Re: [squid-users] cache dir size / cache mem

2004-11-02 Thread Matus UHLAR - fantomas
On 01.11 10:42, digitalfx wrote:

please send new mail to list when opening new thread.

 for 150 users, which is the recommended/optimal size for /var/spool/squid
 100 16 256 ??

cache_dir /var/spool/squid 100 16 256
is already a setting...

the cache_dir size should be as big one week's HTTP traffic.
the second level directory number probably should stay 256, the first
depends on cache size, minimal and maximal file size.

 Im using 2HDs 120Gb each in raid 0 mode for /var

have you read the FAQ?

however, for 2x120GB spool and for objects 0B - 32 MB I'd use setting

cache_dir 10 32 256

and use two caches, one on each drive.

 and cache_mem ??

try to look at:

you will find out how much memory will squid probably eat, substract that
from memory your machine has and wee how many will remain for rest of the
OS. I think you can use 8MB memory cache, however I use 300MB with maximom
object size in memory set to 256KB

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ;
Warning: I wish NOT to receive e-mail advertising to this address.
Varovanie: na tuto adresu chcem NEDOSTAVAT akukolvek reklamnu postu.
It's now safe to throw off your computer.

[squid-users] Blocking MSN messenger

2004-11-02 Thread Gert Brits
Hi All

I know, I know that this has been asked before, but I had to re-install my
PC  please give me the acl rules for blocking MSN messenger.



Gert Brits

[squid-users] Help squid_ldap_group W32

2004-11-02 Thread sc379

Hi all,

I'm trying to working with squid into a windows 2K server, and I've users into a ldap 
three. My scope is to have two groups: internetOK has access to internet e internetNO 

In my squid.conf I've:

auth_param basic program /Squid/libexec/squid_ldap_auth.exe -u cn -b 
ou=utenti,dc=bdcnet,dc=it  -D cn=superadmin,cn=users,dc=bdcnet,dc=it -w pass -d -v 3 
auth_param basic children 5
auth_param basic realm Squid proxy-caching web server
auth_param basic credentialsttl 2 hours
auth_param basic casesensitive off

external_acl_type ldap_group %LOGIN /Squid/libexec/squid_ldap_group.exe -u CN -b 
OU=utenti,DC=bdcnet,DC=it -d -f 

acl internetgroup external ldap_group internetOK
acl NOinternet external ldap_group internetNO
acl autenticati proxy_auth REQUIRED

http_access deny autenticati NOinternet
http_access allow autenticati internetgroup
http_access deny all

The basic authentication work for me good, but the authorization membership doesn't 

For the external_acl_type I try different ldap search strings, but none seems to work:

for example:

external_acl_type ldap_group squid_ldap_group.exe -u CN -b 
OU=utenti,DC=bdcnet,DC=it -d -D cn=superadmin,cn=users,dc=bdcnet,dc=it -w pass -f 
-h -D cn=superadmin,cn=users,dc=bdcnet,dc=it -w pass

What are right parameters for  -f option in squid_ldap_group?

Thanks in advance, and Best Regards

Samantha  Raffaele


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Lo Staff di Interfree 

[squid-users] i want more memory for squid?

2004-11-02 Thread Yemi Fowe

Hello all,
I have a dell server with 1Gb RAM and its running
squid2.4STABLE6 on RedhatAS2.1
I am expecting that squid would be using atleast 300Mb
of the RAM, but suprisingly cache manager reports that
its only 52Mb. Is there any way i can increase this

Pasted bellow is memory info from cahche manager and
process report using the top command.

Memory usage for squid via mallinfo():
Total space in arena:   51009 KB
Ordinary blocks:50675 KB   2113 blks
Small blocks:   0 KB  0 blks
Holding blocks:   176 KB  1 blks
Free Small blocks:  0 KB
Free Ordinary blocks: 333 KB
Total in use:   50851 KB 100%
Total free:   333 KB 1%

top command:

10866 squid 16   0 53792  52M  1340 S16.3  5.2
 43:22 squid
  881 root  15   0  1180 1180   448 S 0.5  0.1
  3:25 klogd
  149 root  15   0 00 0 SW0.3  0.0
  3:17 kjournald
  876 root  16   0   588  588   488 S 0.1  0.0
  6:13 syslogd
28303 root  15   0  1076 1076   832 R 0.1  0.1
  0:00 top
1 root  15   0   512  512   444 S 0.0  0.0
  0:04 init

Do you Yahoo!? 
Check out the new Yahoo! Front Page. 

[squid-users] RE: i want more memory for squid?

2004-11-02 Thread Elsen Marc
 Hello all,
 I have a dell server with 1Gb RAM and its running
 squid2.4STABLE6 on RedhatAS2.1
 I am expecting that squid would be using atleast 300Mb
 of the RAM, but suprisingly cache manager reports that
 its only 52Mb. Is there any way i can increase this
 Pasted bellow is memory info from cahche manager and
 process report using the top command.
 You have a 'lucky vision' ; most people want
the reverse :-) :

  1) Squid's mem usage depends on the size
of the configured cache dir(s). Check the FAQ for more

  2) You could increase 'cache_mem' ; however read the
comments in squid.conf.default about the meaning
and implications of this parameter.


RE: [squid-users] Blocking MSN messenger

2004-11-02 Thread Chris Perreault

You really should print this out and wallpaper your fridge with it:)

A very quick search, on your name, gave this as the 3rd link down:

Notice who it is to:)

-Original Message- 
Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2004 10:39 AM 
Subject: Re: [squid-users] Block MSN 

Aww c'mon, searching the archives isn't that hard! 

A search for 
   block MSN 2004 
using the search box on ttp://
as hit number 2  

Rob Hadfield 

Quoting Gert Brits [EMAIL PROTECTED]: 

 Hi all 
 I know this has been asked not long ago, but I lost my mail, and have so 
 much to do  
 How can I block MSN messenger traffic in squid ? 
 Gert Brits 

-Original Message-
From: Gert Brits [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 2004 7:19 AM
Subject: [squid-users] Blocking MSN messenger

Hi All

I know, I know that this has been asked before, but I had to re-install my
PC  please give me the acl rules for blocking MSN messenger.



Gert Brits

RE: [squid-users] Blocking MSN messenger

2004-11-02 Thread Gert Brits
Got it thanks 

Has the http_access rule at wrong place.


Gert Brits
Senior Engineer

-Original Message-
From: Chris Perreault [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 02 November 2004 02:41 PM
To: Gert Brits; [EMAIL PROTECTED] Org
Subject: RE: [squid-users] Blocking MSN messenger

You really should print this out and wallpaper your fridge with it:)

A very quick search, on your name, gave this as the 3rd link down:

Notice who it is to:)

-Original Message- 
Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2004 10:39 AM 
Subject: Re: [squid-users] Block MSN 

Aww c'mon, searching the archives isn't that hard! 

A search for 
   block MSN 2004 
using the search box on ttp://
as hit number 2  

Rob Hadfield 

Quoting Gert Brits [EMAIL PROTECTED]: 

 Hi all 
 I know this has been asked not long ago, but I lost my mail, and have so 
 much to do  
 How can I block MSN messenger traffic in squid ? 
 Gert Brits 

-Original Message-
From: Gert Brits [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 2004 7:19 AM
Subject: [squid-users] Blocking MSN messenger

Hi All

I know, I know that this has been asked before, but I had to re-install my
PC  please give me the acl rules for blocking MSN messenger.



Gert Brits

RE: [squid-users] Sporadic high CPU usage, no traffic

2004-11-02 Thread Henrik Nordstrom

On Mon, 1 Nov 2004, Chris Robertson wrote:
2004/11/01 11:32:55| cbdataUnlock: Freeing 0x83ef270
2004/11/01 11:33:08| eventRun: RUN ID 1342
This is really killing me.  Is it the eventRun that is causing the stall, is
it breaking the stall, or is it completely unrelated?
Probably unrelated.
Does strace reveal any activity during the strange hickups?
You can also try running Squid under the control of a debugger (i.e. gdb) 
and break it while it is stuck (Control-C). This should show you 
where/what it is doing at the time.


Re: [squid-users] store.log, store_log.c, storeLog() question

2004-11-02 Thread Henrik Nordstrom

On Mon, 1 Nov 2004, OTR Comm wrote:
I have store_dir.c in the pushcache patch, but not store_dir_ufs.c.
Which version of Squid is this based on?

Re: [squid-users] Not able to setup Squid with WCCP 2

2004-11-02 Thread Henrik Nordstrom
On Tue, 2 Nov 2004, Milind Nanal wrote:
Is there any patch I need to apply to enable WCCP 2 enable?
Yes. See
Also let me know what are the advantages on setting up WCCP2 over WCCP1.
Mainly that Cisco maintains the WCCPv2 implementation in their routers 
somewhat better.

Is there any major feature that WCCP2 give so that I can break my head 
in setting up WCCP2.
Not for Squid. For Squid the use of WCCPv1 or WCCPv2 provides exactly the 
same functionality.

It is possible that in future some kind soul provides a Squid WCCPv2 
implementation which makes better use of new new features provided by 
WCCPv2, but the WCCPv2 support available for Squid today does not make use 
any of the new features available in WCCPv2 compared to WCCPv1.


Re: [squid-users] squid + epoll polygraph test

2004-11-02 Thread Henrik Nordstrom
On Tue, 2 Nov 2004, Muthukumar wrote:
Is there anyone benchmarked squid+epoll() on polygraph? How may I expect requests 
satisfaction limit on Linux host
2.6.5-1.358 #1 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux platform?
There has not been any benchmark on Squid-3 + epoll in a long time. The 
performance of this is not known.

The Squid developers is currently focused on first getting Squid-3 
reasonably stable and correct before looking at performance.

During polygraph testing, I am getting errors as,
004.03| ./ error: 1/1 (267) unsupported HTTP status code
004.03| ./ error: 2/2 (267) unsupported HTTP status code
Could be many things.
I would recommend starting with a Squid-2.5 to verify that you have the 
Polygraph setup correct. This should run without any errors except the 
expected ones..

Then try out Squid-3.

[squid-users] reverse proxy with caching and authentication

2004-11-02 Thread Michiel van Es
is it possible to use a reverse proxy server with authentication?
I've read that you have to recompile this option into Squid.
Why isn't it a default option in Squid?
I do now want to recompile my squid version when there is a security 
exploit and rather use the up2date/yum functionallity from WhiteBox/RedHat.
I use WhiteBox Enterprise Linux 3.0 , Squid version:

Thanks in advance.

Re: [squid-users] advisory message before browsing

2004-11-02 Thread Henrik Nordstrom
On Tue, 2 Nov 2004, Rolf wrote:
I can get that a redirector would be handy - squid sends the requested url to 
the redirector (any url or only unapproved ones for eg) which is then 
rewritten to the advisory page. This would display the advice page in the 
same browser window. But then how does one construct the mechanism to 
continue to the requested url?
This is possible by
a) Have the redirector and your policy page share a common database on 
users who have accepted the policy.

b) Have the redirector send the original URL as a query argument to your 
policy page, allowing the policy page to redirect back to the original URL 
when the policy is accepted and this user has been added to the policy 
accepted database.

Seems that the url for the advice page could be comprised of javascript to 
cause a new window to appear - is it as simple as once such a window is 
dismissed the requested url would get loaded?
Trivial JavaScript coding...
   opener.location = the_original_url;
assuming you have already figured out how to get the original URL.
How you present this thing or get back to the original URL after the 
redirection is all about HTML/JavaScript, nothing really relevant to the 

Further how is this accomplished so that the warning advice only appears upon 
first using the browser (time limited or what)?
If you do this in the proxy time is about the only variable you have.
There is other approaches solving this outside of the proxy. It is also 
possible solving it at the client by using a clever proxy-pac script 
(assuming you have control over the clients).


Re: [squid-users] redirector with Shutdown flag

2004-11-02 Thread Valentin Chopov
Henrik thanks.
According to the Squid FAQ the only way to shutdown the redirectors is
to close their stdin (squid's stdout). My understanding is that the 
shutdown flag is only for squid and there is no way redirectors to know 
about it. So if for some reason redirector send something to stdout 
(squid's stdin) after squid set the Shutdown flag, squid will keep this 
redirector in service ... am I right?

On Mon, 1 Nov 2004, Henrik Nordstrom wrote:

On Mon, 1 Nov 2004, Valentin Chopov wrote:
Do you think it will be a good idea Squid continuously to remind these 
redirectors to shutdown (e.g. every 1h)?
The shutdown indication to the helper is permanent, always there. As soon as 
the helper tries to read the next request it notices..


Re: [squid-users] Help squid_ldap_group W32

2004-11-02 Thread Henrik Nordstrom
On Tue, 2 Nov 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
external_acl_type ldap_group %LOGIN /Squid/libexec/squid_ldap_group.exe 
-u CN -b OU=utenti,DC=bdcnet,DC=it -d -f 
This looks a little odd.. normally one uses a search filter looking for 
the group object where the user is member, not the person object having 
the group as membership attribute.

In addition you should be using a %g at a suitable position in the filter 
for the group name..

If continuing doing the lookup on the person object the filter should be 
something like the following:

Or you could do it the LDAP way and look for a group object having the 
user as member. You then specify the exact same filter as used in 
squid_ldap_auth to the -F option of squid_ldap_group, and a suitable group 
filter to -f

(%u in the group search filter -f translates to the users DN, not the 
login name when using the -F option)


Re: [squid-users] i want more memory for squid?

2004-11-02 Thread Henrik Nordstrom

On Tue, 2 Nov 2004, Yemi Fowe wrote:
I am expecting that squid would be using atleast 300Mb
of the RAM, but suprisingly cache manager reports that
its only 52Mb. Is there any way i can increase this
A bigger cache is the best way (see cache_dir directive).
If you do not have a cache directory then you can use a memory cache by 
using the cache_mem directive.


Re: [squid-users] RE: i want more memory for squid?

2004-11-02 Thread Henrik Nordstrom
On Tue, 2 Nov 2004, Elsen Marc wrote:
 2) You could increase 'cache_mem' ; however read the
comments in squid.conf.default about the meaning
and implications of this parameter.
It may also be noted that recent experience indicates Squids cache_mem 
performs some orders of magnitude worse than expected on large files..


RE: [squid-users] reverse proxy with caching and authentication

2004-11-02 Thread Elsen Marc
 is it possible to use a reverse proxy server with authentication?
 I've read that you have to recompile this option into Squid.
 Why isn't it a default option in Squid?
 I do now want to recompile my squid version when there is a security 
 exploit and rather use the up2date/yum functionallity from 
 I use WhiteBox Enterprise Linux 3.0 , Squid version:



Re: [squid-users] reverse proxy with caching and authentication

2004-11-02 Thread Michiel van Es

Elsen Marc wrote:

is it possible to use a reverse proxy server with authentication?
I've read that you have to recompile this option into Squid.
Why isn't it a default option in Squid?
I do now want to recompile my squid version when there is a security 
exploit and rather use the up2date/yum functionallity from 
I use WhiteBox Enterprise Linux 3.0 , Squid version:

too bad it isn't implemented in the stable rpm version.
Now I have to recompile squid ( I do now want to this every time there 
is a security exploit) or use the 3.0 beta


[squid-users] Invalid URL while trying to retrieve /

2004-11-02 Thread Jim Nachlin
I'm getting a strange error while trying to use squid as an httpd 
accelerator.  The error from squid is that it can not retrieve the url 
/, but on the browser I'm using the url 
The address for this domain is in my hosts file.  It's also in the hosts 
file of the server.

Typical squid access log entry:
1099412745.010  9 TCP_DENIED/400 1419 GET / - NONE/- 

Some relevant lines from squid.conf:
http_port 80
redirect_rewrites_host_header off
http_access allow all
httpd_accel_port 81
httpd_accel_single_host on
httpd_accel_uses_host_header off
redirect_rewrites_host_header off
The httpd is listening on port 81.
There are no requests getting to the httpd at all.  Nothing in the logs.
Thanks for any help or suggestions.

Re: [squid-users] store.log, store_log.c, storeLog() question

2004-11-02 Thread OTR Comm

 Which version of Squid is this based on?


Murrah Boswell

[squid-users] Body Filter

2004-11-02 Thread Pablo Gietz
Is any program filter out there with body filter?, I mean regexp in the 
body of the page not in the URL?
does squidguard  have this facility?

Thanks a lot
Pablo A. C. Gietz

RE: [squid-users] Body Filter

2004-11-02 Thread Aaron Arnold

Like DansGuardian?  It the htlm code by looking for expressions and
weights those expressions.  Is this what you are looking for.
SquidGuard just does a blacklist URL.  DansGuardian looks at the page is

 -Original Message-
 From: Pablo Gietz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: November 2, 2004 10:45 AM
 Subject: [squid-users] Body Filter
 Is any program filter out there with body filter?, I mean regexp in
 body of the page not in the URL?
 does squidguard  have this facility?
 Thanks a lot
 Pablo A. C. Gietz

[squid-users] Squid (gateway) + Transparent - Antivirus ??

2004-11-02 Thread Abdock

Hello Experts,

I have set up squid as transparent, and doing only web caching. The box acts as the 
gateway. No proxy all addresses behind the box are external IP.

How can i add antivirus to the squid box so that atleast some protection is added.

THanks all in advance.

[squid-users] Squid NTLM Auth -- Dansguardian -- Squid Cache

2004-11-02 Thread Matt Alexander
Since Dansguardian doesn't support NTLM authentication, could someone
give me step-by-step directions or point me to a HOWTO for configuring
two squid processes on the same box?  The first squid would handle the
authentication and then pass the request to Dansguardian which would
then pass it to the second squid for caching.

Get Firefox!

[squid-users] Giving Trouble to Block MSN messenger

2004-11-02 Thread Nilesh
Hello All,

I am not able to block MSN Messenger when I put this
rule in rc.firewall script 
This rule is required for to connect VPN sever at
client side.
Could any one tell me what needs to be change in
Squid.conf for blocking MSN messenger or tell me the
way to block it.

Thanks and Regards 

Do you Yahoo!? 
Check out the new Yahoo! Front Page. 

Re: [squid-users] webpage redirection

2004-11-02 Thread Éliás Tamás

KZ Hi all !

KZI want to redirect a web page with squid to another web page (example :
KZ to

KZWhen my clients write in internet explorer to open hotmail
KZ page, possible ?

Yes, use SquidGuard.

Thomas Elias
Title: System administrator, Programmer
Tel.: +3630/3299315
ICQ UIN: 206-714-459
  A számban a nyál, az ütõeremben a vér!
   Végzem a dolgomat, 
   Te meg majd eldöntöd, hogy mennyit ér! (TCS)

[squid-users] squid3 pre3-20041102: WARNING: transparent proxying not supported (visolve not help)

2004-11-02 Thread Éliás Tamás
Hy all!
Again the weird trnasparent proxying problem. I revised all docs found
on the net, but no solution yet. Debian SARGE system, with kernel
2.6.9, no patches. routing, and iptables enabled. squid compiled from
source, with options:

$CONFIGURE --with-dl --enable-default-err-language=Hungarian --enable-poll 
--enable-select --disable-http-violations --enable-linux-nefilter \
--disable-ident-lookups --enable-delay-pools --enable-gnuregex --sysconfdir=/etc/squid 
--prefix=/usr/local/squid --enable-underscores \
--enable-time-hack  --with-samba-sources=/root/install/unpacked/samba-3.0.7 
--enable-cache-digests --sysconfdir=/etc/squid --enable-storeio=ufs,diskd \
--disable-icp --enable-dl-malloc

If not used with transparent proxying it just work fine... But now I'd
need to be transparent...

In /etc/network/services: ip_forward=yes

and already configured my squid and firewall:

$IPTABLES -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -i $LAN_KOLL_IFACE -s $LAN_KOLL_NET --dport 80 
-j REDIRECT --to-ports 3113
(I have static IP, so no MASQUERADING, but SNAT used:

Squid starts normally, says:
2004/11/03 03:03:59| Accepting transparently proxied HTTP connections at, 
port 3113, FD 11.
2004/11/03 03:03:59| WCCP Disabled.
2004/11/03 03:03:59| Ready to serve requests.

Just after I do the first hit, the
 WARNING: transparent proxying not supported
message appears at the end of the cache.log, and the client has the
message, that says, the / is an invalid url. in the access log I
1099446498.298  1 NONE/400 1514 GET / - NONE/- text/html
1099447470.783  1 NONE/400 1514 GET / - NONE/- text/html
1099447497.574  0 NONE/400 1514 GET / - NONE/- text/html

What's this, and where to from here?

Thomas Elias
Title: System administrator, Programmer
Tel.: +3630/3299315
ICQ UIN: 206-714-459
Quote: Too many people making too many problems (InFlames)

RE: [squid-users] WCCP 1 squid box found but not able to browse

2004-11-02 Thread Milind Nanal
Thanks buddy my problem is resolved by adding 
ip_wccp support in the kernel



-Original Message-
From: Awie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 2004 9:55 AM
To: Milind Nanal; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [squid-users] WCCP 1 squid box found but not able to browse

 iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT
 --to-port 3128
 echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

 My problem is that I am not able to browse any site one the router starts
 diverting all HTTP request to squid box. If  I set squid proxy in the
 client's browser then it works that means my squid is able to serve the
 request. But setting proxy on client's browser is not I want. I want it to
 run in transparent mode. I have used to setup this .

Did you load ip_wccp.o already?

Thx  Rgds,


Re: [squid-users] advisory message before browsing

2004-11-02 Thread Rolf
Thanks very much. To follow up...
I can get that a redirector would be handy - squid sends the 
requested url to the redirector (any url or only unapproved ones for 
eg) which is then rewritten to the advisory page. This would display 
the advice page in the same browser window. But then how does one 
construct the mechanism to continue to the requested url?

b) Have the redirector send the original URL as a query argument to 
your policy page, allowing the policy page to redirect back to the 
original URL when the policy is accepted and this user has been added 
to the policy accepted database.
Have done this and it works beautifully. Used a short javascript that 
accepted ?url=www.orig.url as an argument to the policy page url. Was 
quite simple.

Further how is this accomplished so that the warning advice only 
appears upon first using the browser (time limited or what)?
If you do this in the proxy time is about the only variable you have.
I am quite happy to have time as the measure to determine when the 
policy page re-appears.
Though I am a bit stuck here.
Is it possible to adapt the proxy auth mechanism I am wondering.
All users will be subject to basic auth upon first trying a url.
Having been authenticated they get to the policy page, but upon return 
from the policy page, I can't see how to know they've been there and 
not to redirect them again.
This is indeed your excellent policy accepted database idea, but how 
can I implement it? Can I do so with ACLs and redirector_access?

It sounds like it needs some database arrangement that is populated by 
the script that runs the policy page. And de-populated by some other 
scheduled task that removes old entries. BUt, how does squid see these 

thanks again

[squid-users] Multiple cache_dir

2004-11-02 Thread Asfihani

I have squid configured with multiple cache_dir, in squid.conf :

cache_dir ufs /cache1 62000 32 256
cache_dir ufs /cache2 66000 32 256

But, when I check the usage of the disk partion, the cache2 partition
get rapidly filled with squid cache. Is this normal? If not, how do I
solve the problem?

/dev/ad3s4d67G   184M62G 0%/cache1
/dev/ad2s1d72G   1.8G65G 3%/cache2

Thank you,


Re: [squid-users] squid + epoll polygraph test

2004-11-02 Thread Muthukumar
Hai Gonzalo,

 I've been using squid3 with epoll support for a couple of months.
 In my case, squid with poll/select did consume up to 100% CPU.  With epoll, CPU 
 usage dropped to less than 10%.

It seems to be great. How many requests are being generated per second?

Are you using squid-3.0-pre3+latest patch for epoll().
I am on analysis of squid-3.0pre3 + epoll() requests satisfaction / second there.

./configure --prefix=/home/muthu/squidepoll --enable-epoll  
--with-aufs-threads=32 --with-descriptors=32768 --with-pthreads  
--enable-storeio=null,ufs,aufs --disable-poll --disable-select --disable-kqueue


 cache_mem 90 MB( 200 MB RAM )
 cache_dir null /dev/null
 cache_access_log none
 cache_store_log none

 Long term average  max CPU usage:

 With epoll, CPU usage over the last 24 hours:

Thanks for informations.


===  It is a Virus Free Mail ===
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.786 / Virus Database: 532 - Release Date: 10/29/2004 

Re: [squid-users] Multiple cache_dir

2004-11-02 Thread BusyBoy
On Wed, 3 Nov 2004 10:09:59 +0700, Asfihani [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have squid configured with multiple cache_dir, in squid.conf :
 cache_dir ufs /cache1 62000 32 256
 cache_dir ufs /cache2 66000 32 256
 But, when I check the usage of the disk partion, the cache2 partition
 get rapidly filled with squid cache. Is this normal? If not, how do I
 solve the problem?
 /dev/ad3s4d67G   184M62G 0%/cache1
 /dev/ad2s1d72G   1.8G65G 3%/cache2
 Thank you,

I have same configuration with lesser cache_dir sizes and they are
working nicely,,,

What policy you are using BTW?

Nasir Mahmood
Systems + Network Admin.
Asia Net.

RE: [squid-users] reverse proxy with caching and authentication

2004-11-02 Thread newsgroupie
There is a manual hack that I have used successfully to get proxy auth
working in accelerator mode.
(BTW I found this fix posted somewhere in this newsgroup long ago so all
credits go to Henrik Nordstrom)

You need to edit the source before compiling as follows:

Edit the src/Makefile file by adding the following at the DEFS line


Then compile in the usual manner. Works fine for me using 2.5 stable3 on
RH7.3 with winbind auth helper but should work for any others I imagine.
Don't know exactly why auth on acceleration is not enabled by default.
I'm guessing it has something to do with possible authentication
conflicts on the http server as you can only have one layer of http

Hope this helps,

Dave H


-Original Message-
From: Michiel van Es [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, 3 November 2004 2:31 AM
To: Elsen Marc
Subject: Re: [squid-users] reverse proxy with caching and authentication

Elsen Marc wrote:
is it possible to use a reverse proxy server with authentication?
I've read that you have to recompile this option into Squid.
Why isn't it a default option in Squid?
I do now want to recompile my squid version when there is a security 
exploit and rather use the up2date/yum functionallity from 
I use WhiteBox Enterprise Linux 3.0 , Squid version:

too bad it isn't implemented in the stable rpm version.
Now I have to recompile squid ( I do now want to this every time there
is a security exploit) or use the 3.0 beta



RE: [squid-users] Sporadic high CPU usage, no traffic

2004-11-02 Thread Chris Robertson
 On Mon, 1 Nov 2004, Chris Robertson wrote:
 2004/11/01 11:32:55| cbdataUnlock: Freeing 0x83ef270
 2004/11/01 11:33:08| eventRun: RUN ID 1342

 This is really killing me.  Is it the eventRun that is causing the stall,
 it breaking the stall, or is it completely unrelated?
 Probably unrelated.
 Does strace reveal any activity during the strange hickups?
 You can also try running Squid under the control of a debugger (i.e. gdb) 
 and break it while it is stuck (Control-C). This should show you 
 where/what it is doing at the time.

Thanks for the tip.  Using gdb was exactly what I needed (I've never used it
before, neat).  I was using two url_regex acls, and the regular expressions
I was using seem to be the problem.  Removing those two lines dropped CPU
usage from a low of %50 to a HIGH of 10%.  Yikes.  Off to optimize them.

Once again Henrik, you are a savior.


Re[2]: [squid-users] squid3 pre3-20041102: WARNING: transparent proxying not supported (visolve not help)

2004-11-02 Thread Éliás Tamás

B Same was the problem when I first time created my squid box from
B scratch. I had actualy been missing..

B httpd_accel_host virtual
B httpd_accel_port 80
B httpd_accel_with_proxy on
B httpd_accel_uses_host_header on

B enabled in my squid.conf

B or may some other problem with your paricular config file.
I'm using squid3. These commands have no sense there:

/var/log/squid# /etc/init.d/squid start
Starting proxy server: 2004/11/03 09:42:15| parseConfigFile: 'squid.conf' line 1 
unrecognized: 'httpd_accel_host virtual'
2004/11/03 09:42:15| parseConfigFile: 'squid.conf' line 2 unrecognized: 
'httpd_accel_port 80'
2004/11/03 09:42:15| parseConfigFile: 'squid.conf' line 3 unrecognized: 
'httpd_accel_with_proxy on'
2004/11/03 09:42:15| parseConfigFile: 'squid.conf' line 4 unrecognized: 
'httpd_accel_uses_host_header on'

I need to specify:
http_port transparent

networks acls are also good... that's why I don't understand the

Thomas Elias
Title: System administrator, Programmer
Tel.: +3630/3299315
ICQ UIN: 206-714-459
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