or you can switch off RG whenever you play classical music (and anything
> else with serious dynamics, for that matter). That's the approach I
> ended up with, partly because I don't have any classical playlists (I
> almost always play whole works), partly because I hesitate to apply
> -23LUFS attenuation in the digital domain, when I'll often have to
> compensate for that by turning up the analogue volume (i.e. I doubt it
> makes sense to first lower SNR only to then amplify the result), and
> partly because my amp comes with a handy sensitivity switch that adds
> 6dB in gain.

If LMS cannot apply the required replaygain value because the peak of
the waveform is already full scale then turning off replaygain won't
make any difference.

Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Failed to download, will try again in x minutes. Intervals ok?

2020-09-02 Thread Michael Herger

The retry intervals are a bit strange. There are two files, fab4 and
jive. On the one hand, they are regarded as independent: fab4: "will try
again in 10 minutes". But a second later there's a try for jive. LMS is
not waiting 10 minutes. Thus, independent. On the other hand, the
interval is doubled nonetheless, despite it being the first try for
jive. Is this intentional? Shouldn't it be (in this case):

Without looking up the code I'd say the delay is not per URL, but 
doubled whenever there's a failure. The two lookups probably got 
triggered "in parallel", eg. both before the first one failed. Therefore 
the second didn't wait minutes before running.

I hope the next lookup will succeed.

Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Replay Gain: how can Peak > 1? And how to create headroom for Gain>0

2020-09-02 Thread slartibartfast

garym wrote: 
> Great info @MainSqueeze.   By the way dbpoweramp (ripper and converter)
> will allow one to set the LUFS in its replaygain EBU R128 settings. So
> one can set it to -18, -23 or whatever one wants.  And it has a "clip
> prevention" or disable "clip prevention" option in the ReplayGain
> settings.Foobar 2000 also has a clipping prevention feature but it doesn't 
> appear
to work. I have an album with Album gain +2.47 dB and an Album peak of
1.000 whether calculated with clipping prevention enabled or not. I must
be missing something.

Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] C-3PO plugin, a trnscoding helper.

2020-09-02 Thread Mike Rubin

I haven't used LMS for awhile because I was able to upsample to DSD256
on my Windows 10 computer with other software.  I read today that 3-cpo
allows LMS to do that, so I reinstalled LMS and tried to enable the
plug-in.  Everything else in the installation seems to have gone well,
but, when I tried to configure 3-cpo in Advanced Settings, I found this
error message: "Unable to run C-3PO transcoder see server log."  I
looked at the log and have no idea how to decipher it.  Here's a snip of


Any ideas about a fix?  Thanks for your help.

|Filename: Annotation 2020-09-02 214142.jpg |

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] C-3PO plugin, a trnscoding helper.

2020-09-02 Thread Mike Rubin

Mike Rubin wrote: 
> I haven't used LMS for awhile because I was able to upsample to DSD256
> on my Windows 10 computer with other software.  I read today that 3-cpo
> allows LMS to do that, so I reinstalled LMS and tried to enable the
> plug-in.  Everything else in the installation seems to have gone well,
> but, when I tried to configure 3-cpo in Advanced Settings, I found this
> error message: "Unable to run C-3PO transcoder see server log."  I
> looked at the log and have no idea how to decipher it.  Here's a snip of
> it:
> 31447
> Any ideas about a fix?  Thanks for your help.

And now I have this additional error message: "Squeezelite version is
non R2, assuming is compliant. See players."

My player is a Sonore Signature Rendu SE, which always has run both LMS,
generally, and DSD, specifically, without incident before.

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