Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Can't add any 3rd party plugins

2018-06-21 Thread zwep

mherger wrote: 
> Please check your server.log.
> -- 
> Michael

Soo.. I got this (did a little of formatting to make it readable)

at /usr/lib64/perl5/Slim/Networking/Async/ line 98.
[18-06-21 14:18:12.8842] main::init (387) Starting Logitech Media Server
(v7.9.2, 1527861596, Fri Jun  1 16:13:46 CEST 2018) perl 5.016003 -
[18-06-21 14:18:12.9318] Slim::Utils::PluginDownloader::extract (102)
error loading Archive::Zip 

Can't locate Compress/Raw/ in @INC 
(@INC contains: 





/usr/share/squeezeboxserver/CPAN /usr/share/squeezeboxserver 
/usr/local/lib64/perl5 /usr/local/share/perl5 
/usr/share/perl5 .) at 

/usr/share/squeezeboxserver/CPAN/Archive/ line 11.

BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at 
/usr/share/squeezeboxserver/CPAN/Archive/ line 11.

Compilation failed in require at
/usr/lib64/perl5/Slim/Utils/ line 98.
[18-06-21 14:18:12.9330] Slim::Utils::PluginDownloader::extract (102)
error loading Archive::Zip Attempt to reload Archive/ aborted.

Googeling the error came up with the following website, that said to download some
Perl module via

cpan -i Compress::Raw::Zlib

after some configuration of cpan... and the execution of the code... the
server.log now says.

[18-06-21 14:40:23.7401] main::init (387) Starting Logitech Media Server
(v7.9.2, 1527861596, Fri Jun  1 16:13:46 CEST 2018) perl 5.016003 -

So all has been resolved. Thanks :) Somehow it was not in my habit to
check the server.log

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[SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Can't add any 3rd party plugins

2018-06-19 Thread zwep


I have a problem very similar to

Where I cant install plugins... when I go to my Plugin page I can select
certain 3rd party plugins (like Spotty, or Youtube, or any other). After
I press 'Apply' and restart the server I would assume that the selected
plugins are now listed under 'Active' plugins. 
But this does not happen, they are just back (unselected) under '3rd
party plugins'. Sometimes it happens that they fall under a new section
called 'Update available for plugins' (or something similar), but when I
select them, Apply the changes, and restart the server again.. they will
be brought back (unselected) under '3rd party plugins'.
This happens with several 3rd party plugins I tried. If I want to enable
certain plugins that were turned off, then it all works fine. So my
guess it that somehow somewhere it can't get a certain 'package'.. 

I am running LMS on Centos 7 using my HP ProLiant server at home. Having
LM version 7.9.2 (the latest one I could download).

If anyone can help then that would be great!

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Can't add any 3rd party plugins

2018-06-11 Thread zwep

bpa wrote: 
> Unless you have an exact match - it is better to start a new thread and
> to provide details of your own set - you will get more "new" eyes - a
> lot of people (who could help you) may ignore posts this thread as it
> was initially QNAP oriented.
> For specific plugins - I'd always advise posting to the plugin Thread -
> that way you'll probably get the author especially as some plugin have
> speical requirements.
> You indicated that some plugins do not install - which implies some DO
> install which means this thread is not appropriate and your problem is
> probably plugin specific. Is this the case ?
> Spotty - requires an executable which may or may not be available for
> your platform - so I suggest post your query to the Spotty thread (
> ) and ditto for Youtube (I don;t use it but I think it had special
> libraries)

Okey! Thanks for the elaborate response. Will start my own thread :)

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Can't add any 3rd party plugins

2018-06-11 Thread zwep

karlek wrote: 
> Sorry. This cited snippet was for LMS in QNAP. I don’t know if yours
> needs the SSOTS environment and to be true, I doubt it.
> How do you update your LMS? You‘d need the SSODS web interface if so.

Hmm, Im not sure if I understand it completely.. because I dont know
anything about SSODS or SSOTS..

If I would update my LMS, I would just do this via the command line on
my server. Because I believe the updates will be available in this

so from there I would execute the necessary files I guess. But I dont
think newer versions will come out for LMS right? I have version 7.9
atm.. and it seems that the development has discontinued...

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Can't add any 3rd party plugins

2018-06-10 Thread zwep

karlek wrote: 
> 1. Use Putty to stop SSOTS. Command is: /opt/ssods4/etc/init.d/rc.ssods
> stop
> 2. Use WinScp to get to /opt/ssods4/share/sbs/ and open
> shipped-binaries
> 3. In shipped-binaries, change line 68 to include arch/*.
> It becomes CPAN/arch/*/Compress/Raw/
> 4. Use Putty to start SSOTS. Command is: /opt/ssods4/etc/init.d/rc.ssods
> start

Hello, can you help me with these commands?

I got my LMS running on my own Centos 7 Server... since I cant find
/opt/ssods4 folder there.. I wonder how I should stop it I have
looked at the Server.log but the only thing I see there is some SSH-key
error, which cant be related to this...

edit: running LMS version 7.9 btw

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Player not found

2018-06-10 Thread zwep

Jeff07971 wrote: 
> In PCP if you only have one LMS on the network I would leave no entry in
> server IP and let it autodiscover the LMS

Ah thanks, yeah I can understand how that can cause problems now...

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Player not found

2018-06-10 Thread zwep

Jeff07971 wrote: 
> Have you disabled the firewall or created a rulle to let squeezeboxes
> connect ?
> Edit: Just read the howto so it would seem that the rules are in the
> firewall but I would try temporarily disabling firewalld just to be sure

Oh dang... I found the issue... This is really silly... (as expected

But in the PiCorePlayer settings, I gave the full ip-address WITH port
number.. and apparantly it cannot deal with that. So once I removed the
port number everything went fine.

Thanks for the help guys

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] Player not found

2018-06-10 Thread zwep

DJanGo wrote: 
> Hi,
> is your problem player not found or server not found?
> Player not found i would call that if one player is not found others
> are
> Server not found should be no player can connect to lms...
> check with another system and squeezelite or the plugin called
> localplayer what kind of problem you got.

Ah I see.. I have downloaded SoftSqueeze
( for my Ubuntu
laptop... and now Im trying to connect to my server but it hangs on

"Please Wait, Connecting to Slim Server"

So I think it is a server not found issue. But since the
piCorePlayer CAN ping to the (LMS) server, it is not the case that they
are on a different network.. so could it be a router problem?? Even
though I like linux and command line work (and have done some work in
it), I dont know how to check or set this correctly. Can you help maybe?

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