[squid-users] Are there any issues using MS Proxy 2 as upstream?

2004-08-24 Thread Chris Wilcox
Hi all,
Are there any issues using MS Proxy 2 as an upstream proxy for Squid?  If so 
what are they and are they resolvable?


[squid-users] http v1.1

2004-08-11 Thread Chris Wilcox
Hi all,
I'm running Squid 2.5 on Gentoo 2.6
A friend of mine who runs a webserver has asked me why my browser is 
reporting use of http 1.0 instead of 1.1.  I informed him that I am going 
through Squid, and he asked if Squid supported 1.1 instead of 1.0

I can't find anything so far about this, can anyone tell me if either of us 
are missing something?


RE: [squid-users] Extract username and write it to the log file without NTLM?

2004-06-14 Thread Chris Wilcox
> Hi!
> Is there any way for squid to "extract" the username that is
> logged in on
> particular machine just by using information
> from the browser?
> What i basically want to see is username of person that is
> logged on to the
> machine which is using the proxy WITHOUT prompting
> users for "extra authentication", and then write it in the access.log
> together with all other info (date,dst_url etc).
> Example:
> User Bob is logged on to domain/AD. He wants to surf on the
> internet and
> starts his MSIE. While he is surfing transparently (no extra auth)
> i can extract the username he is logged in with on his
> machine/domain and
> then log this info into the access.log file.
> Is it possible?
> Alternative solution (without using ntlm auth/extra password prompt)?
> thx
> Omar
Look into using ident authentication.  Not really secure, but it is 
transparent and will let you log username without user-input etc.

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RE: [squid-users] Communicating with DansGuardian

2004-05-19 Thread Chris Wilcox
I have installed squid2.5 on linux. Now i want to install DansGuardian
filtering software. My question is what are all the options i have to
change in squid.conf
Hopefully none, though you may wish to allow Squid to listen on by 
adding the line:

http_access allow localhost
Providing you already have an ACL called localhost, which should be there by 

and dansguardian.conf files so that the following
Nothing, the default DG config should work with the default Squid config, 
albeit with the small alteration suggested above.

This may be a question/topic more suited to the dansguardian mailing list 

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RE: [squid-users] RE: Numeric IP, in-addr issues

2004-05-07 Thread Chris Wilcox
You can do the lookup, but it will return info about the provider of the IP 
address and not the user of it.

Just tried this for my own IP (public) and it returned full details of my 
ISP.  Useful for tracing the source of an IP, and then the ISP could trace 
back who was allocated that IP if required.




Surely I can't do a whois lookup (altho i haven't tried) if my service
provider gives me just an IP but no dns entry?
I'm thinking if the trend started (blocking IPs), there must've been a good
reason. It is blocked even in my org.
-Original Message-
From: news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Adam Aube
Sent: 07 May 2004 19:50
Subject: [squid-users] RE: Numeric IP, in-addr issues
Prash wrote:

> don't know about the docs mate but if a website does not have a dns 
> then you won't be able to "whois" and find out who runs that website or
> even the contact address.

You can do WHOIS lookups on IP addresses. This will give you the
organization responsible for that address, and you can contact them.

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Re: [squid-users] another copy of squid

2004-05-01 Thread Chris Wilcox
type the following command as root on the machine

ps -A|grep squid

This command will show u all the instances of squid running.

If u wish to kill the process, u will need to issue the command

kill -9 

If the connections are active, it will take some time before squid process
can actually get killed.
I did not mean just that.

I want to know how does squid determine whether it (squid) has been already 
launched? If you will try to launch squid while another copy is running, 
you will see: "squid is running". How does squid guess :)?

It doesn't guess.  When squid starts it'll create a pid file called 
'squid'(not quite sure where?) and when it stops it will delete this pid 
file.  When you start Squid again it will check for the existence of this 
pid file and if found Squid knows it is already running.




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RE: [squid-users] squid and firefox

2004-04-24 Thread Chris Wilcox
I've a problem here. Don't laugh at me, I'm only doing what my customers
want. I know this is not a squid issue at all and this should go to
firefox forum but if you guys have some tips I'll be grateful
I've five mozilla firefox browsers  installed on linux. Each browser is
allowed out via squid proxy which authenticates using an external auth.
A usr/passwd is given to the client and it expires after 30 min. I have
all the controls in squid i.e when the user is logging in, when to kick
them out etc etc.  Authentication mechanism is basic and a dialog pops
up on the browser after 30 min expiry.
Now I want the browser to display a timer. How do I do it please? Since
this timer has to synchronise with a successful login.. I guess I'll
have to hack firefox code.
Second thing is if a user has forgotten to log out of a say yahoo or
hotmail account,  I don't want the next customer to read the previous
customers emails etc.
Since it's on Linux, couldn't you simply remove the ability to run Firefox 
from icons etc, and then create script that maybe runs Firefox, then after 
30 mins closes it again?  Any user would simply run a shortcut to the script 
from maybe the desktop, and then you'd be sure that after 30 mins Firefox 
would close again?  May not quite be as simple as I think but I'm pretty 
sure it would work?

If you set Firefox not to keep history, cookies etc when closed then I see 
no problems with previous users settings being found by others?

Can't comment on the timer, though it is possible that something may already 
exist that is purely a 'timer app' in Linux.  You could maybe call this to 
run at the same time as you start Firefox, and then the user can check this 
app at any time?  The script would then close this app when it closes 
Firefox ?




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Re: [squid-users] My Squid Hardware -- Any Tips/Advice Before It's Commissioned

2004-03-31 Thread Chris Wilcox
> > generally, are there any tips anyone can advise
> > regarding the best i can get out of my
> > hardware/software configuration..?.. it's been a while
> > since i've built an enterprise squid box, and i want
> > to do it right the first time... pretty much excited
> > and looking forward to it..
> SUSE 8.2 is definitely _not_ the OS of choice for running a server in a
> corporate environment.
OTOH, it is stable & if you don't want support from SuSE, its fine.
> If you need any support for this machine, you should
> run SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 8 (which is based on SUSE LINUX 8.1). 
> for this OS SUSE LINUX will provide any support and maintenance for more
> than about two years (which is the normal lifetime for the SUSE LINUX 
> 9.x). SLES 8 is supported for at least five years from General 
> of the product (which means support and maintenance will be available 
> 2007).
I have to say this looks like a blatant commercial for the more expensive
SLES, where the cheaper product (I'd use 9.0) is fine.  I have corporate
servers running every release of SuSE Linux from 7.0 onwards - and have 
5.3 (IIRC) for the same.

If this box will run Squid and Squid only then I'd be looking into one of 
the more minimal distributions such as Debian.  You don't need most of the 
'junk' that distro's like Suse will install by default as most of the 
services etc that will be running by default on distro's like Suse will only 
serve to slow things down.




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Re: [squid-users] Squid and controlling access to internet in a classroom

2004-03-20 Thread Chris Wilcox
This depends on loads of variables.  If you use DHCP and have dynamic IP 
addressing then you can't really control access via station IP address since 
a room of PC's could never be guaranteed to have the same group of IP's all 
the time (unless you use unlimited lease times).

You could possibly use MAC address limiting, as this should be static for 
each machine.  Using this or IP address based 'rooms' would work if IP's are 
static, but you'd need to manually go round each machine and catalogue IP 
address etc.

Depending on your type of network (eg NT domain, 2000 domain etc) you could 
look into either nt authentication helpers for username based control or 
possibly look into LDAP integration into the Active Directory which I 
believe may allow room/user based control providing you have used the AD to 
handle computer locations etc.

There are commercial products which may help out here though, along with one 
possible free one:

http://www.rm.com and look up SmartCache 2
All offer way more than simply caching and room/user/computer based access 
control, and at least the first two offerings are directly aimed at 
educational establishments.




> > From: Geir Fossum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> > I'm running the computersystems at a school.
> > I wonder if there is a simple way to let the teachers toggle
> > internetaccess
> > on/off via a webpage and a ON/OFF button ?
> > Which in turn reconfigures Squid and restarts the service.
> Interesting problem. Are we to assume that there are several classrooms,
> a teacher in one should not be able to shut off or turn on Internet 
> in other classrooms?  A simple redirect_program that checks for an 
> variable (set by a webpage script) against the IP of a clasroom's
> computer(s) is the solution that jumps out at me.
> Could also have the teacher power down the hub/switch the classroom
> computers are connected to. =D


Yes, there are several classrooms and the teacher should only be allowed to
toggle internetaccess on/off in the classroom he/she is using.
The IT-staff should always be allowed to toggle every classroom on/off.
Would it be hard to write such a redirector that check for a on/off
parameter in the URL ?
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Re: [squid-users] squid fresh installation question

2004-03-10 Thread Chris Wilcox
From past experience of installing Squid from source, check permissions on 
the log and cache directories.  squid.conf specifies the user and group that 
Squid runs under.  This user must have relevant permissions on the cache and 
log directories otherwise Squid can't start.




Try this /usr/local/squid/sbin/squid -N

This should start squid in the forground ... which will help you find any
errors. If it working and you are happy then run it with out the -N.
A /usr/local/squid/sbin/squid --help should provide some info.


On Wed, 10 Mar 2004 16:25:36 +0400
"novelit" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> where am i supposed to run ./squid? i have tried it in the 
> directory and it says 'No such file or Directory'
> thanks
> gb
> - Original Message -
> From: "Elsen Marc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2004 4:04 PM
> Subject: RE: [squid-users] squid fresh installation question
> >
> > Dear all,
> > I have a linux box running red hat 8.0 with
> > squid installed
> > by default.
> >
> > i have removed the squid default package
> > using webmin and
> > have installed and compiled new squid version 2.5 stable 5 in another
> > location
> >  (/usr/local/squid)
> >
> > Compilation and configuration worked out
> > fine, but now my
> > main problem is client pc cannot connect to the proxy to access the
> > internet.
> > To start my squid, i use
> > /usr/local/squid/sbin squid start,
> > but it seems that there are no process of squid running since
> > when i type
> > ps -ef|grep squid, i can't find any squid process.
> >
> > Can anyone help me? thanks
> >
> > gb.
> >
> >
>   You normally don't start squid in that way ; just
>   % ./squid
>   presuming , the current directory contains the squid binary.
>   Also and if you have a valid attempt , for starting squid; check
>   squid's :
> cache.log
>   watch for any fatal errors in there, for instance.
>   M.

Michael Gale
Network Administrator
Utilitran Corporation
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[squid-users] Dynamic upstream proxy?

2004-03-05 Thread Chris Wilcox
Hi all,

I use Squid to perform local caching in many of the schools I support.  I've 
always been able to point the upstream proxy settings in Squid to our County 
Councils proxies and this has worked fine.

Local caches installed by myself have not been part of our Counties 
strategy, and they would rather schools purchased £3500 ISA Server 

County have now dictated that all browsers which access the Internet via a 
County Council connection must use a proxy.pac file to gain their internet 
settings.  The use of a local cache such as Squid will no longer be 
supported, and apparently I will be unable to point Squid at the upstream 
proxy IP and port, as this will be be unavailable.  Not quite sure how this 
will work though, as I see no reason why I can't continue to to point Squid 
boxes at the proxy IP and port which would officially be setup on local 
computers via the proxy.pac file.

I'm fairly confident that dynamic upstream proxy configuration within Squid 
is not only impossible, but would go against how caching works and is 
configured in general.  Can anyone confirm that dynamic upstream proxy 
settings are not supported by Squid (or any other cache!)?



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Re: [squid-users] sites on different ports

2004-03-03 Thread Chris Wilcox
> > On Wed, Mar 03, 2004 at 07:45:46AM +0100, Elsen Marc wrote:
> > > > I use squid on my Mandrake 9.1 server which has few acls for my 
> > > > Now, the problem is that my users need to access a domain with,
> > > > https://web.example.net:7443
> > > > https://designs.example.net:8443
> > > >
> >
> > 1078318883.382  0 TCP_DENIED/403 1257 CONNECT
> > :8443 - NONE/- text/html
> >
> > All the rest sites work very well with this machine. Only this https 
> > port 8443 has problems. But that too when I remove the proxy settings 
> > the browser it starts working.
> >
> > Can you please give me hints in this?
> See the SSL_ports and Safe_Ports acls.

My friend's place where it works, she has a similar configuration like
mine and her squid.conf does not have port 8443 listed anywhere. The
only difference is that I am doing it on Mandrake 9.1 and she has
Mandrake 9.2 in her company and we both are using the default squid
which comes with the respective distros. Infact, I had helped her system
administrator to setup squid.
If you want I can post her as well as mine squid.conf file somewhere
Ports 7443 and 8443 are likely not listed in the default Squid.conf file 
because they're not 'standard' https ports.  Check the ACL's suggested by 
Henrik and add the port numbers mentioned to these ACL's.  Restart Squid and 
things should work OK.



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RE: [squid-users] Not Seeing Web Performance Increase

2004-02-29 Thread Chris Wilcox
Since installing squid I haven't seen a huge increase in web access and 
performance on the web site I visit. What options can I raise or tweak in 
order to see an increase in web surfing performance and general web access?

This is what squid runs on

Debian Linux w/2.6.2 Kernel
Pentium Pro 200MHZ.
RAID 0 40GB Stripe dedicated as the cache directory
What connection speed do you have?  What is the website in question?  Not 
all sites are cacheable and a local cache won't help that much for such 
sites (usually dynamic ones).



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[squid-users] Squid ident lookups on Debian 3r2 not working?

2004-02-18 Thread Chris Wilcox
Hi all,

I have a very basic install of Debian 3 release 2 (stock 2.4 kernel)  which 
includes a few things including Squid.  I set Squid to perform ident lookups 
as I have on previous non-Debian servers and for some reason on Debian Squid 
doesn't log the ident response.  Other non-Debian servers with the same 
squid config successfully obtain and log the ident response so I'm pretty 
sure it's not related to my clients.  Other than ident, Squid is caching and 
working as expected.  I'm also running DansGuardian and this too is not 
managing to log ident responses: I have tried pointing clients through Squid 
directly and through DG -> Squid and neither setup successfully logs the 
ident response.

Am I missing something on the basic Debian install that is preventing the 
ident lookup from working?  Up until now I've always used Red Hat or Fedora 
and these have always worked with ident lookups.

Sincere thanks for any replies.



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RE: [squid-users] Blacklist

2004-02-12 Thread Chris Wilcox
You can also do some filtering with Squid itself in respect of regexp on 
URL's etc and also ban URLs/domains but I've never done this personally.




Hello all,
I will appreciate if someone can give me hint on how i
can block my clients from having access to some
spammail sites.

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RE: [squid-users] Is it possible to handle 200reqs/s?

2004-02-12 Thread Chris Wilcox
> To give you an idea:
> Pentium III - 1Ghz, 1,5 GB Ram, RedHat 7.3 about 4000 clients
> accessing
> the server.
> Normally we have a 3Mbps line for our users and we handle 160Req/sec
> but we once gave the users 5Mbps and we handled 220 Reqs/sec.
> So I'm not
> sure what the limit is of this machine.
> BTW before optimizing squid we could only handle 60 Reqs/sec.
> Optimizing is neccesary, the default of squid isn't really
> good for big
> loads.
  How did you achieve your squid optimizing ?

I'm interested in the same question!  How did you optimise Squid to get such 
an improvement?



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RE: [squid-users] Identd authentication

2004-02-05 Thread Chris Wilcox
I have identd running on all clients. Squid doesn't appear to be caching 
ident lookups... maybe I'm missing something in my config for this?

If Squid could pass the ident username somehow to DG with cache_peer then 
DG wouldn't need to do any ident requests (this works if you're using basic 
auth). I'm more worried about Squid's ident requests failing and users 
having to type in their username/password in order to authenticate.

Ident could be taken out of the picture entirely if I had a client of some 
type on the Windows workstations that would handle the basic auth requests 
from squid automagically. Novell makes a SSO client for this sort of thing 
but it's too expen$ive.
Why not purely use basic_auth?  I thought that if you use DG -> Squid only, 
and used basic/proxy_auth on Squid, then DG can pull the username from the 
requests?  This may be better answered in the DG forums though, as I've only 
ever used ident with DG.

It could be worth using ident only, and removing the 1st Squid instance.  
Use ident in DG and see what happens.  If it works OK then there's no need 
to use anything else.




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RE: [squid-users] Identd authentication

2004-02-05 Thread Chris Wilcox
From: "David Rippel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [squid-users] Identd authentication
Date: Thu, 05 Feb 2004 09:53:19 -0500
My current setup:

Squid (ACLs) -> DansGuardian (filtering) -> Squid (Caching)

What happens is that Squid sends an ident query to the client, if the 
username in the response (using an external acl) appears in a file that 
contains a list of allowed users (polled from an ldap server every hour), 
it allows the client access. From there, DG will send another ident query 
for logging purposes.

If the ident query fails, the next acl uses basic auth and authenticates 
the user with ldap.

The problem is that it generates two ident queries per request and I'm 
afraid on a network with over 3000 users this might be too much. It would 
be nice if Squid would treat ident as a true authentication mechanism and 
"remember" who the user is for a certain amount of time, like with basic 
I thought Squid did cache ident lookups?

Do I presume that you aren't able to run identd on all clients?  DG can 
already handle ident lookups as you know, and the latest 2.7.x code handles 
multple filter levels.  With multiple filter levels in place, if an ident 
lookup cannot be found then DG will run that request through 'filter1' which 
is the default filter level.  You could in theory set filter1 to be very 
restrictive and filter2 to meet the company requirements.  If an ident 
response is available then DG will filter as per company req: if it isn't 
(eg the user has disabled it) then they'd be restrictively filtered.

The main problem with DG is that it currently does not cache ident lookups.  
This means that for a sinlge webpage of 10 images and some text etc, DG will 
do an ident lookup for EVERY request on that page.  In itself this is almost 
worth considering using ldap authenication exclusively, though I have no 
idea about how much bandwidth/network overhead is required for each ident 
lookup/response pair: my guess is that it's actually pretty small.  Maybe 
someone on here can quantify this guess?



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RE: [squid-users] Active feeding of Squid?

2004-01-24 Thread Chris Wilcox
eceive an 8mbit downstream via satellite broadcast. 200kbit belong to
me and my modem uplink, the rest belongs to other users, but isn't
encrypted. )
is there a way to feed squid with pure server-to-client downstream without
using it as proxy for this purpose? can i somehow let squid passively
monitor a passing by ip datastream so fill the cache with it, to the 
of the squid proxy clients? can i somehow "pump" the data into squid 
ever having requested it? or is there a tool that works together with squid
that does just that?


thomas hoeppler

Only thing I can think of is if you schedule some cron jobs to use 'wget' 
and make wget go through your cache.  This will allow you to 'pre-cache' 
websites etc, though obviously this will only let you pre-cache ones of your 



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RE: [squid-users] complete newbie

2004-01-15 Thread Chris Wilcox
Is it possible someone can point me in the right direction? I have just
installed Redhat9 which has squid installed as a componant. It seems to be
installed in /etc/squid (certainly this is where the squid.conf file is
Different Linux distributions will likely install Squid to a different 
location.  Don't worry about where it is installed to, just worry about 
making it work!

The location of squid.conf bears no relation to the location of the Squid 
binary/program itself.

Firstly I have configured the ports for incomming requests from my 
and I am happy with that and because the Local education authority run a
filtering proxy service i am aware i need to set a parent proxy and the 
port to
connect to it. this is where my problem lies, If i set it as a parent proxy 
set the port for Squid to connect to it all well and good, but what happens 
the returned traffic from the parent I assume it will come back on the same 
I connect to the parent on, however, I dont have a clue as to where in the
squid.conf this should be configured.
You'll not likely need to alter much in the squid.conf file since most of 
the default settings will allow Squid to run without alteration.

So long as you define 'cache_peer' correctly to point to your LEA's upstream 
proxy then Squid will work fine.  You don't need to and possibly can't 
decalre the other ports you mention.  I will say it;s worth telling your LEA 
about your cache, as they will instantly see your cache as a single client 
hogging all the requests and bandwidth and possibly disable it's access.  
They did that to me where I work until I told them about the cache!

I would be much obliged if someone could help me I have already made one
fruitless trip to the friendly computer supermarket who fail to stock any 
on squid. So I will have to try and dig out my old redhat bible.
You'll possibly only need to worry about the following lines in squid.conf:

cache_dir size (the default 100Mbytes likely is nowhere near big enough)
Can't think of any other lines offhand.  In Red Hat 9 you can use the GUI 
Services applet to set Squid to start automatically on boot-up.




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Re: [squid-users] caching wihtout proxing

2004-01-08 Thread Chris Wilcox

On Thu, 8 Jan 2004, Chris Wilcox wrote:
> Hmm, I guess you could run wget commands on the Squid server.  If you 
> wget to go through Squid, it will cache pages but is not really proxying 
> it is the Squid box making the requests for the Squid box which is not 
> behalf of' ie proxying.  The proxy part I think is only when Squid makes 
> requests for clients.

Indeed, and in the above Squid would proxy for the wget client.
True! :)

Now to the more interesting question: How do you make anything useful out
of the above, if it is only the wget command who is using the proxy?
What you get is the ability to pre-cache content: something very useful in 
schools.  You can schedule wget via cron to pre-cache pages during the night 
(quiet period in school browsing habits) and then during the teaching day 
those pre-cached pages will load that bit quicker.  Can't see why you'd want 
to cache without proxying for reasons other than pre-caching though!

This all comes in useful when you're developing what I'm involved with!

> This has the effect of pre-caching content for LAN users who may wish to
> browse the pre-cached pages at a later date and time.



Re: [squid-users] caching wihtout proxing

2004-01-08 Thread Chris Wilcox
Hmm, I guess you could run wget commands on the Squid server.  If you tell 
wget to go through Squid, it will cache pages but is not really proxying as 
it is the Squid box making the requests for the Squid box which is not 'on 
behalf of' ie proxying.  The proxy part I think is only when Squid makes web 
requests for clients.

This has the effect of pre-caching content for LAN users who may wish to 
browse the pre-cached pages at a later date and time.



On Thu, 8 Jan 2004, Dodjie Nava wrote:

> squid can be used to proxy w/o caching.  i don't think the other way
> around is possible w/ squid.
I don't see how the other way around could be possible with anything.

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RE: [squid-users] What else does Squid need to run?

2003-12-25 Thread Chris Wilcox
From: "Lamar Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [squid-users] What else does Squid need to run?
Date: Wed, 24 Dec 2003 14:08:05 -0800
I an running RH 9.0 and I want to run Squid and Dan's Guardian web
filtering.  But first what do I need to get Squid up and running?  Do I
need Httpd, MySql etc...?  Thanks for any help.

As far as I know Squid is standalone and does not need other apps running 
for it to work.  You'd aboviously need to configure squid (via the 
squid.conf file) to suit your LAN but other than that it'll work fine.

Once you're happy that Squid is running fine, then move on to DansGuardian.  
I'd suggest at first that you don't force Squid to listen on a specific IP 
as DansGuardian by default will try and get hold of Squid on and 
although you can change these settings at first you want to keep things as 
default as posible until you're happy with the way things are working.




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RE: [squid-users] Blocking Adult sites ( SOrry for the empty mail)

2003-12-24 Thread Chris Wilcox
From: "Walid Abd ElDayem" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [squid-users] Blocking Adult sites ( SOrry for the empty mail)
Date: Wed, 24 Dec 2003 10:36:29 +0200
Hi list,
Sorry for the repeated subject.
I have searched google and the list archive on this topic and all what i
have got that this can be done either by blocking specific domains or by
using regular expression ACL
Now my question is:
1- Is there any database for those sites that i can add on my access list
( Either free or with fees)
2- Is there anyone willing to share his reg list with me?
Thanks in advance,
Best Regards
Kareem Mahgoub
Try the following sites for filtering for use with Squid:

Things can be done directly with Squid ACLs but the above may be a more 
flexible and often easier way of doing things.




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RE: [squid-users] Bigger Squid setup recommendations

2003-12-15 Thread Chris Wilcox
The hardware: HP ProLiant DL360, 3 GB RAM, dual 2.something gig Xeon
CPU's, dual
72 GB 10k SCSI drives. I can hardware RAID the disks, but I'm not sure
I want to
given the massive amount of disk activity this box is destined for. (Or
do I?) I only have this one box to work with at the moment.
Spec sounds fine.

The people: anywhere from 500 to 2,000 concurrent users, with the
potential for
up to 5,000+ in the event of a news event like 9/11.
I'm planning to use SuSE 9 with squid transparently. I think I can
handle setting up squid and the other little packages that we intend to
mix in with it (already tested
on a smaller scale),
Unless you have major reasons to go for Suse you may wish to consider a more 
minimal distro.  If you're happy with turning off/disabling stuff you don't 
need (including a GUI!) then fine but Suse will likely install loads of 
stuff you don't need which can possibly end up using CPU/RAM and hence slow 
your system down.  With that type of max-load you want to keep it as lean as 

but I'm not sure about sizing the partitions. Is one file system better 
than another for caching? >How many partitions? How big?
Should I
mirror the drives? I need the best performance with just a dash of
tolerance. :) The config of the box will be backed up frequently in
case it
needs to be rebuilt. I'm thinking a partition scheme like this
/boot 100MB reiser
/ 10 GB reiser
/var/log 20 GB reiser
/var/cache 30 GB aufs (or reiser? this is the cache_dir)
Hmm, maybe RAID the OS drive but you should consider having multiple 
cache_dir's one for each drive you can have as a single drive.  I think I'm 
right in saying that having a cache_dir per drive will give a better 
increase in performance compared with mirror RAIDing a cache_dir

Are there any squid configuration parms that I should be aware for a
of this size? Any "gotchas" to look out for? Any on-going
bummers? Cool tools for administration? I'd like to run the package
that comes
with SuSE and can be updated with the provided tools, but I can compile
install from source if necessary. Any arguments in favor of one over
the other?
Bear in mind Squid won't benefit from multiple CPU's, though you can bind 
apps to specific CPU's and maybe give Squid it's own CPU and let everything 
else run on the other one?




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Re: [squid-users] newbie squid on LAN issues

2003-12-06 Thread Chris Wilcox
Should that not be ?

If you just use doesn't that mean the netmask obscures the 
last IP number?

If you start Squid from the command line, or run 'squid -k reconfigure' does 
it moan about 'netmask masks src IP range' or something similar?

Seem to remember I had this problem the other day when I set Squid up 
somewhere and didn't have my notes handy!




squid.conf has the following:
acl local src
http_access allow local
both the machines, and the router/switch are in that range.  those two 
lines and the redirect_program line (for squidguard) are the only lines i 
changed in the config file.

pings work fine in both directions.

Get Hotmail on your mobile phone http://www.msn.co.uk/msnmobile

RE: [squid-users] Anyone successfully got squidalyser working on a Debain box ?

2003-12-03 Thread Chris Wilcox
Never done it personally, but our ISP have provided us with a Debian Woody 
box that runs (amongst other things) Squid with SquidGuard so it can work.

I'm presuming you're using debian packages and not installing from source?  
I'm also presuming you're using Woody (stable) and not one of the unstable 




I have configured the system and it allwork fine except for the following
errors: (errors.log in Apache)
No attribute '3d' at /usr/lib/cgi-bin/squidimg.pl line 54.
Can't call method "png" on an undefined value at
/usr/lib/cgi-bin/squidimg.pl line 70.
I have patched the GD Lib to the latest version. I don’t get any images at
the bottom of the analysis.
I have read all the doc’s as best I could. It refers to ‘png’ being a Perl
CPAN config issue, but I can’t find how to fix it.
I tried the older squidalyser  0.2.55 and go the same ‘png’ error, but no
‘3d’ error.
Please help
Hotmail messages direct to your mobile phone http://www.msn.co.uk/msnmobile

[squid-users] How to make squid serve cached pages even if Internet connection is unavailable?

2003-12-02 Thread Chris Wilcox
Hi all,

I've done some google trawling on this and it appears that the current Squid 
2.x release doesn't seem to support 'offline' browsing via the cache as well 
as older versions did.  Many sites mention a patch which allows a value to 
be set in the squid.conf file which determines how Squid behaves if a 
monitored network connection is unavailable.

If at all possible I'd really rather stick to the official squid release.  
If I do this, can I acheive the ability to let users browse cached content 
even if the origin server for this content is down?  If so can anyone point 
me in the right direction of where to look?

Thanks for any advice,



Find a cheaper internet access deal - choose one to suit you. 

Re: [squid-users] so slow: part 3

2003-11-30 Thread Chris Wilcox
hierarchy_stoplist cgi-bin ?
acl QUERY urlpath_regex cgi-bin \?
no_cache deny QUERY
cache_dir ufs /hdd1/squidcache 1000 16 256
acl all src
acl manager proto cache_object
acl localhost src
acl to_localhost dst
acl MyLan src
acl self src
acl SSL_ports port 443 563
acl Safe_ports port 80  # http
acl Safe_ports port 21  # ftp
acl Safe_ports port 443 563 # https, snews
acl Safe_ports port 70  # gopher
acl Safe_ports port 210 # wais
acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535  # unregistered ports
acl Safe_ports port 280 # http-mgmt
acl Safe_ports port 488 # gss-http
acl Safe_ports port 591 # filemaker
acl Safe_ports port 777 # multiling http
http_access allow manager localhost
http_access deny manager
http_access deny !Safe_ports
http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
http_access allow MyLan
http_access allow self
http_access allow localhost
http_access deny all
http_reply_access allow all
icp_access allow all
cache_effective_user squid
cache_effective_group squid
visible_hostname Squid Cache
I'd honestly suggest using the default squid.conf file that is installed 
with squid and only changing the minimum amount you need to.  Again, double 
check permissions on the cache and log directory.  Can you read the squid 
logs and see if any errors are reported in them.  This may be your best bet 
to helping you find where the problem lies.

Hope you get this sussed!



http_port 3128
icp_port 0
acl QUERY urlpath_regex cgi-bin \?
no_cache deny QUERY
cache_mem 16 MB
cache_dir ufs /proxy 200 16 256
redirect_rewrites_host_header off
cache_replacement_policy GDSF
acl localnet src
acl localhost src
acl Safe_ports port 80 443 210 119 70 21 1025-65535
acl all src
http_access allow localnet
http_access allow localhost
http_access deny !Safe_ports
http_access deny CONNECT
http_access deny all
maximum_object_size 1200 KB
store_avg_object_size 50 kB
cachemgr_passwd tajne_haslo all
cache_effective_user squid
cache_effective_group squid
log_icp_queries off
buffered_logs on
( is this ok? can anyone give me example of squid.conf how should it
looks like ? )
Some details:

Squid is installed on PIII 700 Mhz, 256 MB RAM, HDD 20 Gb connected to
inet on eth0 ( aDSL 512) and local net is on eth1.
OS: Linux Slackware 8.1

There is only 1 partition and it is formatted as ext2 ( maybe this is
a reason ?).
Plz help, I have noe idea what can i do wrong... think i checked
Woebegone waitting for support from squid community.
Best regards,
On the move? Get Hotmail on your mobile phone http://www.msn.co.uk/msnmobile

Re: Re[2]: [squid-users] why it works so SLOW ???

2003-11-29 Thread Chris Wilcox
have just compiled newest stable version of squid... work this same
slow about 20 second till anything appear on screan :(
( www browsing work perfect without squid )
i think its a reason of my squid.conf
can I see ur squid.conf
if possible plz send it to me

Best regards,
 Maciejmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Since I have certain things in my squid.conf that I'd prefer to keep private 
(IPs etc) here's the minimum lines you'll need to change:

1) cache_dir ufs /hdd1/squidcache 1000 16 256
2) acl MyLan src
3) http_access allow MyLan
4) visible_hostname Squid Cache
These lines are:

1) Alter the path to your personal cache directory.  Leave directory numbers 
etc standard.  I've increased my cache_dir size to 1Gbyte.  I have a VERY 
small LAN so 1Gbyte is enough.
2) Create an ACL for your LAN
3) Allow your LAN access through Squid
4) Unless your Squid box has a Fully Qualified Domain Name, set this to your 

Last thing I can think of: make sure that the user for which Squid runs as 
(as listed in the squid.conf file) has full permissions on the cache_dir and 
log directories.  My current guess is that Squid can't write to the cache or 
logs.  Check these permissions and see if speed improves!




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Re: [squid-users] why it works so SLOW ???

2003-11-29 Thread Chris Wilcox
Ok, have you tried the following to see if you can repeat the problem:

1) Use a newer version of Squid.  If you're compiling from source get the 
latest stable build.
2) Use a default install of Squid and use the default squid.conf options 
except for changing things like cache_dir, IP, ICP port etc.  Leave 
everything at default, get it working and then start to 'play'.  Things like 
cache_dir folders may be best left at the default until things are going.  
I'd think the default settings in squid.conf are there for a reason.  Only 
change them if you know exactly why you are changing them.
Don't alter ./configure options until a default compile works fine for you.
3) Do you get the same slowness if you use a different browser?
4) Are you browsing from the server running squid or are you browsing from a 
LAN client?
5) What OS are you running Squid on?



[Im repeating this question because I havent receive help]

Hallo everyone,

My problem:
I use squid to access WWW. But when I try to get to any page than I have to 
wait about 20 second or more till anything appear in my browser ( Opera 
7.21 ).
I have no idea why its like that. When I turn off squid and set browser not 
to use proxy then any page I request load immediately.

If anyone would help me to resolve this problem then I ll be in debt
This is my squid version

Squid Cache: Version 2.5.STABLE2

and this is options that I used to configure and compile

configure options:  --prefix=/proxy/usr --exec-prefix=/proxy/usr 
--enable-delay-pools --enable-cache-digests --enable-poll 
--enable-truncate --enable-removal-policies --enable-err-language=Polish

and this is my squid.conf

http_port 3128
icp_port 0
acl QUERY urlpath_regex cgi-bin \?
no_cache deny QUERY
cache_mem 32 MB
cache_dir ufs /cache 100 8 126
redirect_rewrites_host_header off
#replacement_policy GDSF
acl localnet src
acl localhost src
acl Safe_ports port 80 443 210 119 70 21 1025-65535
acl all src
acl manager proto cache_object
httpd_accel_with_proxy on
http_access allow localnet
http_access allow localhost
http_access deny !Safe_ports
http_access deny CONNECT
http_access deny all
maximum_object_size 1000 KB
ipcache_size 1024
ipcache_low  60
ipcache_high 75
cache_effective_user squid
cache_effective_group squid
log_icp_queries off
cachemgr_passwd tajnehaselko all
buffered_logs on
positive_dns_ttl 6 hours
There is a state of my system:

  This is TOP

 18:18:36 up 8 days, 21:06,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
44 processes: 43 sleeping, 1 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
CPU states:   0.0% user,   0.4% system,   0.0% nice,  99.6% idle
Mem:255324K total,   153520K used,   101804K free,15340K buffers
Swap:0K total,0K used,0K free,59500K cached
15075 root  12   0  1712 1712  1512 S 0.1  0.6   0:00 sshd
15088 root  15   0   972  972   768 R 0.1  0.3   0:00 top
1 root   8   0   216  216   184 S 0.0  0.0   0:06 init
2 root   9   0 00 0 SW0.0  0.0   0:00 keventd
3 root  19  19 00 0 SWN   0.0  0.0   0:00 
4 root   9   0 00 0 SW0.0  0.0   0:00 kswapd
5 root   9   0 00 0 SW0.0  0.0   0:00 bdflush
6 root   9   0 00 0 SW0.0  0.0   0:00 kupdated
7 root  -1 -20 00 0 SW<   0.0  0.0   0:00 mdrecoveryd
   67 root   9   0   756  756   648 S 0.0  0.2   0:00 syslogd
   70 root   9   0   464  464   392 S 0.0  0.1   0:00 klogd
  100 root   8   0   696  696   612 S 0.0  0.2   0:00 inetd
  103 root   9   0  1148 1148  1032 S 0.0  0.4   0:01 sshd
  109 lp 9   0   884  884   744 S 0.0  0.3   0:00 lpd
  112 root   9   0   568  568   488 S 0.0  0.2   0:00 crond
  118 root   9   0  1612 1608  1008 S 0.0  0.6   0:00 smbd
  122 root   9   0   472  472   408 S 0.0  0.1   0:01 gpm
  125 root   9   0 00 0 SW0.0  0.0   0:00 eth1
  127 root   9   0  1504 1504   896 S 0.0  0.5   0:00 dhcpd
  143 root   9   0 00 0 SW0.0  0.0   0:00 eth0
  343 root   9   0   484  484   420 S 0.0  0.1   0:00 agetty
  344 root   9   0   484  484   420 S 0.0  0.1   0:00 agetty
  345 root   9   0   484  484   420 S 0.0  0.1   0:00 agetty
  346 root   9   0   484  484   420 S 0.0  0.1   0:00 agetty
  347 root   9   0   484  484   420 S 0.0  0.1   0:00 agetty
  348 root   9   0   484  484   420 S 0.0  0.1   0:00 agetty
 5127 root   9   0   940  940   764 S 0.0  0.3   0:00 adsl-connect
 5385 root   9   0   936  936   768 S 0.0  0.3   0:00 safe_mysqld
 5407 mysql  9   0 12304  12M  2796 S 0.0  4.8   0:00 mysqld

Re: [squid-users] Problem with squid and "connection reset by peer"

2003-11-26 Thread Chris Wilcox
My guess is that something is running on the parent proxy every hour, and 
whatever is running takes about two minutes to complete and somehow 
interferes with the cache process.  Could be log rotation/analysis or 
something similar maybe?  I wouldn't think this is necessarily a fault with 
your squid box, more likely to be a fault with the upstream parent proxy.





I have a problem since two weeks with my squid proxy:
It is not able to reach his parent ever hours and one minutes during 2
minutes. That means form 10:01 to 10:03, 11:01 to 10:03,... my proxy can't
reach the parent.
But ping and telnet pour 8080 on parent works fine

Here is a part of my cache.log:

2003/11/19 09:07:31| urlParse: Illegal character in hostname 

2003/11/19 10:01:00| sslReadServer: FD 87: read failure: (104) Connection
reset by peer
2003/11/19 10:01:00| sslReadServer: FD 95: read failure: (104) Connection
reset by peer
2003/11/19 10:01:00| sslReadServer: FD 184: read failure: (104) Connection
reset by peer
2003/11/19 10:01:00| TCP connection to virus2.eu.domaine.com/8080 failed
2003/11/19 10:01:00| TCP connection to virus2.eu.domaine.com/8080 failed
2003/11/19 10:01:00| TCP connection to virus2.eu.domaine.com/8080 failed
2003/11/19 10:01:00| TCP connection to virus2.eu.domaine.com/8080 failed
2003/11/19 10:01:00| TCP connection to virus2.eu.domaine.com/8080 failed
2003/11/19 10:01:00| TCP connection to virus2.eu.domaine.com/8080 failed
2003/11/19 10:01:00| TCP connection to virus2.eu.domaine.com/8080 failed
2003/11/19 10:01:00| TCP connection to virus2.eu.domaine.com/8080 failed
2003/11/19 10:01:00| TCP connection to virus2.eu.domaine.com/8080 failed
2003/11/19 10:01:00| TCP connection to virus2.eu.domaine.com/8080 failed
2003/11/19 10:01:00| Detected DEAD Parent: virus2.eu.domaine.com/8080/0
2003/11/19 10:01:00| sslReadServer: FD 108: read failure: (104) Connection
reset by peer
2003/11/19 10:01:00| sslReadServer: FD 35: read failure: (104) Connection
reset by peer
2003/11/19 10:01:00| sslReadServer: FD 110: read failure: (104) Connection
reset by peer
2003/11/19 10:01:00| sslReadServer: FD 178: read failure: (104) Connection
reset by peer
2003/11/19 10:01:00| sslReadServer: FD 192: read failure: (104) Connection
reset by peer
2003/11/19 10:01:00| sslReadServer: FD 56: read failure: (104) Connection
reset by peer
2003/11/19 10:01:00| sslReadServer: FD 127: read failure: (104) Connection
reset by peer
2003/11/19 10:01:00| sslReadServer: FD 160: read failure: (104) Connection
reset by peer
2003/11/19 10:01:00| sslReadServer: FD 163: read failure: (104) Connection
reset by peer
2003/11/19 10:01:00| sslReadServer: FD 78: read failure: (104) Connection
reset by peer
2003/11/19 10:01:00| sslReadServer: FD 207: read failure: (104) Connection
reset by peer
2003/11/19 10:01:00| sslReadServer: FD 81: read failure: (104) Connection
reset by peer
2003/11/19 10:01:00| sslReadServer: FD 229: read failure: (104) Connection
reset by peer
2003/11/19 10:01:00| sslReadServer: FD 561: read failure: (104) Connection
reset by peer
2003/11/19 10:01:00| sslReadServer: FD 74: read failure: (104) Connection
reset by peer
2003/11/19 10:01:00| sslReadServer: FD 86: read failure: (104) Connection
reset by peer
2003/11/19 10:01:00| sslReadServer: FD 117: read failure: (104) Connection
reset by peer
2003/11/19 10:01:00| sslReadServer: FD 187: read failure: (104) Connection
reset by peer
2003/11/19 10:01:00| sslReadServer: FD 76: read failure: (104) Connection
reset by peer
2003/11/19 10:01:00| sslReadServer: FD 94: read failure: (104) Connection
reset by peer
2003/11/19 10:01:00| sslReadServer: FD 115: read failure: (104) Connection
reset by peer
2003/11/19 10:01:00| sslReadServer: FD 124: read failure: (104) Connection
reset by peer
2003/11/19 10:01:00| sslReadServer: FD 250: read failure: (104) Connection
reset by peer
2003/11/19 10:01:00| sslReadServer: FD 116: read failure: (104) Connection
reset by peer
2003/11/19 10:01:00| sslReadServer: FD 189: read failure: (104) Connection
reset by peer
2003/11/19 10:01:00| sslReadServer: FD 102: read failure: (104) Connection
reset by peer
2003/11/19 10:01:00| sslReadServer: FD 186: read failure: (104) Connection
reset by peer
2003/11/19 10:01:00| Failed to select source for '[null_entry]'
2003/11/19 10:01:00|   always_direct = -1
2003/11/19 10:01:00|never_direct = 1
2003/11/19 10:01:00|timedout = 0
2003/11/19 10:01:00| Failed to select source for
2003/11/19 10:01:00|   always_direct = -1
2003/11/19 10:01:00|never_direct = 1
2003/11/19 10:01:00|timedout = 0
2003/11/19 10:01:00| Failed to select source for
2003/11/19 10:01:00|   always_direct = -1
2003/11/19 10:01:00|never_direct = 1
2003/11/19 10:01:00|timedout = 0
2003/11/19 10:01:00| Failed to select source for

RE: [squid-users] Squid NT vs. Squid Linux

2003-11-15 Thread Chris Wilcox
Hmm, 30-50 users really isn't a huge load on a server running Squid!  We run 
an ISP provided Squid/SquidGuard/firewall/e-mail server in our school.  We 
have around 100+ simultaneous Internet users on a 2Mbit DSL line.  Server 
spec is really basic:

P4 16Ghz
40GB 7200rpm ATA-100 IDE Hard Disk
100Mbit switched LAN connection
As mentioned, your Internet speed will be the real bottleneck here.  I'd see 
no reason why something lower spec than above would easily provide a benefit 
to the 'feel' of Internet speed.  It also depends on the style of browsing 
done by your LAN users.  If they all visit the same websites/pages then 
things will definetly feel faster.  If users have widely differing browsing 
habits then things may not improve too much as the majority of web content 
may end up not being served from the cache as no-one has looked at it 
before.  Our school tends to reach up to 55-60% of hits being served from 
the cache but as a school we have fairly common browsing between users as 
students often visit pages as suggested by Teachers.

You may also benefit by running a local DNS server, so DNS lookups can be 
performed 'on-LAN' as opposed to being performed by an Internet/ISP based 
DNS server.  Check out BIND on Linux for this.  It's not too hard to 

Final comment is that on a 256kbit line, Squid is unlikely to end up being a 
bottleneck even on a very low powered server.  Many commercial companies 
that provide Squid based caches use things as basic as AMD K6-2 450Mhz CPUs!

Hope this is of use,



Thanks Serassio and Adam for your feedback. I look briefly at Samba 3.0 and
it looks like it will do the job for me. I need to read a little more about
it to be able to configure it.
As Serassio pointed out WAN bandwidth would be my bottleneck. I'm painfully
aware of this fact: but unfortunately bandwidth isn't readily available and
the little available is quite expensive in where this LAN is.
Any recommendation on what hardware can comfortably handle 30-50 clients? 
you can see I'm counting on Squid to solve a little of my bandwidth 
I wouldn't want Squid to become the bottleneck instead so I don't mind
investing in a slightly higher performance hardware for Squid if that would

Thanks again for your response.

-Original Message-
From: Serassio Guido [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2003 2:47 AM
Subject: Re: [squid-users] Squid NT vs. Squid Linux

At 04.33 15/11/2003, Cafe Admin wrote:

>Hi All,
>Does any one know if there is any noticeable peformance difference 
>Squid on Windows 2000 Server and on RedHat Linux 9? I'm currently running
>2.5-Stable3 on a dedicated RH9 box, and I know my hardware is being
>underutlized (2.0GHz Xeon , 2x10k RPM SCSI, 640MB, 1000Mbps NIC). I'm
>thinking about converting the machine to Windows File Server/PDC/SquidNT.
>Serving 30 clients on 100MB network (who are constantly surfing the Net)
>with 256Kbps connection to the Internet. As always thanks for your

In the Windows port there are still some limitations:

- Max. 2048 File Descriptors, so more than 100 concurrent client cannot be
safely supported
- The internal socket loop is select() based vs poll() or better on
- Transparent proxy is not available
- Some async FS storage are not available (COSS, diskd)
So currently I expect always better performance from a Linux/Unix based
In Your configuration I think that major bottleneck can be the line speed:
today an Internet bandwidth of 256 Kbit/s for 30 concurrent web client can
be very low.



Guido Serassio
Acme Consulting S.r.l.
Via Gorizia, 69 10136 - Torino - ITALY
Tel. : +39.011.3249426  Fax. : +39.011.3293665
WWW: http://www.acmeconsulting.it/

Find a cheaper internet access deal - choose one to suit you. 

Re: [squid-users] --> Multiple squid process....

2003-11-12 Thread Chris Wilcox

  I have an strange problem here.
  I Have :
   SQUID1 -> Dansguardian -> SQUID2
  On the same machine, SQUID1 and SQUID2 are 2 different process, with 
different squid.conf files.

  I start them perfectly, butwhen i access my proxy the first time, SQUID2 
multiplies +- 20 times.
  When I type a "ps ax |grep squid", I have 19 process there 

  This never happened with me, and since I am using a squid.conf file 
modified from SQUID1, that does not multily...
  With it, I cannot kill the first process, that the rest still run.
  May be somthing  with dansguardian 
Only way I can think of to check whether this is an 'issue' with DG or 
Squid2 is to maybe setup a client PC to access your Debian box through 
Squid2 and not through Squid1>DG>Squid2.  With a client directly connecting 
to the net via Squid2 do you still get the same number of processes?

I'm also wondering whether this is not necessarily wrong?  Doesn't squid 
spawn child processes?  In which case you'd expect to see multiple instances 
running.  I do have this setup running on a test PC at home which is under 
very light use and running that command now shows only 3 processes running.  
I guess the heavier the usage, themore processes will be running.




   I use Debian  woddy , Squid 2.5, DG 2.7.1-4.


Sign-up for a FREE BT Broadband connection today! 

Re: [squid-users] How to: eliminate Squid messages error to my clients

2003-11-03 Thread Chris Wilcox
Never used them myself as yet, but if you scan through the squid.conf file 
you'll notice that you can declare custom error messages for the errors that 
squid can report back to the browser.  I guess you could get Squid to 
display a blank page for all errors which is kind of what you're after.

Personally, I'd be curious to know what you aim to acheive as it'll make 
trouble-shooting very time consuming as you may be forced to look through 
squid's log files to trace problems which may be easier solved from the 
browser error message eg 'Unable to resolve domain' is a very useful message 
for users to see, especially ones with bad typing skills whove typed the URL 
incorrectly.  If they see no error message then how do they know what has 
gone wrong?



On Mon, 3 Nov 2003, NAP wrote:

> I have installed Squid-2.5.STABLE4 on FreeBSD 5,1 and I am very happy. 
But I need to eliminate that Squid gives messages of error to my users.

Basically you can't. By HTTP specification a proxy (i.e. Squid) MUST give
some kind of response back to the client once the client has sent the
request to the proxy.
There is many things which differ when using a proxy compared to when not
using a proxy. How most errors is detected and displayed to the user is
one such thing. When not using a proxy errors is always detected by the
browser (host not found, could not connect to host etc) and presented in
various manners as the browser vendor seems fit, but when using a proxy
almost all these errors are detected by the proxy and the proxy needs to
send a message back to the browser explaining what happened. It is not
technically possible to cause all errors to be detected by the browser
like when not using a proxy.
There is however methods you can use to minimize the amount of errors. One
quite effective such measure is to make sure that unknown hosts is
detected by the browser before sending the request to the proxy. Such
detection can be done via proxy-pac scripts trying to resolve the IP
address of the requested server and indicating that the browser should go
direct if the IP address can not be found. Unfortunately I do not have the
exact syntax of how to do such check in a pac script but I am pretty sure
there is others on this list who do.
Sign-up for a FREE BT Broadband connection today! 

[squid-users] Passing identd username to cache_peer?

2003-10-22 Thread Chris Wilcox
Hi all,

I'm aware that when using basic_auth I can use 'login=*:password' in the 
cache_peer definition to make squid pass the basic_auth username to the peer 
cache.  But when only using identd lookups the identd string is not passed 
in the same manner.

Is this possible and if so how?

Cheers for any replies,


Stay in touch with absent friends - get MSN Messenger 

Re: [squid-users] Help with running 2 instances of squid

2003-10-20 Thread Chris Wilcox


I have three versions of squid running on the same machine, two in
production and one for development.  The best way that I found was to
have three entirely separate compiles for each version where I actually
change the names of the squid executables, config files, directory
structures, pids, ports, etc.  Then I fire them off independently with
separate init.d scripts (I work under linux).
BTW, I call different redirectors with each 'version' of squid.
I guess it depends on circumstances.  I originally thought of using seperate 
installs of Squid for each task, but we're working on a commercial product 
and really want to avoid the need to manage two packages for Squid instead 
of one.

The problem has been narrowed down to the second init.d script to start the 
second squid instance, as I can manually start each squid from the relevant 
conf file without error.

Thanks for the reply,



Murrah Boswell
Systems Administrator
Wild Apache Internet Services
Chris Wilcox wrote:
> Hi all,
> As far as I can tell, I have followed everything I'm supposed to have to
> make this work.  I wish to run two instances of Squid on the same 
> Squid/2.4.STABLE6 on Debian Woody stable.
> I have squid.conf and squid2.conf with the relevant settings altered.
> Squid.conf listens on port 3128 on the external IP.  I have not altered 
> PID file path for this one.
> Squid2.conf listens on port 8085 on  I have altered the PID 
> path to be /var/run/squid2.pid  I have created a different cache 
> etc, and specified these within the squid2.conf file, along with 
> relevant permissions on these directories.
> I have then copied the squid init.d script and called this squid2.  I 
> altered squid2 to have a different name string, and altered all relevant
> entries within this script to point to the squid2 details eg cache 
> etc.  This squid2 script is set to use 'squid2.pid' as I've specified in
> squid2.conf
> Yet still, when I do 'squid2 start' it always returns 'Squid is already
> running!  Process ID 213'
> I'm now lost.  Am I missing something really obvious here?  I've been 
> to get this going for a good few weeks now!
> Major thanks for any advice and suggestions!
> Regards,
> nry
> _
> Use MSN Messenger to send music and pics to your friends
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Re: [squid-users] IDE performance

2003-10-19 Thread Chris Wilcox


I just curios about UltraATA (IDE) performance, as now the high speed of
UltraATA 133 is already exist.
Does someone try to use UltraATA for big Bandwidth and high request? If 
how big and how high is it?
Our cache was provided by our ISP.  Alongside simply caching it also handles 
blacklist based filtering which I'm guessing is done via SquidGuard.

We have potentially 130 simultaneous users on a 100Mbit switched network.  
Our internet connection is provided by a 2Mbit DSL line (2Mbit up and down). 
 Cache spec is roughly:

P4 1.6 Ghz
40GB IDE HD which I think will be ATA-100 and 7200rpm
The difference between ATA-100 and ATA-133 is negligible usually, since this 
is the external interface speed.  I'd look more at seek times and internal 
transfer times, as seek time will possibly have a bigger effect on 
performance for a heavily used cache, this is why SCSI is best for very 
heavy usage since seek times are way quicker than IDE (usually!).

You'll see big benefits if you use multiple cache disks, since often the 
disk speed etc is the limiting factor with squid as opposed to CPU power.  
More RAM will also help out.

If you plan to use IDE, I'd go for a 7200rpm (or higher if they exist yet?) 
drive, with an 8MB (or higher) buffer.  Usually bigger disks give a better 
performance due to data density on the platters but check some reviews out 

Still, this all depends on the planned network on which you're cache will be 



Find a cheaper internet access deal - choose one to suit you. 

Re: [squid-users] Help with running 2 instances of squid

2003-10-18 Thread Chris Wilcox

On Sat, 18 Oct 2003, Chris Wilcox wrote:

> and the init.d script still gives the same error.  I'm guessing it's a 
> with my editing of the script since if I start two squid's manually 
> -f /etc/squid.confandsquid -f /etc/squid2.conf) then it works
> without problems.

If starting Squid manually with -f arguments work fine then the Squid
parts of things are done, and all that remains is to get the init scripts
operating correctly.
Assuming the init scripts are shell scripts you may be able to trace what
the script are doing by running it as "sh -x /path/to/initscript start" or
by inserting "set -x" commands at carefully selected locations.
Thanks Henrik, I'll give that a go.

As always I'll keep going till this works!



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Re: [squid-users] Help with running 2 instances of squid

2003-10-18 Thread Chris Wilcox

On Sat, 18 Oct 2003, Chris Wilcox wrote:

> Yet still, when I do 'squid2 start' it always returns 'Squid is already
> running!  Process ID 213'
You only get this error if you try to start two Squids with the same
Which is what's confusing me! I copied the original squid start up script 
and believe I have edited it to start a second instance.  I have set 
pid_filename in the second 'squid2.conf' file to be a different pid_filename 
and the init.d script still gives the same error.  I'm guessing it's a fault 
with my editing of the script since if I start two squid's manually (squid 
-f /etc/squid.confandsquid -f /etc/squid2.conf) then it works 
without problems.

I posted the script to this list about an hour ago to see if someone can 
spot what I have missed.



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Re: [squid-users] Help with running 2 instances of squid

2003-10-18 Thread Chris Wilcox
Ok, if I manually start the squid instances using 'squid -f /etc/squid.conf' 
and 'squid -f /etc/squid2.conf' then it all works correcttly.  I'm therefire 
guessing that I haven't edited the init.d script correctly!]

Any pointers based on the script I posted in my previous message?

Thanks and regards,



Are you also starting the squid with the other configuration file?
(squid -f  [configile])

Chris Wilcox wrote:

Hi all,

As far as I can tell, I have followed everything I'm supposed to have to 
make this work.  I wish to run two instances of Squid on the same machine: 
Squid/2.4.STABLE6 on Debian Woody stable.

I have squid.conf and squid2.conf with the relevant settings altered.

Squid.conf listens on port 3128 on the external IP.  I have not altered 
the PID file path for this one.
Squid2.conf listens on port 8085 on  I have altered the PID file 
path to be /var/run/squid2.pid  I have created a different cache directory 
etc, and specified these within the squid2.conf file, along with checkong 
relevant permissions on these directories.

I have then copied the squid init.d script and called this squid2.  I have 
altered squid2 to have a different name string, and altered all relevant 
entries within this script to point to the squid2 details eg cache 
directory etc.  This squid2 script is set to use 'squid2.pid' as I've 
specified in squid2.conf

Yet still, when I do 'squid2 start' it always returns 'Squid is already 
running!  Process ID 213'

I'm now lost.  Am I missing something really obvious here?  I've been 
trying to get this going for a good few weeks now!

Major thanks for any advice and suggestions!



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Express yourself with cool emoticons - download MSN Messenger today! 

Re: [squid-users] Help with running 2 instances of squid

2003-10-18 Thread Chris Wilcox

Are you also starting the squid with the other configuration file?
(squid -f  [configile])
The init.d script for squid2 is pasted below:

**Start of script***

#! /bin/sh
# squid Startup script for the SQUID HTTP proxy-cache.
# Version:  @(#)squid.rc  2.20  01-Oct-2001  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
SQUID_ARGS="-D -sYC -f /etc/squid2.conf"
[ ! -f /etc/default/squid2 ] || . /etc/default/squid2


[ -x $DAEMON ] || exit 0

grepconf2 () {
   w=" " # space tab
   # sed is cool.
   res=`sed -ne '
   t end;
   :end q' < $sq`
   [ -n "$res" ] || res=$2
   echo "$res"

#   Try to increase the # of filedescriptors we can open.
maxfds () {
   [ -n "$SQUID_MAXFD" ] || return
   [ -f /proc/sys/fs/file-max ] || return 0
   [ $SQUID_MAXFD -le 4096 ] || SQUID_MAXFD=4096
   global_file_max=`cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max`
   minimal_file_max=$(($SQUID_MAXFD + 4096))
   if [ "$global_file_max" -lt $minimal_file_max ]
   echo $minimal_file_max > /proc/sys/fs/file-max
   ulimit -n $SQUID_MAXFD
start () {
   cdr=`grepconf2 cache_dir /var/spool/squid/$NAME`
   case "$cdr" in
   echo "squid: squid2.conf contains 2.2.5 syntax - not 
starting!" >&2
   exit 1
   umask 027
   cd $cdr
   start-stop-daemon --quiet --start \
   --pidfile $PIDFILE \
   --exec $DAEMON -- $SQUID_ARGS < /dev/null
   sleep 1

stop () {
   PID=`cat $PIDFILE 2>/dev/null`
   start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE --exec $DAEMON
   #   Now we have to wait until squid has _really_ stopped.
   sleep 2
   if test -n "$PID" && kill -0 $PID 2>/dev/null
   echo -n "Waiting ."
   while kill -0 $PID 2>/dev/null
   cnt=`expr $cnt + 1`
   if [ $cnt -gt 60 ]
   #   Waited 120 seconds now. Fail.
   echo -n " Failed.. "
   sleep 2
   echo -n "."
   [ "$1" = verbose ] && echo "done."
   [ "$1" = verbose ] && echo "$NAME."
case "$1" in
   echo -n "Starting proxy server: "
   echo "$NAME."
   echo -n "Stopping proxy server: "
   stop verbose
   echo "Reloading $NAME configuration files"
   start-stop-daemon --stop --signal 1 \
   --pidfile $PIDFILE --quiet --exec $DAEMON
   echo "Restarting proxy server: "
   echo "$NAME."
   echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/$NAME 
   exit 1

exit 0

***End of 

it makes no difference to the error message by adding or removing the '-f 
/etc/squid2.conf' to the parameters at the top of the script.

Thanks again for further help,



Chris Wilcox wrote:

Hi all,

As far as I can tell, I have followed everything I'm supposed to have to 
make this work.  I wish to run two instances of Squid on the same machine: 
Squid/2.4.STABLE6 on Debian Woody stable.

I have squid.conf and squid2.conf with the relevant settings altered.

Squid.conf listens on port 3128 on the external IP.  I have not altered 
the PID file path for this one.
Squid2.conf listens on port 8085 on  I have altered the PID file 
path to be /var/run/squid2.pid  I have created a different cache directory 
etc, and specified these within the squid2.conf file, along with checkong 
relevant permissions on these directories.

I have then copied the squid init.d script and called this squid2.  I have 
altered squid2 to have a different name string, and altered all relevant 
entries within this script 

[squid-users] Help with running 2 instances of squid

2003-10-18 Thread Chris Wilcox
Hi all,

As far as I can tell, I have followed everything I'm supposed to have to 
make this work.  I wish to run two instances of Squid on the same machine: 
Squid/2.4.STABLE6 on Debian Woody stable.

I have squid.conf and squid2.conf with the relevant settings altered.

Squid.conf listens on port 3128 on the external IP.  I have not altered the 
PID file path for this one.
Squid2.conf listens on port 8085 on  I have altered the PID file 
path to be /var/run/squid2.pid  I have created a different cache directory 
etc, and specified these within the squid2.conf file, along with checkong 
relevant permissions on these directories.

I have then copied the squid init.d script and called this squid2.  I have 
altered squid2 to have a different name string, and altered all relevant 
entries within this script to point to the squid2 details eg cache directory 
etc.  This squid2 script is set to use 'squid2.pid' as I've specified in 

Yet still, when I do 'squid2 start' it always returns 'Squid is already 
running!  Process ID 213'

I'm now lost.  Am I missing something really obvious here?  I've been trying 
to get this going for a good few weeks now!

Major thanks for any advice and suggestions!



Use MSN Messenger to send music and pics to your friends 

Re: [squid-users] Running two instances of Squid from one binary

2003-10-06 Thread Chris Wilcox
Chris Wilcox wrote:

Hi all,

Our current project currently requires the use of two seperate squid 
instances with a web filter in the middle.  Clients would connect to 
Squid1 and be authorised then passed to the filter which would use Squid2 
as the cache.  Squid1 would not cache, just log.

You can run two separate squids by using two separate config files (see
the commandline parameters for squid, particularly -f ).
And that's it. So you need to use 2 different configuration files.


But I thought that since I was using an edited squid init.d script, that 
this second script should have correctly started Squid with the specified 
second squid.conf (called squid2.conf)?



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[squid-users] Running two instances of Squid from one binary

2003-10-05 Thread Chris Wilcox
Hi all,

Our current project currently requires the use of two seperate squid 
instances with a web filter in the middle.  Clients would connect to Squid1 
and be authorised then passed to the filter which would use Squid2 as the 
cache.  Squid1 would not cache, just log.

Rather than maintain our own squid package on top of the existing one for 
our chosen distro (Debian) we're hoping to nake use of the ability to run 
more than one instance of squid from the single binary.  I could be wrong, 
but I believe what I need to do is create a second squid conf file called eg 
squid2.conf, and alter the relevant sections in this conf file to match the 
needs of Squid2 eg log/cache dirs. port, IP etc.  I believe I have done this 
correctly.  I then thought I could happily copy the existing squid init.d 
script and alter it to start a second squid instance but it doesn't seem to 
work.  Squid1 works, the filter works, but adding squid2 stops it working. 
The main lines I can see that need altered are those shown below:

There are also another couple of lines which I've altered which are to do 
with config file paths etc.  When I try to manually run this script it says 
that squid is already started and lists the pid number.  From the edits I've 
listed above I'm not sure why this is happening as I've specified a 
different NAME hence a different pid file etc.

Am I going in the right direction or have I missed something obvious (or 
not!)?  The Squid docs say this is possible but nothing I've found on the 
web or the squid site has helped me get this working.

Major thanks for any replies!



Find a cheaper internet access deal - choose one to suit you. 

Re: [squid-users] Single squid in a squid -> filter -> squid setup

2003-09-29 Thread Chris Wilcox
> We are planning on using the "peer_access  allow|deny acl acl acl 
> ACL so I am glad someone else has further confirmed this 'should' work.  
> hoping this will work fine with external ACL's aswell? We will be 
writing a
> custom one to allow us to authorise users based on our custom Identd 
> returned from clients.

That will be more problematic, as the ports aren't exposed to external
ACL's at this point. If you want to do ident, you need to have squid
perform the ident checks. (You can check the ident result in an external
helper IIRC).
Yep, Squid will do the identd lookup and pass this to the external ACL we 
write.  As far as possible we really want to use what is already in 
existence and has been tested.  So far the only thing we need to do that 
doesn't exist within Squid is check a custom identd string.  Something which 
I wouldn't expect Squid to do anyhow!

There is a webpage for the entire projet which I won't post on this list but 
if people 'are' interested I'm happy to reply offlist.

Thanks and regards,


Use MSN Messenger to send music and pics to your friends 

Re: [squid-users] Single squid in a squid -> filter -> squid setup

2003-09-29 Thread Chris Wilcox
Cheers for the replies folks,

I am currently tending to agree with the use of two seperate instances of 
Squid.  Aside from the logs, it should actually make our system easier to 
manage as I got really confused trying to suss out a squid.conf that may or 
may not always have a true upstream proxy.  Using two squid instances means 
this issue is no longer apparent as any true upstream proxy would only need 
to be declared (or not declared as the case may be!) in the caching squid, 
not the authenticating/ACL'ing squid that clients connect to.

We are planning on using the "peer_access  allow|deny acl acl acl ..." 
ACL so I am glad someone else has further confirmed this 'should' work.  I'm 
hoping this will work fine with external ACL's aswell? We will be writing a 
custom one to allow us to authorise users based on our custom Identd string 
returned from clients.

Thanks again.



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Re: [squid-users] Single squid in a squid -> filter -> squid setup

2003-09-27 Thread Chris Wilcox
Hmm, apparently it is being done with one squid instance by at least 2 
people I've messaged on a forum though they've yet to describe it fully 
enough for me to understand.  I was kinda wondering why I can't just send 
localhost requests direct (either direct to the web or direct to a true 
parent proxy) and requests from the LAN through to the DansGuardian 
instances.  This wouldn't loop as far as I can see?



On Sun, 2003-09-28 at 01:50, Chris Wilcox wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've tried posting on this in the filter (DansGuardian) message board 
> not much success as it seems to require more knowledge about Squid than 
> filtering.

You'll be hitting a routing loop, so no, you cannot do it with one
squid. You can do it with one squid /binary/ though - simply passing the
squid an explicit config file. In the config for squid 1. use cache_dir
null, and disable all caching - no_cache deny all. Otherwise your filter
policy will be bypassable.
There is info on the FAQ on running two squid on the same machine.

GPG key available at: <http://members.aardvark.net.au/lifeless/keys.txt>.
<< signature.asc >>
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[squid-users] Single squid in a squid -> filter -> squid setup

2003-09-27 Thread Chris Wilcox
Hi all,

I've tried posting on this in the filter (DansGuardian) message board with 
not much success as it seems to require more knowledge about Squid than the 

I wish to use Squid alongside a custom identd client to allow me to 
allow/disallow Internet/Cache access to client stations based on the string 
returned from the identd client running on these clients.  The string 
returned at this point is likely irrelevant.  The initial plan was to have 2 
instances of Squid running on the same server.  Stations would connect to 
Squid1 which would authenticate via the identd client and control cache 
access.  Squid1 would not cache.  If allowed access, Squid1 would direct 
stations to an instance of DansGuardian running on the same server which 
would in turn connect to a second instance of squid which handled caching 
(call this Squid2).  The plan was to use ACL's (and 4 custom ACL's) on 
Squid1 to handle 4 instances of DansGuardian, each running a different 
filter config so in effect we could direct a station to the relevant filter 
allowing us to run different filter levels for different user groups.  Hope 
this makes sense so far?  It was planned to be set up as "station -> 
Squid1(auth) -> DansGuardian(1-4) -> Squid2(cache)".  DansGuardian appears 
to Squid as an upstream parent proxy running on with a port chosen 
by me eg 8080.

After discussion it was suggested by a few people that the above can be done 
with a single instance of Squid as opposed to two seperate ones.  I've been 
playing with this sugestion for a good few days now with no success.  I can 
happily get this setup running as "station -> DansGuardian -> Squid" but 
can't quite suss out the ACL's to allow this to work as "station -> Squid -> 
DansGuardian -> Squid".

In the majority of usage cases, the server would also have a true upstream 
proxy/cache aswell. We're currently using Debian and hoped to stick with 
stable releases of packages so the use of a single Squid is the best way to 
accomplish this as we wouldn't need to create our own package of Squid to 
allow us to use a second instance and then have to maintain this extra 
package alongside the Debian stable one.  I'm currently trying to get this 
working with a single DansGuardian instance and get this working before I 
move on to having a further 3 instances to allow for the different filter 

So, my questions at last!

1) Is the use of a single Squid instance do-able for the situation 
2) If it is possible is anyone willing to give me a hint as to what my ACL 
setup may need to be?
3) Can we use a single installation of Squid and start 2 instances with 
different squid.conf files?

Sincere thanks for any response to this.  Once we get this sorted and 
running in either way we can move on to the management console!



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[squid-users] access.log analysis queries

2003-09-14 Thread Chris Wilcox
Hi all,

We're beginning to look at the logfile analysis section of an ongoing Squid 
based project.  Nothing in existence really offers what we need as it's not 
really tailored towards our market or our users, plus our logs contain an 
identd lookup string which is customised to our requirements and doesn't 
return the usual username only information so existing logfile analysis 
progs and scripts don't handle it the way we need.

My query is in regard to the best way to go about analysing logs in general. 
 Main outputs from log querying will be displayed in a browser, and since 
our current strengths lie in php we're aiming to use this as the language of 
choice.  I've been playing with using regexp to take a line from the 
access.log and split it into the relevant sections, but I'm unsure whether 
this is the best or most efficient way of doing things.  The expression to 
match each line is very complicated and I'm under the impression that regexp 
matches are CPU intensive so large logfiles may take an age to process (our 
product could easily have upwards of 250 simultaneous users).

Can anyone comment on ways logfiles can be analysed, and possibly what 
drawbacks and/or advantages each way may have?  We'll likely be running a 
logfile per week, which then gets archived and a new log started but this 
will be looked at during our testing phase which is a while off yet!

Any comments on this will be gratefully accepted!



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Re: [squid-users] Site access problem

2003-09-13 Thread Chris Wilcox
My guess is the port shown in the error mesaage:


Does this not need added to the safe_ports list?  I had a similar issue with 
a friends site who runs his webserver on a non-standard port...



> i'm trying to connect to site www.lightrio.com.br, and there they put a
> flash to link:
> and when a try to connect using transparent proxy, and error is shown in
> access.log:
> TCP_DENIED/403 1044 CONNECT - NONE/- -
Post your squid.conf (without blank lines or comments).

Hotmail messages direct to your mobile phone http://www.msn.co.uk/msnmobile

Re: [squid-users] Squid cache full --Cant surf

2003-09-13 Thread Chris Wilcox
The cache directory itself shouldn't cause this since Squid manages this 
space itself by deleting least recently used files once the cache gets low 
on space.  Are you rotating your squid logs?  There's the 3 logs to rotate, 
and unless you do this regularly then it's likely the log files are growing 
to a size that fills the disk and this is causing the problem.  Either that 
or you may have set your cache dir size to bigger than the amount of 
physical space you actually have on your disk?  I guess this could cause 
squid some problems when it thinks it should be able to write files to disk 
but can't.  Not rotating the error logs culd also cause this to happen since 
the logs would fill up the disk leaving squid with not enough left to use.




Dear all,

I have squid caching server.

My server cache drive gets full in 1 and half month but when it gets
full. My lan users cant surf the internet.
When i rebuilt the cache then it will start again to work.

What should i do so that i dont have to rebuilt the cache.

any help will be greatly appreciated.


Sign-up for a FREE BT Broadband connection today! 

Re: [squid-users] Tool to display access.log and store.log

2003-08-29 Thread Chris Wilcox
I'm stuck.  The access log file will show what files, URLs, sites and times 
of things being accessed from the Internet.  If you use authentication it 
will also show you who was looking at these things.  I can't see how the 
store log will help here, as theoretically both the store log and the access 
log should kind of show the same things as accessed pages will usually be 
stored/cached and hence show up in both the access and store log.



> Hi all!
> Im trying to have my squid logs displayed in an nice manner on my web
> server.
> Calamaris does the job with the access.log file, but most of all i wish 
> display
> the info from the store.log file. Calamaris dosent seem to be able to
> handel it.
> I need to se "site names" "urls" "downloads" and "time". Im trying to
> findout how much "illigal"
> surfing that is done.
> Q. Is there an application that can convert my store.log and access.log
> into a nice .html
> file? Or is there a combination of tools to use?
> Regards
> Mattias Olsson
> IT Consultant
> Communication Solutions
> Phone: +46 8 730 6573
> Mobile: +46 70 629 1071
Sign-up for a FREE BT Broadband connection today! 

[squid-users] High Squid CPU usage on new RH9 kernel

2003-08-27 Thread Chris Wilcox
Hi all,

After upgrading my RH9 kernel via up2date, Squid can be seen running at 
really high CPU usage even with a single user accessing simple web pages. 
CPU usage (taken from 'top') can easily hit and go above 40% which makes the 
rest of the system crawl to a snails pace with the cursor hanging/jumping 
etc when I try to do anything on the PC running Squid.  I have just upgraded 
to SQUID 2.5 STABLE3 from source and I'm having the same high CPU usage.

I can boot back to the older kernel and if no-one can suggest anything then 
I will be doing that ASAP as this is driving me nuts! :)  When typing this 
mail I could see the words b e i n g  t y p e d  o n e  l e t t e r  a t  a  
t i m e !

This is running on a tiny home LAN of 2 PC's and the Linux server running 
Squid so it's not mission critical I guess, but still!

Thanks for any response,



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Re: [squid-users] firewall and squid

2003-08-27 Thread Chris Wilcox
I'm doing this on my home LAN but purely because I don't have the cash 
(pun?) to have seperate computers for the firewall and cache.  Still, 
there's nothing stopping you having a firewall in more than one place so you 
could run Squid from the DMZ but still have the squid box running it's own 
firewall to make sure everything is closed off other than say port 3128 so 
the only vulnerability on that box is likely to be Squid itself.

Still, my firewall is set up only to accept incoming connections that the 
LAN has initiated,so if someone port scans me they see only the ports I need 
to have open (eg http and smtp).  Works quite well really I reckon.



Fritz Mesedilla wrote:
> Hello! I'm quite new here.
> Would it be possible for me to have squid and a firewall on the same 
server? I'm concerned about security and also on budget.

 Theoretically, there is no problem.
 But I would advise agains it, also because of spurious port usage
 of squid when maintaining connections.
 One of the purposes of firewalls, is to control this.

 Also because of traffic generated , it will make the squid box
 'noticable' and prone to attack.
 Therefore our squid is on DMZ, behind firewall

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Re: [squid-users] RV: squid1 -> dg -> squid2

2003-08-25 Thread Chris Wilcox
This can't work as there is now way to get Squid to pass DG the username 
etc, so DG cannot do any authentication at all hence it's passing everything 
through the default settings and not logging stuff correctly.

I think you also posted this in the DG message board, and answers from there 
will apply also.  I can't comment on the page display problem, though I'm 
sure someone on the DG board did respond to this?



The first squid is use to authenticate users with the wb_ntlmauth helper 
then redirect the request to DG for filtering.
The second squid is use to connect to internet to resolve the request.

The problem is:
Dansguard didn´t see the real user, insted apply all the filter rules for
all users and never update the access.log  file (for denied access) and the
cachedump file (for connected users)
When i access an unfiltered site like www.google.com all seem good but when
i access an filtered site like www.playboy.com  i didn´t get the deny page,
insted  the url is  show in the browser and all the body is empty and
nothing is logged in the  /var/log/dansguardian/access.log file.
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Re: [squid-users] Problem: high use of processor time

2003-08-25 Thread Chris Wilcox
How many clients are simultaneously accessing the Internet through the 
cache, and what is your Internet connection speed?

How long after the system starts does it begin to hog the CPU usage, and 
does it slowly build up or suddenly jump to using 99.9%?



in this university we are using many versions of squid (2.4stable7, 
2.5stable1 and 2.5stable3) with the same problem.
Time later from start, the squid process use 99.9 of time processor.
Squid is running on a Athlon XP 2000+,512 Mb of memory and a 20 Gb cache on 
a IDE 7200 rpm disk. Sisop is Linux Mandrake 8.2, standard installation.
We try many compilation options (enable-async-io, etc.) without better 

Known related problems to this ? Any idea ?

Thanks in advance


Stats show:
  client_http.requests = 5.993292/sec
  client_http.kbytes_in = 2.873313/sec
  client_http.kbytes_out = 28.059805/sec
  client_http.all_median_svc_time = 3.112631 seconds
  client_http.miss_median_svc_time = 7.794210 seconds
  client_http.nm_median_svc_time = 0.000911 seconds
  client_http.nh_median_svc_time = 3.112631 seconds
  client_http.hit_median_svc_time = 0.000911 seconds
  server.all.requests = 3.563309/sec
  server.all.errors = 0.00/sec
  server.all.kbytes_in = 25.863153/sec
  server.all.kbytes_out = 1.966653/sec
  server.http.requests = 3.449976/sec
  server.http.kbytes_in = 25.366490/sec
  server.http.kbytes_out = 1.923320/sec
  dns.median_svc_time = 0.018519 seconds
  unlink.requests = 0.09/sec
  page_faults = 0.00/sec
  select_loops = 931.210185/sec
  select_fds = 1308.447560/sec
  swap.outs = 0.619996/sec
  swap.ins = 2.413317/sec
  swap.files_cleaned = 0.00/sec
  aborted_requests = 1.923320/sec
  syscalls.polls = 961.009978/sec
  syscalls.disk.opens = 1.799987/sec
  syscalls.disk.closes = 1.826654/sec
  syscalls.disk.reads = 1.449990/sec
  syscalls.disk.writes = 2.79/sec
  syscalls.disk.seeks = 0.06/sec
  syscalls.disk.unlinks = 0.00/sec
  syscalls.sock.accepts = 5.433296/sec
  syscalls.sock.sockets = 3.633308/sec
  syscalls.sock.connects = 3.603308/sec
  syscalls.sock.binds = 0.00/sec
  syscalls.sock.closes = 6.496621/sec
  syscalls.sock.reads = 1282.134410/sec
  syscalls.sock.writes = 28.383136/sec
  syscalls.sock.recvfroms = 5.986625/sec
  syscalls.sock.sendtos = 3.016646/sec
  cpu_time = 299.29 seconds
  wall_time = 300.002088 seconds
  cpu_usage = 99.762639%
NOCC, http://nocc.sourceforge.net

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Re: [squid-users] Squid Performance

2003-08-24 Thread Chris Wilcox
For only 30 clients, you really don't need to spend that much cash on such a 
high specced server!  A simple Duron/Celeron based system with 256 or maybe 
512MB RAM would more than suffice!  Our ISP provided cache/firewall servers 
at least 100 simultaneous client machines and is nothing more than a Celeron 
1200 with 512MB RAM and a IDE 40GB HD and it has no problems keeping up with 
demand on a 2Mbit line.

Really, on that few client machines, I really doubt you'll notice any 
performance degredation running on a much lower spec machine!

The slowest link in the cog is the Internet connection, and personally I'd 
save my money on the server and upgrade the net connection instead and run 
Squid on a much lower spec machine...still, reading your post again it 
appears you may have most of the hardware?  If so it's a bit different.

Dual-processor wise, I think I'm right in saying that Squid can't take 
advantage of this so it wouldn't be worth the extra cash, plus running with 
dual-CPU's you're usually better off buying matched pairs otherwise you can 
often run into problems.

As for Squid, I'd be very surprised if the standard install of Squid that 
comes with RH9 couldn't easily handle the load of 30 client machines.

My tuppence worth anyhow!



I'm complete newbie in the Squid and Linux worlds (I've lived in a 
world for far too long). I just joined the wagon about a month ago. I need
your inputs on how to set up a high performance Squid box:

My hardware details:
Machine: Dell PowerEdge 1600SC
CPU: Intel Xeon 2.0GHz, 533Mz FSB
Mem: 640MB PC2100 DDR, ECC.
HD:  Two 36GB, 10K RPM, Ultra320 SCSI Drives
HD Ctler: Single Channel Ultra320 controller
OS: Red Hat Linux 9.0
Squid ver: 2.5.STABLE3
Comm Interface: 1000Mbps Ethernet uplink to Squid box.
Clients: Thirty Pentium 4, Windows XP machines.
This setup will be for clients with the sole aim of browsing the internet. 
have a relatively slow connection (128Kbps, may increase to 256kbps).

This Linux box will be dedicated to running Squid.
It also runs Apache just so I can use cachemgr. I don't serve pages to any
It also runs BIND caching-only DNS. I read this will improve response time?
I have successfully set up squid and running nicely (thanks to the
tremendous amount of resource available on Squid, including this mailing
list archive). What I'm looking for is how to optimize Squid for my
I'm willing to do the following hardware enhancements if it will
significantly boost Squid's performance. Please rank the options if
1.) Add another Xeon processor (I have a dual processor server board)
2.) Add another 512MB of memory
3.) Add another hard drive (or more if necessary).
If you feel my hardware is enough and all that I need is some software
tweaking please tell me before I pump more doe into Squid.
My OS shares one HD with a 5.9GB partition for one cache directory. The
other cache dir is on a 5.9GB partition on the second drive. I'm thinking
about adding a 7200RPM IDE drive for the OS and cache log and dedicating 
tow SCSI's for Squid cache. My cache_mem = 128, and total cache size is set
to 2GB for now. Any recommendations?

I'm used a Squid RPM with 1024 file descriptors. What are my chances of
running out of file descriptors given the number of clients? My file-max in
Linux is 65529, but I read that Squid can't use more than the 1024 until I
recompile with some options. The problem is I'm quite green with Linux and
Squid environments so I don't feel comfortable compiling either (for fear 
leaving out something and taking a performance hit). In other words I 
not to fix anything that aint gonna break. If there are any simple tasks
that I can do in Linux/Squid to improve performance please help.

I appreciate your contribution. Thanks.

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[squid-users] Squid v3 performance compared to v2?

2003-08-24 Thread Chris Wilcox
Hi all,

On the same hardware, is there likely to be any major performance difference 
between Squid v3 and Squid v2?

Thanks for any response,



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Re: [squid-users] Blocking Kazaa, msn messenger...

2003-08-16 Thread Chris Wilcox
Personally I'd think this was a firewall issue as this can be used to block 
ports etc used by the said applications.  Others may disagree though!



I think i've read all the information in squid's FAQ and user's guide but i 
would like to know if there is a way to block:

- Kazaa
- Yahoo Messenger
- Aol Messenger
- msn messenger
i know you can block specific servers but connections with type peer to 


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Re: [squid-users] Re: Urgent Please

2003-08-15 Thread Chris Wilcox
I'm  guessing that providing you've set up your ACL's correctly, your LAN 
PC's should have no problems using Squid.  I'm presuming what you have 
forgotten is to setup an ACL to allow localhost have access to Squid hence 
when you're connecting to Squid from the actual Squid box itself it doesn't 
work since the Squid box itself will only see the localhost IP of 
so you'll need to add some lines like the following to make it work:

acl ThisComputer src
http_access allow ThisComputer



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Re: [squid-users] Kazaa - ICQ - FTP through Squid 2.4 STABLE 7

2003-08-14 Thread Chris Wilcox

I'm running squid 2.4 STABLE 7 in my main server (LINUX RH 8.0) and I can't
connect to ICQ, Kazaa, Morpheus, and AudioGalaxy.
Can i use FTP through Squid?  How?

Can anyone guide me throw this?!

I must connect to them!

Squid wouldn't affect the working of these programs and can't since Squid is 
a http proxy, not a proxy for other protocols such as ftp, pop3 and smtp.  
If the software worked before Squid and you haven't touched the 
configuration of these programs since, then there's no reason for them not 
to work now.  If you have configured these programs to somehow use squid 
then you need to reset the configuration to what you had before.  As far as 
I'm aware (and I have played with this at home a fair bit) the only thing 
that would stop your programs from working would be firewall related.

In short words, what you want is not possible with Squid.  Squid can only 
cache and handle http requests.



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Re: [squid-users] my squid.conf - suggestions?

2003-08-04 Thread Chris Wilcox
From: Michael Kastinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Henrik Nordstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [squid-users] my squid.conf - suggestions?
Date: Mon, 04 Aug 2003 18:43:36 +0200
Henrik Nordstrom wrote:

mån 2003-08-04 klockan 13.24 skrev [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

maybe one of you have some suggestions for my squid.conf to optimize the

Squid performance is relatlvely little about squid.conf settings, and a
lot about hardware setup. (memory, number of drives, speed of drives
etc, in priority order)

IBM Netfinity 7000 M10
dual pentium 2 400 mhz
3 SCSI drivers 7,2k upm ( raid 5 )
I'm sure I read somewhere that RAID5 is THE worst RAID setup to run with 
Squid?  To do with overheads but I can't remember whether it was on reading, 
writing or both.

May be worth someone confirming this incase I'm wrong though?!?



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[squid-users] External acl efficiency: text file/MySql lookup

2003-08-02 Thread Chris Wilcox
Hi again all,

I'm looking at writing an external acl helper that checks the value returned 
by a customised version of identd.  The helper would take the identd 
response and compare it with data held either in flat text files or in a 
MySql database.  I believe I'm right in thinking that the data in the text 
file or DB can be dynamic ie I can alter the data in the file or DB without 
having to reconfigure Squid?

My basic question is: for a text file or DB with around 1500 lines/rows, 
would there be any major performance difference between the use of text 
files compared to holding the same data in a MySql database?  The server 
this would run on would be dedicated to running Squid and would be specced 
something like:

Athlon XP 1800+ or above
512 or 1024MB DDR RAM
80GB ATA-100 7200rpm HD
Running on fully switched 100Mbit network, serving around 150 client 

Thanks for any response,


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Re: [squid-users] Re: is there a way I can recieve replies only?

2003-07-29 Thread Chris Wilcox
Hmm, not sure about your e-mail, but I canset filters in Hotmail so mail 
from specific places goes into certain folders eg mail with 'squid users' in 
the Subject goes into a 'Squid Users' folder.  That way I don't clutter my 



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[squid-users] Any guidelines on writing external_acl_type s?

2003-07-29 Thread Chris Wilcox
Hi all,

I've had a good search through google and found nothing.  Are there any 
limits or things that can't be done with this type of ACL?  Eg can the 
helper class query a DB, can it be written in any language? Can it be a 
simple perl script?

I'm kinda thinking of something like the following:

cache_peer cache1.foo.net parent 3128 3139
cache_peer cache2.foo.net parent 3128 3139
cache_peer cache3.foo.net parent 3128 3139
cache_peer cache4.foo.net parent 3128 3139
external_acl_type check1 etc (checks if access allowed to cache1)
external_acl_type check2 etc (checks if access allowed to cache2)
external_acl_type check3 etc (checks if access allowed to cache3)
external_acl_type check4 etc (checks if access allowed to cache4)
cache_peer_access cache1.foo.net allow check1
cache_peer_access cache2.foo.net allow check2
cache_peer_access cache3.foo.net allow check3
cache_peer_access cache4.foo.net allow check4
I know the syntax likely isn't 100% but hopefully people may get the idea of 
what I'm trying to do.  I'm aiming to have a modifed identd server on client 
machines which returns 'username:hostname' as a single string.  I want to 
pass this to an external_acl_type which checks if 1) the host has access and 
if so 2) does the username have access to this cache peer?  I'm aiming to 
have a different filter level on each peer cache.  I hope this would give me 
hostname based access control and within that different filter levels per 

Thanks for any response,



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Re: [squid-users] Image Caching

2003-07-29 Thread Chris Wilcox
I use a squid version 2.4.
I got a simple problem, i guess.
How i can set the squid, to never never store any image
in your cache, CUZ here we got a lot of web developers
and designers. We are got so much problems with
squid. The squid store all images, and when a designer
change this images, him cant see the new image, cuz
the squid store the old image.
I'm guessing that if the designers click the 'Refresh' button on their 
browser then Squid will load the new image into it's cache and display it 

I'd suggest a few things to try:

Find out which URL's the images come from and tell squid to go direct for 
these URL's then it won't cache them, or you could also tell your browsers 
to bypass squid for certain URL's and this will have the same affect.  Where 
do the images come from?  Are they local images (ie on the LAN) or are they 
coming externally from the web?  If they're local then you really need to 
tell your browsers not to go through squid for local addresses (IP's, URL's 
etc etc) since this is giving squid work to do that it shouldn't be doing.




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[squid-users] Squid code: before results get returned to browser

2003-07-26 Thread Chris Wilcox
Hi all,

Could any knowledgeable people tell me/us whereabouts in the squid code 
(file name and line) the part is that finally returns the request result to 
the browser?  We're looking at the possibility of sending these results 
through an external program before they are returned to the browser

Thanks for any reply,


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RE: [squid-users] acl ident_regex

2003-07-25 Thread Chris Wilcox
Thanks for all the replies folks,

I'm sure that when I used identd on my clients at work ages ago, squid 
logged hostname and username in it's logs, and I'm also 99.9% sure this was 
a standard ident server and not a modified one.  However, I am aware of an 
ident server for Windows which does currently return hostname within the 
response, and the person responsible may be open to modifying his code to 
meet our needs (likely for a fee but it would be worth it).

For our project to work, we need a way of transparently being able to 
control access by client hostname aswell as username.  The hostname will be 
used to determine whether Internet access is allowed, and the username will 
be used to specify which filter is to be used for that user unless the user 
themselves are denied access.  Our project needs to be reliant only on 
itself, ie it cannot rely on the network configuration it is being used on, 
and it cannot require any major changes to the network for it to work.  We 
are happy that ident on the clients is an option, and the majority of our 
target audience will already have security in place that wouldn't allow 
users access to any ident server running on their machines.  A vast majority 
of our target networks will be using dynamic DHCP, so it is likely that 
client computers will not have the same IP address on each connection to the 
cache so it isn't an option to control access by IP.  Also, using MAC 
address is way too much of a hassle for the proposed end-uers of our system 
to contemplate.  Installing ident servers on client machines is at this 
moment as much work as we want the end-uers to need to undertake.

If anyone is curious, the project proposal is sited at 

If anyone has any further suggestions how we could undertake the ability to 
control access by hostname then we are very open to suggestions!

Regards and thanks again,


> Sorry, but no there is no such field type in the ident protocol.

My bad; I read it wrong.  The two response types are "USERID" and
"ERROR".  As you have mentioned, "OTHER" is an operating system
type within the USERID response.  What I was trying to point out
was that there should be no reason why he couldn't return the
hostname.  If it happens that his hostnames do not conform to the
rules of the operating system, he can use the OTHER operating system
type and remain in compliance.
One other point that I was hinting about... Even his non-technical
users can easily make the ident reply be anything *they* want it to
be, too.
> -Original Message-
> From: Henrik Nordstrom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, July 25, 2003 12:52 PM
> To: Rick Matthews
> Cc: Chris Wilcox; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: RE: [squid-users] acl ident_regex
> fre 2003-07-25 klockan 18.42 skrev Rick Matthews:
> > <http://identd.dyndns.org/identd/rfc1413.txt>, in addition to the
> > response type USERID, there is an additional type "OTHER":
> Sorry, but no there is no such field type in the ident protocol.
> OTHER is a operating system type and indicates that the username which
> follows is not structured according to any standard operating system
> rules, and probably not meant to be human readable.
> There can only be one username in the same ident reply.
> In all operating system types you are allowed to return pretty much
> anything as username, but if the operating system type is anything else
> than OTHER then the returned username SHOULD follow the rules of that
> operating system.
> It is perfectly fine if you set your ident server to return the hostname
> as userid, if this is what you wishes to make your users identify
> themselves as to the network (using ident).
> Squid will use whatever is sent as user ident in the reply, ignoring the
> opsys field.
> Regards
> Henrik
> --
> Donations welcome if you consider my Free Squid support helpful.
> https://www.paypal.com/xclick/business=hno%40squid-cache.org
> Please consult the Squid FAQ and other available documentation before
> asking Squid questions, and use the squid-users mailing-list when no
> answer can be found. Private support questions is only answered
> for a fee or as part of a commercial Squid support contract.
> If you need commercial Squid support or cost effective Squid and
> firewall appliances please refer to MARA Systems AB, Sweden
> http://www.marasystems.com/, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[squid-users] acl ident_regex

2003-07-25 Thread Chris Wilcox
Hello again all,

Been having yet another read through the ACL types I can use within squid.  
Does ident_regex allow pattern matching on the entire string returned from 
an ident lookup? eg if I have an altered version of an identd server running 
on a client PC, and this returns (amongst other things) username and client 
PC hostname, would it be possible for ident_regex to look for a certain 
hostname within the returned ident string?

If not, is it possible to pass the hostname info (or if need be, all the 
info) from the ident query to an external ACL type and use this to 
allow/disallow access to the cache?

If I can suss out access control via hostname then I will be a very happy 
bunny (or other small fluffy animal)!



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[squid-users] Squid code/identd query

2003-07-24 Thread Chris Wilcox
Not sure if this is possible,  but is there anywhere within the squid code 
that defines which part of the identd request is used to allow the username 
ACL capability of squid?  I presume this must exist somewhere?

If I (can!) alter this to instead use the hostname response from identd then 
I have the ability to control Internet access by PC hostname.  So, say I 
then use SquidGuard aswell to filter the content, can I get squid to pass 
the correct part of the identd response (ie the username) to squidguard?

Any form of response gratefully accepted!



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[squid-users] Am I right in thinking squid can block using client PC hostname?

2003-07-24 Thread Chris Wilcox
I believe I am right in thinking that providing identd is installed on 
client PC's, I can define an ACL for squid with a list of PC hostnames in, 
then tell squid whether to allow these names or not?  I don't want to block 
on username, I want to block by the name of the computer itselfif this 
isn't possible has anyone got any suggestions as to how I might do this?


Find a cheaper internet access deal - choose one to suit you. 

RE: [squid-users] Predictive caching?

2003-07-22 Thread Chris Wilcox
> -Original Message-
> From: Chris Wilcox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Just had a suggestion about a project I'm working on: can we provide
> predictive caching?  I know it's possible to use cron and
> wget to schedule
> downloads of pages to keep them in the cache, but is there
> any way I can get
> squid to follow links on pages it downloads so they load even
> quicker when
> requested by users?
I don't think so, but it seems like this is the sort of thing you could
easily tinker with as a seperate program.  Here's my thought:  Write your
own very basic proxy, maybe in Perl or some other interpreted language for
the proof-of-concept version so it's easy to tweak.  Point your browser at
this proxy, and point your proxy at Squid.  Then your experimental proxy 
follow the links in the page, after passing it on to the web browser, and
Squid will automatically cache whatever it retrieves.  Make sense?

If you decide to play with this, keep us posted.  I find the idea pretty
hehe, I wasn't thinking along the lines of writing my own proxy or software. 
 Reading into it, I don't think it would actually have the overwhelming 
impact on speed which it may appear it has when it was first mentioned to 

Thanks for the reply though,



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[squid-users] Predictive caching?

2003-07-22 Thread Chris Wilcox
Hi all,

Just had a suggestion about a project I'm working on: can we provide 
predictive caching?  I know it's possible to use cron and wget to schedule 
downloads of pages to keep them in the cache, but is there any way I can get 
squid to follow links on pages it downloads so they load even quicker when 
requested by users?  There's nothing in the docs so I'm presuming this is a 
no?  In which case, is anyone aware of ways I can get this type of behaviour 
to work?



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[squid-users] Get Squid to log to MySql database?

2003-07-20 Thread Chris Wilcox
Morning all,

After a fair amount of searching I'm none-the-wiser on this one.  Is there 
any way (easy preferred but not essential!) I can get Squid to log directly 
to a MySql database or do I need to regularly run a script via cron to put 
the squid logfile into MySql?

Thanks for any replies,


Stay in touch with absent friends - get MSN Messenger 

Re: [squid-users] Can squid direct different users to differentparent proxies?

2003-06-27 Thread Chris Wilcox
Hi again,

Thanks for that, I thought I'd scoured the relevant documentation but it 
seems I hadn't!  I believe what I am looking for is 'cache_peer_access'

Thanks again,


From: Henrik Nordstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Chris Wilcox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [squid-users] Can squid direct different users to 
differentparent proxies?
Date: 27 Jun 2003 00:50:48 +0200

tor 2003-06-26 klockan 22.41 skrev Chris Wilcox:
> Hi all,
> If I define 2 ACL's containing eg staff users and student users, is it
> possible to send staff to one parent proxy and students to another 
> proxy?

Generally yes.

There is some minor restrictions if you are using external acls, or
other acls depending on external lookups, but most often these are not
an issue.
Donations welcome if you consider my Free Squid support helpful.
Please consult the Squid FAQ and other available documentation before
asking Squid questions, and use the squid-users mailing-list when no
answer can be found. Private support questions is only answered
for a fee or as part of a commercial Squid support contract.
If you need commercial Squid support or cost effective Squid and
firewall appliances please refer to MARA Systems AB, Sweden
http://www.marasystems.com/, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[squid-users] Can squid direct different users to different parent proxies?

2003-06-26 Thread Chris Wilcox
Hi all,

If I define 2 ACL's containing eg staff users and student users, is it 
possible to send staff to one parent proxy and students to another parent 

Thanks for any replies,


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