Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Upgraded to 7.9.2. Library/My Music won't play any music.

2019-07-20 Thread rp9197

Thanks for the reply.  The library has been on the same drive for many
years with no problem until upgrading.  I can browse the library fine. 
I play an album and it loads into the playlist every time but never
plays.  It skips to the last song.  Ipeng flashes that it can’t open the
file.  All the files play fine in ITunes on the computer.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Upgraded to 7.9.2. Library/My Music won't play any music.

2019-07-20 Thread rp9197

I am still in the same situation and have not heard a song or a note
from my music library in almost two months!  I tried downgrading to
7.9.1 and I am getting the exact same behavior as described in my first
post.  I guess it is time to move on and ditch my Squeezeboxes after all
these years, frustrating.

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Upgraded to 7.9.2. Library/My Music won't play any music.

2019-06-01 Thread rp9197

I'm still in the same situation.  I upgraded from 7.8.1.  Cut and paste
from settings/information is below.  Server log (1000 lines) is
hopefully attached.  The full log again repeatedly failed to upload.   I
have been playing Tidal and files not in my Itunes library for weeks
now.  I tried to play several albums at 3:45pm today hoping that would
reflect in the log.  I do not know how to interpret log files.

Logitech Media Server Version: 7.9.2 - 1556796842 @ Thu May 2 13:43:44
CEST 2019
Hostname: RonaldiMac-2.local
Server IP Address:
Server HTTP Port Number: 9000
Operating system: Mac OS X 10.6.8 - EN - utf8
Platform Architecture: x86_64
Perl Version: 5.10.0 - darwin-thread-multi-2level
Audio::Scan: 0.94
IO::Socket::SSL: 1.22
Database Version: DBD::SQLite 1.34_01 (sqlite
Total Players Recognized: 3

Library Statistics
Total Images: 0
Total Videos: 0
Total Tracks: 82,993
Total Albums: 6,315
Total Artists: 10,748
Total Genres: 53
Total Playing Time: 10134:18:27

Media Scan Details
Discovering files/directories: /Users/ronaldpadula/Music   (4109 of
4109)   Complete  00:00:15

Removing deleted files: /Users/ronaldpadula/Music   (3 of 3)   Complete 

Discovering files/directories: /Users/ronaldpadula/Downloads/Music
Dloads   (15007 of 15007)   Complete  00:00:14

Removing deleted files: /Users/ronaldpadula/Downloads/Music Dloads   (3
of 3)   Complete  00:00:01

Scanning new music files: /Users/ronaldpadula/Downloads/Music Dloads  
(1 of 1)   Complete  00:00:00

Discovering playlists: /Users/ronaldpadula/Music/Playlists   (4 of 4)  
Complete  00:00:00

Scanning new playlists: /Users/ronaldpadula/Music/Playlists   (3 of 3)  
Complete  00:00:00

iTunes Import   (69113 of 69113)   Complete  00:02:57

iTunes Playlist Import   (22 of 22)   Complete  00:00:07

Building full text index   (7 of 7)   Complete  00:00:35

Find updated coverart files   (699 of 699)   Complete  00:00:08

Pre-caching Artwork   (413 of 413)   Complete  00:06:17

Database Optimize   (2 of 2)   Complete  00:00:27

The server has finished scanning your media library.
Total Time: 00:11:04 (Thursday, May 23, 2019 / 5:03 PM)

Player Information
Information on all identified devices connected to Logitech Media
Server Computer Rm
Player Model: Squeezebox Classic
Player Type: squeezebox2
Firmware: 137
Player IP Address:
Player MAC Address: 00:04:20:06:ef:2a
Wireless Signal Strength: 94%

Squeezebox Classic
Player Model: Squeezebox Classic
Player Type: squeezebox2
Firmware: 137
Player IP Address:
Player MAC Address: 00:04:20:ff:ff:01
Wireless Signal Strength: 85%

Player Model: Transporter
Player Type: transporter
Firmware: 87
Player IP Address:
Player MAC Address: 00:04:20:10:02:30
Wireless Signal Strength: 96%
Voltage: 112


Cache Folder
Preferences Folder
/Users/ronaldpadula/Library/Application Support/Squeezebox
Plugin Folders
/Users/ronaldpadula/Library/Application Support/Squeezebox/Plugins,
/Library/Application Support/Squeezebox/Plugins,
Helper Applications Folder
/usr/bin, /bin, /usr/sbin, /sbin, /usr/libexec,
Logitech Media Server Log File
/Users/ronaldpadula/Library/Logs/Squeezebox/server.log (100, 500, 1000
lines, everything, ZIP archive)

Scanner Log File
/Users/ronaldpadula/Library/Logs/Squeezebox/scanner.log (100, 500, 1000
lines, everything, ZIP archive)

|Filename:  |

rp9197's Profile:
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Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Upgraded to 7.9.2. Library/My Music won't play any music.

2019-05-23 Thread rp9197

Thanks for the reply.  It doesn’t sound like the same thing.  I can
scroll through my artwork and pick out any album or song perfectly.  I
have not heard a note of music from my library in 7.9.2 yet though. 
I’ve been playing Tidal for a couple of weeks (put off posting here). 
Best of luck to you in getting back on track.

rp9197's Profile:
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Squeezecenter mailing list

[SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Upgraded to 7.9.2. Library/My Music won't play any music.

2019-05-23 Thread rp9197

I upgraded to 7.9.2 and nothing will play from my library/My Music.  All
of my albums are there and indexed.  The album and artwork loads onto
the right side of screen in LMS but no sound.  The display shows LMS
trying to play a few seconds of the first track then it skips down to
the last track without a note of music heard.  Using Ipeng it pops up
that it can't open the file.  

I can play Tidal and flac files not lumped with Itunes without any
problem.  Use Itunes is checked in settings.  I tried to attach my
zipped log to this but the upload repeatedly failed.  It looks like my
information tab screen cut/paste did attach.  I am not an advanced IT
person.  Just a music lover stuck playing Tidal all the time.

|Filename: LMS suezzebox:slimserver info   |

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