icap support in squid 3.0?

2004-01-22 Thread Alex Ott
Hello all

Is anybody knows, will be icap support in upcoming squid3 release? 
With best wishes, Alex Ott
Jet Infosystems,   http://www.jetinfosoft.ru/
   +7 (095) 411 76 01

Re: new developer?

2004-01-13 Thread Alex Ott

>>>>> "DW" == Duane Wessels writes:
 DW> Have you already seen the ICAP projects on
 DW> http://devel.squid-cache.org?

Yep - i look at this page some time ago. we need icap filtering engine with
specific features.

With best wishes, Alex Ott
Jet Infosystems,   http://www.jetinfosoft.ru/
   +7 (095) 411 76 01

new developer?

2004-01-12 Thread Alex Ott
Hi all

I'm developer from Jet Infosystems, Russia.  We started development of own
ICAP-based content filtering system and I interested in use Squid as
ICAP-client, so i want to help in development of ICAP features of squid.  I
have strong skills in C on various unix platforms.

With best wishes, Alex Ott
Jet Infosystems,   http://www.jetinfosoft.ru/
   +7 (095) 411 76 01