[squid-users] transparent proxy with authentication

2005-10-24 Thread Chin Kah Yi

Dearest squid expert out there,

I have had squid boxes running on wccp with cisco router for my
customer. There are 2 new requirements lately:

(1) authentication with wccp
There comes a new requirement from my customer that every user should
be authenticated before being allowed to browse the internet. The
purpose is to provide logs showing which uid has browsed to which
websites on shared computers (like those in computer labs or cybercafe).

I understand from
http://www.squid-cache.org/Doc/FAQ/FAQ-17.html#ss17.16  that
authentication does not work with wccp. And I read somewhere in squid 3
development site that there is an intention to enable such possibility,
I like to know if this is true.

Don't mind me being asking again - but why was authentication designed
not to work with wccp? If transparent proxy design is required together
with authentication, is there any alternative I could work on?

(2) antivirus and content filtering
In addition to authentication, the other requirement is to provide
content filtering to wccp squid.  The content filtering includes
antivirus scanning for web content as well as other web content
filtering. There is web content filtering from Trendmicro and other
brands. I just wish to know how to get it to forward such content from
squid to these software for scanning before squid passing the webpages
back to users.

Thanks heaps in advance for any advice.

Kah Yi

[squid-users] Transparent Proxy with Authentication

2004-12-03 Thread Focuz Infotech
Hai All,

If there is any way to setup transparent proxy with authentication
please give me those...

here i can setup transparent proxy and authentication but it didn't work
same time... (while i use transparent it didn't ask for authentication)

i want to use both in same time..

so help me

thank you in advance


Re: [squid-users] transparent proxy with authentication

2005-10-24 Thread Merton Campbell Crockett
On Monday 24 October 2005 18:36, Chin Kah Yi wrote:
> Dearest squid expert out there,
> Don't mind me being asking again - but why was authentication designed
> not to work with wccp? If transparent proxy design is required together
> with authentication, is there any alternative I could work on?

With WCCP you are intercepting the HTTP request from the HTTP client.  The 
HTTP client assumes that it is communicating with the HTTP server.  If the 
HTTP intercept proxy were to request authentication, you would have one of 
the following problems.

   (1)  The HTTP client would present the credentials that it saved from
the last time that it accessed the HTTP server to the HTTP intercept
proxy.  These credentials would fail the authentication tests and
access would be denied.
   (2)  If the HTTP client did not have any credentials saved, the user would
present the credentials requested by the HTTP intercept proxy.  The HTTP
client would save the authenticated credentials.  If the HTTP server 
not require authentication, there is no problem.
   (3)  If the HTTP server requires authentication, the HTTP client would
present the credentials required by the HTTP intercept proxy.  The
authentication would fail and the HTTP client would be prompted to
provide new credentials.

Obviously, this leads to a condition where the HTTP client needs to supply 
multiple credentials on every access.  It is important to note that not all 
HTTP clients are browsers (Firefox, Internet Explorer, Netscape, Safari, 
etc.).  Many are applications or services such as AIM, Jabber, Real Audio, 

It might be possible to implement authentication in an HTTP intercept proxy 
were realms consistently used and understood by all HTTP clients and servers.  
However, the last time that I looked at this problem (ca. 1999), I discovered 
that while HTTP clients tended to deal with realms correctly there was a wide 
variance in the way realms were implemented in HTTP servers with Microsoft 
IIS being the biggest problem.

Merton Campbell Crockett

BEGIN:  vcard
FN: Merton Campbell Crockett
ORG:General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems;
Intelligence and Exploitation Systems
N:  Crockett;Merton;Campbell
TEL;TYPE=work,voice,msg,pref:   +1(805)497-5045
TEL;TYPE=work,fax:  +1(805)497-5050

Re: [squid-users] transparent proxy with authentication

2005-10-24 Thread Chin Kah Yi

Thanks Merton for explaning.

What if the design is changed from wccp to a redirection level7 switch 
such as foundry serveriron? L7 switch redirect http traffic to squids. 
Will this be able to design provide authentication from squid?

If transparent squid cant provide authentication due to the 
complications, would you recommend we get all users to enter proxy IP at 
their own browser before they can browse, so that authentication can 
still be provided? If there is a proxy pool (a few proxies for 
redundancy), then I may use a L7 content switch to provide a virtual 
proxy IP for all user browser to point to, then the content switch will 
route the user to the least loaded squid. All squid will definitely be 
now be authenticating users against the Sun Ldap server.

I understand that servers may be affected by this. However, I could set 
at firewall that only IP at Server Farm can have http direct to 
internet, bypassing proxies.

To prevent users from going directly to Internet, firewall will block 
their IP from http access direct to internet.

The objective of this is to enable logging of login with url accesses on 
shared computers. Such computers are like those in computer labs where 
anyone can use to access to internet. If you do have alternative control 
mechanism, please advise.

Thanks again.

Kah Yi

 Original Message 
From: Merton Campbell Crockett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: squid-users@squid-cache.org
Subject: Re:[squid-users] transparent proxy with authentication
Date: 25/10/2005 10:47

On Monday 24 October 2005 18:36, Chin Kah Yi wrote:

Dearest squid expert out there,

Don't mind me being asking again - but why was authentication designed
not to work with wccp? If transparent proxy design is required together
with authentication, is there any alternative I could work on?

With WCCP you are intercepting the HTTP request from the HTTP client.  The 
HTTP client assumes that it is communicating with the HTTP server.  If the 
HTTP intercept proxy were to request authentication, you would have one of 
the following problems.

   (1)  The HTTP client would present the credentials that it saved from
the last time that it accessed the HTTP server to the HTTP intercept
proxy.  These credentials would fail the authentication tests and
access would be denied.
   (2)  If the HTTP client did not have any credentials saved, the user would
present the credentials requested by the HTTP intercept proxy.  The HTTP
client would save the authenticated credentials.  If the HTTP server 
not require authentication, there is no problem.
   (3)  If the HTTP server requires authentication, the HTTP client would
present the credentials required by the HTTP intercept proxy.  The
authentication would fail and the HTTP client would be prompted to
provide new credentials.

Obviously, this leads to a condition where the HTTP client needs to supply 
multiple credentials on every access.  It is important to note that not all 
HTTP clients are browsers (Firefox, Internet Explorer, Netscape, Safari, 
etc.).  Many are applications or services such as AIM, Jabber, Real Audio, 

It might be possible to implement authentication in an HTTP intercept proxy 
were realms consistently used and understood by all HTTP clients and servers.  
However, the last time that I looked at this problem (ca. 1999), I discovered 
that while HTTP clients tended to deal with realms correctly there was a wide 
variance in the way realms were implemented in HTTP servers with Microsoft 
IIS being the biggest problem.

Merton Campbell Crockett

Re: [squid-users] transparent proxy with authentication

2005-10-24 Thread Merton Campbell Crockett
On Monday 24 October 2005 20:44, Chin Kah Yi wrote:
> Thanks Merton for explaning.
> What if the design is changed from wccp to a redirection level7 switch
> such as foundry serveriron? L7 switch redirect http traffic to squids.
> Will this be able to design provide authentication from squid?
> If transparent squid cant provide authentication due to the
> complications, would you recommend we get all users to enter proxy IP at
> their own browser before they can browse, so that authentication can
> still be provided? If there is a proxy pool (a few proxies for
> redundancy), then I may use a L7 content switch to provide a virtual
> proxy IP for all user browser to point to, then the content switch will
> route the user to the least loaded squid. All squid will definitely be
> now be authenticating users against the Sun Ldap server.

My personal preference is to use a defined HTTP proxy server.  Although there 
was some initial concern about taking this approach, my customers have become 
convinced that this is the best approach.  Well, most of them have. :-)

One key feature of an HTTP proxy server over an HTTP intercept proxy is that 
all HTTP traffic is passed to the HTTP proxy server regardless of port used.  
The HTTP intercept proxy only addresses activity on port 80 or any additional 
ports that you specify.

Several of my customers were concerned about employees accessing pornography.  
It was clear from analysing network traffic that the HTTP intercept proxies 
that they had been using were missing some of this activity because port 80 
was not being used.

There are several ways of configuring your network to use an HTTP proxy 

   (1)  Manual configuration of the HTTP proxy server.
   (2)  Manual configuration of an automatic configuration file.
   (3)  Configuring your network for Web Proxy Automatic Detection.
   (4)  Configuring your DHCP server to support automatic configuration.

I use all of the above.  A problem with (1) is that it is not robust.  If the 
HTTP proxy server fails, web content is inaccessible.  This can be solved by 
using a L7 switch as you suggest.  A secondary problem with (1) is that it 
doesn't allow you to use different HTTP proxy servers that could be used to 
implement strategic solutions, i.e. balancing the traffic between multiple 
service providers.

I like options (2), (3), and (4).  I can create an automatic configuration 
file, proxy.pac, that identifies how to access web content based on where the 
HTTP server is located.  Is the HTTP server connected to our local network?  
Go direct.  Is it connected to our corporate WAN?  Go to the intranet HTTP 
proxy server.  Is it an external HTTP server?  Go to the Internet HTTP proxy 

Web Proxy Automatic Detection was a great idea introduced by Microsoft.  All 
you needed to do was to define a CNAME wpad.local.domain.com that pointed to 
a web server containing a file wpad.dat.  The latter was nothing more than a 
symlink to proxy.pac.  Linux and Mac OS X support automatic detection and I 
think most of the BSD systems, as well.

Unfortunately, Microsoft broke this in one of the service packs to Windows 
2000.  Fixed by providing two additional symlinks:  proxy.pa and wpad.da that 
point to proxy.pac.  With WindowsXP, Microsoft screwed it up further, you 
need to use (4) and define DHCP Option 252 to pass a URL to the DHCP client 
that defines the location of the proxy.pac file.

If you have management support to block port 80 to all but the HTTP proxy 
servers, use all of the above techniques to capture all your HTTP traffic.

Merton Campbell Crockett

Ps:  As you can note, I have a definite bias.  For political reasons, I was
 recently moved from Engineering to IT.  IT doesn't quite share my views.
 A few of them are, finally, understanding that you don't need to touch
 each and every system.

> I understand that servers may be affected by this. However, I could set
> at firewall that only IP at Server Farm can have http direct to
> internet, bypassing proxies.
> To prevent users from going directly to Internet, firewall will block
> their IP from http access direct to internet.
> The objective of this is to enable logging of login with url accesses on
> shared computers. Such computers are like those in computer labs where
> anyone can use to access to internet. If you do have alternative control
> mechanism, please advise.
> Thanks again.
> Kah Yi
>  Original Message ----
> From: Merton Campbell Crockett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: squid-users@squid-cache.org
> Subject: Re:[squid-users] transparent proxy with authentication
> Date: 25/10/2005 10:47
> > On Monday 24 October 2005 18:36, Chin Kah Yi wrote:
> >>Dearest squid expert out there,
> >>
> >>Don't mind me being asking again - but why

Re: [squid-users] transparent proxy with authentication

2005-10-26 Thread Henrik Nordstrom

On Tue, 25 Oct 2005, Chin Kah Yi wrote:

http://www.squid-cache.org/Doc/FAQ/FAQ-17.html#ss17.16  that
authentication does not work with wccp. And I read somewhere in squid 3
development site that there is an intention to enable such possibility,
I like to know if this is true.

You have misunderstood the Squid-3 notes.

What is enabled in Squid-3 is authentication in reverse proxies. This was 
not easily done in Squid-2.5 due to conflicts with the transparent proxy 
support (i.e. WCCP).

Don't mind me being asking again - but why was authentication designed
not to work with wccp? If transparent proxy design is required together
with authentication, is there any alternative I could work on?

It is not a matter of authentication to not be designed for working with 
WCCP. The issue is WCCP not being designed to work with the TCP/IP 

When you bend the rules such as is done when using WCCP or other 
transparent interception of traffic certain things will and can not work. 
Proxy authentication is one such thing.

(2) antivirus and content filtering
In addition to authentication, the other requirement is to provide
content filtering to wccp squid.  The content filtering includes
antivirus scanning for web content as well as other web content
filtering. There is web content filtering from Trendmicro and other
brands. I just wish to know how to get it to forward such content from
squid to these software for scanning before squid passing the webpages
back to users.

Just set up a parent peering relation.


Re: [squid-users] transparent proxy with authentication

2005-10-26 Thread Henrik Nordstrom

On Mon, 24 Oct 2005, Merton Campbell Crockett wrote:

Obviously, this leads to a condition where the HTTP client needs to supply
multiple credentials on every access.  It is important to note that not all
HTTP clients are browsers (Firefox, Internet Explorer, Netscape, Safari,
etc.).  Many are applications or services such as AIM, Jabber, Real Audio,

It is also worth noticing that the HTTP specifications only allows for a 
single active authentication realm per URI, and that only a single 
authenitcation scheme can be used at a time..  If there is multiple 
challenges of the same scheme but with different reamls then the client is 
free to pick one (and can not pick more than one).


Re: [squid-users] transparent proxy with authentication

2005-10-26 Thread Henrik Nordstrom

On Tue, 25 Oct 2005, Chin Kah Yi wrote:

What if the design is changed from wccp to a redirection level7 switch such 
as foundry serveriron? L7 switch redirect http traffic to squids. Will this 
be able to design provide authentication from squid?

If you use a L7 load balancer with the clients configured for using the 
load balanced address as proxy then proxy authentication will work fine.

To prevent users from going directly to Internet, firewall will block their 
IP from http access direct to internet.

And if you instead of blocking NAT them to a web server exaplaining how to 
set the proxy settings less support calls will be seen...


Re: [squid-users] transparent proxy with authentication

2005-10-27 Thread Chin Kah Yi
If wccp with authentication does not work because of wccp design, 
Bluecoat claimed their proxy supports wccp with authentication. I wonder 
how theirs work?

Kah Yi

 Original Message 
From: Henrik Nordstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
CC: squid-users@squid-cache.org
Subject: Re:[squid-users] transparent proxy with authentication
Date: 27/10/2005 09:30

On Tue, 25 Oct 2005, Chin Kah Yi wrote:

http://www.squid-cache.org/Doc/FAQ/FAQ-17.html#ss17.16  that
authentication does not work with wccp. And I read somewhere in squid 3
development site that there is an intention to enable such possibility,
I like to know if this is true.

You have misunderstood the Squid-3 notes.

What is enabled in Squid-3 is authentication in reverse proxies. This 
was not easily done in Squid-2.5 due to conflicts with the transparent 
proxy support (i.e. WCCP).

Don't mind me being asking again - but why was authentication designed
not to work with wccp? If transparent proxy design is required together
with authentication, is there any alternative I could work on?

It is not a matter of authentication to not be designed for working 
with WCCP. The issue is WCCP not being designed to work with the 
TCP/IP specifications.

When you bend the rules such as is done when using WCCP or other 
transparent interception of traffic certain things will and can not 
work. Proxy authentication is one such thing.

(2) antivirus and content filtering
In addition to authentication, the other requirement is to provide
content filtering to wccp squid.  The content filtering includes
antivirus scanning for web content as well as other web content
filtering. There is web content filtering from Trendmicro and other
brands. I just wish to know how to get it to forward such content from
squid to these software for scanning before squid passing the webpages
back to users.

Just set up a parent peering relation.


Re: [squid-users] transparent proxy with authentication

2005-10-27 Thread Henrik Nordstrom

On Thu, 27 Oct 2005, Chin Kah Yi wrote:

If wccp with authentication does not work because of wccp design, Bluecoat 
claimed their proxy supports wccp with authentication. I wonder how theirs 

It doesn't actually.

They do what you can do, implement a IP based access control sheme using 
forms based login to the proxy registering your username as the user on 
the client IP address.


Re: [squid-users] transparent proxy with authentication

2005-10-27 Thread Chin Kah Yi
I see. but if it is transparent proxy via wccp, how would the IP based 
access control scheme work on bluecoat as bluecoat wouldn't be inline to 
do access control and depending on cisco router?

 Original Message 
From: Henrik Nordstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
CC: Henrik Nordstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, squid-users@squid-cache.org
Subject: Re:[squid-users] transparent proxy with authentication
Date: 28/10/2005 00:57

On Thu, 27 Oct 2005, Chin Kah Yi wrote:

If wccp with authentication does not work because of wccp design, 
Bluecoat claimed their proxy supports wccp with authentication. I 
wonder how theirs work?

It doesn't actually.

They do what you can do, implement a IP based access control sheme 
using forms based login to the proxy registering your username as the 
user on the client IP address.


Re: [squid-users] transparent proxy with authentication

2005-10-27 Thread Chin Kah Yi
BlueCoat confirmed they can do transparent proxy with authentication 
(http://www.bluecoat.com/downloads/support/BCS_tb_transauth.pdf). I have 
downloaded the doc, if you want it, I can email u the doc.

If so, does squid work on that aspect as described by bluecoat in above doc?

 Original Message 
From: Chin Kah Yi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Henrik Nordstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, squid-users@squid-cache.org
Subject: Re:[squid-users] transparent proxy with authentication
Date: 28/10/2005 08:39

I see. but if it is transparent proxy via wccp, how would the IP based 
access control scheme work on bluecoat as bluecoat wouldn't be inline 
to do access control and depending on cisco router?

 Original Message 
From: Henrik Nordstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
CC: Henrik Nordstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, squid-users@squid-cache.org
Subject: Re:[squid-users] transparent proxy with authentication
Date: 28/10/2005 00:57

On Thu, 27 Oct 2005, Chin Kah Yi wrote:

If wccp with authentication does not work because of wccp design, 
Bluecoat claimed their proxy supports wccp with authentication. I 
wonder how theirs work?

It doesn't actually.

They do what you can do, implement a IP based access control sheme 
using forms based login to the proxy registering your username as the 
user on the client IP address.


Re: [squid-users] transparent proxy with authentication

2005-10-28 Thread Henrik Nordstrom

On Fri, 28 Oct 2005, Chin Kah Yi wrote:

I see. but if it is transparent proxy via wccp, how would the IP based access 
control scheme work on bluecoat as bluecoat wouldn't be inline to do access 
control and depending on cisco router?

It is inline for HTTP traffic. The proxy can do whatever it likes with the 
HTTP traffic.

What these schemes usually does is to redirect requests coming from an 
address not known to the proxy to a local login page, where a successful 
login registers the account for that IP and the user is then redirected 
back to the page he originally requested.

There is also another possible scheme using a combination of this and 
cookies. This provides per-user authentication but basically floods the 
browser with new cookies.


Re: [squid-users] transparent proxy with authentication

2005-10-28 Thread Chin Kah Yi
I see. Do you think the design where cookies were used to keep track of 
per-user authentication details at client browser is a feasible and good 

 Original Message 
From: Henrik Nordstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
CC: Henrik Nordstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, squid-users@squid-cache.org
Subject: Re:[squid-users] transparent proxy with authentication
Date: 28/10/2005 19:14

On Fri, 28 Oct 2005, Chin Kah Yi wrote:

I see. but if it is transparent proxy via wccp, how would the IP 
based access control scheme work on bluecoat as bluecoat wouldn't be 
inline to do access control and depending on cisco router?

It is inline for HTTP traffic. The proxy can do whatever it likes with 
the HTTP traffic.

What these schemes usually does is to redirect requests coming from an 
address not known to the proxy to a local login page, where a 
successful login registers the account for that IP and the user is 
then redirected back to the page he originally requested.

There is also another possible scheme using a combination of this and 
cookies. This provides per-user authentication but basically floods 
the browser with new cookies.


Re: [squid-users] transparent proxy with authentication

2005-10-28 Thread Senthil Murugan

I just wanted to know how cookies are used for storing the username and
passwd. Bcos, i heard that cookies are domain dependent. So how cum it works
or am i wrong


- Original Message - 
From: "Chin Kah Yi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Henrik Nordstrom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2005 7:12 PM
Subject: Re: [squid-users] transparent proxy with authentication

I see. Do you think the design where cookies were used to keep track of
per-user authentication details at client browser is a feasible and good

 Original Message 
From: Henrik Nordstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
CC: Henrik Nordstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, squid-users@squid-cache.org
Subject: Re:[squid-users] transparent proxy with authentication
Date: 28/10/2005 19:14

On Fri, 28 Oct 2005, Chin Kah Yi wrote:

I see. but if it is transparent proxy via wccp, how would the IP
based access control scheme work on bluecoat as bluecoat wouldn't be
inline to do access control and depending on cisco router?

It is inline for HTTP traffic. The proxy can do whatever it likes with
the HTTP traffic.

What these schemes usually does is to redirect requests coming from an
address not known to the proxy to a local login page, where a
successful login registers the account for that IP and the user is
then redirected back to the page he originally requested.

There is also another possible scheme using a combination of this and
cookies. This provides per-user authentication but basically floods
the browser with new cookies.


Re: [squid-users] transparent proxy with authentication

2005-10-28 Thread Henrik Nordstrom

On Fri, 28 Oct 2005, Chin Kah Yi wrote:

I see. Do you think the design where cookies were used to keep track of 
per-user authentication details at client browser is a feasible and good 

It is a hack. And fails badly for all other applications than browsing as 
it is not a standard authentication method so none of the methods of 
specifying the proxy account in other applications works.


Re: [squid-users] transparent proxy with authentication

2005-10-28 Thread Henrik Nordstrom

On Fri, 28 Oct 2005, Senthil Murugan wrote:

I just wanted to know how cookies are used for storing the username and
passwd. Bcos, i heard that cookies are domain dependent. So how cum it works
or am i wrong

The cookies are indeed domain dependent, but since the proxy has full 
control of the traffic passing thru it, it can play games on the browser 
and issue cookies for all visited domains.


Re: [squid-users] transparent proxy with authentication

2005-11-01 Thread Senthil Murugan

Hello Henrik,

I understood your explanation like this.

client <-> proxy <> Internet

The Scenario is Transparent proxy Authentication using Cookies, and all the 
traffics are passed through the proxy. When the user access a web page for 
the first time, he is redirected to a login page say 
http://mydomain.com/login.php and the cookie is used to store the 
credentials after the successful authentication and after that the user is 
redirected to the original website that he/she was trying to access. But 
this time the browser will not send the cookie credentials bcos, the is a 
different domain. You explained as, "since the proxy has the full control of 
the traffic passing thru it,  it can play games on the browser and issue 
cookie for all the visited domains". But with this, only the proxy can add 
the credentials but what actually needed is, only the proxy needs the 
credentials from the browser. How come the works or i am not understood 

Senthil Murugan

On Fri, 28 Oct 2005, Senthil Murugan wrote:

I just wanted to know how cookies are used for storing the username and
passwd. Bcos, i heard that cookies are domain dependent. So how cum it 

or am i wrong

The cookies are indeed domain dependent, but since the proxy has full 
control of the traffic passing thru it, it can play games on the browser 
and issue cookies for all visited domains.

Re: [squid-users] transparent proxy with authentication

2005-11-01 Thread Henrik Nordstrom

On Tue, 1 Nov 2005, Senthil Murugan wrote:

the original website that he/she was trying to access. But this time the 
browser will not send the cookie credentials bcos, the is a different domain. 
You explained as, "since the proxy has the full control of the traffic 
passing thru it,  it can play games on the browser and issue cookie for all 
the visited domains". But with this, only the proxy can add the credentials 
but what actually needed is, only the proxy needs the credentials from the 
browser. How come the works or i am not understood clearly?

There is always the domain of the proxy, to which the browser sends it's 
cookies. To transport the session cookie to another domain a double 
redirect is used via the proxy domain, temporarily carrying the session 
details in an "magic" URL to the visited domain which then issues the 
cookie and redirects back to the originally requested page on the same 

I have done this kind of solutions for reverse proxies using Squid, and it 
is not hard (you only need a HTTP server maintaining the session, and a 
little thinking on how to use external acls). Only difficulty wrt doing it 
in a forward proxy is that you need to modify the proxy to not forward the 
session cookie to the requested site and for this some new Squid 
modifications will be needed (i.e. the filtering of the cookie is not 
possible with what is available for Squid today)


Re: [squid-users] transparent proxy with authentication

2005-11-08 Thread Chin Kah Yi

Thanks for the comment. I was away for a while.

You have mentioned that such authentication method is somewhat 
proprietary since it is not following standard. If I only need to cache 
http (port 80) and none other ports, this authentication method should 
still be sufficiently good. right?

Kah Yi

 Original Message 
From: Henrik Nordstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
CC: Squid Users 
Subject: Re:[squid-users] transparent proxy with authentication
Date: 29/10/2005 02:22

On Fri, 28 Oct 2005, Chin Kah Yi wrote:

I see. Do you think the design where cookies were used to keep track 
of per-user authentication details at client browser is a feasible 
and good design?

It is a hack. And fails badly for all other applications than browsing 
as it is not a standard authentication method so none of the methods 
of specifying the proxy account in other applications works.


Re: [squid-users] transparent proxy with authentication

2005-11-09 Thread Chin Kah Yi
Are there anyone out there who has configured squid to perform this kind 
of cacheing before? i.e. squid on wccp with cisco router while providing 
http authentication to end-users.

If there is none and I wish doing so, would it really be possible?


 Original Message 
From: Chin Kah Yi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Henrik Nordstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Squid Users 

Subject: Re:[squid-users] transparent proxy with authentication
Date: 8/11/2005 21:53

Thanks for the comment. I was away for a while.

You have mentioned that such authentication method is somewhat 
proprietary since it is not following standard. If I only need to 
cache http (port 80) and none other ports, this authentication method 
should still be sufficiently good. right?

Kah Yi

 Original Message 
From: Henrik Nordstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
CC: Squid Users 
Subject: Re:[squid-users] transparent proxy with authentication
Date: 29/10/2005 02:22

On Fri, 28 Oct 2005, Chin Kah Yi wrote:

I see. Do you think the design where cookies were used to keep track 
of per-user authentication details at client browser is a feasible 
and good design?

It is a hack. And fails badly for all other applications than 
browsing as it is not a standard authentication method so none of the 
methods of specifying the proxy account in other applications works.


Re: [squid-users] transparent proxy with authentication

2005-11-09 Thread Henrik Nordstrom

On Wed, 9 Nov 2005, Chin Kah Yi wrote:

Are there anyone out there who has configured squid to perform this kind of 
cacheing before? i.e. squid on wccp with cisco router while providing http 
authentication to end-users.


If there is none and I wish doing so, would it really be possible?

It is possible, but some programming is required

 a) To extend Squid to be able to filter out the needed cookie (within 

 b) To design the authentication system maintaining the login and issuing 
cookies. (outside Squid)


Re: [squid-users] Transparent Proxy with Authentication

2004-12-03 Thread Matus UHLAR - fantomas
On 03.12 14:25, Focuz Infotech wrote:
> Hai All,
> If there is any way to setup transparent proxy with authentication
> please give me those...
> here i can setup transparent proxy and authentication but it didn't work
> same time... (while i use transparent it didn't ask for authentication)
>   i want to use both in same time..

check the FAQ:


17.16 Can I use proxy_auth with interception?

No, you cannot. With interception proxying, the client thinks it is
talking to an origin server and would never send the Proxy-authorization
request header.

Imho, transparent proxying is a bad thing, that should be only used as
last resort.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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RE: [squid-users] Transparent Proxy with Authentication

2004-12-03 Thread Elsen Marc
> Hai All,
> If there is any way to setup transparent proxy with authentication
> please give me those...
> here i can setup transparent proxy and authentication but it 
> didn't work
> same time... (while i use transparent it didn't ask for 
> authentication)
>   i want to use both in same time..

