[squid-users] Memory

2004-02-07 Thread Pons
I created a Proxy Server


The Proxy server :
Harddisk 10G, 256 RAM,  PIII, FreeBSD 5.1 Rel,

squid# df -kh
FilesystemSize   Used  Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/ad0s1a   989M70M   840M 8%/
devfs 1.0K   1.0K 0B   100%/dev
/dev/ad0s1e   989M30M   880M 3%/tmp
/dev/ad0s1f   3.8G   1.2G   2.3G34%/usr
/dev/ad0s1d   2.9G21M   2.7G 1%/var

squid# swapinfo
Device  1K-blocks UsedAvail Capacity  Type
/dev/ad0s1b512000   56   511944 0%Interleaved

my proxy server works fine.
Can any one help me to improve my squid.conf, also
need help to set up the cache dir and the a mount of it
cache_dir ???
cache_mem ??
cache_store_log ???

my squid location
squid# pwd
squid# ls -al
total 18
drwxr-xr-x   9 rootwheel  512 Jan 14 08:56 .
drwxr-xr-x  15 rootwheel  512 Jan 28 16:01 ..
drwxr-xr-x   2 rootwheel  512 Jan 14 08:56 bin
drwxr-xr-x   3 rootwheel  512 Jan 29 17:09 etc
drwxr-xr-x   2 rootwheel  512 Jan 14 08:56 libexec
drwxr-xr-x   3 rootwheel  512 Jan 14 08:56 man
drwxr-xr-x   2 rootwheel  512 Jan 22 15:13 sbin
drwxr-xr-x   4 rootwheel  512 Jan 14 08:56 share
drwxr-xr-x   4 nobody  wheel  512 Jan 14 11:02 var

squid# ls
00  04  08  0C
01  05  09  0D
02  06  0A  0E
03  07  0B  0F

My squid.conf
http_port 3128
visible_hostname doom.com
unique_hostname doom.com
acl off src "/usr/local/squid/etc/localnet"
acl all src
acl localhost
#acl localnet src
acl file urlpath_regex -i \.mp3$ \.avi$ \.exe$ \.rm$ \.wam$
http_access allow localhost
httpd_accel_host virtual
httpd_accel_port 80
httpd_accel_with_proxy on
httpd_accel_uses_host_header on
acl QUERY urlpath_regex cgi-bin \?

acl losers src
acl 9CONN maxconn 9
http_access deny 9CONN losers

acl porn url_regex "/usr/local/squid/etc/porn"
acl noporn url_regex "/usr/local/squid/etc/noporn"
http_access allow noporn all
deny_info ERR_NO_PORNO porn
http_access deny porn all

acl instant url_regex "/usr/local/squid/etc/instant"
#http_access allow noporn all
#deny_info ERR_NO_PORNO porn
http_access deny instant all

#http_access allow all
#http_access allow localnet

http_access deny file
http_access allow off
http_access deny all
icp_access allow off
icp_access deny all

acl Safe_ports port 80 21 443 563 70 210 1025-65535
http_access deny !Safe_ports

no_cache deny QUERY
cache_mem 8 MB

[squid-users] sarg

2004-01-28 Thread Pons
I am using Sarg (Squid Analysis Report) to view where my clients spent the
How can I implement in my report the USER_ID instead of the IP

Any can help in this issue ...

[squid-users] edit default page

2004-01-28 Thread Pons
The requested URL could not be retrieved

While trying to retrieve the URL:

The following error was encountered:

  a.. Access Denied.
  Access control configuration prevents your request from being allowed at
this time. Please contact your service provider if you feel this is

Your cache administrator is webmaster.

where is this page alocated, and you like to edit this default page


[squid-users] snmp

2004-01-27 Thread Pons
I have installed squid on a FreeBSD box by doing
./configure;make all; make install 
squid works fine, I want to enable snmp to monitor
squid with mrtg.
Do I need to reinstall squid from scratch?


[squid-users] create access list

2004-01-24 Thread Pons
sorry for using previuos subject ...
it should be "create access list"

> I need help in impleminting some set of acl in squid.conf
> I have configured a FreeBSD 5.1 rel box 2 NIC's (Ext.ip/Int.ip)
> with ipfw/natd/squid the setup is working, the internal clients
> can access the ext. world by doing SMTP/DNS/HTTP/FTP etc., now
> I am trying to limit/stop the access for users
> 1- define a list include all denied pages (black_list) 
> 2- permit only clients with in the (permit_list) to use proxy
> 3- block clients with in the (block_list)  
> 4- permited clients would be based on time_access
>Group_0 24 hours 
>Group_1 8:00-16:00
>Group_2 16:00-21:00 
>Group_3 10:00-12:00 and 14:00-16:00 
> any input would be really appreciated.
> Thanks

Re: [squid-users] FreeBSD 5.1, Cisco 837 & WCCP Redirects

2004-01-24 Thread Pons
I need help in impleminting some set of acl in squid.conf
I have configured a FreeBSD 5.1 rel box 2 NIC's (Ext.ip/Int.ip)
with ipfw/natd/squid the setup is working, the internal clients
can access the ext. world by doing SMTP/DNS/HTTP/FTP etc., now
I am trying to limit/stop the access for users
1- define a list include all denied pages (black_list) 
2- permit only clients with in the (permit_list) to use proxy
3- block clients with in the (block_list)  
4- permited clients would be based on time_access
   Group_0 24 hours 
   Group_1 8:00-16:00
   Group_2 16:00-21:00 
   Group_3 10:00-12:00 and 14:00-16:00 
any input would be really appreciated.