Re: [squid-users] AOL's webmail and logging in

2006-12-13 Thread Scott Jarkoff

On 12/12/06, Henrik Nordstrom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

No ideas at the moment, safe for getting packet level traffic captures
of both sessions and starting at them to see if anything obvious sticks

I ran a few tcpdump sessions and did not find anything out of the
ordinary. Squid appears to be getting answers back from, although I am unsure if these are the responses
required in order for everything to function normally.

Btw, is this a transparent interception setup, or is the browser
configured to use the proxy? If transparent interception try configuring
the browser to use the proxy.

Does, maybe, ISA rewrite something that possibly Squid does not, which
would cause this to work? I know Microsoft is good for cleaning up
areas that it really should stay out of and wonder if that might be
happening in this instance?

Has anyone else experienced any similar issues or is anyone able to
duplicate this?  Just wondering if it is only me. :-)



Re: [squid-users] AOL's webmail and logging in

2006-12-11 Thread Scott Jarkoff

On 12/10/06, Henrik Nordstrom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Have you perhaps enabled any of the anonymization features, possibly
stripping cookies?

See is you have any header_access directives in your squid.conf. Default
is none, applying no anonymization.

I have not enabled any of the anonymization features and make no use
of any header_access directives. Do you have any other ideas as to why
this might be happening or areas that you can point me towards?


Scott Jarkoff

Re: [squid-users] AOL's webmail and logging in

2006-12-11 Thread Scott Jarkoff

On 12/12/06, Henrik Nordstrom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

No ideas at the moment, safe for getting packet level traffic captures
of both sessions and starting at them to see if anything obvious sticks

Thanks Henrik. I'll run a few tcpdump sessions and see what I can come up with.

Btw, is this a transparent interception setup, or is the browser
configured to use the proxy? If transparent interception try configuring
the browser to use the proxy.

The browsers are configured to explicitly use the proxy. We do not do
transparent proxying since it does not play nicely with integrated AD
authentication schemes.


Scott Jarkoff

Re: [squid-users] Random authentication popups

2006-06-18 Thread Scott Jarkoff

I would truly love to say otherwise, however I have been unable to
reconcile this problem once and for all. While the popups do not
appear to be as frequent as they used to be, after a minor
modification to my smb.conf file, they are still present. Because of
this I am unable to get Squid deployed throughout our enterprise.


On 6/16/06, Ngo, Toan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Are there any more suggestions on the random auth prompts?


-Original Message-
From: Ngo, Toan
Sent: Monday, June 05, 2006 9:09 AM
To: Guido Serassio; Visolve squid; Scott Jarkoff
Subject: RE: [squid-users] Random authentication popups


   workgroup = DOMAIN
   realm = DOMAIN.COM
   netbios name = PROXY-01

   server string = Proxy Server
   log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
   security = ads
   password server =

   idmap uid = 16777216-33554431
   idmap gid = 16777216-33554431
   winbind separator= \\
   # allow enumeration of winbind users and groups
   winbind enum users = yes
   winbind enum groups = yes
#   winbind use default domain = yes
   template shell = /sbin/nologin
   encrypt passwords = yes
   socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
   local master = no
   wins server = x.x.x.x
   dns proxy = no

auth_param ntlm program /usr/bin/ntlm_auth
auth_param ntlm children 50
auth_param ntlm max_challenge_reuses 0
auth_param ntlm max_challenge_lifetime 2 minutes
auth_param ntlm use_ntlm_negotiate on
auth_param basic program /usr/bin/ntlm_auth
auth_param basic children 10
auth_param basic realm Squid proxy-caching web server
auth_param basic credentialsttl 3 minutes

-Original Message-
From: Guido Serassio [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, June 03, 2006 2:05 AM
To: Ngo, Toan; Visolve squid; Scott Jarkoff
Subject: RE: [squid-users] Random authentication popups


At 01.34 03/06/2006, Ngo, Toan wrote:

I get these messages in cache.log.

[2006/06/02 16:22:51, 1] libsmb/ntlmssp.c:ntlmssp_update(252)
   got NTLMSSP command 3, expected 1
[2006/06/02 16:24:30, 1] libsmb/ntlmssp.c:ntlmssp_update(252)
   got NTLMSSP command 3, expected 1
[2006/06/02 16:25:39, 1] libsmb/ntlmssp.c:ntlmssp_update(252)
   got NTLMSSP command 1, expected 3
[2006/06/02 16:26:04, 1] libsmb/ntlmssp.c:ntlmssp_update(252)
   got NTLMSSP command 3, expected 1

Any ideas?  Are others seeing the same log messages when the random
login prompts?

This is the trace of some out of order NTLM packets, the messages
come from Samba's ntlm_auth helper.

 From your previous message, I can read that you are using Samba
3.0.14a, 3.0.22 would be better, please do you can post your smb.conf
and the auth_param section of your squid.conf.




Guido Serassio
Acme Consulting S.r.l. - Microsoft Certified Partner
Via Lucia Savarino, 1   10098 - Rivoli (TO) - ITALY
Tel. : +39.011.9530135  Fax. : +39.011.9781115

Scott Jarkoff

Re: [squid-users] Authentication Pop-up after Domain Controller restart

2006-06-06 Thread Scott Jarkoff

On 6/6/06, Rodrigo Barros [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have a Squid 2.5.STABLE14 and a samba-3.0.22 running in my company
with NTLM authentication, I have almost 1000 users on it today and It's
running very smothly. We're very satisfied but there's one situation I
could find an solution yet and I'd like your advise on it.
Once in a while our Domain Controller has to be restarted and every time
this happens I have to Rejoin samba to the domain and restart samba.
Is there any way to avoid this from happening?
I know this is probably a samba question, but I though you guys could
have some experience on this.

I was wondering if you would mind sharing your samba configuration for
your domain?  I ask because while I have Squid running with NTLM
authentication, I am experiencing random authentication popups.
explains the problems I am running in to.

Looking for a solution but have not found one yet, so any help would
be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!


Scott Jarkoff

Re: [squid-users] Random authentication popups

2006-06-04 Thread Scott Jarkoff

On 6/3/06, Guido Serassio [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

- Look into Samba logs and in Security logs of ALL your Domain Controllers

I found the following in the Samba logs when the random authentication
dialog's popup:

[2006/06/05 11:09:59, 3]
 [0]: request interface version
[2006/06/05 11:09:59, 3] nsswitch/winbindd_misc.c:winbindd_priv_pipe_dir(487)
 [0]: request location of privileged pipe
[2006/06/05 11:09:59, 3] nsswitch/winbindd_misc.c:winbindd_domain_name(464)
 [0]: request domain name
[2006/06/05 11:09:59, 3] nsswitch/winbindd_misc.c:winbindd_netbios_name(475)
 [0]: request netbios name
[2006/06/05 11:09:59, 3] nsswitch/winbindd_pam.c:winbindd_pam_auth_crap(519)
 [0]: pam auth crap domain: [USFJ] user: domainUSER
[2006/06/05 11:09:59, 3] nsswitch/winbindd_pam.c:winbindd_pam_auth_crap(519)
 [0]: pam auth crap domain: [USFJ] user: domainUSER
[2006/06/05 11:09:59, 3] nsswitch/winbindd_pam.c:winbindd_pam_auth_crap(519)
 [0]: pam auth crap domain: [USFJ] user: domainUSER

Those first 4 entries seem to accompany every occurence of the
authentication dialog's.  Any ideas what this means?

Scott Jarkoff

Re: [squid-users] Random authentication popups

2006-06-03 Thread Scott Jarkoff

On 6/2/06, Guido Serassio [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Usually disabling it, NTLM problems are increased  :-(

That is pretty much what I saw when turning off negotiation.

This could be more useful, but a look into cache.log to see if there
are any error like
WARNING: All ntlmauthenticator processes are busy before change anything.

I am not seeing any weird errors regarding NTLM in the cache.log,
which is why I am really confused.


Scott Jarkoff

Re: [squid-users] Random authentication popups

2006-06-01 Thread Scott Jarkoff

On 6/2/06, Serassio Guido [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Try upgrading Samba to 3.0.22, there was a lot of NTLM/NTLMv2
improvements after 3.14.

I am running Squid 2.5.STABLE13 and Samba 3.0.22 and encounter the
aforementioned issues.

Scott Jarkoff

Re: [squid-users] Random authentication popups

2006-06-01 Thread Scott Jarkoff

On 6/2/06, Guido Serassio [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Do you are using NTLM Negotiate ?
auth_param ntlm use_ntlm_negotiate on

Indeed, I am an running with NTLM negotiate turned on.

Scott Jarkoff

[squid-users] Random authentication popups

2006-05-31 Thread Scott Jarkoff

I have setup Squid to perform authentication via NTLM and everything
is working fine with the exception of 1 odd error.  At random times
throughout the day, and for no apparent reason, an authentication
popup will be presented to the user.  Merely clicking cancel will
allow the user to view the site.

The proxy server has not yet been deployed throughout the organization
and therefore only has a very minimal load on it at the moment, yet it
does this random authentication thing.

Does anyone have any ideas as to what might be causing this to happen?

Scott Jarkoff

Re: [squid-users] Best Caching Engine

2006-05-29 Thread Scott Jarkoff


Does anyone know which is the best (commercial or freeware) caching
engine for Large ISP? Is there any comparison sheet between different
cache engine?

I have heard really good things about BlueCoat and their array of
caching products.
Scott Jarkoff

[squid-users] Authentication issue

2006-05-23 Thread Scott Jarkoff

I have Squid setup so that it performs NTLM authentication from a
Windows 2003 Active Directory domain controller.  It currently works
without issue, allowing only properly authenticated users web browsing
access and denying others.

What I would like to do is block certain accounts from web browsing.
When I implement such a block the users are presented with an
authentication dialog box, and then ultimately receive the proper deny
message in the browser.  The problem is that I do not want them to be
prompted for valid credentials; they should be immediately denied

Here is the appropriate areas of my configuration:

acl authenticated_users proxy_auth REQUIRED
acl denied_admin proxy_auth_regex -i /etc/squid/denied_admin
acl denied_users proxy_auth_regex -i /etc/squid/denied_users

http_access deny denied_users
http_access deny denied_admin
deny_info ERR_ACCESS_DENIED_ADMIN denied_admin

http_access allow authenticated_users
http_access allow localhost
http_access allow local_network
http_access deny all

Any ideas how I can get rid of the authentication dialog box that pops
up and just have the deny message issued immediately?

Scott Jarkoff

Re: [squid-users] Authentication problem

2006-05-23 Thread Scott Jarkoff

On 5/24/06, Chris Robertson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Thanks very much Chris.  Those links were exactly what I was looking
for.  Much appreciated!

Scott Jarkoff

[squid-users] Authentication problem

2006-05-22 Thread Scott Jarkoff

I have Squid setup so that it performs NTLM authentication from a
Windows 2003 Active Directory domain controller.  It currently works
without issue, allowing only properly authenticated users web browsing
access and denying others.

What I would like to do is block certain accounts from web browsing.
When I implement such a block the users are presented with an
authentication dialog box, and then ultimately receive the proper deny
message in the browser.  The problem is that I do not want them to be
prompted for valid credentials; they should be immediately denied

Here is the appropriate areas of my configuration:

acl authenticated_users proxy_auth REQUIRED
acl denied_admin proxy_auth_regex -i /etc/squid/denied_admin
acl denied_users proxy_auth_regex -i /etc/squid/denied_users

http_access deny denied_users
http_access deny denied_admin
deny_info ERR_ACCESS_DENIED_ADMIN denied_admin

http_access allow authenticated_users
http_access allow localhost
http_access allow local_network
http_access deny all

Any ideas how I can get rid of the authentication dialog box that pops
up and just have the deny message issued immediately?

Scott Jarkoff