Re: [PATCH] Kerberos configure patch + some cleanup

2014-08-07 Thread Markus Moeller

Are there any objections to this patch ?

Thank you

"Markus Moeller"  wrote in message news:lr0vsn$jd$ 


 Here is a patch which does rewrite the and cleans up some 
code in the kerberos auth and kerberos ldap helper.  Additionally the 
kerberos ldap helper checks now for AD primary group membership too.


[PATCH] Native FTP Relay

2014-08-07 Thread Alex Rousskov

Native FTP Relay support is finally ready: Squid receives native FTP
commands on ftp_port and relays FTP messages between FTP clients and FTP
origin servers through the existing Squid access control, adaptation,
and logging layers. A compressed 70KB patch attached to this email is
also temporary available at [1]. I would like to merge the corresponding
lp branch[2] into Squid trunk.

This is a large, complex, experimental feature. I am sure there are
cases where it does not work well or does not support some existing
features. I am not aware of any regressions specific to old FTP gateway
code, and I hope there are no regressions specific to HTTP code, but I
do not recommend deployment without testing.

The branch code worked quite well in limited production deployment, but
the final version (with code restructuring and polishing for the
official submission) has only seen simple lab testing. AFAIK, the FTP
interception path has not seen any production deployment at all.

This code represents more than a year worth of development, started by
Dmitry Kurochkin in the beginning of 2013. Christos Tsantilas and I
finished Dmitry's work. I bear responsibility for the bugs, but there
are probably areas of Dmitry's code that appear to work well and that
neither Christos nor I have studied.

Overall, we tried to focus on the new FTP code and leave the old
FTP/HTTP code alone, except where restructuring was necessary to avoid
code duplication. For example, the server-facing side reuses a lot of
the old FTP code, while the relayed FTP commands are passed around in
HttpMsg structures using the old ClientStreams, doCallout(), and Store

If you review the patch, please note that bzr is incapable of tracking
code across file splits (e.g., old becoming ftp/ plus
three clients/Ftp*.cc files). Many of the old XXXs and TODOs will appear
as newly added code in the patch. Usually, one can figure it out by
searching for the similar but deleted code in the patch.

Please see the above referenced lp branch for a detailed change log.

Some Native FTP Relay highlights:

* Added ftp_port directive telling Squid to relay native FTP commands.
* Active and passive FTP support on the user-facing side; require
  passive connections to come from the control connection src IP.
* IPv6 support (EPSV and, on the user-facing side, EPRT).
* Intelligent adaptation of relayed FTP FEAT responses.
* Relaying of multi-line FTP control responses using various formats.
* Support relaying of FTP MLSD and MLST commands (RFC 3659).
* Several Microsoft FTP server compatibility features.
* ICAP/eCAP support (at individual FTP command/response level).
* Optional "current FTP directory" tracking (cannot be 100% reliable due
  to symbolic links and such, but is helpful in some common use cases).
* FTP origin control connection is pinned to the FTP user connection.
* No caching support -- no reliable Request URIs for that (see above).
* Significant FTP code restructuring on the server-facing side.
* Initial steps towards HTTP code restructuring on the client-facing

Changes to the general code used by the Native FTP Relay code:

> * The user- and origin-facing code restructured as agreed previously on
>   this mailing list. I will email some thoughts about the results separately,
>   but here is the executive summary:
> src/servers/FtpServer.*  # new FTP server, relaying FTP
> src/servers/HttpServer.* # old ConnStateData parts conflicting with 
> FtpServer
> src/clients/FtpClient.*  # code shared by old and new FTP clients
> src/clients/FtpGateway.* # old FTP client, translating back to HTTP
> src/clients/FtpRelay.*   # new FTP client, relaying FTP
> src/ftp/*# FTP stuff shared by clients and servers
> * Fixed HttpHdr::Private/NoCache(v) implementations and optimized their API.
> * Tokenizer fixes and API improvements:
>   Taught Tokenizer to keep track of the number of parsed bytes. Many callers
>   need to know that because they need to adjust/consume I/O offsets/buffers.
>   Adjusted unused Parser::Tokenizer::token() to not treat NUL delimiter
>   specially. Besides the fact that not all grammars can treat NUL that way, 
> the
>   special NUL treatment resulted in some token() calls returning true for 
> empty
>   tokens, which was confusing parsers. Callers that do not require trailing
>   delimiters, should use prefix() instead. This change is based on experience
>   writing Tokenizer-based FTP parser, although the final parser code uses
>   prefix() instead of token(), for unrelated reasons.
>   Split Parser::Tokenizer::skip(set) into skipOne() and skipAll(). All other
>   skip() methods skip exactly one thing (either a given character or a given
>   token) but the old skip(set) method was skipping multiple things. That
>   confused callers. We now force the caller to make a choice. 
>   Fixed Parser::Tokenizer::skip(char) to avoid out