Re: [squid-users] WCCPv2 on Fedora CORE 2

2004-11-09 Thread Alexander Harkenthal
Am Dienstag, 9. November 2004 16:10 schrieb Henrik Nordstrom:
> On Tue, 9 Nov 2004, Wilhelm Farrugia wrote:
> > Why is squid sending hello packets to the last router in the list only ?
> Because the Squid WCCPv2 patch only supports a single router.

Thats a pitty !!! Would be so useful with multiple router support.


Re: [squid-users] ip_wccp kernel module for WCCP V2?????

2004-11-09 Thread Alexander Harkenthal

> After doing all these things my router
> is able to detect linux squid box & send responce to HERE_I_AM packtes
> received from squid.

Check the cache.log if you see the HERE_I_AM packets and responses there. 
Further you need to debug on the router the wccp functionality with the 

sh ip wccp web-cache detail
sh ip wccp web-cache view

where the view command shows you if the router sees the squid and the details 
show you if the communication works fine and how many redirects the router 
send to the squid.

If the looks good the wccp functionality is ok, cisco router configured right, 
squid is patched correctly and the ip_wccp module is working ...

> But but ... nothing comes in squid access.log. I thinks this is because of
> ip_wccp kernel drive is not having support for wccp v2. ip_wccp module
> works well with wccp1 but not for wccp V2.

As Henrik very often comments (THANKS FOR ALL HIS EXPERT SUPPORT !!!) there is 
no kernel patch needed. If squid is patched correctly the ip_wccp module gets 
loaded during the startup of squid. After configuring squid and the Cisco 
router correctly the communication between them showed work fine, see above.

The last thing you need to check is the routing !!! The router redirects with 
wccp all port 80 (http) requests to the squid. The squid checks its content 
and serves the request or caches the content. Now the squid needs to send the 
responses back to the client. It doesn't send it to the router !!! If the 
linux server or the default router of it doesn't have a route to the 
client-cache communication will not work and you will not see something in 
the access log.


Re: [squid-users] What Linux distribution for a squid trasparent proxy server

2004-01-05 Thread Alexander Harkenthal

> I'd like to use Linux+squid for transparent proxy-cache.
> For easy administration I see that exists a webmin plugin for
> squid.
> What I'd like to know is what Linux distribution should be
> more effective to meet the functional system requirements.

Read the info regarding the setup of a transparent proxy under following 

The policy routing can be done by WCCP which is available if you use a 
router which supports that. Some pages in the web explain the setup quite 
good. For WCCPv1 follow the link

For WCCPv2 the setup is a bit different. Main information regarding this 
setup please see under:


Re: [squid-users] WCCPv2+squid2.5stable4+fedora --problem

2004-01-05 Thread Alexander Harkenthal

your setup and the debug information look fine. The router talks to the 
squid which means wccp is working.

Try to find out with tcpdump if the squid gets the requests, caches the 
content and tries deliver it. 
If not check the setup of the squid. 
If yes, note that the wccp redirect works only in one direction, from the 
router to the cache. The cache needs to have a route to the destination 
otherwise the packets get not delivered. 


Re: [squid-users] squid 2.5 and wccp

2003-12-12 Thread Alexander Harkenthal
Hello Henrik,

> > and thatswhy the kernel does NOT catch and decapsulate the incoming
> > packets before passing them to Squid when I turned on the wccp version
> > 2 on the router.
> Do you see the decapsulated packets anywhere?

This hint help a lot. Thanks tcpdump, iptables logging and this hint. I
found out that the problem was neither the squid nor the kernel. A route
was missing on the linux server (squid) to send the reply to the client
network. I placed the squid in the internet as well as the router but the
clients come with private IP addresses.

At the end it works perfectly.


[squid-users] squid 2.5 and wccp

2003-12-11 Thread Alexander Harkenthal
Hello Squid Users,

I am trying to setup squid Version 2.5.STABLE4 with wccp version 2 on a 
linux server using SuSE 8.2 and using the SuSE kernel sources 2.4.20.

I tried to find the missing information to get this working in the mailing 
list but I can NOT establish the comminication.

Just let me shortly explain my actions:

-   I have successfully applied the  wccpv2.patch from:
to squid Version 2.5.STABLE4

Squid and the router communicating using the wccp hello packets (using 
I_See_You and Here_I_Am packets).

-   I successfully applied the ip_wccp-2_4_18.patch from:
to  SuSE kernel sources 2.4.20

After the reboot the ip_wccp module get loaded sucessfully (with a taint 
warning, but I think this is "ok" as it is not a standard kernel module).

I added a appropriate iptables PREROUTING rule from port 80 to 3128 to get 
the kernel to decapsulate the packets.

I can capture the HELLO - and the GRE packets on the linux machine.
But the module does NOT get used:

sq:~ # lsmod
ip_wccp 744   0  (unused)

and thatswhy the kernel does NOT catch and decapsulate the incoming packets 
before passing them to Squid when I turned on the wccp version 2 on the 

The question is now:

-   how can I get the kernel to decapsulate the packets ?
-   does the kernel normally logs the access of the module into 
/var/log/messages ?
