[squid-users] cache manager

2010-02-22 Thread David C. Heitmann

how can i configure my cachemanager with a user and a pass?
where are the configfiles or config commands?

thanks dave

[squid-users] cache manager

2010-02-22 Thread David C. Heitmann

 Give your clients a boost

Edit your /etc/hosts file to add all LAN  external hosts you plan to 
login from. This is optional but will give you a faster connection.

/etc/hosts: Linkstation localhost = should be there already 
MyPc1 MyPc2 ...

 Allow your IP address

   The file you need to modify is /etc/webmin/miniserv.conf , in
   particular the allow= or deny= lines. If the allow= line exists, it
   contains a list of all addresses and networks that are allowed to
   connect to Webmin. Similarly, the deny= line contains addresses that
   are not allowed to connect. After modifying this file, you need to
   run /etc/webmin/stop ; /etc/webmin/start for the changes to take
   effect. Naturally, the file can only be edited by the root user. 



my config:

/etc/hosts localhost mypcname

or testet

i cant connect over the network, only localhost!

can somebody help me please?!

thanks dave

[squid-users] cache manager

2010-02-22 Thread David C. Heitmann

 Give your clients a boost

Edit your /etc/hosts file to add all LAN  external hosts you plan to
login from. This is optional but will give you a faster connection.

/etc/hosts: Linkstation localhost = should be there already
MyPc1 MyPc2 ...

 Allow your IP address

   The file you need to modify is /etc/webmin/miniserv.conf , in
   particular the allow= or deny= lines. If the allow= line exists, it
   contains a list of all addresses and networks that are allowed to
   connect to Webmin. Similarly, the deny= line contains addresses that
   are not allowed to connect. After modifying this file, you need to
   run /etc/webmin/stop ; /etc/webmin/start for the changes to take
   effect. Naturally, the file can only be edited by the root user.



my config:

/etc/hosts localhost mypcname

or testet

i cant connect over the network, only localhost!

can somebody help me please?!

thanks dave

I AM A WINDOWS XP USER, with MAC works?? can i connect 
via windows


[squid-users] header windows live messenger

2010-02-18 Thread David C. Heitmann

hello experts,

when i wrote:
reply_header_access User-Agent deny all
request_header_access User-Agent deny all

i cant login into windows live messenger 2009

when i delete this rule i have a successfully login

i think i have to permit msn to use the User-Agent to login into msn 2009
for gmx i have:

acl user_agent_request dstdomain .gmx.net
request_header_access User-Agent allow user_agent_request

acl user_agent_reply dstdomain .gmx.net
reply_header_access User-Agent allow user_agent_reply

with this address in a file, i cant login! but which address is it for 

acl user_agent_msn dstdomain /squid/user_agent
request_header_access User-Agent allow user_agent_msn


please help me
mfg david

[squid-users] header help

2010-02-18 Thread David C. Heitmann

which header is for windows live mesenger important

with all deny all i cant login into msn 2009!

please help
mfg dave

[squid-users] help please header

2010-02-18 Thread David C. Heitmann

hi gurus,

i need the header for windows live messenger to login

when i delete all deny all - i can connect!

reply_header_access Allow allow all
reply_header_access Authorization allow all
reply_header_access WWW-Authenticate allow all
reply_header_access Proxy-Authorization allow all
reply_header_access Proxy-Authenticate allow all
reply_header_access Cache-Control allow all
reply_header_access Content-Encoding allow all
reply_header_access Content-Length allow all
reply_header_access Content-Type allow all
reply_header_access Date allow all
reply_header_access Expires allow all
reply_header_access If-Modified-Since allow all
reply_header_access Last-Modified allow all
reply_header_access Location allow all
reply_header_access Pragma allow all
reply_header_access Accept allow all
reply_header_access Accept-Charset allow all
reply_header_access Accept-Encoding allow all
reply_header_access Accept-Language allow all
reply_header_access Content-Language allow all
reply_header_access Mime-Version allow all
reply_header_access Retry-After allow all
reply_header_access Title allow all
reply_header_access Connection allow all
reply_header_access Proxy-Connection allow all
reply_header_access Host allow all
reply_header_access Via allow all
reply_header_access X-Forwarded-For allow all
reply_header_access User-Agent allow all
reply_header_access Referer allow all
reply_header_access Cookie allow all
reply_header_access Set-Cookie allow all
reply_header_access From allow all
reply_header_access Server allow all
reply_header_access Link allow all
reply_header_access Accept-Ranges allow all
reply_header_access If-Modified-Since allow all
reply_header_access If-None-Match allow all
reply_header_access If-Range allow all
reply_header_access Max-Forwards allow all
reply_header_access Range allow all
reply_header_access Upgrade allow all
reply_header_access Age allow all
reply_header_access Content-Language allow all
reply_header_access Content-Location allow all
reply_header_access Content-Disposition allow all
reply_header_access Content-MD5 allow all
reply_header_access Content-Range allow all
reply_header_access ETag allow all
reply_header_access Refresh allow all
reply_header_access Retry-After allow all
reply_header_access Trailer allow all
reply_header_access Transfer-Encoding allow all
reply_header_access Vary allow all
reply_header_access Warning allow all

#reply_header_access All deny all

thansk dave

[squid-users] help please header

2010-02-18 Thread David C. Heitmann

hi gurus,

i use squid and debian 5

i need the header for windows live messenger 2009 to login

when i delete all deny all - i can connect!

reply_header_access Allow allow all
reply_header_access Authorization allow all
reply_header_access WWW-Authenticate allow all
reply_header_access Proxy-Authorization allow all
reply_header_access Proxy-Authenticate allow all
reply_header_access Cache-Control allow all
reply_header_access Content-Encoding allow all
reply_header_access Content-Length allow all
reply_header_access Content-Type allow all
reply_header_access Date allow all
reply_header_access Expires allow all
reply_header_access If-Modified-Since allow all
reply_header_access Last-Modified allow all
reply_header_access Location allow all
reply_header_access Pragma allow all
reply_header_access Accept allow all
reply_header_access Accept-Charset allow all
reply_header_access Accept-Encoding allow all
reply_header_access Accept-Language allow all
reply_header_access Content-Language allow all
reply_header_access Mime-Version allow all
reply_header_access Retry-After allow all
reply_header_access Title allow all
reply_header_access Connection allow all
reply_header_access Proxy-Connection allow all
reply_header_access Host allow all
reply_header_access Via allow all
reply_header_access X-Forwarded-For allow all
reply_header_access User-Agent allow all
reply_header_access Referer allow all
reply_header_access Cookie allow all
reply_header_access Set-Cookie allow all
reply_header_access From allow all
reply_header_access Server allow all
reply_header_access Link allow all
reply_header_access Accept-Ranges allow all
reply_header_access If-Modified-Since allow all
reply_header_access If-None-Match allow all
reply_header_access If-Range allow all
reply_header_access Max-Forwards allow all
reply_header_access Range allow all
reply_header_access Upgrade allow all
reply_header_access Age allow all
reply_header_access Content-Language allow all
reply_header_access Content-Location allow all
reply_header_access Content-Disposition allow all
reply_header_access Content-MD5 allow all
reply_header_access Content-Range allow all
reply_header_access ETag allow all
reply_header_access Refresh allow all
reply_header_access Retry-After allow all
reply_header_access Trailer allow all
reply_header_access Transfer-Encoding allow all
reply_header_access Vary allow all
reply_header_access Warning allow all

#reply_header_access All deny all

thansk dave

Re: [squid-users] help please

2010-02-17 Thread David C. Heitmann

Amos Jeffries schrieb:

David C. Heitmann wrote:


i get no connection to msn throw squid! (client)
my iptables are stopped!
can somebody help me please..

windows live messenger 2009
iptables 2.1.4 (deactivate for testing)

squid.conf konfiguration:

|# ICQ
acl icq dstdomain .icq.com
http_access allow icq

# MSN Messenger
acl msn urlpath_regex -i gateway.dll
acl msnd dstdomain messenger.msn.com gateway.messenger.hotmail.com
acl msn1 req_mime_type application/x-msn-messenger
http_access allow msnd
http_access allow msn
http_access allow msn1|

iptables config

|$IPTABLES -A INPUT -i $LAN -p tcp --dport 1863 -j ACCEPT
$IPTABLES -A INPUT -i $LAN -p udp --dport 1863 -j ACCEPT

$IPTABLES -A OUTPUT -p udp --dport 1863 -j ACCEPT
$IPTABLES -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 1863 -j ACCEPT|

der gute access log von squid

|1266321898.316 417 lafoffice02.speedport.ip TCP_MISS/200 5289
POST http://gateway.messenger.hotmail.com/gateway/gateway.dll?
onkeldave DIRECT/ application/x-msn-messenger
1266321898.598 273 lafoffice02.speedport.ip TCP_MISS/200 178 POST
http://gateway.messenger.hotmail.com/gateway/gateway.dll? onkeldave
DIRECT/ application/x-msn-messenger
1266321900.583 265 lafoffice02.speedport.ip TCP_MISS/200 178 POST
http://gateway.messenger.hotmail.com/gateway/gateway.dll? onkeldave
DIRECT/ application/x-msn-messenger
1266321902.580 265 lafoffice02.speedport.ip TCP_MISS/200 178 POST
http://gateway.messenger.hotmail.com/gateway/gateway.dll? onkeldave
DIRECT/ application/x-msn-messenger
1266321904.585 265 lafoffice02.speedport.ip TCP_MISS/200 178 POST
http://gateway.messenger.hotmail.com/gateway/gateway.dll? onkeldave
DIRECT/ application/x-msn-messenger
1266321906.582 265 lafoffice02.speedport.ip TCP_MISS/200 178 POST
http://gateway.messenger.hotmail.com/gateway/gateway.dll? onkeldave
DIRECT/ application/x-msn-messenger
1266321908.579 264 lafoffice02.speedport.ip TCP_MISS/200 178 POST
http://gateway.messenger.hotmail.com/gateway/gateway.dll? onkeldave
DIRECT/ application/x-msn-messenger
1266321910.598 279 lafoffice02.speedport.ip TCP_MISS/200 178 POST
http://gateway.messenger.hotmail.com/gateway/gateway.dll? onkeldave
DIRECT/ application/x-msn-messenger|

thanks dave

Your log trace shows that is _is_ working. 100%.


when i downloading windows live messenger (1.1mb) und want to install 
it.it doesent go
when i downloading the full version (165mb) i can install but not 
connect, in which the squid log shows that all connection to msn miss 
(success connection)

i think windows or installer not know to use the proxy!
i use squid on debian 5
internet explorer configurations on (squid proxy)
mozilla configuration on (squid proxy)
and in cmd  proxycfg ist
my ipconfig is

(proxy address is

but why i cant install over internet pakets exe files and why i cant 
connect to msn ?

i cant ping?

http://dict.leo.org/ende?lp=endep=5tY9AAsearch=whichplease help me

David C. Heitmann

email: da...@lafourmi.de

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[squid-users] header_access help

2010-02-17 Thread David C. Heitmann

how can i make a acl rule for reply- and request_header_access???
i would only allow User-Agent for gmx and ebay

i have testing:
acl gmx srcdomain gmx.net gmx.de gmx.com

reply_header_access User-Agent allow gmx
request_header_access User-Agent allow gmx

but it doesent work :(

can somebody help me please

[squid-users] help please

2010-02-16 Thread David C. Heitmann


i get no connection to msn throw squid! (client)
my iptables are stopped!
can somebody help me please..

windows live messenger 2009
iptables 2.1.4 (deactivate for testing)

squid.conf konfiguration:

   |# ICQ
   acl icq dstdomain .icq.com
   http_access allow icq

   # MSN Messenger
   acl msn urlpath_regex -i gateway.dll
   acl msnd dstdomain messenger.msn.com gateway.messenger.hotmail.com
   acl msn1 req_mime_type application/x-msn-messenger
   http_access allow msnd
   http_access allow msn
   http_access allow msn1|

iptables config

   |$IPTABLES -A INPUT -i $LAN -p tcp --dport 1863 -j ACCEPT
   $IPTABLES -A INPUT -i $LAN -p udp --dport 1863 -j ACCEPT

   $IPTABLES -A OUTPUT -p udp --dport 1863 -j ACCEPT
   $IPTABLES -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 1863 -j ACCEPT|

der gute access log von squid

   |1266321898.316417 lafoffice02.speedport.ip TCP_MISS/200 5289
   POST http://gateway.messenger.hotmail.com/gateway/gateway.dll?
   onkeldave DIRECT/ application/x-msn-messenger
   1266321898.598273 lafoffice02.speedport.ip TCP_MISS/200 178 POST
   http://gateway.messenger.hotmail.com/gateway/gateway.dll? onkeldave
   DIRECT/ application/x-msn-messenger
   1266321900.583265 lafoffice02.speedport.ip TCP_MISS/200 178 POST
   http://gateway.messenger.hotmail.com/gateway/gateway.dll? onkeldave
   DIRECT/ application/x-msn-messenger
   1266321902.580265 lafoffice02.speedport.ip TCP_MISS/200 178 POST
   http://gateway.messenger.hotmail.com/gateway/gateway.dll? onkeldave
   DIRECT/ application/x-msn-messenger
   1266321904.585265 lafoffice02.speedport.ip TCP_MISS/200 178 POST
   http://gateway.messenger.hotmail.com/gateway/gateway.dll? onkeldave
   DIRECT/ application/x-msn-messenger
   1266321906.582265 lafoffice02.speedport.ip TCP_MISS/200 178 POST
   http://gateway.messenger.hotmail.com/gateway/gateway.dll? onkeldave
   DIRECT/ application/x-msn-messenger
   1266321908.579264 lafoffice02.speedport.ip TCP_MISS/200 178 POST
   http://gateway.messenger.hotmail.com/gateway/gateway.dll? onkeldave
   DIRECT/ application/x-msn-messenger
   1266321910.598279 lafoffice02.speedport.ip TCP_MISS/200 178 POST
   http://gateway.messenger.hotmail.com/gateway/gateway.dll? onkeldave
   DIRECT/ application/x-msn-messenger|

thanks dave

[squid-users] two connections - specific users ? problem....

2010-02-12 Thread David C. Heitmann

guten morgen meine experten,
kann man mit squid zwei internetzugänge betreuen und die verbindung 
bestimmten usern zuteilen?

good morning my experts,
can i managing two internet entries and to 
http://dict.leo.org/ende?lp=endep=5tY9AAsearch=to allocate 
connections to a 
http://dict.leo.org/ende?lp=endep=5tY9AAsearch=specific user? 

squid version
and debian lenny

thanks forward


[squid-users] two connections - specific users ? problem....

2010-02-12 Thread David C. Heitmann

guten morgen meine experten,
kann man mit squid zwei internetzugänge betreuen und die verbindung
bestimmten usern zuteilen?

good morning my experts,
can i managing two internet entries and to allocate connections to a 
specific user?

squid version
and debian lenny

thanks forward


[squid-users] windows update problem thorw squid

2010-02-12 Thread David C. Heitmann

how i can do windows update throw squid

[squid-users] problem

2010-02-11 Thread David C. Heitmann

how can i connect throw the proxy with msn live messenger 2009 ?


# MSN Messenger

acl msn urlpath_regex -i gateway.dll
acl msnd dstdomain messenger.msn.com gateway.messenger.hotmail.com
acl msn1 req_mime_type application/x-msn-messenger

http_access allow msnd
http_access allow msn
http_access allow msn1

greets dave

[squid-users] need help.....

2010-02-11 Thread David C. Heitmann

how can i block msn live messenger or icq

with this configurations in squid i have no success :(

# MSN Messenger

acl msn urlpath_regex -i gateway.dll
acl msnd dstdomain messenger.msn.com gateway.messenger.hotmail.com
acl msn1 req_mime_type application/x-msn-messenger

http_access deny msnd
http_access deny msn
http_access deny msn1


acl icq dstdomain .icq.com

http_access deny icq

i have no iptables
and squid version

thanks to regard

[squid-users] problem

2010-02-09 Thread David C. Heitmann


i have configured the reply- and request_header_access Rulez

request_header_access Allow allow all
request_header_access Authorization allow all
request_header_access WWW-Authenticate allow all
request_header_access Proxy-Authorization allow all
request_header_access Proxy-Authenticate allow all
request_header_access Cache-Control allow all
request_header_access Content-Encoding allow all
request_header_access Content-Length allow all
request_header_access Content-Type allow all
request_header_access Date allow all
request_header_access Expires allow all
request_header_access Host allow all
request_header_access If-Modified-Since allow all
request_header_access Last-Modified allow all
request_header_access Location allow all
request_header_access Pragma allow all
request_header_access Accept allow all
request_header_access Accept-Charset allow all
request_header_access Accept-Encoding allow all
request_header_access Accept-Language allow all
request_header_access Content-Language allow all
request_header_access Mime-Version allow all
request_header_access Retry-After allow all
request_header_access Title allow all
request_header_access Connection allow all
request_header_access Proxy-Connection allow all
request_header_access All deny all

reply_header_access Allow allow all
reply_header_access Authorization allow all
reply_header_access WWW-Authenticate allow all
reply_header_access Proxy-Authorization allow all
reply_header_access Proxy-Authenticate allow all
reply_header_access Cache-Control allow all
reply_header_access Content-Encoding allow all
reply_header_access Content-Length allow all
reply_header_access Content-Type allow all
reply_header_access Date allow all
reply_header_access Expires allow all
reply_header_access Host allow all
reply_header_access If-Modified-Since allow all
reply_header_access Last-Modified allow all
reply_header_access Location allow all
reply_header_access Pragma allow all
reply_header_access Accept allow all
reply_header_access Accept-Charset allow all
reply_header_access Accept-Encoding allow all
reply_header_access Accept-Language allow all
reply_header_access Content-Language allow all
reply_header_access Mime-Version allow all
reply_header_access Retry-After allow all
reply_header_access Title allow all
reply_header_access Connection allow all
reply_header_access Proxy-Connection allow all
reply_header_access All deny all

so i have all i need, but one thing left
when i would download something, where i have to put a keyword
inside..f.e. rapidshare or sharingmatrix
the keyword is always wrong^^

when i delete the ALL deny all rule.i can access !
what have i to put under allow to fix it?

THANKS forward
greets dave

[squid-users] problem

2010-02-08 Thread David C. Heitmann


i have configured the reply- and request_header_access Rulez

request_header_access Allow allow all
request_header_access Authorization allow all
request_header_access WWW-Authenticate allow all
request_header_access Proxy-Authorization allow all
request_header_access Proxy-Authenticate allow all
request_header_access Cache-Control allow all
request_header_access Content-Encoding allow all
request_header_access Content-Length allow all
request_header_access Content-Type allow all
request_header_access Date allow all
request_header_access Expires allow all
request_header_access Host allow all
request_header_access If-Modified-Since allow all
request_header_access Last-Modified allow all
request_header_access Location allow all
request_header_access Pragma allow all
request_header_access Accept allow all
request_header_access Accept-Charset allow all
request_header_access Accept-Encoding allow all
request_header_access Accept-Language allow all
request_header_access Content-Language allow all
request_header_access Mime-Version allow all
request_header_access Retry-After allow all
request_header_access Title allow all
request_header_access Connection allow all
request_header_access Proxy-Connection allow all
request_header_access All deny all

reply_header_access Allow allow all
reply_header_access Authorization allow all
reply_header_access WWW-Authenticate allow all
reply_header_access Proxy-Authorization allow all
reply_header_access Proxy-Authenticate allow all
reply_header_access Cache-Control allow all
reply_header_access Content-Encoding allow all
reply_header_access Content-Length allow all
reply_header_access Content-Type allow all
reply_header_access Date allow all
reply_header_access Expires allow all
reply_header_access Host allow all
reply_header_access If-Modified-Since allow all
reply_header_access Last-Modified allow all
reply_header_access Location allow all
reply_header_access Pragma allow all
reply_header_access Accept allow all
reply_header_access Accept-Charset allow all
reply_header_access Accept-Encoding allow all
reply_header_access Accept-Language allow all
reply_header_access Content-Language allow all
reply_header_access Mime-Version allow all
reply_header_access Retry-After allow all
reply_header_access Title allow all
reply_header_access Connection allow all
reply_header_access Proxy-Connection allow all
reply_header_access All deny all

so i can all i need, but one thing left
when i would download something, where i have tu put a keyword 
inside..f.e. rapidshare or sharingmatrix

the keyword is always wrong^^

when i delete the ALL deny all rule.i can access ???
what have i to put under allow to fix it?

THANKS forward
greets dave

[squid-users] problem

2010-02-04 Thread David C. Heitmann

hello my squid friends,
i am using squid and i have been updated from 2.7 stable 3
my problem is ... that my header_access rules dont run :(

#header_access Proxy-Authorization allow all
#header_access Proxy-Authenticate allow all
#header_access Cache-Control allow all
#header_access From deny all
#header_access Referer deny all
#header_access Server deny all
#header_access Link deny all
#header_access Warning deny all
#header_access via deny all
#header_access User-Agent deny all
#header_access Proxy-Connection deny all
#header_access X-Forwarded-For deny all
#header_access Pragma deny all
#header_access Keep-Alive deny all
#header_access X-Cache deny all
#header_access X-Cache-Lookup deny all
#header_access Authorization allow all
#header_access Content-Disposition allow all
#header_access Content-Encoding allow all
#header_access Content-Length allow all
#header_access Content-Type allow all
#header_access Cookie allow all
#header_access Host allow all
#header_access Location allow all
#header_access Range allow all
#header_access Set-Cookie allow all
#header_access WWW-Authenticate allow all
#header_access All deny all

why they dosent run in the new version of squid?
or have i something to change?

thanks to regard
grettz dave

[squid-users] cache manager problem

2010-02-04 Thread David C. Heitmann

how i can start the cachemanager

i have copy it to the /cgi-bin/ directory and it has execute rights!
owner www-data
group root
read and write and execute for owner and group

when i type in the browser...

i see a login screen but nothing let me in :(

i have configured in the squid.conf:

cachemgr_passwd dave all

can somebody help me please?!

thanks dave

[squid-users] header_Access problem

2010-02-04 Thread David C. Heitmann
when i took one of this two configs, i cant login into ssl 
authentification into gmx :(
what have i to do, to anonymisly surfing and to login into ssl 

_frist config:_

request_header_access From deny all
request_header_access Referer deny all
request_header_access Server deny all
request_header_access User-Agent deny all
request_header_access WWW-Authenticate deny all
request_header_access Link deny all

reply_header_access From deny all
reply_header_access Referer deny all
reply_header_access Server deny all
reply_header_access User-Agent deny all
reply_header_access WWW-Authenticate deny all
reply_header_access Link deny all

*_second config:_*

request_header_access Allow allow all
request_header_access Authorization allow all
request_header_access WWW-Authenticate allow all
request_header_access Proxy-Authorization allow all
request_header_access Proxy-Authenticate allow all
request_header_access Cache-Control allow all
request_header_access Content-Encoding allow all
request_header_access Content-Length allow all
request_header_access Content-Type allow all
request_header_access Date allow all
request_header_access Expires allow all
request_header_access Host allow all
request_header_access If-Modified-Since allow all
request_header_access Last-Modified allow all
request_header_access Location allow all
request_header_access Pragma allow all
request_header_access Accept allow all
request_header_access Accept-Charset allow all
request_header_access Accept-Encoding allow all
request_header_access Accept-Language allow all
request_header_access Content-Language allow all
request_header_access Mime-Version allow all
request_header_access Retry-After allow all
request_header_access Title allow all
request_header_access Connection allow all
request_header_access Proxy-Connection allow all
request_header_access All deny all

reply_header_access Allow allow all
reply_header_access Authorization allow all
reply_header_access WWW-Authenticate allow all
reply_header_access Proxy-Authorization allow all
reply_header_access Proxy-Authenticate allow all
reply_header_access Cache-Control allow all
reply_header_access Content-Encoding allow all
reply_header_access Content-Length allow all
reply_header_access Content-Type allow all
reply_header_access Date allow all
reply_header_access Expires allow all
reply_header_access Host allow all
reply_header_access If-Modified-Since allow all
reply_header_access Last-Modified allow all
reply_header_access Location allow all
reply_header_access Pragma allow all
reply_header_access Accept allow all
reply_header_access Accept-Charset allow all
reply_header_access Accept-Encoding allow all
reply_header_access Accept-Language allow all
reply_header_access Content-Language allow all
reply_header_access Mime-Version allow all
reply_header_access Retry-After allow all
reply_header_access Title allow all
reply_header_access Connection allow all
reply_header_access Proxy-Connection allow all
reply_header_access All deny all

thanks forward

[squid-users] eMail Problem

2010-02-03 Thread David C. Heitmann


how can i reserve emails throw proxy cache squid ?

i have squid version

i have found, in folder from squid
one perl script for pop3.is it for emailing?

or how can i realice email traffic throw squid?

thanks for help
greets david

Re: [squid-users] update problem

2010-02-02 Thread David C. Heitmann

Jeff Peng schrieb:

在 2010-02-01一的 14:48 +0100,David C. Heitmann写道:
what have i to do, to upgrade squid version 2.7 stable 3 to the new 

Just get the latest release source from squid-cache.org, then compile
and install it from the source.

In the source dir there is an INSTALL file you could reference to.

This is my idea:

1) stop the old squid instance;
2) install the new one into the same dir as the old one, then you could
keep the old config file for using;
3) squid -z  squid -D, initialize cachedir and start new squid.



i have update it and it dosent start :( :( :(
from 2.7 stable3 to
i have installed from tutorial INSTALL in the archive of

/usr/local/squid/sbin/squid -N -d 1
assertion failed: peer_select.cc:627: sizeof(hier_strings) == (HIER_MAX 
+ 1) * sizeof(char *)

faild to start!

Can you help me please
squid doesent started!

my config is in attachment
thanks to regard
gretts david

# Netzwerkverbindungen

# ICP Protokoll
icp_port 0

# Speichergroesse
cache_mem 256 MB
ipcache_size 5000

# Cache-Verzeichnisse
cache_dir ufs /usr/local/squid/var/cache 4096 16 256

# Leave coredumps in the first cache dir
coredump_dir /usr/local/squid/var/cache

# We recommend you to use at least the following line.
hierarchy_stoplist cgi-bin ?

# Bestimmte Objekte nicht speichern
acl QUERY urlpath_regex cgi-bin \?
no_cache deny QUERY

# Gesperrte Ausdrücke
acl gesperrt url_regex -i /etc/squid/gesperrt
http_access deny gesperrt

# Logfile-Path
cache_access_log /var/log/squid/access.log
cache_log /var/log/squid/cache.log
cache_store_log /var/log/squid/store.log

# Prozess-ID-Datei
pid_filename /var/run/squid.pid

# Logging der IP-Adresse oder Rechner-Names
log_fqdn on

# eMail Adresse des Admins
cache_mgr da...@lafourmi.de

# Standartuser und -gruppe
cache_effective_user squid
cache_effective_group squid

# Vollstaendiger Rechnername
visible_hostname proxyfuck

# Anonymisieren der IP-Adresse
forwarded_for off

# Proxy nicht erkennbar im Internet
via on

# AntiVirus
redirect_program /usr/bin/squidvir.pl

# Authentifizierung mittels Passwortdatei
auth_param basic program /usr/lib/squid/ncsa_auth /squid/users/.pass
auth_param basic realm Authentifizierung am ProxyServer Lafourmi
auth_param basic children 10
auth_param basic credentialsttl 2 hours
auth_param basic casesensitive off
authenticate_cache_garbage_interval 3600 seconds
authenticate_ttl 1 hour
authenticate_ip_ttl 3600 seconds

acl passwd proxy_auth REQUIRED
acl login_users proxy_auth /etc/squid/users
acl login_admin proxy_auth /etc/squid/admin

# Access Control Lists (ACL)
acl manager proto cache_object
acl localhost src
acl localhost src ::1/128
acl to_localhost dst
acl to_localhost dst ::1/128
acl laf src

acl localnet src # RFC1918 possible internal network
acl localnet src  # RFC1918 possible internal network
acl localnet src # RFC1918 possible internal network
acl localnet src fc00::/7   # RFC 4193 local private network range
acl localnet src fe80::/10  # RFC 4291 link-local (directly plugged) 

acl SSL_ports port 443  # ssl
acl Safe_ports port 80  # http
acl Safe_ports port 21  # ftp
acl Safe_ports port 443 # https
acl Safe_ports port 70  # gopher
acl Safe_ports port 210 # wais
acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535  # unregistered ports
acl Safe_ports port 280 # http-mgmt
acl Safe_ports port 488 # gss-http
acl Safe_ports port 591 # filemaker
acl Safe_ports port 777 # multiling http

#acl Safe_ports port 1863 #msn
#acl AIM_ports port 5190  #aim


# Only allow cachemgr access from localhost
http_access allow manager localhost
http_access deny manager

# Deny requests to certain unsafe ports
http_access deny !Safe_ports

# Deny CONNECT to other than secure SSL ports
http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports

http_access allow laf
http_access allow localhost

http_access allow login_users 
http_access allow login_admin

# And finally deny all other access to this proxy
http_access deny all

# AOL Instant Messenger 
#acl AIM_domains dstdomain .oscar.aol.com .blue.aol.com
#acl AIM_domains dstdomain .messaging.aol.com .aim.com
#acl AIM_nets dst
#http_access deny CONNECT AIM_ports AIM_nets
#http_access deny CONNECT AIM_ports AIM_domains

# MSN Messenger
acl msngw url_regex -i gateway.dll
acl msnd dstdomain messenger.msn.com gateway.messenger.hotmail.com
acl msnmime req_mime_type ^application/x-msn-messenger
http_access deny msngw
http_access deny msnd
http_access deny msnmime

#acl aol dst
#acl aol dst
#http_access deny aol

# Gizmo Project
#acl gizmo dstdomain .gizmoproject.com
#acl gizmo dstdomain

[squid-users] spuid https and ftp sites help

2010-02-01 Thread David C. Heitmann

good evening squid support team,

i have problems with connection to https and ftp sites with squid :(

my squid.conf file is in attachement.

thanks to regard
david c. heitmann


#ICP Protokoll
icp_port 0

cache_mem 64 MB
ipcache_size 5000

#Logfile- und Cache-Verzeichnisse
cache_dir ufs /var/cache/squid 100 16 256

cache_access_log /var/log/squid/access.log
cache_log /var/log/squid/cache.log
cache_store_log /var/log/squid/store.log

pid_filename /var/run/squid.pid

#Logging der IP-Adresse oder Rechner-Names
log_fqdn on

#eMail Adresse des Admins
cache_mgr da...@lafourmi.de

#Standartuser und -gruppe
cache_effective_user squid
cache_effective_group squid

#Vollstaendiger Rechnername
visible_hostname proxyfuck

#Anonymisieren der IP-Adresse
forwarded_for off

redirect_program /usr/bin/squidvir.pl

#Authentifiyierung mittels Passwortdatei
auth_param basic program /usr/lib/squid/ncsa_auth /squid/users/.pass
auth_param basic realm Authentifizierung am ProxyServer Lafourmi
auth_param basic children 10
auth_param basic credentialsttl 2 hours
auth_param basic casesensitive off
authenticate_cache_garbage_interval 3600 seconds
authenticate_ttl 1 hour
authenticate_ip_ttl 3600 seconds

acl passwd proxy_auth REQUIRED
acl login_users proxy_auth /etc/squid/users
acl login_admin proxy_auth /etc/squid/admin

#Bestimmte Objekte nicht speichern
acl QUERY urlpath_regex cgi-bin \?
no_cache deny QUERY

#Access Control Lists (ACL)
acl all src
acl localhost src
acl laf src
acl manager proto cache_object

acl Safe_ports port 407 #login
acl SSL_ports port 443  #ssl 
acl SSL_ports port 563  #snews

acl SSL_ports port 995  #rsync
acl Safe_ports port 80  #http
acl Safe_ports port 20  #ftp_up
acl Safe_ports port 21  #ftp_down
acl Safe_ports port 22  #ssh
acl Safe_ports port 443 #https 
acl Safe_ports port 563 #snews

acl Safe_ports port 70  #gopher
acl Safe_ports port 210 #wais
acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535  #unregistered ports
acl Safe_ports port 280  #http-mgmt
acl Safe_ports port 488  #gss-http
acl Safe_ports port 591  #filemaker
acl Safe_ports port 777  #multiling http
acl Safe_ports port 66  #socks
acl Safe_ports port 110  #pop3
acl Safe_ports port 25   #smtp
acl Safe_ports port 465  #smtp
acl Safe_ports port 587  #smtp
acl Safe_ports port 143  #imap
acl Safe_ports port 993  #imap
acl Safe_ports port 631  #cups
acl Safe_ports port 1863 #msn
acl Safe_ports port 7001 #msn
acl Safe_ports port 9#msn
acl Safe_ports port 3-65535 #msn
acl Safe_ports port 5000-65535 #msn
acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535 #msn
acl Safe_ports port 1503 #msn
acl Safe_ports port 3389 #msn
acl Safe_ports port 49152-65535 #msn
acl Safe_ports port 5061 #msn
acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535 #msn

#acl PURGE method PURGE

#Gesperrte AusdrÃŒcke
acl gesperrt url_regex -i /etc/squid/gesperrt

http_access allow login_users 
http_access allow login_admin

#http_access allow PURGE localhost
http_access allow manager localhost
http_access allow laf !gesperrt

#http_access deny PURGE
http_access deny manager
http_access deny !Safe_ports
http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
http_access deny all

#cache_peer Firewall-Proxy parent 8080 3128
#never_direct allow all

#Bestimmte URLs ausschliessen
#acl banner url_regex ^http://banner[0-9]*\.z
#http_access deny banner

#Laden von Dateien verhindern, wenn abgebrochen wurde
quick_abort_min 0 KB
quick_abort_max 0 KB
quick_abort_pct 100

[squid-users] problems

2010-02-01 Thread David C. Heitmann

good evening squid support team,
my squidversion is 2.7 stable3

i have problems with connection to https and ftp sites with squid :(

my squid.conf file is in attachement.

thanks to regard
david c. heitmann


#ICP Protokoll
icp_port 0

cache_mem 64 MB
ipcache_size 5000

#Logfile- und Cache-Verzeichnisse
cache_dir ufs /var/cache/squid 100 16 256

cache_access_log /var/log/squid/access.log
cache_log /var/log/squid/cache.log
cache_store_log /var/log/squid/store.log

pid_filename /var/run/squid.pid

#Logging der IP-Adresse oder Rechner-Names
log_fqdn on

#eMail Adresse des Admins
cache_mgr da...@lafourmi.de

#Standartuser und -gruppe
cache_effective_user squid
cache_effective_group squid

#Vollstaendiger Rechnername
visible_hostname proxyfuck

#Anonymisieren der IP-Adresse
forwarded_for off

redirect_program /usr/bin/squidvir.pl

#Authentifiyierung mittels Passwortdatei
auth_param basic program /usr/lib/squid/ncsa_auth /squid/users/.pass
auth_param basic realm Authentifizierung am ProxyServer Lafourmi
auth_param basic children 10
auth_param basic credentialsttl 2 hours
auth_param basic casesensitive off
authenticate_cache_garbage_interval 3600 seconds
authenticate_ttl 1 hour
authenticate_ip_ttl 3600 seconds

acl passwd proxy_auth REQUIRED
acl login_users proxy_auth /etc/squid/users
acl login_admin proxy_auth /etc/squid/admin

#Bestimmte Objekte nicht speichern
acl QUERY urlpath_regex cgi-bin \?
no_cache deny QUERY

#Access Control Lists (ACL)
acl all src
acl localhost src
acl laf src
acl manager proto cache_object

acl Safe_ports port 407 #login
acl SSL_ports port 443  #ssl acl SSL_ports port 563  #snews
acl SSL_ports port 995  #rsync
acl Safe_ports port 80  #http
acl Safe_ports port 20  #ftp_up
acl Safe_ports port 21  #ftp_down
acl Safe_ports port 22  #ssh
acl Safe_ports port 443 #https acl Safe_ports port 563 #snews
acl Safe_ports port 70  #gopher
acl Safe_ports port 210 #wais
acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535  #unregistered ports
acl Safe_ports port 280  #http-mgmt
acl Safe_ports port 488  #gss-http
acl Safe_ports port 591  #filemaker
acl Safe_ports port 777  #multiling http
acl Safe_ports port 66  #socks
acl Safe_ports port 110  #pop3
acl Safe_ports port 25   #smtp
acl Safe_ports port 465  #smtp
acl Safe_ports port 587  #smtp
acl Safe_ports port 143  #imap
acl Safe_ports port 993  #imap
acl Safe_ports port 631  #cups
acl Safe_ports port 1863 #msn
acl Safe_ports port 7001 #msn
acl Safe_ports port 9#msn
acl Safe_ports port 3-65535 #msn
acl Safe_ports port 5000-65535 #msn
acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535 #msn
acl Safe_ports port 1503 #msn
acl Safe_ports port 3389 #msn
acl Safe_ports port 49152-65535 #msn
acl Safe_ports port 5061 #msn
acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535 #msn

#acl PURGE method PURGE

#Gesperrte AusdrÃŒcke
acl gesperrt url_regex -i /etc/squid/gesperrt

http_access allow login_users http_access allow login_admin
#http_access allow PURGE localhost
http_access allow manager localhost
http_access allow laf !gesperrt

#http_access deny PURGE
http_access deny manager
http_access deny !Safe_ports
http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
http_access deny all

#cache_peer Firewall-Proxy parent 8080 3128
#never_direct allow all

#Bestimmte URLs ausschliessen
#acl banner url_regex ^http://banner[0-9]*\.z
#http_access deny banner

#Laden von Dateien verhindern, wenn abgebrochen wurde
quick_abort_min 0 KB
quick_abort_max 0 KB
quick_abort_pct 100

[squid-users] upgrade help

2010-02-01 Thread David C. Heitmann

what have i to do, to upgrade squid version 2.7 stable 3 to the new release?

thanks forward
greetz david

[squid-users] dns?

2010-02-01 Thread David C. Heitmann
when i ping with connected to squid proxy cacheversion 2.7 
stable5.to www.google.de

then i get cant find hostname

have i to configure a dns service on my squid server?
or have i to route something?

surfing over proxy works ;)

thanks for regards
greetz dave

David C. Heitmann

email: da...@lafourmi.de

lafourmi postproduction GmbH
Schulterblatt 58 / Haus C
D-20357 Hamburg
Tel. 040 – 4321 677 – 00
Fax  040 – 4321 677 – 07

Geschäftsführer: Florian Bruchhäuser, Sascha Schmidt
Prokuristin: Rebekka Schmidt
Die Gesellschaft ist eingetragen im Handelsregister des
Amtsgerichts Hamburg unter der Nummer HR B 99367
Steuernummer: 02/858/00781
For legal and security reasons the information provided in this e-mail
is not legally binding. Upon request we would be pleased to provide you
with a legally binding confirmation in written form. Any form of
unauthorized use, publication, reproduction, copying or disclosure of
the content of this e-mail is not permitted. This message is exclusively
for the person addressed or their representative. If you are not the
intended recipient of this message and its contents, please notify the
sender immediately.
Aus Rechts- und Sicherheitsgruenden ist die in dieser E-Mail gegebene
Information nicht rechtsverbindlich. Eine rechtsverbindliche
Bestaetigung reichen wir Ihnen gerne auf Anforderung in schriftlicher
Form nach. Beachten Sie bitte, dass jede Form der unautorisierten
Nutzung, Veroeffentlichung, Vervielfaeltigung oder Weitergabe des
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dessen Vertreter sein, so bitten wir Sie, sich mit dem Absender der
E-Mail in Verbindung zu setzen.

[squid-users] dns problem

2010-02-01 Thread David C. Heitmann
when i ping with connected to squid proxy cacheversion 2.7 
stable5.to www.google.de

then i get cant find hostname

have i to configure a dns service on my squid server?
or have i to route something?

surfing over proxy works ;)

thanks for regards
greetz dave

[squid-users] update problem

2010-02-01 Thread David C. Heitmann
what have i to do, to upgrade squid version 2.7 stable 3 to the new 

debian5 have i

thanks forward
greetz david

[squid-users] config problem

2010-02-01 Thread David C. Heitmann

good evening squid support team,
my squidversion is 2.7 stable3

i have problems with connection to https and ftp sites with squid :(

my squid.conf file is in attachement.

thanks to regard
david c. heitmann


#ICP Protokoll
icp_port 0

cache_mem 64 MB
ipcache_size 5000

#Logfile- und Cache-Verzeichnisse
cache_dir ufs /var/cache/squid 100 16 256

cache_access_log /var/log/squid/access.log
cache_log /var/log/squid/cache.log
cache_store_log /var/log/squid/store.log

pid_filename /var/run/squid.pid

#Logging der IP-Adresse oder Rechner-Names
log_fqdn on

#eMail Adresse des Admins
cache_mgr da...@lafourmi.de

#Standartuser und -gruppe
cache_effective_user squid
cache_effective_group squid

#Vollstaendiger Rechnername
visible_hostname proxyfuck

#Anonymisieren der IP-Adresse
forwarded_for off

redirect_program /usr/bin/squidvir.pl

#Authentifiyierung mittels Passwortdatei
auth_param basic program /usr/lib/squid/ncsa_auth /squid/users/.pass
auth_param basic realm Authentifizierung am ProxyServer Lafourmi
auth_param basic children 10
auth_param basic credentialsttl 2 hours
auth_param basic casesensitive off
authenticate_cache_garbage_interval 3600 seconds
authenticate_ttl 1 hour
authenticate_ip_ttl 3600 seconds

acl passwd proxy_auth REQUIRED
acl login_users proxy_auth /etc/squid/users
acl login_admin proxy_auth /etc/squid/admin

#Bestimmte Objekte nicht speichern
acl QUERY urlpath_regex cgi-bin \?
no_cache deny QUERY

#Access Control Lists (ACL)
acl all src
acl localhost src
acl laf src
acl manager proto cache_object

acl Safe_ports port 407 #login
acl SSL_ports port 443  #ssl acl SSL_ports port 563  #snews
acl SSL_ports port 995  #rsync
acl Safe_ports port 80  #http
acl Safe_ports port 20  #ftp_up
acl Safe_ports port 21  #ftp_down
acl Safe_ports port 22  #ssh
acl Safe_ports port 443 #https acl Safe_ports port 563 #snews
acl Safe_ports port 70  #gopher
acl Safe_ports port 210 #wais
acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535  #unregistered ports
acl Safe_ports port 280  #http-mgmt
acl Safe_ports port 488  #gss-http
acl Safe_ports port 591  #filemaker
acl Safe_ports port 777  #multiling http
acl Safe_ports port 66  #socks
acl Safe_ports port 110  #pop3
acl Safe_ports port 25   #smtp
acl Safe_ports port 465  #smtp
acl Safe_ports port 587  #smtp
acl Safe_ports port 143  #imap
acl Safe_ports port 993  #imap
acl Safe_ports port 631  #cups
acl Safe_ports port 1863 #msn
acl Safe_ports port 7001 #msn
acl Safe_ports port 9#msn
acl Safe_ports port 3-65535 #msn
acl Safe_ports port 5000-65535 #msn
acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535 #msn
acl Safe_ports port 1503 #msn
acl Safe_ports port 3389 #msn
acl Safe_ports port 49152-65535 #msn
acl Safe_ports port 5061 #msn
acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535 #msn

#acl PURGE method PURGE

#Gesperrte AusdrÃŒcke
acl gesperrt url_regex -i /etc/squid/gesperrt

http_access allow login_users http_access allow login_admin
#http_access allow PURGE localhost
http_access allow manager localhost
http_access allow laf !gesperrt

#http_access deny PURGE
http_access deny manager
http_access deny !Safe_ports
http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
http_access deny all

#cache_peer Firewall-Proxy parent 8080 3128
#never_direct allow all

#Bestimmte URLs ausschliessen
#acl banner url_regex ^http://banner[0-9]*\.z
#http_access deny banner

#Laden von Dateien verhindern, wenn abgebrochen wurde
quick_abort_min 0 KB
quick_abort_max 0 KB
quick_abort_pct 100

[squid-users] problem msn 2009

2010-02-01 Thread David C. Heitmann

need help to login in windows live messenger 2009 over squid

i have wrote in my config

# MSN Messenger

acl msn urlpath_regex -i gateway.dll
acl msnd dstdomain messenger.msn.com gateway.messenger.hotmail.com
acl msn1 req_mime_type application/x-msn-messenger

http_access deny msnd
http_access deny msn
http_access deny msn1


acl Safe_ports port 1863

cant connectwhy???

thanks forward
greetz dave

[squid-users] squid help: https, ftp problem

2010-01-29 Thread David C. Heitmann

good evening squid support team,

i have problems with connection to https and ftp sites with squid :(

my squid.conf file is in attachement.

thanks to regard
david c. heitmann


#ICP Protokoll
icp_port 0

cache_mem 64 MB
ipcache_size 5000

#Logfile- und Cache-Verzeichnisse
cache_dir ufs /var/cache/squid 100 16 256

cache_access_log /var/log/squid/access.log
cache_log /var/log/squid/cache.log
cache_store_log /var/log/squid/store.log

pid_filename /var/run/squid.pid

#Logging der IP-Adresse oder Rechner-Names
log_fqdn on

#eMail Adresse des Admins
cache_mgr da...@lafourmi.de

#Standartuser und -gruppe
cache_effective_user squid
cache_effective_group squid

#Vollstaendiger Rechnername
visible_hostname proxyfuck

#Anonymisieren der IP-Adresse
forwarded_for off

redirect_program /usr/bin/squidvir.pl

#Authentifiyierung mittels Passwortdatei
auth_param basic program /usr/lib/squid/ncsa_auth /squid/users/.pass
auth_param basic realm Authentifizierung am ProxyServer Lafourmi
auth_param basic children 10
auth_param basic credentialsttl 2 hours
auth_param basic casesensitive off
authenticate_cache_garbage_interval 3600 seconds
authenticate_ttl 1 hour
authenticate_ip_ttl 3600 seconds

acl passwd proxy_auth REQUIRED
acl login_users proxy_auth /etc/squid/users
acl login_admin proxy_auth /etc/squid/admin

#Bestimmte Objekte nicht speichern
acl QUERY urlpath_regex cgi-bin \?
no_cache deny QUERY

#Access Control Lists (ACL)
acl all src
acl localhost src
acl laf src
acl manager proto cache_object

acl Safe_ports port 407 #login
acl SSL_ports port 443  #ssl 
acl SSL_ports port 563  #snews
acl SSL_ports port 995  #rsync
acl Safe_ports port 80  #http
acl Safe_ports port 20  #ftp_up
acl Safe_ports port 21  #ftp_down
acl Safe_ports port 22  #ssh
acl Safe_ports port 443 #https 
acl Safe_ports port 563 #snews
acl Safe_ports port 70  #gopher
acl Safe_ports port 210 #wais
acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535  #unregistered ports
acl Safe_ports port 280  #http-mgmt
acl Safe_ports port 488  #gss-http
acl Safe_ports port 591  #filemaker
acl Safe_ports port 777  #multiling http
acl Safe_ports port 66  #socks
acl Safe_ports port 110  #pop3
acl Safe_ports port 25   #smtp
acl Safe_ports port 465  #smtp
acl Safe_ports port 587  #smtp
acl Safe_ports port 143  #imap
acl Safe_ports port 993  #imap
acl Safe_ports port 631  #cups
acl Safe_ports port 1863 #msn
acl Safe_ports port 7001 #msn
acl Safe_ports port 9#msn
acl Safe_ports port 3-65535 #msn
acl Safe_ports port 5000-65535 #msn
acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535 #msn
acl Safe_ports port 1503 #msn
acl Safe_ports port 3389 #msn
acl Safe_ports port 49152-65535 #msn
acl Safe_ports port 5061 #msn
acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535 #msn

#acl PURGE method PURGE

#Gesperrte Ausdrücke
acl gesperrt url_regex -i /etc/squid/gesperrt

http_access allow login_users 
http_access allow login_admin
#http_access allow PURGE localhost
http_access allow manager localhost
http_access allow laf !gesperrt

#http_access deny PURGE
http_access deny manager
http_access deny !Safe_ports
http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
http_access deny all

#cache_peer Firewall-Proxy parent 8080 3128
#never_direct allow all

#Bestimmte URLs ausschliessen
#acl banner url_regex ^http://banner[0-9]*\.z
#http_access deny banner

#Laden von Dateien verhindern, wenn abgebrochen wurde
quick_abort_min 0 KB
quick_abort_max 0 KB
quick_abort_pct 100