[squid-users] Rewrite Domain:

2005-09-28 Thread Markus Atteneder
Hello squid users, i hope you can help me. Is there a possibility to let
squid add a domainname to a hostname and redirect the browser when no
domainname is specified in the browsers url? For example http://myhost -->
http://myhost.mydomain.com. The reson is that squid has a Problem wo
retrieve an IP address by DNS when only the hostname is given. I tried
"append_domain" but with this configuration parameter no internet site is
reachable any longer. I'm also using Squidguard, may someone knows a
solution with that redirector. Thank's for your help in advance!

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[squid-users] Problem with squidguard and squid:

2005-06-13 Thread Markus Atteneder
I am using squid 2.5.7-2 and squidguard 1.2.0-5. When i add the line
"client_netmask" to my squid.conf to mask the ip address
logged by squid the rules in squidguard do not longer work, because the
client ip address is passed to the redirector after it is masked by squid. I
am googeling for hours but i found no solution for my problem, so please

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[squid-users] Forward Requests to different Ports:

2005-02-22 Thread Markus Atteneder
Is it possible to configure squid to forward reqests comming from specific
hosts to the same "parent" as other requests but to a different port? The
reason is to bypass a webwasher on the "parent" server for these hosts in
order to allow denyed sites.

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