Hi everyone,

I´m searching for an solution that only warn users if they enter an website 
which is on the Blacklist.
Have anyone some idea how I can realize this ??

It would be look like :

User enter www.denied.com -> squid redirect to squidquard -> squidguard 
redirect to an local website with an button I would enter this site -> if user 
click this button he could enter the website 

Thanks a lot 
Ralph Jarosch
Zentraler IT-Betrieb Niedersächsische Justiz

- Technisches Betriebszentrum -
Ralph Jarosch
Schlossplatz 2
29221 Celle
Tel.:         +49 (5141) 206-145
Mobil:       +49 (162) 9069470
Intranet: http://intra.zib.niedersachsen.de


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