Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Media scan dies before it even gets started

2018-01-29 Thread mjb2016

Yes! Your fix to did the trick. Thank you so much. First time I
have ever seen a scan complete.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Media scan dies before it even gets started

2018-01-21 Thread mjb2016

After some experimentation, I found that the problem is that there is an
unreadable folder somewhere in the tree, and the scanner aborts rather
than ignoring in this situation.

I had deliberately made the folder unreadable because I was trying to
see if 'DJanGo's suggestion to deny permission to the LMS user'
would work and prevent the scanner from following links to folders
(since my folder links all point to other folders in the same tree). So
that approach does not work.

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[SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Media scan dies before it even gets started

2018-01-19 Thread mjb2016

I am using LMS 7.9.0 and am having trouble getting my library (one tree
of folders) to scan. Even after deleting the cache, I get the same
result every time. During the initial directory scan, after a few
seconds, it terminates unexpectedly. Here's the scanner log:


[18-01-19 05:43:36.4852] main::main (205) Starting Logitech Media Server 
scanner (v7.9.0, 1488878280, Wed Mar  8 14:37:44 CUT 2017) perl 5.014001
  [18-01-19 05:43:36.6429] Slim::Schema::forceCommit (2149) Warning: Trying to 
commit transactions before DB is initialized!
  [18-01-19 05:43:41.8796] Slim::Music::Import::runImporter (511) Starting 
Slim::Media::MediaFolderScan scan
  [18-01-19 05:43:41.8800] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::rescan (181) 
Discovering audio files in E:\music
  [18-01-19 05:43:41.8831] main::main (331) Error: Failed when running main 
scan: [E:\music: Invalid argument at 
/File/ line 217.
  [18-01-19 05:43:41.8834] main::main (332) Error: Skipping post-process & Not 
updating lastRescanTime!

And here is the server log:


[18-01-19 05:43:41.9761] Slim::Utils::SQLiteHelper::postConnect (374) 
Optimizing DB because of missing or empty sqlite_stat1 table
  [18-01-19 05:43:41.9856] Slim::Schema::forceCommit (2149) Warning: Trying to 
commit transactions before DB is initialized!

What should I try next?

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Contributing to source code / building on Windows

2017-01-19 Thread mjb2016

Interesting, thanks.

Mainly I want to experiment with 'folder shortcut processing'
options. Probably 'Slim/Utils/'

Also I'd be happy to contribute to documentation, along the lines of
typo fixes and s/SVN/GitHub/g.

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[SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Contributing to source code / building on Windows

2017-01-19 Thread mjb2016

I thought I might try to build from source on Windows, experiment a bit
and maybe make some contributions to the code, but my attempts to get
started and RTFM are not getting very far. The only official
documentation I see is Installation.txt, which just has some outdated
Unix info. (I say outdated because Perl 5.0 hasn't been on FreeBSD in
ages.) There is also
which says very little, and makes discouraging statements like "The
sources that are included with the SlimServer distribution pretty much
aren't used under Windows".

Plowing ahead anyway, I installed ActivePerl, forked the slimserver and
slimserver-platforms repos on GitHub, cloned the forks to my local hard

Then I tried running slimserver-platforms\, but it fails
immediately because it looks in a nonexistent directory for the release


E:\docs\private\misc\dev\git_repos\slimserver-platforms> --build 
win32 --buildDir F:\perltmp --sourceDir 
E:\docs\private\misc\dev\git_repos\slimserver --destDir E:\apps\LMS
  INFO: Required variables passed in. Moving forward.
  Couldn't open 
E:\docs\private\misc\dev\git_repos\slimserver/server/ to get the 
version # of this release: No such file
  or directory

Just running the slimserver\ as-is failed as well, and I
was admonished to use an older version of ActivePerl (5.14) than what
I'm using (5.24.1).


  The following modules failed to load: EV JSON::XS
  To run from source on Windows, please install ActivePerl 5.14.  ActivePerl 
5.10.0 is no longer supported.

So now I figure maybe I should just ask... what's the right way to get

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Scanner does not avoid shortcut loops

2016-12-28 Thread mjb2016

DJanGo wrote: 
> when i started i'd used folder links cause that was the only option to
> handle more than one harddrive as medialibrary without using a raid
> volume.
I think that's actually the reason given in the old thread for the
server supporting folder links at all. Has it not always been the case
that LMS supports more than one media library folder? The way it is now,
if you don't mind having each drive's media folder at the top level, it
doesn't seem folder links are necessary to solve the multi-drive
problem; you just add those folders to the list.

DJanGo wrote: 
> Anyways its your reason and i cant find a needed Way to use them today -
> but you could help me - may i find that pretty.
Tags and folder hierarchies work great for name–value pairs and
relationship trees, respectively, but they aren't very good at
representing a graph (web) of relationships, nor are tag-based "media
library" apps/services very sophisticated in the ways they allow you to
interact with this information. A "facets" type of interface can be
helpful in this regard. So can folder links.

When browsing or adding to my files, I want something close to the same
kind of flexibility as I would want when I'm interacting with an
abstracted view of their metadata. For example, when I browse a diverse
media collection "by genre", I don't want be just picking from a flat
list of 700 subgenre tag values (and all their variations), and then
picking from a flat list of songs under that. Rather, I first want to
traverse the [I don't know the word for it...hypergraph?] tree/web thing
which allows me to start out by locating the style in terms of
increasing specificity and related styles. Then I want the view to
switch to whatever is most appropriate for that particular
sub-collection—e.g., now that I have the music's style, I often want to
be able to narrow it down by eras, producers, artists, hits, influences,
regions, and so on. For most sub-collections, only certain options will
be needed, but this choice will be different for every branch of the
tree. Where needed, it should be possible to navigate directly to other
categories with closely related subject matter. Creating new categories
needs to be convenient as well.

Well, all of that is possible (not elegantly, but "good enough") with
folder trees and the ability to link between arbitrary folders. So
that's what I do for some of the collections I maintain, and I am in the
habit of using folder views to locate music.

I do have other, relatively specialized/homogeneous collections where I
don't need to browse the organizational structure much at all, so for
those file sets, I do things in what is nowadays "the normal way", with
everything dumped into an arbitrary and shallow folder tree, and tags
providing enough info for simplistic keyword searches to get me what I
need. This just isn't ideal for the main collection I want to access via
my Squeezebox Boom.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Scanner does not avoid shortcut loops

2016-12-28 Thread mjb2016

DJanGo, I'm not sure you are actually interested in the reasons to use
recursive folder links; you would rather I just didn't use them, right?

If the developers' policy is, as andyg already suggested, that the
software should gracefully detect & handle such links (even if that
means just ignoring them), and it is not doing that, then it is a bug
and it doesn't matter why I am using them; the most helpful thing any of
us can do is to ascertain what the expected behavior is, and work on a
solution together.

The downside of your suggested workarounds to prevent LMS from
processing any *.lnk files is that it is throwing the baby out with the
bathwater. Most shortcuts are harmless links to files or to benign
folders. If the developers' policy is that recursive folder links are
too difficult to detect and handle within the current scanning system,
then surely a better alternative to ignoring all links would be to
simply have a toggle in the config so that the affected users can tell
the scanner to follow only file links, never folder links. Then at least
the file links will still work.

If avoiding loops is too difficult and adding the toggle I suggested is
not an option, then I know of another workaround. Instead of simple
folder shortcuts, I could use the little-known "shell link folder"
functionality of Explorer. These types of links are just somewhat
inconvenient to set up. I'd rather be sure that no improvements to LMS
are forthcoming first.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Scanner does not avoid shortcut loops

2016-12-28 Thread mjb2016

LMS (v7.9.0, 1482423225, Thu Dec 22 16:20:05 CUT 2016) on Windows 7
Professional SP1 64-bit.

Logs attached.

|Filename: |

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[SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Scanner does not avoid shortcut loops

2016-12-27 Thread mjb2016

Much like forum user Richard Boyce 'asked about in 2009'
my media library has gobs of Windows folder shortcuts which are causing
my scanning process to enter a loop, chasing the same shortcuts and
scanning the same folders over and over. This is in both 7.7.5 and a
7.9.0 build I downloaded today.

Unlike his situation, it is not a matter of folder contents being
modified after a successful scan. I can't even get to a point where the
whole library has been scanned. I cleaned the cache and chose "Clear
library and rescan everything" from the control panel, but it still gets
caught in the loop and I have to abort.

I looked and could not find if a bug report was ever filed. I only found
one from two years later, '16990'
(, which was closed as
a "works for me".

Developer andyg said in that old thread that "There is already some code
to deal with loops of shortcuts/symlinks". But it's not working even
with the most minimal test case I could think of: create two folders,
each containing a symlink to the other, and scan the parent folder.

Should I file a new bug report for this?

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