[squid-users] Splash page -- detect if client is mobile?

2011-10-10 Thread Dale Mahalko
Is there a way for a splash page to detect if it is being displayed on
a mobile device, and to be able to redirect or show a different page
that is reformatted to fit the much smaller display area of the mobile

I don't know if this is really a squid-related question, or if this
can all be handled through the magic of javascript, independent of

-- Dale Mahalko

[squid-users] Splash page -- detect if auto-proxy config worked?

2011-10-10 Thread Dale Mahalko
I am trying to set up a two-layer proxy for public mobile devices,
offering transparent access for the mobile devices that are too stupid
to auto-detect proxy settings via proxy.pac / wpad .

I want an easy way for end-users to find out if their device is using
transparent or auto-detected settings, after they have connected to
the public wireless with no password.

The only way I can see for doing that is to have a splash page that
attempts an HTTPS connection when they first connect, using that to
find out if auto-detect worked or not.  And if it fails, then I can
have a way to direct them to IT support to see what needs to be done
to get proxied access working.

I don't really like this method though, because if they are on the
transparent proxy, there will be a long delay until the HTTPS attempt
finally times out and fails.

Is there some established way to for a splash page to quickly identify
if transparent or auto-detect proxy settings are being used? Can a web
browser page somehow interact with the squid cache to discover this?

- Dale Mahalko

Re: [squid-users] prevent squid from temporarily disabling (...) digest ?

2011-10-04 Thread Dale Mahalko
After playing with it some more, I determined that the only extra
rules I need are:
always_direct deny all
never_direct allow all

After doing this, when the upstream M86 / R3000 content filter proxy
blocks access to a site, trying to get to it through squid using https
just results in a blank page in Firefox, or can't display the
webpage for IE, which is what I am expecting.

All pfsense firewall rules can be removed other than a single one: LAN
block any address/port to any WAN address/port. This rule blocks all
direct Internet access by clients, but does not prevent squid itself
on pfSense from being able to access the external parent proxy on the
WAN side.

It must have both always_direct and never_direct in there. With only
the never_direct allow all and not always_direct deny all, the
local squid still retrieves content directly, if the upstream content
filtering parent deliberately misses/denies 10 retrieval attempts in
a row.


(For googlers of this issue, the actual spelling in the log files is
temporary, not temporarily  which looks like a spelling error
to me..)

 Temporary disabling (Not Found) digest from
 Temporary disabling (...) digest

[squid-users] prevent squid from temporarily disabling (...) digest ?

2011-09-26 Thread Dale Mahalko
pfSense 1.2.3-Release
Squid 2.7.9_4.1

I am using squid as a local access-logging front-end, to another
remote proxy which acts as a content filter on which I don't have
reporting/logging access.

If I specify the remote proxy and port in the web browser, I just get
a blank can't connect error for HTTPS addresses. It is blocking the
site, as expected.

But when squid is used, the access.log contains a long string of all
TCP_DENIED or TCP_MISS messages, but the blocked page loads

Checking the cache.log there is a message Temporarily disabling (Not
Found) digest from proxy.foo.com:

it appears squid is quietly saying fine, I will go direct and
retrieve the data anyway.

The directive never_direct doesn't do anything for this:
never_direct deny all

I need squid to just simply give up and stop trying to access the
blocked site, if the upstream parent won't provide the content.

This is probably complicated by the fact that this is a pfsense
firewall appliance. I have tried applying restrictions to brute-force
prevent squid from serving up pages directly but they do not do
Deny All from LAN (Any) to WAN (Any)
Deny All from WAN (external firewall address) to any address port 80
Deny All from WAN (external firewall address) to any address port 443

 Squid still retrieves the blocked data through the WAN side of
the pfsense box.

(I can't post a copy of the squid config. It's all managed through the
pfsense GUI.)

[squid-users] Don't use ICP at all, don't ask, don't request, do nothing with ICP?

2009-12-08 Thread Dale Mahalko
Our organization uses a centralized ISP 8e6 R3000 proxy that provides
us with CIPA compliance.

Because I don't have access to the ISP's 8e6 log files for our site, I
have been using squid 2.7 STABLE3 as a proxy log / cache for the 8e6

It appears that the latest upgrade of the ISP's 8e6 R3000, installed
yesterday, does not support ICP at all. Before I was able to get squid
to work with the default port of 3130 even though the ISP would not
officially confirm to me that ICP was supported. But now I get
continuous TCP connection failed messages with the new R3000 update.

It appears that I cannot stop Squid from making any sort of ICP
request of the parent?

This does not work:
icp_port 0
cache_peer proxy.foo.com  parent 8760 0 originserver no-query
no-digest no-netdb-exchange

Also very strange, but when a page access is attempted through the
now-nonfunctional squid cache, a Red Hat Enterprise Linux Apache
server default-install page pops up in place of root page access to
any website. For example, http://www.google.com/  comes up looking
like that. The squid's host OS is Ubuntu, and there is no Apache web
server or www directory on the server.

I have looked carefully through the config file and I do not know
where it is pulling up that Red Hat apache webserver page from.

[squid-users] Auth'ing to Novell eDirectory via LDAP (Re: Windows auto-login)

2009-09-22 Thread Dale Mahalko
The problem with most LDAP-auth examples is that they are written for
Active Directory, and they assume the reader is an expert at
understanding LDAP syntax. As such the following appears to be
meaningless with Novell eDirectory:



We don't have domain controllers in novell's eDir, so dc= appears to
be the wrong identifier for Novell's LDAP.

Instead, we have this thing called the Tree and the Org at the top
level. I've played with trying random guesses like
cn=foo,ou=accounts,o=myorg,t=mytree and it doesn't work.

I don't know where to find a list of all valid LDAP identifiers (cn=,
dc=, etc) so I don't know what syntax to use.

And does using uid= or cn= make a difference with AD vs eDir?


Also, what's with the commas and periods in LDAP vs Novell? Does it matter?

Novell eDirectory: cn=user.ou=orgunit.o=org.t=tree
LDAP: uid=some-user,ou=People,dc=yourcompany,dc=com

Will either work, or must the delimiter be a comma with LDAP?


Novell eDirectory permits spaces in the names of objects. How do you
deal with spaces in LDAP objects from the command line? Do you wrap
the individual item with quotes or the whole LDAP path/context in


Also what is the debug option in the LDAP authenticator supposed to be
used for? It does not appear to generate any useful output. I am
looking for extensive debugging information to tell me why and how
exactly it is or isn't working, like this:

Connecting to LDAP server: foo.company.com ( ...
** Connected.
Using authenticated bind with user: cn=user.ou=accounts.dc=somewhere
With password: foo
** Successful authenticated bind.
Searching tree using matching pattern: cn=%s
** Actual search pattern: cn=(whatever %s means)
Found the following match:

Getting only ERR Success as a response is quite unhelpful for an
LDAP-noob to figure out what is wrong.


If I get answers to these questions I'll probably put it into the wiki page..

- Dale Mahalko

On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 6:23 AM, Amos Jeffries squ...@treenet.co.nz wrote:
 We have a generic LDAP how-to which may or may not be useful to you...

 Recent squid releases bundle an eDirectory helper for doing secure encrypted
 digest authentication. That auth method is also growing in its support from
 browsers etc.

 Hopefully someone with a bit more experience in these auth methods will
 speak up. This should give you a place to start seraching anyway. Good luck.

[squid-users] Windows auto-login helper application?

2009-09-21 Thread Dale Mahalko
I need some help with setting up a fairly secure, easy to use method
of authenticating users of Windows XP with squid, that:

 * doesn't require the users to remember a name and password to use
the proxy, and does an auto-login so I can identify the user in the
proxy access logs

 * uses password encryption to prevent sniffing of passwords on the network

It does not look like NTLM authentication will work because apparently
that requires Windows to be joined to a domain before Windows will use
that method. None of the computers are in a domain, and they can't be
since this is a Novell network.

For the life o' me, I cannot figure out how to get the LDAP-auth to
connect to do a Novell eDir/NDS LDAP user lookup. Most searched
discussions regarding this are incomplete, usually ending with someone
saying Oh I figured it out myself and they never post what they did.
I know our LDAP server works since I can login to it using a generic
LDAP browser.


At this point I would be happy with sticking a small program in each
user's Windows roaming profile account that loads when they login and
does the authentication for them, whenever they try to use the proxy.

There is apparently no formal name for doing this sort of user-login
though so I can't search for examples of anyone doing it since I don't
know what to call it. Maybe: Windows helper application squid


Actually this is how Novell's aging BorderManager proxy does it, using
a program called the Client Trust that sits in the taskbar and talks
to the proxy to authorize the user. It interfaces with the Novell
client to get the user's credentials.

I am not expecting or looking for anything this extravagant that also
can talk to the Novell Client. I would be fine with a
taskbar/background helper that just uses a simple hashed config file
in the user's account to authenticate them with squid.

(BorderManager is being retired by Novell next year and so I can't
expect or rely on the Client Trust authenticator to continue to be
available. And besides it is made only for BorderManager, and doesn't
work with other proxies like squid..)


Dale Mahalko