Getting the following error when attempting to access:

The request or reply is too large. 
If you are making a POST or PUT request, then your request body (the thing 
you are trying to upload) is too large. If you are making a GET request, 
then the reply body (what you are trying to download) is too large. These 
limits have been established by the Internet Service Provider who operates 
this cache. Please contact them directly if you feel this is an error. 

Squid version: (squid/2.6.STABLE18)

I dug through the old archive posts and have tried the following two 

reply_body_max_size 0 (This directive is not recognized by squid 2.6 
stable 18)
request_body_max_size 0

I've played with the numbers by setting them to random ceilings.
I can't get it to budge.

Any advise or suggestions?


Tim Rainier

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