RE: [squid-users] External ACL - LDAP Authentication

2008-04-26 Thread Philip Kloppers
On 2008-04-24 20:18 Matias Chris wrote

> Hi there, this might be seen as offtopic but is part of our 
> proxy solution, there is some silly problem Im stuck with...
> I need to authenticate users with LDAP against a group called 
> "Domain Users" with the space in the middle. Is this possible?
> Im using squid_ldap_group scritp on the command line(for 
> testing), if I try with a one-word group like "Internet" it 
> gives me a OK, but if I try with "Domain Users" I allways 
> receive an ERR even If i send the group between "". Is there 
> any way to authenticate against a group called with more than 
> one word?
> >Thanks!

Put the group into a file and authenticate using the file as source

external_acl_type ldap_group %LOGIN /usr/sbin/squid_ldap_group -v3 -b 
"ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com" -f
"(&(cn=%g)(memberuid=%u))" localhost
acl group_domainAdmins  external ldap_group "/etc/squid/groups_domainAdmins"


Re: [squid-users] External ACL - LDAP Authentication

2008-04-25 Thread Henrik Nordstrom
fre 2008-04-25 klockan 13:19 +0200 skrev Mathieu Kretchner:
> Is it possible to proxy an imap server with squid ?


Some clients MAY be able to abuse the CONNECT method to connect to their
IMAP server, but it's not something I would recommend.

If you need a general-purpose TCP proxy then look into using a SOCKS
proxy in addition to Squid. There is SOCKS proxies included in most
Linux distributions today.


Re: [squid-users] External ACL - LDAP Authentication

2008-04-25 Thread Mathieu Kretchner

Is it possible to proxy an imap server with squid ?

fn:Mathieu Kretchner
adr;dom:;;2007 route des lucioles - BP93;Sophia Antipolis;;06902 CEDEX
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel;work:04 92 38 76 67

Re: [squid-users] External ACL - LDAP Authentication

2008-04-25 Thread Callum
Have you tried using single quotes?  Also, try calling squid_ldap_group
via Squid itself as this is how it's intended: it may avoid some

Failing that, just create a new group in AD called squidusers or
something, and add the one member, "Domain Users." 

Here's the relevant bits of my squid.conf though I confess it's a while
since I set it up so I'm a bit rusty with it.  Works fine though.

#TAG: auth_param
auth_param basic program /usr/lib/squid/squid_ldap_auth -R -b
"dc=swarthmore,dc=org,dc=local" -D
"cn=LDAP_guest,OU=ADMIN,DC=swarthmore,DC=org,DC=local" -w
"" -f sAMAccountName=%s -h
auth_param basic children 5
auth_param basic realm "Donkey Centre"
auth_param basic credentialsttl 5 minutes

#TAG: external_acl_type
external_acl_type InetUsersGroup %LOGIN /usr/lib/squid/squid_ldap_group
-R -b "dc=swarthmore,dc=org,dc=local" -D
"cn=LDAP_guest,OU=ADMIN,DC=swarthmore,DC=org,DC=local" -w
"XXX" -f "(&(objectclass=person)(sAMAccountName=%
v)(memberof=cn=%a,ou=users,dc=swarthmore,dc=org,dc=local))" -h

#TAG: acl
acl localnet proxy_auth REQUIRED src
acl InetAccess external InetUsersGroup SquidUsers

# TAG: http_access
http_access allow InetAccess

Try or for more information about
Squid and LDAP.


On Thu, 2008-04-24 at 15:18 -0300, Matias Chris wrote:
> Hi there, this might be seen as offtopic but is part of our proxy
> solution, there is some silly problem Im stuck with...
> I need to authenticate users with LDAP against a group called "Domain
> Users" with the space in the middle. Is this possible?
> Im using squid_ldap_group scritp on the command line(for testing), if
> I try with a one-word group like "Internet" it gives me a OK, but if I
> try with "Domain Users" I allways receive an ERR even If i send the
> group between "". Is there any way to authenticate against a group
> called with more than one word?
> >Thanks!

[squid-users] External ACL - LDAP Authentication

2008-04-24 Thread Matias Chris
Hi there, this might be seen as offtopic but is part of our proxy
solution, there is some silly problem Im stuck with...

I need to authenticate users with LDAP against a group called "Domain
Users" with the space in the middle. Is this possible?

Im using squid_ldap_group scritp on the command line(for testing), if
I try with a one-word group like "Internet" it gives me a OK, but if I
try with "Domain Users" I allways receive an ERR even If i send the
group between "". Is there any way to authenticate against a group
called with more than one word?
