[squid-users] Load Balancing

2003-08-16 Thread Yuri N. Fominov

I have two instances of squid-2.5-STABLE3 running on same
dual-processor machine under RH AS 2.1 (2.4.9-e.25). Everything works
great. I would like to optimize hit ratio and have a following

Is it possible to configure squid-es with a cross referencing access
to cache directories, f.e.:

Squid #1
cache_dir aufs /cache1 3 46 256
cache_dir aufs /cache2 3 46 256 read-only

Squid #2
cache_dir aufs /cache1 3 46 256 read-only
cache_dir aufs /cache2 3 46 256

I haven't tried to do it. Any suggestions?

Yuri N. Fominov

[squid-users] Load Balancing

2003-08-16 Thread Yuri N. Fominov


I have two instances of squid-2.5-STABLE3 running on same dual-processor
machine under RH AS 2.1 (2.4.9-e.25). Everything works great. I would
like to optimize hit ratio and have a following

Is it possible to configure squid-es with a cross referencing access to
cache directories, f.e.:

Squid #1
cache_dir aufs /cache1 3 46 256
cache_dir aufs /cache2 3 46 256 read-only

Squid #2
cache_dir aufs /cache1 3 46 256 read-only
cache_dir aufs /cache2 3 46 256

I haven't tried to do it. Any suggestions?

Yuri N. Fominov

[squid-users] rep_mime_type & no_cache

2003-08-17 Thread Yuri N. Fominov

Is it possible to use 'rep_mime_type' ACL in 'no_cache' ?

rep_mime_type pages text/html text/plain
nocachepages urlpath_regex -i \.php$ \.phtml$ \.pl$ \.asp$ \.jsp$ \.nsf$
no_cache deny pages nocachepages

Yuri N. Fominov

RE: [squid-users] WARNING! Your cache is running out of filedescriptors

2003-08-18 Thread Yuri N. Fominov


What OS do you have?
F.E. In Linux, you can increase number of file descriptors by executing
two below listed commands before starting and compiling squid.
Btw, 8192 is high enough, you can try beginning, let's say from 4096.

ulimit -HSn 8192
echo 1024 65000 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range


Yuri Fominov

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, August 18, 2003 16:33
Subject: [squid-users] WARNING! Your cache is running out of


I receved message in log file : "/var/log/messeges"

"WARNING! Your cache is running out of filedescriptors"

What does it mean ?

Help me , please .

RE: [squid-users] cache replacement policy, FTP

2003-08-18 Thread Yuri N. Fominov

I guess you have to play with 'refresh-_pattern'

refresh_pattern  -i ^ftp:   518400 999% 518400
cache_replacement_policy lru


Yuri Fominov

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, August 18, 2003 16:49
Subject: [squid-users] cache replacement policy, FTP

   hiall   ,

   we  have  configured  squid  proxy   with  a
of  100  GB.

   i   want   to  preserve   all   the   cache
objects  for  atleast   one  year.
   irrespective   of   its   sizewhat   is   the
value  i  have  to   set   in   the

   also   can  u   tell   me  how   to  enable
command  line  FTP.

  thanks  in  advance.

RE: [squid-users] ACL Question

2003-08-20 Thread Yuri N. Fominov

Why don't you use '-i' option, and this will allow you to avoid [xX]
like expressions, because of ignore-case parsing logic.


Yuri Fominov.

-Original Message-
From: PASCUAL, Mike A. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2003 15:52
Subject: [squid-users] ACL Question

 I have a little bit question about ACL blocking the downloading.

here's my squid.conf some line

acl download url_regex "/path/to/denydownload.txt"
acl POST method POST

http_access deny download !POST

here's my denydownload.txt

my problem is when my clients search in the google, keywords like
exercise or zipcode, the squid block it, but probably not. what's the
problem in my configuration.

please help



RE: [squid-users] Tweaking Squid for higher performance

2003-08-29 Thread Yuri N. Fominov


What version would you advise from the following example:

Ver1. 3x Cache_dir 16GB each on different SCSI disks
Ver2. 1x Cache_dir 48GB on HW RAID-0


Yuri Fominov

> Please does anybody know where I can get a tweaked
> version of squid that can support up to 1000/s request
> rate

in order for squid to reach 1000 request per second, you need to
redesign squid from scratch... squid starting to degrade itself when it
reaches greater than 100 request per second... since squid is a single
thread, it wont scale to higher loads... multi-threading or parallelism
is the key for squid to reach your expected throughput aside from better
filesystem design for http objects...

> or what I can do to increase performance

since squid is a single thread and using either select() or poll()
function, you are bound by the limitation of these two functions... that
is why the bottleneck of squid is on its disk i/o system... if you want
to increase its performance, make a RAM filesystem instead of disk
filesystem for its web cache but of course you already know the pros
and cons of using RAM filesystem :->


RE: [squid-users] Tool to display access.log and store.log

2003-08-29 Thread Yuri N. Fominov


-Original Message-
From: Olsson Mattias [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, August 29, 2003 14:31
Subject: [squid-users] Tool to display access.log and store.log

> Hi all!
> Im trying to have my squid logs displayed in an nice manner on my web 
> server. Calamaris does the job with the access.log file, but most of 
> all i wish to display
> the info from the store.log file. Calamaris dosent seem to be able to
> handel it.
> I need to se "site names" "urls" "downloads" and "time". Im trying to
> findout how much "illigal"
> surfing that is done.
> Q. Is there an application that can convert my store.log and 
> access.log into a nice .html file? Or is there a combination of tools 
> to use?
> Regards
> Mattias Olsson
> IT Consultant
> Communication Solutions
> Phone: +46 8 730 6573 
> Mobile: +46 70 629 1071 

[squid-users] Band New Squid Log Analyzer!

2003-09-11 Thread Yuri N. Fominov

Dear All,

I have developed SCALAR (Squid Cache Advanced Log Analyzer & Reporter).
It has many of very useful reports, which definitely will help you to
understand your statistics and tune Squid up for maximum cachability and

SCALAR is written under AWK.
You can run it 'awk -f scalar.awk access.log' or make scalar.awk
executable and run 'scalar.awk access.log'. 
By editing scalar.awk script you will be able to configure its reporting
and other options.

You can download SCALAR from
Try it. You feedbacks & suggestions will be highly appreciated.


Yuri Fominov

RE: [squid-users] Band New Squid Log Analyzer!

2003-09-11 Thread Yuri N. Fominov

Here is a sample report for your reference:

  SCALAR (Squid Cache Advanced Log Analyzer & Reporter), Version

   (C) 2003 by Yuri N. Fominov, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://scalar.risk.az

  SCALAR has no warranty and it is completely free, so you are
  to re-distribute this pretty useful piece of software. Good


~~~ Analysis Headlines

  Log Start Time [02-10-2003 04:00:07]
Log End Time [13-10-2003 01:01:16]
  Lines Analyzed 1.371M

  Analysis Took: 128 sec.  Average: 10707 Lines/sec

   Unique Hosts: 626

 In Traffic:4.208 GB
Out Traffic:5.094 GB
  Saved Traffic:  907.252 MB   17.39 %

~~~ Requests By Hours

 72.7K== == ==
== ==
 66.1K== == ==
== ==
 59.5K == == == ==
== ==
 52.9K == == == ==
== ==
 46.2K ==  == == == ==
== ==
 39.6K == == == == == == == ==
== ==
 33.0K ==== == == == == == == == == ==
== ==
 26.4K  == ==  == == == == == == == == == == == ==
== ==
 19.8K  == == ==   == == == == == == == == == == == ==
== ==
 13.2K  == == == ==== == == == == == == == == == == ==
== ==
  6.6K  == == == == ==  == == == == == == == == == == == == ==
== ==

  Hours: 0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23

Maximum Requests: 132.150K/hour,2.202K/min,   36.7/sec.
Average Requests:  40.970K/hour,  683 /min,   11.4/sec.
Minimum Requests:   0 /hour,0 /min,0.0/sec.

~~~ Traffic by Hours

560.6MB   ==
532.6MB   ==
504.5MB   ==
476.5MB   ==
448.5MB   ==
420.4MB   ==
392.4MB   ==
364.4MB   ==
336.4MB   ==
308.3MB   ====
280.3MB   == == ==
252.3MB   == == ==
224.2MB   == == ==
== ==
196.2MB  ==== == == ==
== ==
168.2MB  ==== == == ==
== ==
140.1MB  ==== == == == == == == ==
== ==
112.1MB== == == == == == == == == == == ==
== ==
 84.1MB==  == == == == == == == == == == == ==
== ==
 56.1MB == == ==   == == == == == == == == == == == ==
== ==
 28.0MB == == == == == ==  == == == == == == == == == == == ==
== ==

  Hours: 0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23

Maximum Xfers: 560.591 MB/hour,9.343 MB/min, 159.457 KB/sec [1276
Average Xfers: 148.851 MB/hour,2.481 MB/min,  42.340 KB/sec [ 339
Minimum Xfers:   0  B/hour,0  B/min,   0  B/sec [   0

~~~ File Extensions Report

---|-- R E Q U E S T S  |--- T R A F F I C
 Ext.  |  total | misses |  hits  |hit% |   total  |  misses  |   hits
gif 417.258K 118.583K 298.675K  72%  629.652 MB 303.157 MB 326.495
MB  52%
 355.245K 354.751K 4940%1.054 GB   1.053 GB   1.112
MB   0%
jpg 109.

RE: [squid-users] Band New Squid Log Analyzer!

2003-09-11 Thread Yuri N. Fominov

-Original Message-
From: Yuri N. Fominov 
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2003 21:33
To: 'Kent, Mr. John'
Subject: RE: [squid-users] Band New Squid Log Analyzer!

Thanks for feedback, 
Seems you are using HTTPD (Common Log Format) log emulation, 
unfortunately SCALAR can deal only with native Squid 2 and above log

Yuri N. Fominov
Corporate Solutions Manager

  R.I.S.K. Company
  Baku, AZ-1022, Azerbaijan
  59 Rashid Behbudov str.
  tel: +(99412) 973737
  fax: +(99412) 981993

-Original Message-
From: Kent, Mr. John [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2003 21:28
To: Yuri N. Fominov
Subject: RE: [squid-users] Band New Squid Log Analyzer!


Thanks for making your code available.
I tried it, but I don't think it worked properly, or more likely my logs
are different than you expected.

Here is the output of your program:

bash-2.05$ ./scalar.awk /users/webuser/www_squid/logs/access.log

  SCALAR (Squid Cache Advanced Log Analyzer & Reporter), Version

   (C) 2003 by Yuri N. Fominov, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://scalar.risk.az

  SCALAR has no warranty and it is completely free, so you are
welcome    to re-distribute this pretty useful piece of
software. Good Luck2All 



~~~ Analysis Headlines

  Log Start Time [-30-02-1970 09:03:14]
Log End Time [-30-02-1970 09:01:08]
  Lines Analysed85.395K

  Analysis Took: 10 sec.  Average: 8539 Lines/sec

   Unique Hosts: 1

 In Traffic: -59776500  B
Out Traffic: -59776500  B
  Saved Traffic:0  B   -0.00 %

~~~ Requests By Hours

 85.4K  ==

 81.1K  ==

 76.8K  ==

 72.6K  ==

 68.3K  ==

 64.0K  ==

 59.8K  ==

 55.5K  ==

 51.2K  ==

 47.0K  ==

 42.7K  ==

 38.4K  ==

 34.2K  ==

 29.9K  ==

 25.6K  ==

 21.3K  ==

 17.1K  ==

 12.8K  ==

  8.5K  ==

  4.3K  ==

  Hours: 0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23

Maximum Requests:  85.395K/hour,1.423K/min,   23.7/sec.
Average Requests:   3.558K/hour,   59 /min,1.0/sec.
Minimum Requests:   0 /hour,0 /min,0.0/sec.

~~~ Traffic by Hours

0B == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == ==== == == == ==
== ==
0B == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == ==== == == == ==
== ==
0B == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == ==== == == == ==
== ==
0B == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == ==== == == == ==
== ==
0B == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == ==== == == == ==
== ==
0B == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == ==== == == == ==
== ==
0B == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == ==== == == == ==
== ==
0B == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == ==== == == == ==
== ==
0B == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == ==== == == == ==
== ==
0B == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == ==== == == == ==
== ==
0B == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == ==== == == == ==
== ==
0B == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == ==== == == == ==
== ==
0B == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == ==== == == == ==
== ==
0B == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == ==== == == == ==
== ==
0B == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == ==== == == == ==
== ==
0B == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == ==== == ==

RE: [squid-users] Band New Squid Log Analyzer!

2003-09-12 Thread Yuri N. Fominov


What AWK version do you use?
You can tray nawk and gawk also...


-Original Message-
From: Li Wei [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 05:34
To: Yuri N. Fominov
Subject: Re: [squid-users] Band New Squid Log Analyzer!


sorry. I got it.
quickly running this script, but I faced problem listed following:

orca/liw$awk -f scalar.awk access-log.20030911
awk: syntax error near line 98
awk: illegal statement near line 98
awk: syntax error near line 99
awk: illegal statement near line 99
awk: syntax error near line 100
awk: illegal statement near line 100
awk: syntax error near line 101
awk: illegal statement near line 101
awk: syntax error near line 102
awk: illegal statement near line 102
awk: syntax error near line 351
awk: illegal statement near line 351
awk: syntax error near line 352
awk: illegal statement near line 352
awk: syntax error near line 361
awk: illegal statement near line 361
awk: syntax error near line 362
awk: illegal statement near line 362
awk: syntax error near line 363
awk: illegal statement near line 363
awk: syntax error near line 364
awk: illegal statement near line 364
awk: syntax error near line 371
awk: illegal statement near line 371
awk: syntax error near line 372
awk: illegal statement near line 372
awk: syntax error near line 373
awk: illegal statement near line 373
awk: syntax error near line 374
awk: illegal statement near line 374
awk: syntax error near line 375
awk: illegal statement near line 375
awk: syntax error near line 376
awk: illegal statement near line 376
awk: syntax error near line 377
awk: illegal statement near line 377
awk: syntax error near line 378
awk: illegal statement near line 378
awk: syntax error near line 379
awk: illegal statement near line 379
awk: syntax error near line 387
awk: bailing out near line 387


I guess it caused by the lack of reconfiguration.
can you help me?

- Original Message - 
From: "Yuri N. Fominov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Squid-users" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 12:24 AM
Subject: RE: [squid-users] Band New Squid Log Analyzer!

> Here is a sample report for your reference:
> ~~
> ~~
> ~~~
>   SCALAR (Squid Cache Advanced Log Analyzer & Reporter), Version
> 0.91  
>    (C) 2003 by Yuri N. Fominov, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
>   SCALAR has no warranty and it is completely free, so you are
> welcome 
>   to re-distribute this pretty useful piece of software. Good
> Luck2All 

> ~~~
> ~~~ Analysis Headlines 
>   Log Start Time [02-10-2003 04:00:07]
> Log End Time [13-10-2003 01:01:16]
>   Lines Analyzed 1.371M
>   Analysis Took: 128 sec.  Average: 10707 Lines/sec
>Unique Hosts: 626
>  In Traffic:4.208 GB
> Out Traffic:5.094 GB
>   Saved Traffic:  907.252 MB   17.39 %
> ~~~ Requests By Hours 
> ~
> 132.1K
> ==
> 125.5K
> ==
> 118.9K
> ==
> 112.3K
> ==
> 105.7K==
> ==
>  99.1K==
> ==
>  92.5K==
> ==
>  85.9K==
> ==
>  79.3K====
> ==
>  72.7K== == ==
> == ==
>  66.1K== == ==
> == ==
>  59.5K == == == ==
> == ==
>  52.9K == == == ==
> == ==
>  46.2K ==  == == == ==
> == ==
>  39.6K == == == == == == == ==
> == ==
>  33.0K ==== == == == == == == == == ==
> == ==
>  26.4K  == ==  == == == == == == == == == == == ==
> == ==
>  19.8K  == == ==   == == == == == == == == == == == ==
> == ==
>  13.2K  == == == ==== == == == == == == == == == == ==
> == ==
>   6.6K  == == == == ==  == == == == == == == == == == == == ==
> == == 
> __

RE: [squid-users] Band New Squid Log Analyzer!

2003-09-12 Thread Yuri N. Fominov


Last line of code has some trash at the end.
I have corrected it. You can try updated version


-Original Message-
From: Andrew Loughnan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 09:00
To: Yuri N. Fominov
Subject: RE: [squid-users] Band New Squid Log Analyzer!

I keep getting this error when I try and run this
awk: /usr/bin/scalar.awk:1518:
awk: /usr/bin/scalar.awk:1518: 

   invalid char 'ΓΏ' in expression
Any suggestions ?

-Original Message- 
From: Yuri N. Fominov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Fri 12/09/2003 2:06 AM 
To: Squid-users 
Subject: [squid-users] Band New Squid Log Analyzer!

Dear All,

I have developed SCALAR (Squid Cache Advanced Log Analyzer & Reporter).
It has many of very useful reports, which definitely will help you to
understand your statistics and tune Squid up for maximum cachability and

SCALAR is written under AWK.
You can run it 'awk -f scalar.awk access.log' or make scalar.awk
executable and run 'scalar.awk access.log'.
By editing scalar.awk script you will be able to configure its reporting
and other options.

You can download SCALAR from
Try it. You feedbacks & suggestions will be highly appreciated.


Yuri Fominov

Please Note:
This email message and any attachments are: 
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RE: [squid-users] Band New Squid Log Analyzer! [not working?]

2003-09-14 Thread Yuri N. Fominov


I have fixed this problem. It happened because some AWK doesn't support
'systime' and some other functions.

New version is now available at

In order to avoid this problem you have to 
Change maintenance options (inside script header)
by setting 'disable_systime = no'

Good Luck.


Yuri Fominov

-Original Message-
From: Esteban Ribicic [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2003 22:57
To: Yuri N. Fominov
Subject: Re: [squid-users] Band New Squid Log Analyzer! [not working?]

hi, ive tryed your awk script but did not work for my debianany

lp:/usr/local/squid/logs# awk -f scalar.awk access.log
awk: scalar.awk: line 1519: function strftime never defined
awk: scalar.awk: line 1519: function strftime never defined
awk: scalar.awk: line 1519: function systime never defined
awk: scalar.awk: line 1519: function systime never defined
awk: scalar.awk: line 1519: function systime never defined
lp:/usr/local/squid/logs# head access.log
1063249150.358404 TCP_MISS/200 649 GET
http://ar.atwola.com/html/93169980/244754559/aol? - DIRECT/
1063249150.951592 TCP_REFRESH_HIT/304 144 GET
ol - DIRECT/ -
1063249153.175423 TCP_IMS_HIT/304 203 GET
http://img.yupimsn.com/dm/gallery/118864.gif - NONE/- image/gif
1063249167.129414 TCP_MISS/200 761 GET - DIRECT/
1063249172.758399 TCP_MISS/200 575 GET
http://ar.atwola.com/ - DIRECT/ -
1063249173.960   2979 TCP_MISS/200 21411 POST
http://www.multimedios.org/cgi-bin/search/search.cgi -
DIRECT/ text/html
1063249175.249521 TCP_MISS/200 814 GET
http://www.multimedios.org/img/img_17.gif - DIRECT/
1063249175.509259 TCP_MISS/200 814 GET
http://www.multimedios.org/img/img_20.gif - DIRECT/
1063249175.580531 TCP_MISS/200 806 GET
http://www.multimedios.org/img/img_19.gif - DIRECT/
1063249175.761251 TCP_MISS/200 809 GET
http://www.multimedios.org/img/img_18.gif - DIRECT/
lp:/usr/local/squid/logs# awk -v
awk: option -v lacks argument
lp:/usr/local/squid/logs# awk --version
awk: not an option: --version
lp:/usr/local/squid/logs# man awk
Reformatting awk(1), please wait...
lp:/usr/local/squid/logs# awk -W   
awk: option -W lacks argument
lp:/usr/local/squid/logs# awk -w
awk: not an option: -w
lp:/usr/local/squid/logs# man awk
Reformatting awk(1), please wait...
lp:/usr/local/squid/logs# awk -W version
mawk 1.3.3 Nov 1996, Copyright (C) Michael D. Brennan

compiled limits:
max NF 32767
sprintf buffer  1020
lp:/usr/local/squid/logs# uname -a
Linux lp 2.4.21 #1 SMP Sun Jul 27 20:05:09 ART 2003 i686 unknown

[squid-users] Log Analyzer (SCALAR) New Release...

2003-09-14 Thread Yuri N. Fominov

Hi everybody,

New version of SCALAR is available now.
You can download it from


New Version (0.94) has some bugfixes and 1 new report related
to cache Hierarchy Analysis (Hierarchy - Cumulative Traffic)
Content Analysis reporting improved for much wider and precise
content type classification/counting.

New upcoming version will have MIME report and 
MIME content analysis as well. Stay tuned...

See sample below, all other reports are not shown.

---|-- R E Q U E S T S ---| T R A F F I C
 Content Type  |  total |  hits  |hit%|  total   |   hits
Images/Graphics & Flash 805.266K 433.934K  54%   2.078 GB 774.346 MB
36%  32%
 481.979K 5320%   1.550 GB 826.428 KB
0%  24%
/ -any content possible  95.552K  13.050K  14% 509.279 MB  78.363 MB
15%   8%
Java, VBS & CSS  82.222K  46.979K  57% 126.634 MB  53.393 MB
42%   2%
Web Pages: Static54.137K  14.837K  27% 287.593 MB  58.275 MB
20%   4%
Web Pages: Dynamic   50.669K 4861% 200.985 MB   9.814 MB
5%   3%
Archives & Executables   48.205K 5871% 691.148 MB 177.015 KB
0%  10%
[other]  15.023K   4.290K  29% 235.307 MB  18.681 MB
8%   4%
Software Updates  6.144K 1422% 226.875 MB 663.264 KB
0%   3%
Media: Audio  4.356K   00% 240.652 MB   0  B
0%   4%
Media: Video  2.489K   00% 376.202 MB   0  B
0%   6%
Text & RTF Files  2.425K   1.749K  72%   2.072 MB   1.007 MB
49%   0%
PDF & MS Office Files   22900%  11.397 MB   0  B
0%   0%


~~~ Hierarchy (Requests)

Peer/Direct|  Total   %VOL| Misses Miss% |  Hits   Hit% |  Deny
DIRECT1.043M   63% 526.338K  50%  516.558K  50%  219
62.212.XXX.1538.105K   33% 308.050K  57%  230.055K  43%0
62.212.XXX.2 48.536K3%  16.221K  33%   32.315K  67%0
62.212.XXX.3 16.409K1%   00%   16.409K 100%0

~~~ Hierarchy (Traffic)

Peer/Direct|  Total%VOL| MissesMiss% |HitsHit%
DIRECT3.622 GB  56%   2.649 GB   73% 0.972 GB  27%
100.127 KB
62.212.XXX.1  1.394 GB  22%   0.979 GB   70%   424.203 MB  30%
0  B
62.212.XXX.2  1.386 GB  22% 803.960 MB   57%   615.551 MB  43%
0  B
62.212.XXX.3 44.257 MB   1%   0  B0%44.242 MB 100%
0  B

~~~ Hierarchy - Cumulative Traffic

 Group |  Total%VOL| MissesMiss% |HitsHit%
DIRECT3.621 GB  56%2.649 GB  73% 0.972 GB  27%
100.127 KB
ALL PEERS 2.823 GB  44%1.764 GB  63% 1.059 GB  37%
0  B
DIRECT + PEERS6.444 GB 100%4.413 GB  68% 2.030 GB  32%
100.127 KB

RE: [squid-users] Log Analyzer (SCALAR) New Release...

2003-09-14 Thread Yuri N. Fominov


Thank you for your valuable notice.
The problem is because of magic 1024 number :)
Problem will be fixed in next release, stay tuned...



-Original Message-
From: Mika A [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, September 14, 2003 18:35
To: Yuri N. Fominov
Subject: Re: [squid-users] Log Analyzer (SCALAR) New Release...

On Sun September 14 2003 16:02, Yuri N. Fominov wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> New version of SCALAR is available now.
> You can download it from http://scalar.risk.az/scalar094/scalar.awk


nice tool, thanks! 

Just in case you haven't noticed there is a minor 'off-by-one' alignment

problem in Traffic by Hours-table right before 1000 MB gets transformed
1.0 GB:

1006.1MB == == == ==
950.2MB == == == ==

Mika Aleksandroff, Kymenlaakson AMK
Levity is the time thief that picks the pocket of a company  - BtVS

RE: [squid-users] WCCP-Hotmail-Yahoo...

2003-09-16 Thread Yuri N. Fominov


I had same problem with Squid 2.5+ WCCP1 + C7200
I went crazy to fix it with many tries, seems some magic here.
What ISO version do you have on C7200?
I made many different changes in my router config, but still can't
understand what is reflecting on yahoo, hotmail and other similar sites.
However I had this problem with FreeBSD 5.1, but after I have switched
to RH Linux AS 2.1, problem disappeared. As far as I know some IOS
editions on C7200 have a bug related to MAC address mapping in dynamic
mode, after I have made static setting for MAC address / IP of my Squid
box Eth, everything became fine... Still, I can't explain what have
really caused this problem!



-Original Message-
From: Valton Hashani [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2003 13:32
Subject: Re: [squid-users] WCCP-Hotmail-Yahoo...

> Do you put line "hierarchy_stoplist hotmail.com"?
> Thx & Rgds,
> Awie

thanks Awie but it is still not working. I believe what Henrik and Marc
said, is so.

> - Original Message -
> From: "Valton Hashani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2003 12:05 AM
> Subject: Re: [squid-users] WCCP-Hotmail-Yahoo...
> > Thank you Marc,
> > >  There's no solution, other then not to use transp. proxing in 
> > > this case
> > but is there any possibility not to set browser to use directly 
> > Squid, because in this case transparency is useless only if I use 
> > squid in
> > and then use iptables to separate (forward) https traffic.
> >
> > Valton
> >
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Marc Elsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: "Valton Hashani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Monday, September 15, 2003 4:43 PM
> > Subject: Re: [squid-users] WCCP-Hotmail-Yahoo...
> >
> >
> > >
> > >
> > > Valton Hashani wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Hi all,
> > > > Can you help me in this one, please.
> > > > I cannot enter mail.yahoo.com and hotmail.com (inbox). Squid box

> > > > is
> > working
> > > > as transparent proxy using WCCP with  Cisco 7200 router. I have 
> > > > read almost all emails that are in mailing list which have to
> do
> > with
> > > > this problem but I haven't found anything for transparent proxy
> is
> > > > configured to run with WCCP. I believe you have experienced this
> > problem.
> > > > Thank you in advance.
> > > > Valton
> > >
> > >  Does it work, when the browser is set to use the squid directly,

> > > via proxy conf ?
> > >
> > >  If so , you may want to opt for not using trans. proxying.
> > >
> > >  Some services (webserver), check whether subsequent https 
> > > connections  are the coming from the same origin as the original 
> > > http access.
> > >
> > >  There's no solution, other then not to use transp. proxing in 
> > > this case.
> > >
> > >  M.
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > >
> > >  'Love is truth without any future.
> > >  (M.E. 1997)
> > >
> >

RE: [squid-users] Log Analyzer (SCALAR) New Release...

2003-09-16 Thread Yuri N. Fominov


Most likely you haven't set proper 'time_offset' parameter in header of
scalar.awk script, seems I left 4 as default. (Sorry, it just a my time
Try to modify and repeat your analysis...

Btw, Do you have any feedbacks and/or suggestions for further 1.x
version development?



PS: New version will be available in few following days...

-Original Message-
From: Luca Frigatti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2003 15:50
To: Yuri N. Fominov
Subject: R: [squid-users] Log Analyzer (SCALAR) New Release...

I'm sorry to distub you..
I downloaded SCALAR file, I've installed it and I've tried to use it. I
note a little problem. I try to analyze an access.log.0 file (the log
file of yesterday) But, when I launch the program the report is created
with a wrong date. (the example reported below)

Log Start Time [16-10-2003 15:28:49]
Log End Time [17-10-2003 00:48:37]

Any idea?

Thank you very much for your attention and your collaboration.

Best regards,


> -----Messaggio originale-
> Da: Yuri N. Fominov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Inviato: domenica 14 settembre 2003 16.25
> Oggetto: RE: [squid-users] Log Analyzer (SCALAR) New Release...
>   Mika,
> Thank you for your valuable notice.
> The problem is because of magic 1024 number :)
> Problem will be fixed in next release, stay tuned...
> Regards,
> Yuri
> -Original Message-
> From: Mika A [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sunday, September 14, 2003 18:35
> To: Yuri N. Fominov
> Subject: Re: [squid-users] Log Analyzer (SCALAR) New Release...
> On Sun September 14 2003 16:02, Yuri N. Fominov wrote:
> > Hi everybody,
> >
> > New version of SCALAR is available now.
> > You can download it from http://scalar.risk.az/scalar094/scalar.awk
> Hi,
> nice tool, thanks!
> Just in case you haven't noticed there is a minor
> 'off-by-one' alignment
> problem in Traffic by Hours-table right before 1000 MB gets
> transformed to 
> 1.0 GB:
>   1.0GB==
> 1006.1MB == == == ==
> 950.2MB == == == ==
> --
> Mika Aleksandroff, Kymenlaakson AMK 
> ___
> Levity is the time thief that picks the pocket of a company  - BtVS