Re: ZPH patches for Squid

2008-04-22 Thread Henrik Nordstrom
tis 2008-04-22 klockan 09:47 +0800 skrev Adrian Chadd:

 Store the hit information in the MemObject; include it in swap metadata.

It's about misses so no need to swap it out..

Storing it in the mem object is acceptable. It really should go into the
reply, but you then have to worry abour ICAP and possibly other filters
modifying the reply... but it doesn't matter very much. Will get cleaned
up later in any case.


Re: ZPH patches for Squid

2008-04-21 Thread Amos Jeffries
If anyone has any info that might help Marin could you mail it to me or 
him please.

Marin Stavrev wrote:


I've practically finished the patch porting for the Squid source code 
with one minor glitch that I'll need more time to figure out myself, or 
use your help about it:

I'm also maintaining a kernel patch that stores the incoming TOS field 
when an outgoing (client) TCP connection is opened. I'm using this 
information via a getsockopt call to forward the original TOS field of a 
MISS reply towards squid's client (the TOS preserving feature of ZPH). 
For this purpose I need to have the socket handle of the upstream 
connection (the one to the remote server). So far I have not figured 
out, if it is available inside the cleintReplyContext::doGetMoreData() 
method (when the case is a MISS of course).

If you are aware of an easy reference to the remote server's connection 
handle I can finish the patch by the end of this week (I have a regular 
job that does not allow me to devote much time for other activities).

Best regards
M. Stavrev

Please use Squid 2.6.STABLE19 or 3.0.STABLE4