I recently got dansguardian installed and running on port 8080, DG
redirects output to squid on 3197 or whatever squids default port is (I
dont remember now)

everything works, but not like I would like it to.

I think I need the X-Forward-For patch since I would like to be able to
use the client IP address for squid ACLS inspite of the fact that its a
localhost packet from DG.

I installed DG from source on a Slackware 10.2 box and it went fine.

I installed squid from a slackware package available on the internet.

Ive downloaded the 2.5-STABLE11 code tarball and had a look at the
./configure options (my arent there a lot of them).  My problem is that
the X-Forwarded-For patch on the squid page at sourceforge doesnt patch
against the STABLE11 codebase (I mean that there are a large number of
hunk failures, not that the patch didnt run at all).  I tried looking
at the patch file, but I'm not comfortable with rewriting patches in a
programming language I dont know well.  Especially not one that does
what this one does.

I looked at the date of the patch and then downloaded the four most
current STABLE sets prior to the patch date and the patch doesnt patch
against any of those tarballs either.

Im reasonably sure that someone on this list has had to cross this
bridge one before. Does anyone have a rewritten patch to squid
2.5.STABLE11 that will add the X-Forward-For functionality?


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