[squid-users] caching apt package lists/Raspbian

2019-07-19 Thread TarotApprentice
Recently upgraded to Raspbian Buster and squid 4.6. Since then I am unable to 
cache the Packages.xz that apt uses. The various other Pis using this proxy all 
end up downloading the 30MB Packages.xz every time. Does anyone have any 
suggestions on how to get it to cache?


squid -v
Squid Cache: Version 4.6
Service Name: squid
Raspbian linux


1563597855.786    605 TCP_REFRESH_UNMODIFIED/200 15306 GET 
http://raspbian.raspberrypi.org/raspbian/dists/buster/InRelease - 

1563597855.811    620 TCP_REFRESH_UNMODIFIED/200 25429 GET 
http://archive.raspberrypi.org/debian/dists/buster/InRelease - 

1563597857.486    620 TCP_REFRESH_UNMODIFIED/200 205801 GET 
 - HIER_DIRECT/ application/x-gzip

1563597936.436  80026 TCP_MISS_ABORTED/200 2641974 GET 
 - HIER_DIRECT/ application/x-xz

config file

acl localnet src # internal network
acl localnet src fc00::/7   # RFC 4193 local private network range
acl localnet src fe80::/10  # RFC 4291 link-local (directly plugged) 
acl l500-020b src
acl SSL_ports port 443
acl Safe_ports port 80  # http
acl Safe_ports port 21  # ftp
acl Safe_ports port 443 # https
acl Safe_ports port 70  # gopher
acl Safe_ports port 210 # wais
acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535  # unregistered ports
acl Safe_ports port 280 # http-mgmt
acl Safe_ports port 488 # gss-http
acl Safe_ports port 591 # filemaker
acl Safe_ports port 777 # multiling http
acl ads dstdomain .ad1.pamedia.com.au
acl ads dstdomain .ad3.pamedia.com.au
acl ads dstdomain .adevents.com.au
acl ads dstdomain .adinfinity.com.au
acl ads dstdomain .ads.excitehome.net.au
acl ads dstdomain .ads.fairfax.com.au
acl ads dstdomain .ads.godaddy.com
acl ads dstdomain .ads.google.com
acl ads dstdomain .ads.ninemsn.com.au
acl ads dstdomain .ads.optusnet.com.au
acl ads dstdomain .ads.property.com.au
acl ads dstdomain .ads.youtube.com
acl ads dstdomain .adserver.news.com.au
acl ads dstdomain .au.adserver.yahoo.com
acl ads dstdomain .doubleclick.net
acl ads dstdomain .googleadservices.com
acl ads dstdomain .zoomdirect.com.au
acl malware dstdomain am10.ru
acl malware dstdomain deepspacer.com
acl malware dstdomain trafficconverter.biz
acl malware dstdomain .eu.interia.pl
acl malware dstdomain .expo9.exponential.com
acl malware dstdomain .flashtalking.com
acl malware dstdomain .funad.co.kr
acl malware dstdomain .luckytime.co.kr
acl malware dstdomain .trafficholder.com
acl malware2 dst
acl hiddenwasp dst
acl hiddenwasp dst
acl hiddenwasp2 dstdomain
http_access deny !Safe_ports
http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
http_access deny ads
http_access deny malware
http_access deny malware2
http_access deny hiddenwasp
http_access deny hiddenwasp2
http_access allow l500-020b manager
http_access deny manager
http_access allow localnet
http_access allow localhost
http_access deny all
http_port 3128
cache_mem 448 MB
maximum_object_size 320 MB
memory_replacement_policy lru
cache_replacement_policy heap LFUDA
cache_dir aufs /var/spool/squid 18432 32 256
quick_abort_min -1 KB
client_request_buffer_max_size 128 KB
coredump_dir /var/spool/squid
access_log /var/log/squid/access.log squid
cache_log /var/log/squid/cache.log
logfile_rotate 7
netdb_filename none
refresh_pattern (\.deb|\.udeb)$ 1440    80% 10080
refresh_pattern ^ftp:   1440    20% 10080
refresh_pattern ^gopher:    1440    0%  1440
refresh_pattern -i (/cgi-bin/|\?) 0 0%  0
refresh_pattern .   0   20% 4320
host_verify_strict on
max_filedescriptors 1200
dns_v4_first on
pinger_enable off
shutdown_lifetime 5 seconds
squid-users mailing list

Re: [squid-users] Possible to user reply_header_add directive with acl random access list ?

2019-07-19 Thread --Ahmad--
Alex you have been helpful a-lot .

i would appreciate your help & Amos for what you provided .

Thanks for your kind support .

you have simplified all what i need .

Kind regards 

> On 19 Jul 2019, at 23:03, Alex Rousskov  
> wrote:
> reply_header_add Start "%___
squid-users mailing list

Re: [squid-users] Possible to user reply_header_add directive with acl random access list ?

2019-07-19 Thread Alex Rousskov
On 7/19/19 2:54 PM, --Ahmad-- wrote:

> say i have 10 ips 
> i want random external over them .

> if external was ip1 , then “start header” should be A
> if external was ip2 , then “start header” should be b
> if external was ip3 , then “start header” should be c
> if external was ip4 , then “start header” should be d

I can suggest two options. The first one is a little simpler, but it
uses actual IP addresses (e.g., "") instead of IP address
labels/pseudonyms (e.g. "A") for Start header values:

  # select one of ten IPs using a uniform random distribution
  tcp_outgoing_address p1in10
  tcp_outgoing_address p1in9
  tcp_outgoing_address all

  # tell the client what IP our to-server connection originated from
  reply_header_add Start "%http://lists.squid-cache.org/listinfo/squid-users

[squid-users] Ubuntu 18 LTS repository for Squid 4.8 (rebuilt with sslbump support from sources in Debian unstable)

2019-07-19 Thread Rafael Akchurin
Greeting all,

The online repository with latest Squid 4.8 (rebuilt from Debian unstable with 
sslbump support) for Ubuntu 18 LTS 64-bit is available at squid48.diladele.com.
Github repo at https://github.com/diladele/squid-ubuntu contains the scripts we 
used to make this compilation (look for feature-squid-4.8-1 branch).
Scripts for Ubuntu 16 will be updated in the near future.

Hope you will find this helpful. Note that older repo of squid46.diladele.com 
will be taken down in two years.

Best regards,
Rafael Akchurin
Diladele B.V.

P.S. Here are simple instructions how to use the repo. For more information see 
readme at https://github.com/diladele/squid-ubuntu .

# add diladele apt key
wget -qO - http://packages.diladele.com/diladele_pub.asc | sudo apt-key add -

# add repo
echo "deb http://squid48.diladele.com/ubuntu/ bionic main" > 

# update the apt cache
apt-get update

# install
apt-get install squid-common
apt-get install squid
apt-get install squidclient

Please take a look at another our project - DNS Safety filtering server.
Sort of Web Safety implemented as DNS Server.
Might be interesting in deployments where HTTPS decryption is not possible.

squid-users mailing list

Re: [squid-users] Possible to user reply_header_add directive with acl random access list ?

2019-07-19 Thread --Ahmad--
Alex .. indeed i asked many questions and you already solved me old issues . i 
do apologise for that Drop .
here is what we are going to achieve .

in simple :

i want to have external random addressees from list of addresses .
and in the same time i want a header like “start” header  who can be sent from 
squid to Host with tag.

say i have 10 ips 
i want random external over them .
and i want single  on each those 10 ips be sent back to Host.
if external was ip1 , then “start header” should be A
if external was ip2 , then “start header” should be b
if external was ip3 , then “start header” should be c
if external was ip4 , then “start header” should be d

and so on .

Thanks and again Guys you have been much helpful .


> On 19 Jul 2019, at 16:08, Alex Rousskov  
> wrote:
> On 7/19/19 8:53 AM, --Ahmad-- wrote:
>> is there any way can i let header acl stop on the 1st MATCH ?
> Yes, your reply_header_add ACLs effectively stop on the first match,
> using the annotation trick. That part of your configuration is probably
> working. The primary problem is elsewhere.
>> do you have any other thing can we do to achieve what im looking for
>> based on my config below ?
> FWIW, I do not know what you are looking for. I even checked earlier
> emails on this thread and could not find that information. Can you
> (re)state your goals using the following template?
> "When Squid receives a client request with HTTP header X, I want Squid
> to forward that request using outgoing TCP address Y, and then add HTTP
> header Z to the response that Squid sends to the client."
> Replace X, Y, and Z with your actual requirements. Adjust as needed,
> including removing any unnecessary parts.
> Alex.

squid-users mailing list

Re: [squid-users] Possible to user reply_header_add directive with acl random access list ?

2019-07-19 Thread Alex Rousskov
On 7/19/19 8:53 AM, --Ahmad-- wrote:

> is there any way can i let header acl stop on the 1st MATCH ?

Yes, your reply_header_add ACLs effectively stop on the first match,
using the annotation trick. That part of your configuration is probably
working. The primary problem is elsewhere.

> do you have any other thing can we do to achieve what im looking for
> based on my config below ?

FWIW, I do not know what you are looking for. I even checked earlier
emails on this thread and could not find that information. Can you
(re)state your goals using the following template?

"When Squid receives a client request with HTTP header X, I want Squid
to forward that request using outgoing TCP address Y, and then add HTTP
header Z to the response that Squid sends to the client."

Replace X, Y, and Z with your actual requirements. Adjust as needed,
including removing any unnecessary parts.

squid-users mailing list

Re: [squid-users] Possible to user reply_header_add directive with acl random access list ?

2019-07-19 Thread --Ahmad--
Hi Guys , Thank you a lot for your cooperation .

is there any way can i let header acl stop on the 1st MATCH ?

do you have any other thing can we do to achieve what im looking for based on 
my config below ?


> On 19 Jul 2019, at 13:04, Amos Jeffries  wrote:
> To make the IP based on the "a" existence you have to ... base it on the
> "a" - not on some random number.

squid-users mailing list

Re: [squid-users] Possible to user reply_header_add directive with acl random access list ?

2019-07-19 Thread Amos Jeffries
On 19/07/19 6:49 pm, --Ahmad-- wrote:

> But may be im wrong with config and im open now to any suggestions to
> change the config to get it working as i mentioned above with headers .

As I said at the end of my earlier mail:

You appear to have missed the fact that each
check/test of the ACL uses a different randomly selected number.


>  reply_header_add start "a" !markedProcessed half1 markProcessed
>  tcp_outgoing_address half1

... contain two different check/test of the ACL called half1.

One for reply_header_add, another one for tcp_outgoing_address.

-> a random 1/5 of requests will have "Start: a" header added.

-> a random 1/5 of requests will try to send from IP address.

The two sets likely do not overlap. Though since this is truly random -
there is a 2.5% chance that any request might *look* like what you are

To make the IP based on the "a" existence you have to ... base it on the
"a" - not on some random number.

squid-users mailing list

Re: [squid-users] Possible to user reply_header_add directive with acl random access list ?

2019-07-19 Thread --Ahmad--
Hi Alex .

Strange: Your outgoing address decisions appear to be random, completely 
independent from your Start values. Is that what you want?
yes , it suppose to have header as i configured the acls .

> --->D
> >C
>  ——>E


> --> B
> --> a
> ---> E

I see nothing in your configuration that would tie outgoing address to Start 
values. Where did you configure Squid to use "D" for .13 or vice versa?
May im wrong in config , i thought that my config above like :

acl markProcessed annotate_client processed=yes
acl markedProcessed note processed yes
acl half1 random 1/5

reply_header_add start "a" !markedProcessed half1 markProcessed

tcp_outgoing_address half1

But may be im wrong with config and im open now to any suggestions to change 
the config to get it working as i mentioned above with headers .


> On 19 Jul 2019, at 5:44, Alex Rousskov  
> wrote:
> Strange: Your outgoing address decisions appear to be random, completely 
> independent from your Start values. Is that what you want?

squid-users mailing list