Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Can't change LMS Libray Folders: DB missing log messages

2021-04-01 Thread optimxr

Paul Webster wrote: 
> Michael's suggestion would not require you to modify your folder
> structure.
> You would create a new folder - e.g.
> c:\lmsmusic
> and in it put links to all of the existing folders that you want LMS to
> handle
> But to get your LMS to see the new folder you would, it seems, have to
> remove some from its current setup - which is why Michael suggested
> stopping LMS and editing the preferences file (make a backup first).

Thanks Paul for your input. As it turns out, you were absolutely right
about the server.prefs file. It needed to be edited in order for me to
get started again. I now have 33 music folders all working and

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Can't change LMS Libray Folders: DB missing log messages

2021-04-01 Thread optimxr

mherger wrote: 
> > Hi Paul, thanks for the clarification. I have backed up my
> server.prefs
> > file and am starting to make changes to the Library lists. I like the
> > suggestion of creating one main folder and linking all the other
> folders
> > from within this main folder but I am not sure how to implement that.
> See eg. how to create a
> shortcut. Put such shortcuts to your individual folders inside your LMS
> music folder. LMS should follow them.

Thanks Michael, you were spot on regarding the server.prefs file. Once I
removed the Mediadir: lines and did a "Clear everything and rescan", I
was able to follow everyone else's suggestions on making a main folder
with shortcuts to all my music folders(33 now). You can see my reply to
kidstypike for my two screenshots of the Control Panel and the Web App.
I am getting a message on my SB when I play a track that says "500 of
523, rescanning" but it goes away almost immediately and the track plays
OK. Not sure what that is. Another question I have is when ever I reply
to a post, I am always forced to sign in again even though I am already
signed in and same with uploading attachments. Do you know why?

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Can't change LMS Libray Folders: DB missing log messages

2021-04-01 Thread optimxr

kidstypike wrote: 
> Just make shortcuts to the folders that contain your music files, it
> doesn't matter what drive they're on, you don't need to do anything
> special. Put your shortcuts in a folder, call it say "LMSmusic".
> Point LMS at that folder and clear and rescan.
> Example below, music files are on 3 separate USB drives.
> 34029
> 34030
> 34031

Great example, kidstypike. I followed everything you suggested and I now
am able to add or delete my music folders using both the LMS Control
Panel or the Web App. I now have 33 active folders with shortcuts in one
folder, LMSmusic. I believe what got me started on the right path was
removing all the Mediadir: entries in the server.prefs file. I just
checked my SB Touch and everything is accessible and playing OK. In
retrospect, It would of helped if there were some type of error
messaging that warns the user when they are losing control of their
media but for a free media server, LMS is pretty good.
Thanks again for your help.

|Filename: LMS Web App_Settings.PNG |

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Can't change LMS Libray Folders: DB missing log messages

2021-03-31 Thread optimxr

kidstypike wrote: 
> I've just added 28 folders using both the control panel, and
> LMS/Settings/Basic Settings, and still going strong.
> I'm not seeing a 22 folder limit.
> 34026

Hi kidstypike, thanks for checking. I didn't really think there would be
an arbitrary limit but for some reason I can't add or delete folders at
this point. I appreciate your sharing your list for me.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Can't change LMS Libray Folders: DB missing log messages

2021-03-31 Thread optimxr

Paul Webster wrote: 
> Michael's suggestion would not require you to modify your folder
> structure.
> You would create a new folder - e.g.
> c:\lmsmusic
> and in it put links to all of the existing folders that you want LMS to
> handle
> But to get your LMS to see the new folder you would, it seems, have to
> remove some from its current setup - which is why Michael suggested
> stopping LMS and editing the preferences file (make a backup first).

Hi Paul, thanks for the clarification. I have backed up my server.prefs
file and am starting to make changes to the Library lists. I like the
suggestion of creating one main folder and linking all the other folders
from within this main folder but I am not sure how to implement that.
Can you show me an example or give me a link to an example. I have 3
different drives that I am accessing for my tracks so I need to link
drives as well as folders(C:, D:, and W:). Thanks for your help.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Can't change LMS Libray Folders: DB missing log messages

2021-03-31 Thread optimxr

mherger wrote: 
> > using the Control Panel, can I do that by editing the server.prefs
> file?
> > I do have some experience in modifying configuration files in linux
> or
> > Windows which may be similar. Thanks again for your help.
> Go to Settings/Information to figure out where your server.prefs file 
> lives. Shut down LMS. Open the file in a text editor, find the entry
> for
> mediadirs:
> - /path/to/Music
> - /path/to/more/Music
> Remove the entries you want to get rid of. Restart LMS.
> Would you mind sharing your server.prefs with me? I'd be interested to 
> see what might be breaking the functionality.

OK Michael, I just sent you my server.prefs file(unchanged). I will
follow your instructions and remove some of the folders listed in the
prefs file and then start LMS and see if things are working better and
the changes I make are holding. I will let you know how it goes.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Can't change LMS Libray Folders: DB missing log messages

2021-03-31 Thread optimxr

mherger wrote: 
> > Sorry, I didn't realize how critical the real log file is. I just
> > uploaded the complete file to your Dropbox. Yes, originally I was
> able
> > to add 22 folders to the LMS Library. Those folders have been in
> place
> I see no less than 56 folders. I don't know whether there's an issue 
> with LMS adding more to that, tbh. But does this make sense? Do you 
> really want to add one folder per artist or something?
> > for more than two years and seem to work OK. But If I want to remove
> one
> > and add one, I can't do it either in the Control Panel or the Web
> App.
> I haven't seen any trace of failure wrt. to this. Don't know why that 
> wouldn't work.
> What I'd suggest is you create one main folder, then create shortcuts to
> the folders you want in there. LMS will only deal with this one primary
> folder, then follow the shortcuts. That should be simpler than managing
> dozens of folders in LMS.
> To get started you might need to shut down LMS, edit server.prefs to 
> remove all those folders you can't manage any more.

Thanks for taking a look at this, Michael. I do agree that making one
main Folder that could have all my folders as subfolders would make it
easier for LMS but unfortunately I have other dependencies with the
current file structure so that would create a nightmare for me. What I
would prefer to do is delete many of these folders and consolidate as
much as I can to simplify the number of folders. In my current state, I
can not do that because it would require the adding or deleting
functionality which is not working for me. Also, I am unfamiliar with
how to edit the server.prefs file. Is there a link or post that explains
how? To be clear, I only see 22 folders in my LMS Library and I would
like to delete at least half of those to get started. If I can't do that
using the Control Panel, can I do that by editing the server.prefs file?
I do have some experience in modifying configuration files in linux or
Windows which may be similar. Thanks again for your help.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Can't change LMS Libray Folders: DB missing log messages

2021-03-30 Thread optimxr

mherger wrote: 
> > Michael, I deleted 100s of lines from the middle of the log, leaving
> > just the very beginning lines and the very last(2-300) lines and
> zipped
> > it. I seems to have uploaded. I hope this gives you enough data to
> see
> > what's going on.
> It would have saved us all time if you had uploaded the full 
> I hate Word files... they really don't add anything bug
> overhead.
> But anyway. I'm not sure I understand what your problem is. In your 
> first posting you said you were not able to add more music folders. But
> in your log snippet I see it's scanning on D: as well as on E:. So you 
> clearly were able to define more than one music folder.
> What is it you're looking for?

Sorry, I didn't realize how critical the real log file is. I just
uploaded the complete file to your Dropbox. Yes, originally I was able
to add 22 folders to the LMS Library. Those folders have been in place
for more than two years and seem to work OK. But If I want to remove one
and add one, I can't do it either in the Control Panel or the Web App.
At one time in the past(2018) I was able to add a folder using only the
Web App, but know that doesn't seem to work. The server log seems quite
huge(538KB), is there a way to reset or clear it using the GUI? Also, is
there possibly a limit to how many folders you can add in the Library? I
would like to add 3 more folders.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Can't change LMS Libray Folders: DB missing log messages

2021-03-30 Thread optimxr

mherger wrote: 
> > BTW, I guess the reason the Server.log file would not upload is due
> to
> > the size(528KB). I could split it into sections and upload each
> section
> Compress it. If that doesn't help, upload to 
> Or at the very 
> least upload the _last_ few hundred lines, rather than the first. 
> Because the file seems to start in 2018, running an LMS from 2017. But 
> we want to know what's going on now.

Michael, I deleted 100s of lines from the middle of the log, leaving
just the very beginning lines and the very last(2-300) lines and zipped
it. I seems to have uploaded. I hope this gives you enough data to see
what's going on.

|Filename: LMS Server |

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Can't change LMS Libray Folders: DB missing log messages

2021-03-29 Thread optimxr

mherger wrote: 
> That log file snippet is from a LMS almost 7 years old.

Hi Michael, I'm not sure I understand. Do I need to add some Diagnostic
options to the Server.log or is starting from scratch my only option?
BTW, I guess the reason the Server.log file would not upload is due to
the size(528KB). I could split it into sections and upload each section
if that would work. Or, if the database is completely corrupted, maybe
uninstalling the LMS application and re-installing is the best "start
from scratch" option. Any thoughts?

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Can't change LMS Libray Folders: DB missing log messages

2021-03-28 Thread optimxr

A Text file of the 1st 10 lines of LMS Server Log(the .log file just
won't upload for some reason)

|Filename: LMS_Server Logs_1st 10 Lines.txt |

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[SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Can't change LMS Libray Folders: DB missing log messages

2021-03-28 Thread optimxr

Recently updated LMS to version 8.2.0 hoping to correct a Library folder
problem I have been struggling with for over 2 years. After running a
re-scan of my current Library folders, I noticed several messages in the
server log;

"Slim::Utils::SQLiteHelper::postConnect (359) Optimizing DB because of
missing or empty sqlite_stat1 table". 
"Slim::Schema::init (162) Warning: Creating new database - empty,
outdated or invalid database found"

I currently have 22 folders in my Library list and they are all playable
on my SB Touch(version 7.8) but I am not able to add or delete to this
list using either the Control Panel or the Web APP. Could this be the
reason why? I am uploading both the Scan Logs and the Server Logs for
full scrutiny.  At this point, I am considering starting from scratch,
doing a "Clear Library and Scan Everything" but I wanted to run this by
everyone first in case I have overlooked something and could possibly
save time with a better solution. Any suggestions are welcome.
Update: The upload for the Server Log failed for some reason so I added
the error message to the attachments.

|Filename: Upload Failure of Server Log.PNG |

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Unable to Add or Remove Folders in Library

2020-03-19 Thread optimxr

Redrum wrote: 
> I am not running LMS on windows anymore, so I don't have a control panel
> to look at, but reading both your posts, I have a couple thoughts.
> It seems that maybe their is a "number of file paths" limitation that is
> different between the control panel and web UI, perhaps causing one or
> more of the paths to be truncated from the list, when the control panel
> is launched? Like an array was created to store the paths and you have
> exceeded the max for one UI but not the other?
> But, this would not explain not being able to remove the file paths that
> don't exist anymore (original post).
> I assume you are individually entering the 30+ paths into the UI? I am
> not sure if LMS will accept this, but windows 10 has a "library" feature
> where you could have a library folder of your 30+ paths. If LMS would
> accept this as input (I have not tried it), you could just have one path
> for your music, and edit the windows library folder to add your other
> paths. This kind of goes back to my suggestion to try one folder and add
> back one at a time.
> Jim

Hi Jim, so what I have been able to do now is make all my folder changes
in the Web UI, rescan for new file changes and click apply,close and the
folders that I either added or deleted are changed.
When I check my SB, all these new folder changes are in place and
working. If I then click on the Control Panel>Library, the Library list
is still unchanged. However, if I then restart my machine the changes do
show up in the control panel and are still working in the Web UI and on
my SB. I am not convinced that just following this sequence is the
solution to my problem, but it works for now. I did start to eliminate
all the folders but one in the Web UI, but this new work-a-round
persuaded me to continue working with just the Web UI to get my changes
made. Another concern I have is the fact that I use JRiver as a player,
which is a fairly advanced application that could be causing conflicts
with LMS. I need to uninstall it temporarily to test my theory I guess
but that will be a big task indeed. I hope what I have posted is clear
enough for those who are experiencing similar problems so they can try
what I have done. I thank you for your input and any other suggestions
are always welcome.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Unable to Add or Remove Folders in Library

2020-03-18 Thread optimxr

slartibartfast wrote: 
> Is this the same issue you had in 2014?
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

Thanks for reminding me, Staribartfast. I went back to my old 2014 logs
and discovered I had found a work-a-round using the Web Interface. But
since it was a Windows 7 machine with different hardware system, I
hadn't considered that would work the same. However, here's what I have
determined. If I add a folder using the Web>Basic Settings page and
rescan, it keeps the folder and I can see and run the tracks on my SB
OK. However, if I apply and save this new list, then open Control Panel,
I do not see the change I made in the Web Interface. Further If I close
the CP and re launch it, it starts a rescan automatically and reverts
back to the original list(less the added folder). When I check the Web
Interface>Basic Settings, it has also been returned to the original list
minus the folder that I had added and used on my SB. The Control Panel
seems to be stuck on one list and rescans back to that list when any
changes are made. Is there a way to disable the auto-rescan when I first
launch the Control Panel? Is there some reason why the Web Interface and
Control Panel are not linked or synced? Would doing an update to the
most recent version(7.9.2) possibly cure this problem? BTW, thanks for
the other responses. I appreciate the suggestions and may try those if
need be.

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[SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Unable to Add or Remove Folders in Library

2020-03-16 Thread optimxr

I am using LMS 7.7.6(just updated from 7.7.3) and I have several old
folders that do not exist on the media drive but I am not able to remove
them from the Library list in either the control panel or the Web app.
The same goes for adding an existing folder that I can browse to. I have
done a full rescan several times, done a cleanup of the cache and
checked the permissions of the existing folders(they are all shared with
r/w permissions for everyone).
Someone suggested removing all the folders and trying just the one
folder of interest but that seems a bit extreme since I have over 30
folders in the Library currently that are working. I don't see any
folder problems in the server logs. Any suggestions? 

System: Windows 10 Pro, 1909, 2TB WD Drive, Asus P8Z77-V MB, 16GB RAM.

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