Ok, I've almost got everything working right but I've run into one last issue.

I've got an AUP set for my users to accept before they go out to the internet.  
This works great for all but one thing.

Any time I try to hit one of my local web servers that share the public address 
range of the squid proxy, the browser session does not get initialized and I 
cannot get past my AUP page.  In addition, the logs for squid do not show any 
connection attempts so it's like the squid isn't even seeing the connection.

If I go to any other web site, the AUP comes up and I can click through it.  If 
I try to go back to any of the local web servers after the session is started I 
get the AUP page again and I cannot get past it.

Has anyone seen this or have an idea on what is going on?


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